
Gynecomastia in men: picture, treatment without surgery

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Gynecomastia - a condition in which a man begins to grow and increase in the volume of the mammary gland. When the feeling her man feels pain, chest it seems filled and heavy.

Many doctors believe that the only cure gynecomastia - a surgical intervention. Others argue that gynaecomastia in men treated without surgery, it all depends on the form of the disease. In operation, only those men need, in whom the disease is in the advanced stages.

What it is?

Gynecomastia - an increase in breast tissue in men, accompanied by changes in the volume of glands and fat bodies. The diameter of the breast in men with gynecomastia, up to 10 centimeters, although often it varies from 2 to 4 cm.

development mechanism

In the mammary glands of men are a vestigial organ, lost in the process of evolutionary development of its original purpose. They are composed of fatty tissue, a small amount of glandular tissue with ducts of the nipple and areola.

Development of glandular tissue and ducts, as well as their functioning depend mainly on estrogen (female sex hormones) and progesterone, and prolactin (pituitary hormone) which stimulates the production of receptors in the mammary glands susceptible to estrogens.

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Androgens (male sex hormones) are synthesized in the testes and adrenal glands. In peripheral tissues, mainly fat, under the influence of aromatase enzyme are partially transformed into the female sex hormones. In the liver, estrogens cells undergo rapid degradation due to sulfur compounds and glucuronic acid and excreted by the kidneys. The male body estrogens normally constitute a tiny fraction (0.001%), the content of androgens - testosterone and its more active form dihydrotestosterone.

Under the influence of certain factors, hormones ratio is changed in favor of estrogen resulting syndrome and arise corresponding changes in the breasts. The main causes of gynecomastia include:

  • absolute increase in blood estrogen associated with an increase in their production or hormone-producing glands of the tumor;
  • a relative increase of estrogen (at their normal levels in the blood), which is a result of reduction of androgen;
  • decreased sensitivity of target cells to the exposed tissue with normal androgen in the body of male and female sex hormone, whereby the predominant effect of estrogen.

The reason for the growth of developing male breast can be pathological processes:

  • deficiency of male hormones;
  • overproduction of estrogen;
  • hyperprolactinemia (increased production of prolactin);
  • uncontrolled medications, steroids (tamoxifen, creatine, methane, etc.), drugs (marijuana, amphetamines);
  • mammary cancer;
  • other diseases (cirrhosis, or overactivity of the thyroid gland failure, renal failure).

Gynecomastia can also occur due to genetic and hereditary factors. Very often it is idiopathic, associated with unknown causes, or is a consequence of obesity, hormonal problems.

If, in addition to breast augmentation, you are plagued by other symptoms, such as loss of libido, impotence, chronic fatigue or concerns, you should consult with your doctor, as all this may indicate a more serious disease. Medical diagnostics, carried out in such cases, usually involves an analysis of certain hormones in the blood, ultrasound, or CT scan.


Experts identify several classifications of the disease:

  1. Symmetrical, bilateral and asymmetric, one-sided, gynecomastia. The first time increased both breasts, and in the second - only one. In this case, the second option should be paid special attention, as it may be indicative of cancer, especially breast curing.
  2. False and true gynecomastia. When false glands increase the expense of adipose tissue, which is usually due to overweight and obesity, and if true - due to glandular tissue.

Accepted provide 3 stage breast disease:

  1. Proliferating, or growing - this is the first stage of the disease. Its duration is not more than 4 months. At this stage of the disease can be treated conservatively, not pribefgaya for surgery. In addition, the cost of this treatment is much cheaper than surgery.
  2. The intermediate stage is characterized by the maturation of the breast tissue, but it does not disappear. Stage lasts from 4 to 12 months. At this stage, the disease is still amenable to medical treatment, if there was no tissue scarring.
  3. Fibrous stage is accompanied by the fact that in the mammary gland appear mature connective tissue, glandular tissue around the starting fat deposits. At this stage, it is practically impossible to return the breast former sizes.

If you suspect a pathological process in the mammary gland is necessary to see a doctor, because in the early stages of the treatment of gynecomastia brings a positive result, and the price of treatment is available to any patient.

The dangerous gynecomastia?

Physiological gynecomastia is not dangerous and self-regressing. A boy or a man may be ashamed of the appearance of the chest and experience some systems, but understanding of the causes of this condition, or work with a psychologist can smooth out those nasty experiences.

Long flowing pathological gynecomastia, besides the fact that it is accompanied by a progressive underlying disease, may become a cause of breast cancer. This oncological disease is rare enough in men, but is accompanied by the same dire consequences as malignant breast tumors in women.

The emergence of bloody nipple discharge character, dense formations, ulcerations, changing the appearance of the skin over the seals and increasing the nearby lymph nodes - such signs should alert the man and become a reason for immediate treatment to the surgeon or oncologist.

Symptoms of gynecomastia, photos

Gynecomastia - a breast enlargement in size and volume in men due to hypertrophic processes in glandular and fat cells. Diagnosis of this condition does not present any difficulties, since the change in organs accessible to visual inspection.

Characteristic symptoms of gynecomastia (see. Photo):

  • occurrence of swelling in the nipple;
  • globular formation in the peripapillary area determined by palpation;
  • increase in the volume of tissue in the projection of the pectoral muscles, combined with their sagging;
  • sore nipples;
  • release when pressing on the nipples.

Total recovered grade 3 breast enlargement in men:

  • first (moderate) - breast volume does not exceed 6 cm.
  • the second (middle) - increase in mammary gland from 6 to 10 cm.
  • third (severe) - increases the breast by more than 10 cm.

What is gynecomastia, a photo can be seen below:


Using various diagnostic methods, expert can establish the extent of disease progression. The physician conducting the initial examination, interrogates the patient for the presence of disease and alcohol-addiction. The following studies were performed to confirm the diagnosis:

  1. Blood tests - to detect the level of estrogen.
  2. Sperm analysis - for the assessment of the reproductive system and detecting signs of feminization.
  3. Ultrasound breast - breast to determine the structure, size lesion site, the presence of signs of inflammation.

If a blood test showed increased testosterone levels, creatinine and prolactin assigned ultrasound testes, helps determine the stage of the disease. Sometimes possible diagnosis using chest radiographs.

Treatment of gynecomastia in men

Tactics of treatment of gynecomastia in men without surgery depends on the reason she was summoned.

Physiological gynecomastia newborns in most cases do not require treatment, it disappears on its own. Gynecomastia, especially in adolescence, often self undergoes reverse development for about six months. Therefore, in the absence of signs of malignancy in many cases preferable to observation. If within 6 months there is no positive dynamics is usually given drug therapy.

Self-administration of drugs uncontrolled data without establishing the exact cause of gynecomastia It can lead to aggravation of gynecomastia, disease progression or severe side actions.

  1. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) - selective estrogen receptor modulators - often used in heavy and painful forms of gynecomastia.
  2. Clomiphene - an anti-estrogen, is often used to treat gynecomastia.
  3. Testosterone - prescribed to patients with low levels of testosterone to elderly men, in patients with normal levels of testosterone are generally ineffective.
  4. Danazol is a synthetic derivative of testosterone, estrogen reduces the synthesis in the testes, used in the treatment of gynecomastia is much less than other medications.

In gynecomastia, caused by taking drugs solve the problem of replacing or reducing the drug dose. Gynecomastia caused by internal disease or endocrine organs, requires treatment of the underlying disease.

Gynecomastia in bodybuilding

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The main reasons for the appearance of the disease are obesity, eating disorders, alcohol. The first step is to get rid of the disease, and as a preventive measure, you should adjust the diet and eating habits change.

Meals men must be complete:

  • you need to use all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • also need to reduce the intake of fast carbohydrates, fats.
  • it is essential to consume more protein.
  • eat more vegetables, fruits and cereals.
  • We need to abandon the consumption of sugary and starchy foods.
  • included in the nutrition of fish oil and omega 3, 6.
  • eat foods with lots of zinc - dried fruit, nuts, yogurt, sea fish.

An integrated approach must be connected herbal therapy. Preferably by twice a day to drink infusions and teas from:

  • golden root;
  • plantain;
  • raspberry leaf;
  • Hibiscus;
  • hops;
  • red clover;
  • sage.

These herbs can stabilize hormones and reduce the excessive amount of female hormones.


Depending on the extent and type of pathological process, such operations may be performed:

  1. Endoscopic mastectomy: may be carried out with a minimal increase of the breast, this minimally invasive surgery performed using an endoscope;
  2. Mastectomy with preservation of the areola: performed by paraareolyarnogo access;
  3. Mastectomy with liposuction: paraareolyarnogo performed by access further removes superfluous adipose tissue.

Endoscopic and subcutaneous mastectomy is good to bring the sick. The patient recovers quickly after surgery and in 2 days it can be discharged from the hospital.

Postoperatively, it must comply with a number of recommendations: limiting physical activity and 2-3 weeks to wear special underwear to correct muscle contraction and proper circuit skin. A week later, the patient can start not heavy work, and a month later settled more intense exercise or sports training.


Physiological gynecomastia in most cases characterized by favorable forecasts and disappears on its own. In 75% of adolescent hormones recovered within two years.

A more favorable characteristic for gynecomastia, caused by taking of drugs, and less suitable - for gynecomastia caused diseases.

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