
Allergic vasculitis: Picture, Symptoms and Treatment

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Allergic skin vasculitis - a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by lesions of the small vessels of the skin. Allocate such varieties disorders - allergic skin vasculitis, leykoklastichesky vasculitis, and vasculitis with advantageous skin lesions.

Until now, scientists have not come to the same conclusion at the expense of the development of the mechanism, such as an antigen almost never be found. On the other hand the other forms of vasculitis is likely also associated with allergic manifestations, but to antigens that are not yet installed.

What it is?

Allergic vasculitis - a disease that affects the blood vessels wall due to allergic reactions. Allergic vasculitis (hereinafter AI) are united by a number of distinct diseases, which, in fact, is its shape.

The disease can affect people of all ages and genders, however, signs of allergic vasculitis in children and adults may differ.

  1. So, as a child spots are hemorrhagic in nature and vague border, bright red hue. Mostly spots may merge.
  2. In adults spots, on the contrary, clear.
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Statistics show that different forms of the disease are more pronounced in certain groups. Thus, a hemorrhagic vasculitis often affects children under 14 years.

What are the risk factors for the disease?

Cause symptoms of allergic vasculitis can easily become dangerous infections that are caused by one of the following pathogens or factors:

  • streptococcus;
  • α1-antitrypsin deficiency;
  • leprosy;
  • HIV infection;
  • hepatitis A, AT and FROM;
  • aureus;
  • influenza virus;
  • primary biliary cirrhosis;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • Koch's bacillus (tuberculosis);
  • gout;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • regular colds, antritis and SARS;
  • retroperitoneal fibrosis;
  • herpes virus;
  • relapsing polychondritis;
  • excess weight.

At risk are people with food allergies, patients taking antibiotics, contraceptives (oral of categories) and large doses of vitamins. Dangerous disease, and for those who work with the products of the chemical industry - detergents, antiseptics, gasoline and other petroleum products.

development mechanism

As with any allergy, the starting point of development of the disease organism is meeting with any substance, is recognized by the immune system cells and allergen provokes the formation of specific antibodies - immunoglobulins. Next, the process progresses as follows:

  • Produced by immune cells, antibodies are in the blood plasma in the free state as long as the body will re-encounter with the same allergen. When an allergen re-enters the bloodstream have been linked to the existing plasma antibodies - the immune complexes.
  • Immune complexes were bound to the membranes of cells lining the inner surface of blood vessels (endothelial cells).
  • Immune complexes activate allergic inflammation which leads to damage of the vascular wall and its gradual destruction. The prevalence and severity of inflammation depends on the depth of the blood vessel wall injury.
  • The damaged vessel wall becomes permeable not only to the liquid portion of blood but also for cell elements - leukocytes, erythrocytes. That is, in fact, formed perivascular hemorrhage of different sizes.
  • Haemorrhage around blood vessels cause the development of further inflammation and the appearance of symptoms, which depend on what area of ​​the vessels were amazed.

Allergic lesions may develop in the walls and arterial and venous vessels. The smaller the diameter of the blood vessel, the finer its wall and the faster is its destruction. Therefore, the majority of hemorrhagic vasculitis manifested symptoms of the capillaries and small veins and arteries. Most susceptible to allergic lesions of the skin blood vessels. Often skin lesions combined with lesions of various internal organs - the kidneys, intestines, stomach, heart, joints, etc.


At present, the single classification of skin vasculitis does not exist. These include several tens of dermatoses with clinical similarities. The simplest division is connected with the source of the disease.

  1. Primary vasculitis - an independent disease caused by the direct action allergen: drug intoxication, food, hypothermia or, on the contrary, prolonged exposure in the sun. For example, toxic allergic vasculitis, manifested as a reaction to the action of the substance. Treatment in these cases is reduced to the cessation of contact with the allergen.
  2. Secondary - occurs due to some diseases, e.g., rheumatic.

The next type of classification - according to the degree, the depth of vascular lesions in tissues and organs:

Dermal form, or vasculitis of the skin It is affecting primarily the small vessels located in the upper layers of the dermis. The easiest form practically does not cause complications with timely treatment.
Dermo-epidermal form Vascular lesions of the dermis, amounting to deep layers. Sometimes, small vessels are affected soft tissues.
hypodermic form It characterized by lesions of large vessels - arteries and veins. One of the most dangerous variant of the disease requiring hospital treatment.
When it comes to skin lesions, then the following types:
  • rheumatic (system) - it is directly linked to erythematosus and arthritis;
  • hemorrhagic (synonyms used in the medical field - anaphylactic purpura, Johann Lukas Schönlein-Henoch disease, sometimes called kapillyarotoksikoz);
  • polymorphous vasculitis (doctors call it allergic arteriolitis Ruiter);
  • leukocytoclastic - decay of the nuclei of leukocytes is detected histologically;
  • urticarial vasculitis (in medical circles is known as necrotizing vasculitis urtikaropodobny);
  • vasculitis necrotizing papules (illness similar syndrome Werther-Dyumlinga);
  • giganotokletochny - leads to severe damage of the great arteries;
  • granulomatous - receptacles formed within the granules, slowing or stopping the blood flow;
  • knotty vasculitis (erythema nodosum, is rarely seen because of drugs);
  • nodular-ulcerative vasculitis (three times the name of - chronic erythema nodosum).

Diagnosis of vasculitis is based not so much on the registration of symptoms, but rather on the assessment rate changes. Mandatory histological examination of the affected area, and consultation with appropriate experts.

Symptoms of allergic vasculitis

Manifestation response to an infected site depends on the extent and depth of its destruction, and changes in the tissues of the cyclic process.

In most cases, the following symptoms may be observed (see. Photo):

  • Detection of bubbles on the skin;
  • rash;
  • spots on the body are painted in dark purple color;
  • strong, persistent itching and burning;
  • ulcers, surrounded on dead portions of tissue;
  • fever and general weakness.

redness space have the form of nodules, also may cause purulent bubble. Most often, the reaction is observed on the legs and arms, there are cases of cutaneous lesions of the trunk cover.

Symptoms of visceral:

  • CNS associated with internal bleeding.
  • impaired function of the heart muscle, leading to arrhythmia, Angina and even heart attack.
  • abdominal pain and digestive organs, resulting in nausea and emetogenic reactions.
  • the emergence of elements of blood in the stool, especially this symptom is common among children under 16 years.
  • pain in the swelling, bruising.
  • loss of appetite, chills and fatigue.

What is allergic vasculitis: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.


Since each patient's disease can be held individually, a variety of clinical symptoms requires the collection of detailed medical history, laboratory studies occasionally necessary histological analyzes rash and skin elements covers. It is important to notice and increase immunoglobulin E (IgE) in connection with the formation of immune complexes in the vessel wall.

After combing allergic rashes and bursting of bubbles may join associated pathogenic bacteria. To determine their form, used seeding method in the Petri dish, and set the level of sensitivity to different antibiotics.

Treatment of allergic vasculitis

When allergic vasculitis desensitizing treatment and is carried antihistamines, calcium preparations. Widely used nutritional supplement to improve vascular tone, decrease vascular permeability and thrombus formation in the lumen. These include: hydroxyethylrutoside, etamzilat, ascorbic acid + Rutoside, pirikarbat, aminocaproic acid, horse chestnut extract and so forth.

In severe cases of allergic vasculitis shown glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics, extracorporeal hemocorrection (hemosorbtion, membrane plasmapheresis et al.). In the presence of infectious foci need of rehabilitation and systemic antibiotic therapy.

In the treatment of allergic vasculitis may apply and external agents, mostly creams and ointments, containing troxerutin, klostridiopeptidazu, chloramphenicol, extract blood of cattle and et al. If allergic vasculitis accompanied by articular syndrome, topically administered antiinflammatory ointment bandages with dimethylsulfoxide, phonophoresis and magnetotherapy.

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