
Mouth disease: symptoms, photo, treatment in adults

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Aphthous stomatitis is a variety of conventional stomatitis, characterized by lesions of the oral mucosa. However, when aphthous stomatitis mouth appear white islands-sores, which are dotted gums, palate, cheek inner surface. In a number of cases in adults, and the infection spreads to the tonsils, the tongue surface.

This disease is the most severe form of the disease, because in addition to the classic signs of stomatitis, patients suffer severe pain in the area of ​​occurrence of the AFL - they feel pain when swallowing, grazing aphthae tongue during mastication food. Despite the fact that aphthous stomatitis primarily affects children, the disease affects the oral cavity and in adults.

What it is?

Aphthous stomatitis - a type of inflammation of the oral mucosa. The name of the disease was due to symptoms in the form of ulceration (AFL) in the mouth. These symptoms are very painful, can occur as a singly or en masse.

Externally aphthae are oval, usually circular in shape, with distinct pink or red borders. Such lesions may appear on the inside of the lips, tongue, palate, cheeks. Wounds vary in size from 3.5 mm or more.

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The causes of the disease

Among the many reasons that can cause the appearance and development of canker sores, there are a variety of infectious diseases, such as herpes virus, some form of staphylococci, measles, diphtheria, adenovirus, influenza, etc.

A catalyst and co-factors of the condition are:

  • propensity for allergic reactions;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • burns of the mouth;
  • mechanical damage, such as acute tooth edge, roughage or cheek biting;
  • weakened immune strength of the body;
  • vitamin deficiencies, namely B and C, as well as trace elements (zinc, selenium, iron, etc.);
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • oral pathology (pulpitis, dental plaque, dental caries, etc.).

Very often they are ill children, and chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis occurs in adults. In most cases, these are people aged 20 to 40 years old.


At different stages of development of the symptoms of canker sores are not the same (see. Photo). In the initial period of the disease manifests symptoms of SARS:

  1. There are weakness and malaise.
  2. Deteriorating appetite.
  3. The temperature rises to 38 ° C.
  4. Increased cervical and occipital lymph nodes.
  5. Herpes localization point in the mouth red and swollen.

With the development of the pathology in the oral cavity aphthas formed - small separately located or grouped ulcers with a diameter up to 5 mm. The edges of ulcers are allocated reddish with gray bloom. External signs of canker sores are shown in the photo below.

The presence of defects in the mouth creates discomfort while talking, eating, any movement language. The patient complains of increased salivation and the inability to perceive fully the palatability of the food.

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disease subtypes

Based on the nature of the mucous tissue lesions in medicine are four subspecies of canker sores:

Glandular The disease is painful. It lasts at least two weeks. Most often it occurs after injury of the mucous membrane in the mouth or salivary glands. Can trigger a relapse infection.
Necrotic Mostly diagnosed in people with diseases of the blood. The disease is painless. In consequence of necrotic changes in the epithelium is destroyed. Disease duration of 2-5 weeks.
Deforming This is the most severe form of aphthous stomatitis. The disease can hit the connective tissue is so deep that it leads sky deformation. This is due to the formation of large, deep scars in the mouth. Ulcer healing in this form of the disease requires a very prolonged treatment.
cicatrizing Characterized by deep and extensive tissue damage in the mouth. Forms large erosion, the dimensions of which can reach a half centimeters. Treatment long, not less than two months. At the site of healed ulcers remain scars.

What subspecies stomatitis develops in a patient can be determined only dentist. Sometimes for this purpose it is required to take a smear analysis in order to identify infectious agent.

Aphthous stomatitis in children is often confused with the herpes virus. In contrast, aphthous ulcers in its initial stage looks like a little flyspeck reds, which is formed in situ from the first vial head grayish white and red rim. When it breaks, formed sore. Ulcers can be a source of secondary bacterial or fungal infection. As part of the overall treatment of attention should be paid to food, eliminate from the diet acidic foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, apples.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children and adults is a complex of measures, including a itself local effects and general therapy, and the selection of certain drugs depends on the severity disease.


Diagnosis is carried out at a reception at the dentist. Upon visual inspection are determined: step stomatitis, mucosal lesions, treatment technique. The patient is asked a series of questions - how long the inflammation has begun, whether there is an increase in temperature, etc.

On examination, the doctor looks at the structure of the AFL, who are in the acute phase and not drag on for 12-15 days. This may be an indication of cancer. blood, biopsy, bakposev - analyzes are appointed for a correct diagnosis. After receiving the results of treatment is prescribed.

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Than to treat canker sores?

For topical home treatment prescribed antiseptic rinses and anti-inflammatory gels. In adults, the drugs may vary depending on the type and duration of canker sores, otolaryngologist or dentist will be able to advise on the selection of drugs:

  • Miramistin most frequently prescribed drug in the form of a solution or a spray which is sprayed oral cavity. It has antiseptic properties, it is struggling mainly with the herpes virus, but nevertheless suitable for normalization of healthy microflora in the oral cavity.
  • Often prescribe anti-inflammatory ointment anesthetic effect, because of the inherent canker sore pain. Among the most popular tools - Kamistad, Clobetasol, Trasylol.
  • Also initially used Holisal gel. It is applied to the affected areas of the dried after rinsing. necessary to carry out the procedure at least four times a day.
  • Rinse in the case of predisposition to allergies apply suspension diphenhydramine.
  • Other popular anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments are Lidocaine and Benzocaine. Treatment of such ointments should not be long, because there is a pronounced side effect. If their application is necessary to adhere strictly to the course.
  • An effective means for combating aphthae is balm Stomatofit-A, which consists of medicinal plants and anesthetic. It is applied directly onto the cotton swab sores. Effect of the drug is aimed at reducing pain and inflammation.
  • If signs of secondary infection recommend the use of antibiotics: Geksoral, Tantum Verde Orasept.
  • Once the sores go away, it is necessary to continue treatment Epithelialising funds, which will restore the mucosa. As such a drug is prescribed Solcoseryl gel.

What else can help? When aphthous stomatitis must follow a special diet, the main purpose of which is reduction in irritation of the mouth and body makeup complex of vitamins and nutrients. In this case, doctors recommend that adhere to certain rules:

  • eat puree, boiled or stewed meat;
  • excluded from the diet smoked, spicy, salty, sour and fried foods;
  • to abandon half-finished products, fast food and carbonated drinks;
  • regularly monitor the hygiene of the oral cavity, regardless of the state of development of the disease, the toothbrush should be only new and soft bristles.

Also exciter aphthous stomatitis forms can be a toothpaste, which includes sodium lauryl sulphate, accompanying the development of the disease. Therefore, buying hygiene products for the oral cavity, it is necessary to pay attention in the first place.

Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis

This form of the disease occurs in varying degrees in every fifth inhabitant of the planet. For recurrent aphthous stomatitis characterized by the appearance of ulcers in the oral mucosa after a sufficiently long period of time. For example, when the seeming well-being of sprue occurs in a few months, sometimes a few years later.

Statistics show that women are more prone to canker sores than men. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis arises by itself - it is preceded by risk factors - mucosal injury membranes of the oral cavity, allergy to certain foods, low-quality water, sweet, acidic, spicy food.

Doctors are quite cautious in recurrent aphthous stomatitis, since the disease can be a sign of more serious violations body - Crohn's disease, anemia, celiac disease, human immunodeficiency virus, malabsorption syndrome, ulcerative colitis and others.

Treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis must solve three problems for the patient:

  • elimination of discomfort and pain;
  • accelerating healing of aphthae;
  • zaboelvaniya prevention of relapse.

Topical treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis begin with painkillers and anti-inflammatories. For removal of pain apply applique with anesthetics - lidocaine, benzydamine hydrochloride, benzocaine. Good effect has diclofenac solution amleksonoksa tetracycline solution. To suppress the action of inflammatory mediators prescribed triamcinolone acetonide, flutsinodid, clobetasol propionate. Preparations with these active ingredients applied to the ulcers several times a day after meals. For large aftah possible cauterization with silver nitrate. At the time of healing of aphthae use Vinylinum, karatolin, sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil, aktovegin-gel solkoseril.

When protracted course of the disease when one sprue has not yet had time to be delayed, and the new has appeared, prescribed course of corticosteroids - prednisolone and betamethasone at the dosage indicated by your doctor. delargin (intramuscular administration) is used for heavy epithelialization aphthae. Useful immunomodulators and inclusion in therapy (levamisole kemantan and others).

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Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis



Simple measures of disease prevention:

  • Sanitation regular oral cavity;
  • compliance with the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity;
  • balanced diet;
  • minimal intake of food, which can cause mechanical or chemical damage to the mucosa;
  • isolation of patients from healthy people if stomatitis contagious;
  • avoidance of mucosal injury mouth;
  • the exclusion of substances that can cause allergies;
  • support the immune system of the body of the adult using multivitamin complexes.

Preventive measures are advisory in nature and are not guarantees.

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