
Vascular dystonia: Treatment of symptoms in adults and prevention

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Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), or cardiopsychoneurosis (NDC) - a complex polietiologic disorder which develops in the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the activity of internal organs and vessels. Also, the disease can be found under the name "cardioneurosis", "vegetative neurosis", which show the relationship between the symptoms of the IRR and the autonomic nervous system.

Although most physicians and does not recognize the existence of such a diagnosis and VSD disease she did not believe, but in the IBC can be found heading F45.3, which combines all of these diagnoses. However, for patients with vascular dystonia it becomes a real challenge, because the disease has a mass flow options and distressing symptoms, significantly worsens the quality of life. But it does not affect the duration has a favorable prognosis and benign course.

What it is?

In simple words IRR - a syndrome that occurs due to nerves. Generally, most of the problems appear because of stress and anxiety, but dystonia is always the first in line.

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Seizures are caused by violations of the IRR in the cardiovascular system, which, in turn, appear in the background of functional disorders of the nervous or endocrine systems. That is, the root cause is almost always become nervous shocks. Which, as we know, rarely have consequences and can often lead it to the neuro dystonia - otherwise referred to as disease.

The causes of the IRR

Among the main causes of the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia doctors call a genetic predisposition factors. Against the background of adverse external factors such cause could have a significant impact on the state of the autonomic nervous system of man. Leading constituent symptoms and exacerbations syndrome is a brain, namely the hypothalamus, is responsible for monitoring the human endocrine system. Neuropsychiatric disorders result in excessive activity of some processes and inhibition others that complicated way affects the various body systems, including the cardiovascular effects.

  1. Most often, vascular dystonia in children is detected as a result of heredity. Increased nervousness and stress in the early months of pregnancy may have a significant impact not only on the formation of the child's personality, but also on the higher nervous activity of the brain. The facts show that the emotional instability of the child's body triggers the development of the IRR, even in childhood.
  2. The teenage years are a transition, not only in the process of turning the child into an adult, but in the neurophysiological. Conflict situations, emotional stress, chronic diseases, endocrine disorders, lack of traffic and other factors are largely provocateurs of vegetative-vascular dystonia in teens. Increased mental load, having at a hereditary component, leads to a a certain imbalance in the body, which leads to the emergence and development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  3. In adulthood, a special role in the launch of the HDR mechanisms play hormonal changes the body. That's why the female half of the world's population suffers from VSD more often male. Prenatal, pregnancy, menopause, all of this, as turning points in the life of a woman can be a starting point for mobilizing symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Particularly unfavorable vascular dystonia in pregnancy, when even minor deviations in the health of the woman is required to affect the fetal position.

The same is true with regard to the presence of excess weight, which may be a provocateur manifestations of dystonia. Weight gain leads to the development of hypertension, which in turn is an additional load on the cardiovascular system. The development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, in this case affects people of completely different ages.

types of diseases

As a result of vegetative dystonia affects the brain and the heart, kidneys, and limbs. Therefore, vegetative dystonia syndrome is like a chameleon: different people it appears so different symptoms that can hardly be suspected of their common cause. There are three types of pathology: hypertonic, hypotonic and mixed.

  1. If, regardless of the "inner necessity" for a day dominated by the sympathetic nervous system, talk about the type of hypertensive vascular dystonia. Man complains of heart attacks and / or panic attacks, anxiety, gets tired quickly, but in the evening with difficulty falling asleep. Pressure is raised or unstable.
  2. When during the day the National Assembly dominated by the parasympathetic, the person feels weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, rarely - dizziness and fainting, it is a hypotonic type of VSD. Reduced pressure.
  3. When the sympathetic and parasympathetic system "argue" for leadership, alternately winning and losing, hyper- and hypotonic symptoms succeed each other, talk about the mixed type.

On examination it turns out that the organs and systems in order to have no abnormalities, and a VSD is called the primary. If a symptom of vascular dystonia occurs against a background of other diseases, it is considered secondary.

The first signs

Violations of the autonomic nervous system can cause very different symptoms, it is known there are about 150. For VSD the most typical symptoms associated with vascular response and the central nervous system:

  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • tendency to fainting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • excessive sweating;
  • obscure fever;
  • muscle pain;
  • trembling of the body and hands.

For people with vascular dystonia characterized by mental characteristics:

  • sudden changes in emotions;
  • tendency to panic;
  • obsessions;
  • increased anxiety;
  • mistrust in the nature.

Clinical syndromes IRR

Autonomic dysfunction syndrome combines the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and mixed symptom having generalized, systemic or local character, manifested in the form of a permanently or paroxysms (vegetovascular crises) with noninfectious subfebrilitet, propensity to temperature asymmetry.

  1. For vagotonia characterized by bradycardia, difficulty breathing, facial redness of the skin, sweating, salivation, lowering blood pressure, gastrointestinal dyskinesia. Vagoinsulyarnye crisis manifested feeling of heat in the head and face, breathlessness, heaviness in the head, you may experience nausea, weakness, sweating, dizziness, urge to defecate, increased intestinal motility, marked miosis, slowing heart rate to 45-50 beats / mi, lowering blood pressure to 80/50 mm Hg. Art.
  2. For sympathicotonia characterized by tachycardia, blanching of the skin, increased blood pressure, weakened intestinal peristalsis, dilated pupils, fever, feeling of fear and anxiety. When Sympathoadrenal Stroke appears or worsens the headache, there is numbness and cold extremities, pale face, blood pressure rises to 150 / 90-180 / 110 mm Hg, pulse rate to 110-140 beats / min are marked with pain in the heart, excitation occurs restlessness, sometimes the body temperature rises to 38-39 ° C.
  3. The syndrome of mental disorders - behavioral and motivational disturbances - emotional lability, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, feeling of fear, cardiophobia. Patients IRR higher level of anxiety, they are prone to self-incrimination, experiencing fear in decision-making. Dominated by personal values: a lot of care about health (hypochondriasis), activity is reduced during periods of illness. When the diagnosis is important to differentiate somatoform autonomic dysfunction, in which there is no mental disorders and hypochondriacal disorder, also believes somatogenic neurosis-like states, as well as panic disorder and phobias, and other nervous and mental disease.
  4. Mixed crises characterized by a combination of symptoms typical of crises, or alternately their manifestation. Also can be: red dermographism, hyperalgesia zone precardiac area "spotted" hyperemia upper part of the chest, hyperhidrosis of the hands and acrocyanosis, tremor of hands, noninfectious subfebrilitet, propensity to vegetative vascular crisis and temperature asymmetry.
  5. Hyperventilation (respiratory) syndrome - a subjective sensation of breathlessness, compression of the chest, shortness of breath, the need for a deep breath. A number of patients it occurs in the form of a crisis, the clinical picture is close to suffocation. The most common causes, provokes the development of respiratory syndrome, is exercise, mental strain, stay in a stuffy room, a sharp change of heat and cold, poor tolerance transport. Along with the mental factors of dyspnea is very important reduction of the compensatory-adaptive possibilities of respiratory function to hypoxic stress.
  6. Syndrome of adjustment disorders, asthenic syndrome - fatigue, weakness, intolerance to physical and mental exertion, meteozavisimost. There is evidence that the basis of asthenic syndrome are disorders transcapillary exchange, oxygen consumption decreases tissues and disruption of hemoglobin dissociation.
  7. Cardiovascular syndrome - cardialgia on the left side of the chest arising from emotional and when no physical exertion is accompanied by hypochondriacal disorders not docked koronalitikami. Fluctuations in blood pressure, pulse lability, tachycardia, functional noise. The ECG and detected veloergometry often sinus arrhythmia and extrasystole, no signs of myocardial ischemia.
  8. Neyrogastralny syndrome - neyrogastralnaya aerophagia, esophageal spasm, duodenostasis and other violations of the motor-evacuation and secretory functions of the stomach and intestines. Patients complain of heartburn, bloating, and constipation.
  9. Syndrome metabolic and tissue and peripheral vascular disorders - tissue edema, myalgia, angiotrofonevroz, Raynaud's syndrome. At the heart of their development are changes in vascular tone and vascular permeability disorders transcapillary metabolism and microcirculation.
  10. Syndrome of cerebrovascular disorders - headaches, dizziness, ringing in the head and ears, tendency to fainting. At the heart of their development are cerebral angiodystonia, pathogenetic basis is dysregulation of vascular tone brain hypertonic, hypotonic or mixed. In some patients with persistent cephalgic syndrome is a violation of not only the tone of the arterial and venous vessels but the so-called functional venous hypertension.

Panic attack

This is another syndrome that is characteristic symptom manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The person experiences a strong fear, a feeling of anxiety approach, it covers a wave of fear.

At the same time, the body is sending signals about the danger, but he does not give solutions to the problem. Therefore, the patient experiences intense fear of death, it seems - the heart stops, breathing intercepts. It is noteworthy that just 10-15 minutes a panic attack on the background HDR passes, the state of human normal.

for ESP

In most cases, without provoking factors disease is latent (asymptomatic) character.

However, under the influence of unfavorable conditions and overloading are common manifestations of crises. Such crises often have a sudden character and are accompanied by characteristic symptoms for many diseases: pallor, sharp sweating, reducing blood pressure, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, reduction in temperature body.

Krizovoe surge of active disease is more severe in older people, especially those who suffer from co-morbidities. In many cases, the crisis is the result of piling up for a long time components, and therefore frequent instances of a large number of symptoms at the same time.


As already mentioned, the IRR - is a diagnosis of exclusion. Because for its diagnosis are needed all the extra methods that will exclude organic pathology. We need a general examination of the patient, consulting neurologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.

Spend a full cardiological examination: laboratory tests, cholesterol, ECG, ultrasound of the heart, with the load of the sample, POS Holter and blood pressure. Also prescribed chest X-ray, ultrasound of the abdomen, kidney and thyroid, fibrogastroscopy, colonoscopy with gastrointestinal complaints. Determine the level of thyroid hormone, as its pathology is accompanied by similar symptoms.

If you do not find in any additional pathology examinations, the patient exhibited a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia, in accordance with:

  • leading clinical syndrome (cardiac, hypotonic, hypertonic, respiratory, asthenic, neurotic mixed flow embodiment);
  • severity - slight (3-6 complaints and symptoms), moderate (8-16 symptoms), severe (more than 17 characters and frequent crises);
  • phase of the disease (exacerbation or remission).

Treatment of vascular dystonia

When describing the breach treatment of vascular dystonia scheme for women and men must carry comprehensive character, be long-term, take into account the particular dysfunction, the etiological factor and individual specifics person. When running the flow of the violation therapeutic activities will be prolonged.

So, how to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults? Typically, treatments involve the use of non-drug schemes, which can be supplemented with sedatives.

Non-drug therapeutic interventions for the treatment of vascular dystonia in men and women include:

  1. Optimization of work and rest periods. In order to get rid of the symptoms of the IRR should be evenly alternate classes mental and physical labor, as much as possible reduce the time spent in front of computer and TV monitor. In the absence of such opportunities every 60-90 minutes, take a break, to conduct exercises for the eyes, a warm-up for the back.
  2. Compliance with stable regime of the day with a mandatory recreation. The normal duration of night sleep for each person individually. But for most, this figure should not be less than 8-9 hours. It is also important conditions for sleep. The bedroom should not be stuffy, needs regular aeration and wet cleaning. The bed should be comfortable, fit to height and build human. It is better to give preference to orthopedic mattresses and pillows.
  3. The diet with the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in potassium and magnesium. It is these minerals are involved in the transmission of impulses in the nerve endings, improve the activity of the heart and blood vessels, restore balance to the nervous system. Therefore, when the IRR is recommended the use of buckwheat and oat cereals, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, greens, potatoes, carrots and eggplant.
  4. Adequate exercise. They are optimal sessions, which take place in the open air or in the water, but it does not provide a significant load on the muscular and cardiovascular systems. Most patient suffering from vascular dystonia, suitable swimming, water aerobics, dancing, skiing and biking. Under such stress occurs gentle training of the heart, it normalizes psycho-emotional state. At the same time should be avoided sports in which it is necessary to make sudden movements, high jump or long stay in the static stress. This creates an additional burden on the blood vessels and can lead to a deterioration of the disease.
  5. Acupuncture and massage promotes relaxation, eliminate anxiety, normalization of blood pressure, sleep recovery. In hypertensive type shown massage movements at a slow pace with increased exposure to the collar area. When hypotonic version VSD contrary massage should be fast and intense.
  6. The use of drugs of plant origin. When VSD with an increase in blood pressure suitable herbs with sedative and hypotensive action (valerian tincture, peony, motherwort). Hypotonic embodiment disease requires supplementation with stimulating and activating effect (Eleutherococcus, Aralia, ginseng).
  7. physical treatments have a positive effect in the vegetative-vascular dystonia by normalizing the interaction of different parts of the nervous system, vascular tone. Such procedures improve blood circulation in the organs and tissues, activate metabolism. Undisclosed techniques quite large: electrophoresis with drug solutions in cervical spinal applications ozokerite wax or on a collar region, laser irradiation in combination with magnetotherapy. Excellent effect is hydrotherapy. For all types of IRR are shown contrast baths, and a fan-shaped circular shower, underwater massage, swimming.
  8. When VSD on hypotonic type should eat foods that increase vascular tone: green tea, organic coffee, milk. When hypertensive disease embodiment of the diet to exclude products that provoke rise in blood pressure: strong tea and coffee, pickles and hot dishes.

In the diagnosis of vascular dystonia drugs are appointed solely by the attending physician. Therapeutic effect is concentrated on restoring the balance in the functioning of the ganglionic system.

Preparations at VSD

Preparations for the treatment of vascular dystonia in women and men is determined mainly by symptoms in individual patients. The main group of drugs at VSD means comprise a soothing effect:

  1. Phytopreparations - valerian, motherwort, newly Passitum etc .;
  2. Antidepressants - tsipraleks, paroxetine, amitriptyline;
  3. Tranquilizers - seduksen, elenium, tazepam, Grandaxinum.

In some cases appointed nootropics (piracetam, omnaron), cardiovascular drugs (cinnarizine, aktovegin, cavinton), psychotropics - Grandaxinum, Medazepam, sonapaks. When hypotonic type VSD helps welcome tonic and adaptogens fitosredstv - Siberian ginseng, ginseng, Pantocrinum.

Usually, treatment is initiated with a "softer" plant resources, with no effect adds a touch of tranquilizers and antidepressants. When severe anxiety attacks panic attacks, neurosis-like disorders without medication correction and does not do.

Symptomatic treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of other organs in the first place - the cardiovascular system.

When tachycardia and increase in blood pressure are assigned propranolol and other drugs from the group of beta-blockers (atenolol, egilok), ACE inhibitors. Cardialgia usually removed taking sedatives - seduksena, korvalola, valokordin.

Bradycardia less than 50 heart beats per minute requires atropine, belladonna preparations. Useful cool tonic bath and shower, exercise.

Folk remedies

The first treatment of VSD folk remedies involves the provision of support vessels.

  • Soothing fees. To restore the harmonious condition of the nervous system is useful to drink herbal teas, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or make your own. Here's one: mix in equal proportions of valerian root, thyme, motherwort, fennel and calendula. 1 teaspoon mixture pour 150 ml of boiling water for 2 hours and filter. Take medication five times a day for 15 ml for a month. Not recommended for skipping, since the regularity of a direct impact on the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Another balm is prepared not only to strengthen the blood vessels, it helps with heart attacks and strokes, Arteriosclerosis, noises in the head, ears, inflammations - taking into account the structure, it turns out very powerful tool. For its production prepare three infusions - 40 grams colors red clover poured 40% alcohol in an amount of 500 mL, and infused in the dark for 14 days, after filtered. A second infusion is prepared from the root caucasian Dioscorea in an amount of 50 grams, pre-chopped. Ingredient poured into 40% alcohol volume of 500 ml, insist like clover. Third tincture is prepared from soft propolis, which is pulverized and poured into 70% alcohol darkened glass container in a ratio of 100 grams per 1000 ml. Container tightly closed, soaked in the dark for 10 days at room temperature, filtered. Then tincture is thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Balsam take on a small spoon three times a day after meals, after diluting with water to a volume of 50 ml. The duration of this treatment is two months. This is followed by a break for 14 days and repeat the course.
  • You must take a glass of dry dill seeds, add to them two big spoons of crushed valerian root, place the mixture in a thermos and pour a liter of water brought to a boil. Composition insist for 24 hours, then filtered and added to 500 ml of liquid natural honey. All thoroughly mixed, placed in the refrigerator. Take medication three times a day before meals. Before the meal should take at least 30 minutes. Non-recurrent amount of a mixture of one large spoon. The course of treatment lasts closure prepared drug.

It do not cost

What you should not do sick vegetative-vascular dystonia?

  1. Get involved and starvation diets.
  2. Negative watch on what is happening in my life.
  3. Create additional stress to the body - a contrast shower, modern breathing practices.
  4. Practice meditation.
  5. Pace yourself with heavy physical exertion.
  6. Trying to find at a new manifestation of the disease.
  7. Drinking alcohol.

Also listen to amateurs in this issue (neighbors, friends, acquaintances, relatives, non-medical), especially prescribing!


Many doctors believe that this diagnosis does not exist. Guards that no one has not yet decided on the nomenclature of the disease, everyone calls it differently, no one can say exactly what it appears.

Any of the symptoms related to the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, can be found in any person at any time in his life. They can not hurt any disease all people in the world.

  1. Symptoms of vascular dystonia described vaguely and differently in different sources. Most patients who for years put such a diagnosis, it is difficult to explain that they do not have such a disease, and indeed such a disease exists. Otherwise there is a logical question - from what he was treated with all those months or years?
  2. For many doctors, this diagnosis is a "lifeboat" or "wastebasket" depends on which way you look. If the patient has a number of symptoms, but the examination is not detected any significant organic pathology, we can not tell him that he's all right.
  3. He's come up with complaints, it is a concern, something led him to the doctor's office. He simply does not understand the doctor will decide that it is not competent enough and go to another doctor, in the hope that he will understand the existing problem. Therefore, the physician uses a proven method writes to the card the diagnosis of "vegetative-vascular dystonia."

Then assigns the patient a harmless valerian, motherwort, the evening stroll in the moonlight, accompanied by reflections about something positive. What do we have? And the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. The patient is happy that the cause of his problems found, fortunately, a trifling reason, because vascular dystonia and have most friends and relatives.

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