
Why swollen legs in women: Top 10 reasons why home treatment

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swelling of the feet - a very common phenomenon that can be due to a variety of cardio - vascular, urinary, lymphatic system.

Often, the pain and swelling in the extremities is a violation of the venous outflow during a prolonged stay on your feet and wearing tight, uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. Therefore, most of this unpleasant phenomenon faced by the fair sex. What to do in this case, and how to get rid of the bad state?

Before starting treatment, the physician must find out why swollen legs in women, and to establish the root cause of this condition.

What are edemas?

It is necessary to consider this problem in more detail, as the swelling of the feet, causes, classification and treatment of disease. Several distinct types of edema:

  1. Gidremicheskie. In the event of such edema accumulation of excess fluid in the body due to the presence of renal disease;
  2. cachectic. In this case, a man swollen legs due to abnormalities in the cardiovascular system;
  3. stagnant. The main causes of sickness in this case are the problems with capillaries and blood vessels;
  4. insta story viewer
  5. mechanical. They may appear in traumas, the presence of tumors in the body;
  6. neuropathic. Such swelling diagnosed in people who abuse alcohol, or diabetes;
    Allergic (Quincke's edema).

Causes of leg edema in women

In women, swelling of the feet may be caused by special reasons:

  1. Premenstrual syndrome. Before menstruation the hormonal balance is disturbed - increases the relative content of estrogen, and estrogen in the body retain fluid;
  2. Pregnancy. During pregnancy a woman's body produces large amounts of progesterone, which lowers the tone of blood vessels. This contributes to stagnation of blood in the legs. The growing fetus can pinch the major blood vessels, which also causes swelling - this is becoming a significant cause of the later stages. Swelling may be a manifestation of preeclampsia (toxemia of late pregnancy).

After cesarean section in women often appear swelling in the legs, which are kept for a long time. The reason for this symptom can hide in a hormonal imbalance, venous insufficiency or cardiac dysfunction. To find out why a woman should consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination.

Why swollen legs: Top 10 Reasons

Causes swelling of the lower limbs in women varied. This may be the heart and vascular disease in which the blood or lymphatic fluid collected, put pressure on the vascular wall. In these cases, swollen feet because the molecules out of the vessel into the surrounding tissue. Several diseases result in increased permeability of the walls of the veins, the accumulation of water in the body.

Persistent swelling in the legs in women, its causes and treatment is best to discuss with a therapist. Experts drew attention to the fact that a strong swell ankle and lower leg on only one limb. If necessary, the therapist will direct to phlebologist. When bilateral edema treated as a cardiologist.

In what diseases and conditions swollen lower limbs, consider the top 10 reasons:

  1. Irregularities in the thyroid - swelling characterized by high elasticity, there is a change in skin color.
  2. The initial stage of diabetes - swelling accompanied by itching, peeling of the skin, appear symmetrical red spots on legs.
  3. thrombophlebitis - against the backdrop of the inflammatory process in the vein there burning, sore affected area, there is a feeling tingling, numbness, the skin becomes red, swelling may be located in the upper part of the thigh, shin.
  4. varicosityThrombosis of the veins, Blood disorders - swelling arranged asymmetrically affect the area from the knee to the foot, toes, accompanied by the severity, pain, cyanosis of the lower leg, worse in the evening, with the development of venous disease sites are becoming more noticeable.
  5. Kidney disease - swollen legs from the back side in the morning only during the exacerbation of the disease, the skin becomes pale at the same time, the disease is accompanied by puffiness face, pain in the lumbar region, insomnia.
  6. Heart failure - if the pressure on the skin in the area of ​​the ankle, the fovea does not disappear for a long time, intense pain in the legs in the evening, subsides in the morning, swelling located below the knee. Additional features - shortness of breath, high blood parameters, discomfort in the chest area, fatigue.
  7. Articular pathology - arthritis, arthrosis accompanied by swelling, redness of the skin around the joints, often the disease affects the fingers and knees, is accompanied by a local or general fever, stiffness.
  8. Infectious processes in the body, often the instigators of edema staphylococcal and streptococcal disease - tonsillitis, pneumonia, antritis, boils, Carbuncles. Swelling characteristic of rheumatism, erysipelas, osteomyelitis, accompanied by pain in the the rise in the joints, diseases occur against a background of high temperature, weakness, general deterioration state.
  9. lymphedema - swells one or both feet on the back side, shin, thigh, edema initially soft, gradually becomes more dense texture. The disease can be congenital or acquired in nature, often develops when vaginal cancer, prostate, ovary due disruption of the lymph nodes at the time of the irradiation therapy, after surgery to remove the regional lymph nodes.
  10. allergic reactions. In allergic arthritis, swollen joints. There may be swelling insect bites.

Separate treatment of edema ineffective. Remove the edema is possible if its cause is random (physiological swelling, minor injuries, insect bites). In other cases, a treatment of a disease, a symptom of which was the swelling of the legs.

Medicinal leg swelling

If you put aside the banal allergic edema, which can develop in response to the drug intake and is accompanied redness and itching, there is still plenty of clinical situations where drugs are responsible for the swelling of the lower limbs.

  1. NSAIDs - the most likely causes swelling in the legs. At the same time, they can work as a trigger to interstitial nephritis.
  2. glucocorticosteroids - prednisolone, prednisone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone.
  3. calcium antagonists - diltiazem, nifedepin, amlodipine, verapamil.

In addition to these means of leg edema can cause estrogen, progesterone, oral contraceptives, testosterone drugs, methyldopa, beta-blockers, hydralazine, clonidine, minoxidil, diuretics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thiazolidinediones used in the treatment of diabetes diabetes.

physiological edema

swelling of the feet may be caused by physiological reasons, ie to be the result of special circumstances affecting the healthy body, and not a manifestation of the disease.

Among these reasons are:

  1. salty food. Salt binds water. And if you eat a lot of salty, especially at night, in the morning you may find swelling;
  2. Alcohol. Alcohol also retains water. Therefore, after the alcohol a person looks puffy. The problems are not confined to the face can swell and legs;
  3. Hot weather. The heat vessels dilate, as the body tries to normalize the heat exchange. Greater blood flow means that the risk of stagnation and the formation of leg swelling increases;
  4. Prolonged sitting or standing. If the legs are long in one position, the blood stagnates in them, which leads to edema. Worst of all - to sit with crossed legs. Stand for long in one place is not helpful. Swelling of the feet is characteristic of people standing professions - hairdressers, retailers, chefs;
  5. injuries. For injuries around the foot of the affected area is often formed edema. For example, at the turn of the skin over the injured portion becomes bluish tint, and swollen tissue. The same pattern can be observed in severe bruising, and the swelling can interfere with the normal movement of the legs. Swollen limbs and severe burns or frostbite.
  6. uncomfortable shoes. If the shoe interferes with the normal blood circulation in the foot (the high heel, narrow arch, over tighten the straps), wearing it will lead to the emergence of edema.


When edema of the legs, the woman should first consult your GP (general practitioner or family doctor).

Usually the study begins with a physical examination of the patient and anamnesis, then the patient is losing analyzes and passes instrumental examination (if necessary).

  1. Total and blood chemistry shows the level of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelet count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate response. Also cholesterol is determined to exclude possible atherosclerotic vascular lesions and the amount of uric acid (gout).
  2. A blood test for sugar to rule out diabetes.
  3. Urinalysis for detecting increased protein levels and erythrocytes.
  4. Determining the level of hormones.
  5. Electrocardiography and ultrasound of the heart to detect possible abnormalities of the cardiovascular system.

Following the general analysis physician may direct the patient to a profile expert for further research in the case if there is a suspicion of one of the diseases. For example, in case of suspected varicosity may be additionally assigned to MRI and CT scanning duplex receptacles legs coronagraph, lower limb vascular angiography, etc.

What if swelling of legs and how to treat them?

How to remove the swelling of the feet, and what methods are treated by this unpleasant phenomenon? It all depends on the reason causing swelling, install it - the primary task specialist. Only after will be diagnosed, the doctor will select a treatment regimen based on the underlying disease.

The action plan to eliminate edema in addition to treatment, the doctor can switch on and compliance with some recommendations on lifestyle:

  1. Do not sit in one position with his legs pulled up.
  2. Change shoes during the day.
  3. From time to time to do foot massage schipatelnymi movements.
  4. Balanced diet to include foods high in potassium.
  5. During sleep, lay at his feet a small pillow or cushion, so that they are above the level of the heart.
  6. Before going to bed to raise the legs and keep them for a while in this position, to remove accumulated during the day, fatigue and stress.

It is very useful to relieve swelling in the early stages of varicose veins physiotherapy, dietetics and physiotherapy, which only need to be engaged on the advice and under the supervision of a specialist.

Unfortunately, in severe cases, and in severe diseases do only tips or exercise will not work. Access to a doctor should be timely, it is desirable in the early stages of the disease, when the first symptoms - then the chances for a full recovery are much higher.


Should not buy and use drugs without a prescription. Therefore preliminary it is necessary to consult on a particular vehicle.

When the swollen legs, doctors prescribe these medications drugs:

  1. Essavel gel - improves blood circulation and strengthens the capillary walls;
  2. Heparin ointment - improves blood circulation, eliminating microscopic thrombi as well as relieves the inflammatory process;
  3. Venitan - strengthens the walls of capillaries and veins;
  4. Troxevasin (ointment or pills) - anaesthetises reinforces the vessel walls;
  5. Liotonmaz - relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation.

In addition, a positive influence on swelling all ointments and creams which structure enters buckeye.

Diuretics swelling feet

Diuretics with swelling of the feet have a common name - diuretics. They, in turn, are divided into several classes:

  1. Saluretics which may be represented by: loop drugs (bumetanide, torasemide, ethacrynic acid, Lasix, Furosemide), thiazide means (Tsiklometiazid, Hypothiazid), carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Diakarb, Acetazolamide) and sulfonamides (Klopamid, Chlorthalidone).
  2. Potassium-sparing diuretics, including: spironolactone, amiloride, Veroshpiron, triamterene, eplerenone.
  3. Osmotic - it Mannitol and urea.

All of these drugs differ in efficacy, duration of action and the therapeutic effect speed. They have indications and contraindications, and are appointed solely by the doctor according to the patient's existing disease.

Folk remedies

Remove edema at home in women in the following ways:

  1. Massage movements with ice cubes. Pre can be prepared from a special ice herbal infusions (sage, peppermint, eucalyptus, yarrow).
  2. Bath with sea salt.
  3. Contrasting trays (cold-hot water), it is also possible to add sea salt.
  4. Medicinal properties has massage with castor oil with turpentine. 1 part to 2 parts of turpentine oil preheated.
  5. Foot massage with a small ball.
  6. Mix 1 egg yolk with 1chasnoy false turpentine and a tablespoon of vinegar. Cooked mixture put on the feet and rub massage movements.

Exercises at home

If you periodically swollen feet and it is not associated with pathological processes in the body, but rather to the regime of the day, the In this case, doctors recommend a daily basis to carry out simple, but also quite effective exercises at home conditions.

  1. Rolls from heel to toe. Help "disperse" the blood and relieve the tension from the calf muscles. Do exercise every few hours by 5-7 times.
  2. While watching TV or sitting at the computer, put your feet under a piece of paper and try to crumple his toes.
  3. Every day, coming home from work can roll a ball on the floor feet - it improves blood circulation.
  4. Waking up in the morning and getting up out of bed yet, do the exercise "bike". Lying on his back, his feet do the movement in the air, if you eat on the bike.

Remove the swelling and pain in the legs at the end of the day, you can raise the feet above the head. To do this, lie on your bed and put your feet on a pillow or wall, so that the blood circulation will improve and you will feel much better.


Prevent the physiological swelling, not associated with the concomitant diseases will help some simple guidelines:

  • wear comfortable shoes on a low, stable heel;
  • during the day take a moment to give your feet a rest;
  • during the holidays, you can massage the feet and lie down, placing a cushion or folded blanket feet;
  • at night it is useful to do contrasting foot bath, foot massage, and give time for medical gymnastics;
  • to prevent edema try not to drink plenty of fluids for the night and did not eat dinner salty or spicy food

If, in spite of the implementation of the above recommendations, the swelling is increasing, become dense and painful, you must hurry to see a doctor to determine the cause of this condition and early treatment of accompanying diseases.

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