
Lactocele: causes, treatment, symptoms

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Breast cyst refers to benign tumors. It is a cavity filled with liquid contents. Cysts can be single or multiple. Most often they are derived from ductal breast due to excessive tissue growth, their lining.

duct size increases, congestion occurs mammary secretion. When the size of a cavity reached 1 cm can be said with certainty that the formed cyst.

What it is?

Kistoobrazovanie breasts - this pathology, which can be represented by single or multiple formations, consisting of walls and tissue fluid therebetween. cyst formation occurs in the ducts of the mammary glands.

Neoplasms can be characterized by several features:

  • beginning of the formation such formation is accompanied by expansion of breast duct, where the secretion and accumulation of fibrous capsule formation;
  • cyst - a cavity (capsule) filled with liquid is not inflammatory nature;
  • also on the lifetime of the cyst depends on the thickness of the walls of its capsules: young - subtle, the old - thick and dense;
  • depending on the nature and timing of the cyst may contain various kinds of liquid and color;
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  • cysts are large enough change the shape of the breast;
  • neoplasms dimensions may vary from a few millimeters to 7.6 centimeters;
  • cyst shape may be different: regular or irregular, circular, or oval;
  • over time, we should not exclude the onset of inflammation in the fibrous capsule;
  • Education wearing massive manifestations indicate such diseases as cystic breasts.

Rare cases of no fibro-abdominal cysts and fat, indicating problems with the secretory-adipose tissue.

The reasons for the development of cysts

The main cause of breast cysts medicine sees a change in the hormonal balance in a woman's body, for example:

  1. One in three women with a diagnosis of "breast" is faced with the development of cysts. In cases where during the formation of the cyst fluid escapes through the duct, in its place there is advanced, deformed duct, with its cavity filled with a viscous specific secret - cyst begins to grow.
  2. It is believed that the risk group includes nulliparous women after 30 years.
  3. Excessive production of estrogen suppression of secretion of other hormones significantly increases the risk of development of cysts. Some sources say that this upset the hormonal balance can be caused by taking oral hormonal contraceptives, without a preliminary study of hormonal background women. At the same time, a number of other authors did not consider oral contraceptives factor in the formation of cysts. But it is worth noting that the use of these drugs for more than five years, significantly increases the risk of cancer and other processes in the chest.
  4. It should also be serious about hormone replacement therapy, which is often prescribed menopausal women, since taking these drugs affect the breast tissue gland. Often, after receiving the hormones in a woman is stimulated by the emergence of new tissue, cell growth, and how those tumors behave in the future in the breast tissue is not known. Therefore, in the case of hormone replacement therapy should semiannually hold radiographic monitoring, such as an ultrasound changes may not be visible.
  5. Some doctors believe that the primary reason for the growth of a cyst in the breast is the psycho-emotional state patient, which in most cases affects absolutely all processes in the body, its general condition, metabolism and hormones. It is the presence of stress triggers hormonal balance of the body - discontent a, insults, trouble at work and its change, strife - and the instant response of the mammary glands, and their swelling edema. Therefore, quite often women suffering from mastitis, prescribe different sedatives - motherwort, valerian, to stabilize the psycho-emotional state and resumption hormone balance.
  6. Metabolism and nutrition affects the development of breast cysts. Power determines a woman's metabolism and weight. Even a 2-pound weight gain can affect the breasts, since the fat tissue contains estrogens. Excessive fullness and metabolic disorder leads to disturbance in hormonal balance.
  7. Factors that trigger the development of breast cyst are: inflammatory diseases the uterus and its appendages - salpingitis, endometritis, ovarian dysfunction, thyroid disease, breast. Abortion - is a very strong hormonal stress on the body, which causes an imbalance in the operation of all systems and organs, and can also cause the development of cystic process in the mammary glands.
  8. Also not unimportant role in breast cyst development plays thoracic spine osteochondrosis.
  9. Some experts believe that there is a definite link between violations of the functionality of the biliary tract and gallbladder with the education process in the body cysts.

Many women, hearing a diagnosis of breast cyst, imply that this oncological disease and stress that they remain without breasts. Surgical intervention is indicated if the cyst is large, gives serious concern and really no other choice.

The symptoms of breast cysts

Cysts up to 1 cm in diameter, often does not bother the patient. It is rather an accidental find on ultrasound or mammography.

From nonspecific symptoms of breast cysts can distinguish engorgement pulling sensations in the mammary gland during the second half cycle. Sometimes it may disturb small soreness. However, the main complaint, which refers to a woman mamologist, is the presence of deep breast rounded formation is soft-elastic consistency.

With significant amounts of cysts or unilateral multiple cysts woman may complain of mammary asymmetry, most clearly revealed by raised up hands.

How is the diagnosis?

For the diagnosis of cysts of the breast used several research techniques:

  1. Initially, the doctor conducts a standard inspection. With the help of probing, he examines the breasts. Even if the seals are found, to confirm the diagnosis is not enough.
  2. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) can accurately see and describe the formation, calculate changes in the tissue cysts.
  3. A woman sent for mammograms - x-rays breast. Thanks to this procedure, find out what size has cystic formations, determine the best site for his puncture. Mammograms are advised to carry out all the ladies from the 45 years, because the risk of cancer is increased in this period.
  4. In some cases assigned cytological analysis of biological material, which was taken from the formation. With the help of this study can be found, is not a malignant cyst.
  5. Ultrasound to detect cysts in the breast are recommended for female persons under 30 years of age and pregnant women, since this method does not cause radiation "burden" in comparison with the previous method research.
  6. The final version of the diagnosis is established after the results of the morphological analysis (biopsy).

Than to treat a cyst?

Methods of treatment of breast cysts can be divided in several ways: conservative therapy, surgery, and folk remedies.

Conservative treatment

If breast cyst detected in the early stages, and it does not exceed 0.5 mm, then remove a tumor the doctor will not. A woman should be checked every year, not only by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, and immunology, but also in mammalogy, which will select the correct conservative therapy.

Achieve the disappearance of cysts can help:

  • Modern drugs (helps to restore hormonal balance in the body);
  • puncture (puncturing is small, and the liquid pumped is introduced special solution, whereby the capsule disappears);
  • aspiration (from neoplasm cavity via a thin tube is drawn liquid).

Sometimes excellent results are obtained by treatment of breast cysts folk remedies. This method of treatment involves the use of only natural products.

Several effective methods of treatment:

  • Lubricates the sheet of white cabbage with butter and put to the breast. Put on top of a piece of cloth or a soft dress bodice. Compress leave overnight. Such a method is well relieves pain.
  • Breast cyst treated red beets. Boil a few pieces of beets, cleaned, ground into a coarse grater. We select 150-200 g of warm slurry and adding thereto 2 tablespoons vinegar (9%). For 2 weeks to make compresses for the night.
  • Making ointment of celandine and melted butter (1: 1). Gently rub the chest portion which disturbs and does not wash off the ointment 3-4 hours.
  • Infusion of St. John's wort. Take 25 g of dried herbs, fill it with hot water (200 g). Wait until the liquid becomes warm. Then dipped in her wad of cotton wool and apply to the area of ​​the breast, where the cyst is felt best.

Before using grandmother's recipes, you should consult with a specialist to further did not have serious consequences.

Removal of breast cysts

Doctors often face a situation where, pathology associated with breast cysts, not cured by conventional methods and can not do without laparoscopy.

Typically, cyst causes hormonal disorders and is found on ultrasound or mammography. If the disease is detected at an early stage and treated only with medicines. If the doctor suspects the usual transition to a cancer tumor cyst, then it is important to promptly remove.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. On the chest wall incision is made in order to gain access to the brush. One incision is inserted into a special tool designed for operation in another incision a laparoscope is inserted with the built in camera. The monitor displays an image, thanks to the camera. Thus, experienced surgeons, a special tool is carried manipulation cyst, fluid is drawn therefrom and cluster administered absorbable liquid.

Laparoscopy - an innovative technique. It is used in various fields of medicine, which allows to handle even the most complex situations. Thanks to the information output to monitor what goes on inside, the doctor can realize complex manipulations in the most remote places.

Laparoscopy - a complex operation and requires some training. First appointed by the urine, blood, biochemical assays, blood clotting, an electrocardiogram. Before laparoscopy, the patient should refrain from eating 8 hours.

The advantage of laparoscopy:

  • Minimal trauma.
  • Remain small, almost inconspicuous incisions.
  • Postoperative wounds heal quickly.
  • The minimum number of complications after laparoscopy.

This method of treatment and removal of breast cysts is rare and may still be accompanied by complications related to anesthesia, random injury, vascular injury, infectious complications, adhesions formation, hematoma, gray, postoperative formation hernia.


Prevention is aimed at preventing or minimizing the possibility of occurrence of breast cysts. you must:

  • regularly go to the reception to mammologist;
  • perform breast self-examination at least once a week;
  • no access to the sauna, solarium;
  • do not wear tight synthetic underwear, choose a supportive bra;
  • eat healthy, balanced;
  • reduce the salt in the diet;
  • renounce the use of essential oils that encourage enhanced production of estrogen;
  • control hormones, timely take the necessary analyzes;
  • immediately consult a doctor if there were unpleasant sensations in the chest;
  • to give up smoking and alcohol;
  • move more, to engage in sports;
  • less nervous;
  • to give up caffeine (some women with breast cysts argue that after a cup of coffee of the disease symptoms worsen), tea, dark chocolate.

Can breast cysts disappear on their own? Only in rare and very rare cases. But wait for it not to be.

Consequences and outlook

Opinion that breast cyst always degenerates into cancer - is not true.

Breast cancer is possible, but the risk of its occurrence is not more than a healthy woman. Much more dangerous festering cysts when it reaches the cavity infection that requires prompt surgical intervention.

You also can not forget about the predisposing factors of breast cysts, which must be removed, otherwise there is not excluded Only recurrent emergence of a new formation, but also hormonal failure throughout the body, which can lead to loss fertility.

The prognosis of breast cyst with adequate and timely treatment favorable.

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