
Cyst of the right ovary yellow body during early pregnancy

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Corpus luteum cyst (another name - luteal ovarian cyst) - is one of the most common types of cysts. She usually does not require treatment and disappear spontaneously during the menstrual cycle.

If the tumor for a long time is not reduced, and even begins to grow in size, a woman in need of treatment. The fact is that in large cystic changes can happen gap, which is already require surgical intervention and long-term rehabilitation.

What it is?

Generally, the cyst is the corpus luteum (left or right) - are benign ovarian tissue. Pathology is formed from the corpus luteum is not subjected to regression. It under the influence of a failure in the circulatory system begins to accumulate serous or hemorrhagic fluid. This phenomenon is diagnosed in 3% of women of childbearing age after the establishment of the two-phase abnormal menstrual cycle.

The size of the right ovary cyst with a yellow body usually does not exceed 6-8 cm in diameter. The cavity is filled with yellowish red liquid, and the walls are covered with granular luteal cells.

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Cyst in pregnancy

right ovarian cyst is more common than left. It is characterized by a tendency to rapid growth. pathology detection during pregnancy does not threaten the woman and the fetus. To prevent an increase in cavities, gynecologists are constantly carrying out ultrasound women.

When the cysts larger than 5 cm, the doctors decide on surgery. Usually the cyst of the right ovary alone disappears at 18-20 weeks of gestation. If this does not happen, the doctors operate on the situation. It is advisable to maintain a pregnancy. Only surgery will be carried out under extreme situation.

Thus, ovarian cyst on the right or on the left does not present any particular risk to women's health. Often, it automatically passes. Main constantly observe the formation. If it starts to grow, it is necessary to take emergency procedures.

Three percent of women education is accompanied by accumulation of bloody or pus. This leads to blood poisoning and the likelihood of inflammatory lesions of other organs. The volumes of the corpus luteum cysts rarely exceed 8 cm, which further ensures their safety. Complications formation are formed identically regardless of the location of the right or left.

In conclusion, we add that kistoobraznye cavity usually occur without symptoms. Development of abdominal formations lasts about 3 months. Then the cyst gradually regress on their own. In rare cases, getting rid of them is carried out surgical treatment. It allows to excise pathological tissues, but can not prevent the recurrence of the disease.

The reasons for the formation of cysts in the corpus luteum of the ovary

The reasons for which a cyst forms in the corpus luteum, still fairly unknown. Most often they are linked to hormonal disruptions.

Specific causes of cyst formation in the corpus luteum is difficult to call, but there is a list of certain factors that encourage the formation of cysts and violate the body's hormones.

Potential causes of tumors:

  1. STI. Various infections if not treated quickly spill over into chronic and lead to various complications, including disrupt hormones, cause cysts in the ovaries. Prolonged inflammation can seriously disrupt the reproductive function of the body.
  2. Lack or excess weight. Any dramatic changes with the weight or go abroad weight class make the female body is vulnerable, violates the hormonal balance. Equally dangerous as obesity and weight deficit, passion different diets, malnutrition, lack of vitamins in the body.
  3. Frequent use of emergency contraceptive preparations. There are special hormones (eskapel, Pastinor) containing a high dose of hormones that have a quick contraceptive effect after unprotected intercourse (if you drink a pill for 12 hours). These pills have their advantages, but they are designed for emergency protection and should not be taken more often. It is desirable to avoid taking any extra means such as not to cause hormonal failure in the body.
  4. Endocrine diseases. Cysts in the ovaries often formed of women who have thyroid problems. To avoid such problems, you need to regularly donate blood for hormones and undergo treatment in time.
  5. Strong and constant stress. Studies have shown that women who often have great mental stress, susceptible prolonged stress and depression, often suffering from various hormonal disorders and diseases genitalia.
  6. Abortion. The more abortions were committed and the earlier in life they were committed, the more disturbed hormonal balance of the body, there is a failure in the endocrine system. A large number of abortions or abortion, carried out at the wrong time, can lead not only to a corpus luteum cyst, but also to infertility, various diseases of the uterus.

Symptoms of yellow body cyst of the right ovary

Often the development of cysts are asymptomatic. This phenomenon takes a few months, after which the cyst spontaneously regresses. However, in some cases, a woman feels discomfort, a feeling of heaviness, fullness and pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. Sometimes there is a delay of menstruation or its duration is increased, due to the uneven rejection of the endometrium.

If there was a complication of the disease course (twisting legs outpouring into the peritoneal cavity cysts, ovarian rupture) clinical picture is expressed as follows:

  • intoxication occurs;
  • can appear nausea and vomiting;
  • there are strong pains during corpus luteum cyst, they are shrill, cramping in nature;
  • Peristaltic noises disappear, broken chair, the gases trapped in the body;
  • there is a reflex tension of the abdomen.

Break the corpus luteum cyst is possible with vigorous intercourse. In this case, a woman experiences pierces (dagger), pain in the lower abdomen, forcing instantly take a bent position. the condition is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, cold sweats, fainting. Body temperature, while maintaining normal.


Signs of cysts - an occasion to be examined to confirm the diagnosis. Due to the gynecological examination the doctor can identify the side of the uterus or behind her taut elastic tumor, which looks like a capsule. During the presence of cysts echoscopy gynecologist observes 4-8 cm diameter sphere with a homogeneous structure and clear contours. Sometimes cystic cavity is filled with finely divided liquid.

Able to accurately determine dynamic disease ultrasound on corpus luteum. It is conducted during the first phase of the menstrual cycle. In addition, a woman goes through the pregnancy test. Dynamic laparoscopy performed when luteal cyst is difficult to distinguish from those of structures (for example, by ovarian cysts or cyst tekalyuteinovyh).


A cyst is a threat to life and health in such cases:

  • A serious complication of this gap is the corpus luteum cyst, and as a consequence of hemorrhagic shock. Its symptoms - pale skin, a sharp decline in pressure, cyanosis of the lips, confusion - are in urgent need of resuscitation.
  • Sex or physical load, such as weight lifting, can lead to rupture of the blood vessels and hemorrhaging in the cyst cavity.
  • If there is a yellow body torsion legs, the tissue cysts die, inflammation develops, which leads to a state of "acute abdomen" (sudden strong pain). Treatment - surgical emergency.

Cyst arising from the corpus luteum is not degenerating into cancer, and her spontaneous resorption, timeliness of conservative therapy or surgical removal of a favorable prognosis.

How to treat a corpus luteum cyst?

Women with small dimensions corpus luteum cyst or cysts, asymptomatic shown three month observation at the gynecologist, ultrasound control. resorption process occurs more quickly if you use the following types of conservative therapy:

Based on the analysis, the patient's medical history and complaints, to investigate the cause of inflammation or hormonal failure in women. Then assigned to the corresponding anti-inflammatory therapy, hormonal contraceptives are selected and assigned resorbable balneotherapy - irrigation, baths with herbs, as well as laser therapy, electrophoresis, magnetic laser therapy (excluding any heat physiotherapy).

Hormonal therapy is prescribed only in the absence of any case of complications (abscess cyst), in these cases, the treatment of the corpus luteum cyst only one - Laparoscopy ovarian cyst. In addition, the vitamin is assigned, women with overweight recommend exercise therapy and diet. During medical treatment, women should avoid all physical activity, limiting sexual activity, and is not permissible thermal effect in the lower abdomen, it can cause growth or cyst rupture yellow body:

  1. No gerudoterapii;
  2. Physiotherapy with heating;
  3. Excluded mud treatments, seaweed wraps and other, and they have a dangerous warming up, and squeezing action;
  4. Excluded saunas, steam rooms, and you can not sunbathe, and it is better to avoid direct sunlight.

Corpus luteum cyst, do not regress after 4 - 6 weeks of conservative treatment is subject to surgical removal. The operation is performed using laparoscopy. For any selected method cyst removal surgeon strives to keep the ovary. Most often, corpus luteum cyst is eliminated in two ways:

  1. Removing only the most cyst with preservation of healthy ovarian tissue. Carried husking of ovarian cysts, together with the capsule and the subsequent closure of the formed cavity. After healing, postoperative incisions ovary restores their integrity and function.
  2. Resection of the ovary. If there is a cyst around the unhealthy tissue, a cyst excised together with her in the form of a wedge. Healthy tissue in the ovary after such intervention is less so - less follicles. Ovarian function can be partially restored.

Self-treatment with the corpus luteum cyst is unacceptable, because it can lead to complications and cause ovarian cysts rupture. Contrary to the mistaken belief that patients on the healing properties of "warming" any excessive heat treatments during ovarian cysts dangerous. During these therapeutic measures comes increased blood flow and dilation of blood vessels in the zone cysts, and this can lead to edema, exudation increase in cystic cavity and subsequent rupture of the shell cysts.

Self-administration of randomly selected antibiotics to eliminate the cyst does not help, but is able to organize a goiter. The fastest and easiest way to eliminate the cyst can only choose a doctor.


Warn the formation of functional ovarian cysts can use timely and adequate treatment of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system organs. It is also important to maintain hormonal balance in optimum condition, correcting it if necessary.

The general principles of prevention, aimed at preventing the occurrence of the formation and occurrence of complications corpus luteum cyst, are as reducing the intensity of physical activity, the total recovery of the body, maintaining the immune defense and the normalization of hormonal future Mom.

So, it is recommended during pregnancy:

  • fully fed without resort to fasting diet and drinking pure water in a sufficient amount;
  • to avoid thermal effects on the stomach area, for example, various wraps, physiotherapy, sauna, baths, solarium;
  • exclude intensive exercise, especially in the abdominal wall and the housing body;
  • to limit stress and psycho-emotional stress.

If a woman experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen and suspected that she had a cyst hurts the corpus luteum during pregnancy, as well as in the normal state, an urgent need to consult a doctor. No harm will visit the ultrasound diagnostic study in order to avoid possible complications.


When time begun treatment ovarian cyst yellow body fully healed and has no effect on fertility. With the development of complications for women planning pregnancy, conditional forecast unfavorable.

With long-term asymptomatic cyst of the ovary yellow body slowly increases in size and damages healthy tissue, which can lead to infertility.

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