
Adenoviral conjunctivitis: Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

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Adenoviral conjunctivitis occurs because ingestion of adult adenovirus types. Despite the fact that, at first glance, this disease seems to be quite harmless, but in fact it is not.

The cause of these diseases become adenovirus serotypes 3, 4, 7, 10 and 11. As a rule, preceded by inflammation of the conjunctiva, any defeat of the upper respiratory tract.

If a long time to treat conjunctivitis, is clouding of the lens occurs due to inflammation. Over time, the cataract may occur, which will lead to total blindness.

How do you get infected?

Infection of adenovirus occurs conjunctivitis air by coughing and sneezing, at least - in direct contact with the pathogen on eye mucosa.

The disease begins with an expression of nasopharyngitis and fever. On the second wave of temperature rise appear symptoms of conjunctivitis first in one eye, and in 1-3 days - on the other. There is scant clear mucous discharge. Eyelids conjunctiva and transition folds hyperemic, edematous, with greater or lesser follicular reaction and to form on the conjunctiva of the eyelids (usually in children), easily removable film. Regional lymph nodes are increased. Corneal sensitivity is reduced.

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How long adenoviral conjunctivitis? Phenomena keratitis typically disappear completely during convalescence, which occurs within 2-4 weeks.


Depending on what are the symptoms distinguish the following forms of adenoviral conjunctivitis:

  1. Filmy - characterized form a grayish-white plenochek in the area of ​​the eye, they can be easily removed with a cotton swab. If plenochka too tightly situated to the conjunctiva, when it is removed may be bleeding. At the site of the mucous membrane deformation visible scars or small seals, but they are rapidly absorbed after complete recovery. Severe form of the disease is accompanied by fever, high temperature.
  2. Follicular - this type of inflammation of the conjunctiva is recognized on available on mucous eyes loosened many blisters. In size, they can be different: both large and very small. Visually - a translucent gelatinous capsules. Especially a lot of follicle covers labial fold. Follicular form very similar to trachoma in its infancy. But in the diagnosis errors occur very rarely, because not typical manifestations of nasopharyngitis and feverish conditions for it. Besides trahomnye lesions are located on the upper eyelid conjunctiva.
  3. Bluetongue - inflammation and redness have a minor character, allocating scarce. The disease is easy, takes about 7 days, complications do not exist.

It is important at the first signs of disease immediately consult a doctor to diagnose, confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Symptoms of adenoviral conjunctivitis

In the case of adenovirus conjunctivitis symptoms may vary depending on the subspecies conjunctivitis and related diseases (see. Photo). Sometimes the signs that a person caught like a virus, do not appear, sometimes a person just beginning to be a carrier of the virus.

Start of adenoviral conjunctivitis is acute. Typically, the first defeat is applied to one eye, and after 1-3 days the disease becomes a different ocular organ.

In this scenario, you experience the following external features:

  • swelling and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • the patient feels a burning sensation in the eyes;
  • eyes oozing slimy exudate;
  • appearance on mucous specific films. This symptom is more commonly seen in children;
  • formed on the mucous follicles of different sizes;
  • Strong headache;
  • the patient complains of foreign body sensation in the eye.

Symptoms may vary depending on the form of the disease:

  1. Viral conjunctivitis is characterized by a runny nose, sore throat, mild fever up to 37.5 degrees. Also, the above symptoms occur redness and inflammation of the eye.
  2. Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis has more severe symptoms. To all of the above features are joining the film formation of the conjunctiva, blurred vision, increased and painful lymph nodes near the ears.

It is often considered an illness is called pharyngoconjunctival fever. In this case, a sore throat, accompanied by a rise in temperature in addition to damage to eyes. Later there is swelling and redness of the eyelids. From the eye begins to stand clear mucus.

How does adenoviral conjunctivitis: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in adults in the eye.


The diagnosis establishes Ophthalmologist in the presence of typical symptoms. It is important to carry out a differential diagnosis with other types of conjunctivitis (allergic, and bacterial), since in each case has its own particular treatment.

  • From laboratory techniques to confirm the nature of the disease can adenoviral conjunctival scraping followed by PCR. However, this analysis is complex and expensive, so it is not a wide clinical application.
  • blood test for antibodies to adenovirus, taken over time, this indicator will increase more than 4 times.

When thrust with purulent conjunctivitis shown taking a smear on the flora and antibiotic sensitivity, allowing to carry out correction of the prescribed therapy.

Treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis in adults

Upon detection of the Adenovirus conjunctivitis carried outpatient treatment using antivirals. Locally appointed instillation of interferon and deoxyribonuclease drops 6-8 times a day during the first week of the disease, and 2-3 times a day - in the second week. Adults as antiviral therapy is also used for ointment laying lids (tebrofenovoy, florenalovoy, bonaftonovoy, riodoksolovoy, adimalevoy).

For the prevention of secondary infection joining expedient to use antibacterial eye drops and ointments. Prior to full clinical recovery from the adenoviral conjunctivitis shown receiving antihistamines. artificial tear substitutes (e.g., carbomer) is used to prevent the development of xerophthalmia.

drug therapy

In most cases, treatment of conjunctivitis in adults adenovirus is carried out using the following preparations, drops and ointments:

  • Tebrofen. Antiviral drug. It is produced in the form of drops or ophthalmic ointment.
  • Floksal. Basis of preparation - an antimicrobial agent ofloxacin.
  • Sulfacetamide. Eye drops antimicrobial broad-spectrum.
  • Interferon. Immunomodulating antiviral agent.
  • Tobrex. Antimicrobial drops. It can be used from the first days of life.
  • Poludan. The drug that stimulates the production of interferon.
  • Florenal. It intended to neutralize the virus. It is especially effective against Herpessimplex.
  • Vitabakt. The preparation of aseptic properties. It can be used in infants.

Treatment is carried out under strict medical supervision. Wrongly chosen remedy can only worsen the situation.


To avoid the problems of development and its initial appearance, it is necessary to resort to preventive measures, which are similar to those of the flu, SARS and similar negative disease. It is necessary to keep clean hands, to carry out a wet cleaning and airing them on a regular basis.

Also, to avoid problems, it is not necessary to resort to self-treatment, particularly if the disease has entered a sufficiently serious and significant stage. Consult a doctor who will help you to assign complex treatment to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.

Complications and prognosis

Started late or incorrect treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis can lead to quite severe complications, namely:

  • development of chronic recurrent conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis (spread of inflammation to the cornea);
  • secondary attachment (bacterial) infection;
  • development dry eye syndrome;
  • iridocyclitis (defeat the iris and ciliary body of the eye).

Weather favorable: disease usually ends with the complete clinical recovery in 2-4 weeks. With the development of dry eye syndrome need long-term use slezozamestiteley.

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