
Gingivitis: Symptoms, Picture, Treatment in Adults

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Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gingival mucosa of the oral cavity. It takes it easy and simple form of inflammation, which can be easily and quickly treated. If untreated, rapidly becomes more complex forms of inflammation in which already begin to clatter teeth and gums and the tooth space compound.

It characterized by bleeding, soreness and redness of the gums. At the mouth odor. It becomes a factor that worries both children and many adults.

What it is?

Gingivitis - an inflammatory disease of the gums, manifested by redness, swelling and bleeding. It affects only the mucosa without affecting the periodontal ligament, so the teeth retain a strong position, because gingivitis, gum disease is considered to be easy.


It is believed that the major cause of gingivitis is plaque microbial. Microbial plaque appears at irregular or irregular brushing. Microbial plaque also appears due to violation of the natural tooth cleaning. The cause of this disorder is the use of large amounts of carbohydrates (sweets), respectively, decrease in consumption of foods such as vegetables and fruits.

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An important role in the development of the disease plays a lowered immunity. This leads to a weakening of the immune response and the development of a large number of microbes in the oral cavity.

Factors that increase the risk of gingivitis:

  1. Breathing through the mouth (not normal). It leads to the accumulation of various microorganisms in the oral cavity. During normal breathing (intranasally) neutralized microbes in the nasal cavity;
  2. Changing the amount and quality of saliva secreted. Typically, in this condition is detected in the saliva reduced amount of protective factors;
  3. Chemical gingival trauma - consumption of strong acid (vinegar essence);
  4. Mechanical injury gums (e.g., inaccurate cleaning teeth);
  5. Hormonal disorders can lead to the appearance of hypertrophic gingivitis;
  6. Physical trauma gums (usually due to eating too hot or too cold food);
  7. Frequent exposure to cold, sore throat. Lead to a weakening of the body's defenses;
  8. Abnormalities of tooth development (overbite, tooth overcrowding).

Inflammation in the gums is developed as follows:

  1. The initial inflammation (acute gingivitis) occurs about 3-4 days after the formation of the microbial plaque on teeth. If a person has good immunity, the disease ends in a few days. When the immune system is unable to cope, the disease takes a protracted nature.
  2. Secondary inflammation (chronic gingivitis) occurs within 3-4 weeks after the acute gingivitis. Chronic gingivitis occurs in phases: first exacerbation occurs, which is then followed by a temporary remission (improvement). The phases were then repeated.


Symptoms of gingivitis manifest his views. In form and distinction clinical disease is divided into four groups:

necrotizing It characterized by severe, to standard manifestations gingival inflammation joins deterioration hyperthermia, mucosal ulcers formed.
catarrhal the simplest form and is manifested in inflammation of the interdental papillae and marginal gingiva. Thus it becomes smoothed lost relief, bleeding on probing occurs and is determined by a large number of both soft and mineralized plaque.
atrophic there is a pathological process, contrary to previous - there is soft tissue decline, leading to the formation of recessions. The disease is common among children.
hypertrophic soft tissue growth occurs, because of which the crown of teeth is partially or completely hidden gum which hurts and strongly itching and bleeding.

Inflammation of the gums is not only a separate disease - some forms are concomitant and indicate the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Symptoms of gingivitis, photos

There are common features of developing gingivitis (see. photo) Of course, it is difficult to establish the diagnosis yourself, having no special education and adequate diagnosis experience. But to determine that inflammation does not develop in the tooth and the gum, can every adult (pathology may occur in children up to three years).

The main symptoms of developing an inflammatory process will be:

  • okrasnenie gum in a place of occurrence of the disease outbreak, which indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • bleeding;
  • pain, aggravated by the development of inflammation;
  • occurrence of dental plaque as a result of this process - the unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • increase periodontal papillae (this symptom can be determined only qualified as formation pockets of pathological false);
  • purple-blue hue.

It is important to remember that these are general symptoms that may occur, all or in groups, depending on what type of gingivitis is present in the oral cavity and the diagnosed person. For some people symptoms can appear very different way, which is why you can not even try to put myself diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Gingivitis must be distinguished from periodontitis and periodontal disease. The main feature distinguishing gingivitis other periodontal diseases, that inflammation affects only gums, other structures tissue (periodontal ligament retaining the tooth in the jaw, and bone) remain changes. Normally, the depth of the periodontal compound 1-1.5 mm periodontal pockets periodontal destruction observed in compound (depth of 4 mm and more) which are a sign of periodontitis.

When gingivitis is not periodontal, but there are false periodontal pockets formed in the form of hypertrophic gingivitis, and generally for any edema of the gums. Along with this feature, for gingivitis are not typical periodontal pockets, exposure necks of the teeth, their mobility - these signs indicate bone lesions apparatus. For the purpose of differential diagnosis using X-ray - for gingivitis uncharacteristic changes in altitude mezhalveolyarnyh partitions.

it may be noted genetic testing of advanced technology, which is able to show all the risks by performing test genetic polymorphism in predisposed individuals to increased production of interleukin-1 (IL-1), which is a mediator inflammation.

gingivitis treatment

When inflammation of the gums that developed on the background of poor hygiene, general treatment is required. In no event will more than the proper balanced diet, taking vitamins. If inflammation of the gums causes a change in the human being - a headache, weakness, nausea, fever, breach of the chair and swollen lymph nodes - must be combined with topical treatment common.

Frequently administered (as required) Metronidazole (p 0.25-3. / Day), lincomycin (p 0.25-2. / Day) Biseptolum (2 Tablets 2 p. / day), Diflucan (1 p. / day) Bifiform (2 capsule 1 p. / day) for receiving the exchange rate and other drugs. Gingivitis can often take place against a background of diseases such as stomatitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, so the choice of drugs to treat it better to leave the specialist.

Treatment of chronic gingivitis:

  1. Professional Care: removal of hard and soft dental plaque;
  2. Oral Health Education and selection of individual dentifrices, control skills learned in the following;
  3. Restorative therapy: vitamins, drugs that improve blood circulation;
  4. Treatment of patients teeth;
  5. Local therapy: the use of antiseptic, antiinflammatory ointments, gels, rinses;
  6. If necessary, the correction of malocclusion, or the insertion of missing teeth.

acute treatment of gingivitis is characterized by the fact that on the first place there is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy. After the swelling subsides and gums stop match with catarrhal gingivitis start fighting the same as described above.

Treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis

In this case, the treatment plan is consistent with the treatment plan catarrhal gingivitis, but after the rehabilitation phase of pathological teeth is surgical removal of the excessive growth of gum.

Thus before surgery hypertrophic gingivitis treated fibrous type chronic catarrhal, edematous - acute catarrhal type. In the presence of leukemia performed exclusively symptomatic treatment, proliferation of gums is not removed.

Treatment of ulcerative gingivitis

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • ulcer treatment: first is pain relief, then using enzymes and instruments gums cleaned of ulcers;
  • The fight against dental plaque. This step involves binding antiseptic treatment of the entire oral cavity and superficial analgesia using gel;
  • Antibiotics (metronidazole orally);
  • Local antibiotic therapy with metronidazole;
  • After healing began using local wound-healing formulations (oily solutions of vitamins A, E, buckthorn);
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • Allergy medications;
  • After recovery - treated patients teeth;
  • Restorative therapy: vitamins, you can assign immunomodulators.

In ulcerative gingivitis must be given a piece of disability (sick leave) for a few days.

Treatment for Pregnant Women

With treatment of pregnant traditionally problems, since most drugs are not recommended in this position. Therefore gingivitis therapy should be primarily safe.

Scheme treating gingivitis pregnant:

  • Begin with the removal of tartar with ultrasound, it is absolutely safe for the baby, although some are mistaken, considering ultrasound waves harmful.
  • Herbal preparations for the treatment of the oral cavity. As for the treatment and prevention recommended mouthrinse broth oak bark. The most well-proven drug Maraslavin. This collection of five herbal ingredients, which possess anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action, reduce swelling and bleeding of the gums. The solution was diluted with water, one to one, and the mouth rinse 3 times a day.
  • Safe solutions for rinsing the mouth and Chlorhexidine Furatsilinom.
  • If strong bleeding gums may be used: hydrogen peroxide or ointment application heparin and aspirin.
  • Physiotherapy in the gums is also safe for the expectant mother and the baby.
  • It is important to observe the rules of oral hygiene. From the very beginning of pregnancy is good to use antibacterial toothpastes that are better able to cope with the plaque. And if it still contains pasta and vegetable anti-inflammatory ingredients, it is ideal.

These pastes have in the series "Lakalyut", "Parodontol", "President" and many other brands. To rinse the oral cavity after ingestion recommended use balms-rinse vegetable-based.


How to painful and unpleasant it may, but the ailing need to brush your teeth twice a day. It is forbidden to have mercy and to hurt, so you need to take a toothbrush of medium hardness. Toothpaste should be selected with anti-inflammatory and healing effect, in its composition should be sage, chamomile, calendula, yarrow. They reduce swelling and bleeding, strengthens gums.

Whitening toothpastes do not apply to gingivitis, as they contain abrasives which cause injury during cleaning, they should be postponed until such time as the gum does not again become healthy.

Ointments and gels

Locally, ointments and gels, they reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. Ointments "Solkoseril" and "Metragil Dent" for a long time, relieve itching and pain. Created thin film of protection against chemical and thermal stimuli, thereby preventing the occurrence of unpleasant sensations.

food rules

Diet suffering from gingivitis should include as many fresh fruits and vegetables.

  1. Apples and pears contain pectin and trace elements, which accelerate the process of regeneration.
  2. Large amounts of vitamin C, strengthens blood vessels and reduce the degree of bleeding is contained in citrus fruits.
  3. Vegetables are rich in fiber and antioxidants. Menu include cabbage, carrots, zucchini, can accelerate the metabolic processes in the body and reduce the regeneration time (healing) gums.
  4. Berries (blackberry, currant, raspberry) enriched with vitamins and minerals, increasing its overall immunity.

Should not be in large numbers to eat the contents of fast carbohydrates (flour products, potatoes, sweets), as they contribute to the formation of soft plaque.

Folk remedies

To speed up the treatment can be applied various rinses and baths of decoction of herbs. Recipes for cooking infusions:

  1. Astringent properties have celandine and oak bark. They relieve swelling and bleeding when gingivitis. Use shredded oak bark and dried celandine grass. To prepare the infusion they are mixed: two tablespoons each poured two cups of boiling water. After the infusion to cool at room temperature, to rinse the oral cavity must be four times a day while symptoms persist.
  2. Tablespoon sage pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. Wait until the broth is cooled down and after each meal to rinse the mouth. You can also prepare an infusion of chamomile. It has bactericidal properties and accelerates the healing process of the gingiva.

If you are using traditional medicine, discuss their actions with the periodontist. Tips from uneducated people should be ignored.


Prevention is fairly simple and each, if desired, be able to protect themselves from inflammatory gum disease. It needs only, follow some simple rules:

  • the use of electric toothbrushes;
  • oral hygiene (toothpastes, gels, rinses);
  • to give up smoking;
  • metronidazole dental gels, for example, "Dent Metrogil";
  • ambazone, 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol in the form of lozenges;
  • the use of toothpastes with triclosan;
  • the use of calcium supplements;
  • rinsing the oral solutions containing chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, thymol, cineol, methyl salicylate, menthol, methyl paraben, benzalkonium chloride, fluoride and xylitol. Recent scientific studies have also shown the beneficial effects of mouthwash with essential oils.

The above-mentioned preventive measures are also used for treatment. The use of dental floss is impractical.

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