
Chalazion upper or lower eyelid: treatment at home

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Chalazion - a disease that develops due to blockage of the meibomian glands (this modified sebaceous glands that open near the outer edge of the eyelid). It looks tight benign tumors with clear margins, rounded shape.

In normal meibomian glands produce sebaceous material that moistens the cornea and reduces friction between the edges of the eyelids. As a result of blockage of the duct secret accumulates and grows small round tumor.

What it is?

Chalazion - a chronic (Unlike barley) Proliferative inflammation around the edge of the eyelid meibomian glands and cartilage century. The disease occurs when blockage of the output channel and prostate secretory accumulation of fluid in it.

Causes of

The immediate cause of the chalazion on the application of ophthalmologists is a blockage of the sebaceous glands century. This gland is also called meibomian. As a result of this process lipid (ie protein) secret, resulting in iron, are not able to go outside, but because it accumulates in the lumen of the duct.

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Such a mechanism contributes to inflammatory tissue responses around the prostate. The focus of inflammation is covered by a capsule, and as a result of the eyelid forms a seal in the form of nodules. The nature of such good seal. Often the causes lie in the other diseases. For example, this disease may well develop after the previous and so similar to chalazion eye disease called barley. The risk of this is particularly high in cases where the barley is not fully cured or has a place of its recurrence. The emergence of "hailstones" possibly in chronic blepharitis.

In addition to purely ophthalmic diseases and may provoke chalazion diseases of other organs or systems. For example, diabetes mellitus, seborrhea or disorders of the stomach and / or intestines (enterocolitis, dysbiosis etc.). It contributes to the development of disease and physiological feature such as oily skin.

Callers chalazion causes listed above can be enhanced with various provoking factors. Such as a rule, the stress and hypothermia, this includes SARS and hypovitaminosis. In the same category should be written and eyes all sorts of infectious agents that have in case of violation of rules of personal hygiene, or if not handled with contact lenses.


At first, it looks and feels just like barley: edematous eyelid, mild pain and irritation. However, these symptoms disappear after 1-2 days, but is still round, painless swelling of the eyelid, slowly growing in the first week.

Occasionally swelling continues to grow and can put pressure on the eyeball, causing a slight blur vision. Perhaps the formation of red or gray spots on the back surface of the century. If the chalazion grows very large, it can become painful.

Upper eyelid chalazion

In this case the dense formation occurs in the thickness of the upper eyelid cartilage structure where there are gland secretions and ducts necessary for lubricating and wetting the eye itself century. Almost always, he can be seen visually in the form of bulging on a certain area of ​​a small tight knot.

Chalazion lower eyelid

This type of formation is typically represented as a node limited swelling which often directed to the inside of the eye. In this case, the epithelium on the outer lower eyelid skin in the affected area may remain apparently unchanged. Chalazion lower eyelid is more dangerous, because the focus of inflammation located close to the conjunctiva, and if there will be secondary infection with the formation of fistulas, then the person can be formed rapidly gribopodobnaya granuloma.

developmental stage

The development of the disease can be conditionally divided into several stages.

  1. The first - is the appearance of redness, discomfort, discomfort. At this stage distinguish chalazion from barley is very difficult, it is unobtrusive stage.
  2. The second form is characterized painless pea, which is then converted into large lump. In this case, it should have to take measures to treatment. Most often, this home measures.
  3. The third - a long-term growth of the bumps. During this process two weeks. In this case, medical treatment.
  4. The fourth is usually caused by an increase in long-term education or when infected wounds, it requires surgery. To be ambulatory, and traces of it on the eyelid will not stay.

How does the chalazion: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in the lower or upper eyelid.


Identify this disease for a skilled ophthalmologist is easy. But in view of the similarity chalazion with some other entities century must be carefully differential diagnosis.

Chalazion to be distinguished from barley, which is characterized by pain on pressure, redness of the eyelid skin, phasic development, purulent contents.

Under the guise of chalazion can hide a cancer - adenocarcinoma of the meibomian glands, which grows very slowly. The skin over her normal color, but is soldered to the tumor.

How to treat a chalazion?

The principles of treatment are directed at resolving effect, elimination of symptoms and reduction in the activity of immune cells forming purulent capsule. It is important to know how to make, that came out all the pus, since the residual fluid phenomena, chalazion continues to evolve. Therefore, treatment is based on the removal of the capsule contents.

How to treat a chalazion on the lower eyelid and the top? Firstly, you have to use eye ointments, drops, make lotions, washing, wraps and compresses. The funds are used for the same upper and lower eyelids.

But the difference is that the lower eyelid chalazion pea is localized mainly on the inside. Therefore, treatment is subjected to the internal part of the century. When the disease of the upper eyelid to smear ointment on the edge of the eyelid is necessary.

Home Treatment

Classical regimen chalazion lower and upper lid is used for small and developing units. In this case, an integrated approach, which may consist of the application of several types of drugs and different procedures:

  1. Massage. Neat circular motion helps resorption.
  2. Ointment. Yellow mercury ointment and the like lay beneath the eyelid, which contributes to the expansion and release the gland ducts.
  3. Bactericidal drop. Bury their eyes is necessary several times a day. This will significantly reduce the risk of infections accession.
  4. Warming. Dry heat, ultraviolet irradiation, hot compresses help to open channels and to release the contents of the chalazion.

If such a scheme does not work, they can be assigned to injections of corticosteroids. Drugs are administered directly to the fine needle chalazion cavity through the inner surface of the eyelids. Typically, after a few days, it is completely absorbed.

But if this method fails, then surgical removal of the used capsule and all its contents.

Folk remedies

The following are considered to be effective folk remedies:

  1. Heat in a pan small amount of salt and its ssypte in tissue bag. While salt is still hot, you need to apply it to the patient's eyes for 5-7 minutes. This manipulation facilitates breakthrough of pus and cleanse the prostate ducts. It should be noted that this method is quite contradictory, since, in some cases, can lead to a secondary infection of wounds. This is due to the fact that the pus can come not to the end and, thus, further exacerbate the situation.
  2. Compresses with calendula. Two tablespoons of dried flowers plants pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Then drain, cool, moisten a gauze bandage and apply to the patient's eye. This remedy is good because it reduces the severity of the inflammatory process. Furthermore, calendula has disinfectant properties.
  3. Take one item. spoon minced fresh dill, fill it with 400 ml. boiling water and allow to stand for an hour, then drain the infusion and use as a lotion to five times a day for a month.

When choosing a folk remedies for treatment of chalazion must meet one important rule - they necessarily need to agree with the doctor.

laser removal

After anesthetizing drops instillation into the diseased eye, and subsequent injection of anesthetic into the interior of the century (articaine) an incision century and removing cysts content. Actually fibrous capsule is evaporated by the laser beam.

Laser operation has many advantages over traditional surgical excision. Minimum traumatism causes absence of postoperative complications (bleeding from the wound, infection). Thus there is no need for suturing and pressure bandage.

The patient returns to normal life the next day after surgery. After the laser treatment chalazion formed crust, which should not rip. Also not recommended after surgery watering eyes.


If the chalazion is very large, it brings discomfort or constantly recurs, then it may need surgical removal. It is performed by making an incision and curettage (curettage).

This procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis or at the day hospital. Local anesthetic is used to complete blockade of pain sensation in the eyes. The operation lasts about 20 minutes. After the procedure you antibiotic eye ointment will be assigned. The eyelid may become edematous, on it also bruising may occur during the first week after surgery.

If it occurs again, despite treatment, you must be examined by a physician. Sometimes chalazion other predisposing disorders can be caused, such as for example skin diseases, or (rarely) the swelling may be a malignant tumor.


In advanced cases, when joined by secondary infection, the inflammatory process is complicated by the development of an abscess. The skin surrounding the swelling, become swollen and bloodshot.

In some cases, the cavity between the capsule and skin century formed connecting them channel (fistula). Then spontaneously opening chalazion accompanied outflow therefrom purulent contents through the fistula channel. Despite this, the patient will still require surgery, as in the rest of dense pyogenic capsule (otherwise - purulent shell) abscess is able to repeat again.

Another complication is that the pathological process that chalazion exerts constant pressure on the eyeball, thereby irritating it and leading to the development of the patient conjunctivitis.

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