
Gepatrombin F candles: instruction manual, reviews and prices

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Gepatrombin F hemorrhoids gives good results, both in the treatment of candles and ointments. Hemorrhoids - the disease is very common, it affects all age groups. In modern society, this disease tops the list of "disease of the century."

At risk office workers, drivers, pregnant women, persons exposed to bad habits (smoking, alcohol). In this case, because of the delicacy of the problem and a false sense of shame, patients often seek medical help when the disease becomes severe.

Release form and composition

Rectal suppositories include several active ingredients:

  • Heparin Sodium;
  • Prednisolone acetate;
  • Lauromacrogol 600.
  • Additional ingredients: srednetsepochnye triglycerides, colloidal silica, hard fat, glyceryl tristearate.

Produced in cells that are formed in the blisters and packed in cardboard boxes number of 10 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

Active ingredient Gepatrombin T are heparin, lauromacrogol and prednisolone.

  1. Prednisolone - helps to relieve edema, eliminates burning and itching, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect.
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  3. Lauromacrogol - a sclerosing substance hemorrhoid, causing coalescence of its walls, and has a rapid anesthetic action.
  4. Heparin - is an anticoagulant of direct action, it prevents the formation of blood clots, promotes regeneration and healing of tissues, when applied externally reduces swelling and relieves inflammatory phenomenon. The active substance is rapidly absorbed and concentrated in the subcutaneous tissues, through a network of capillaries from penetrating further into the surrounding tissue, improving circulation and blood circulation. Furthermore, this component inhibits the development of stagnation and outputs the decomposition products. After absorption of heparin biotrasformiruetsya in the liver and excreted by the kidneys.


Suppositories Gepatrombin F is indicated for the treatment of diseases of the rectum, with even complicated forms.

The main indications for use are the following states:

  • enlargement and inflammation of internal hemorrhoidal nodules;
  • small cracks in the anus;
  • anal vein thrombosis, characterized by inflammation of the vascular walls and the occurrence of blood clots, which close the lumen of venous vessels;
  • ulcerative lesion of the anal canal;
  • fistulas and eczematous processes in the rectum.

The drug is also capable of preventing the formation of thrombophlebitis of hemorrhoidal veins. Suppositories are often prescribed for more acute hemorrhoid to prepare a patient for surgery, and for accelerating recovery after surgery.


The drug has a number of contraindications:

  1. Skin lesions of various etiology;
  2. Tuberculosis;
  3. Syphilis;
  4. Skin tumors;
  5. Reactions to vaccination;
  6. Bleeding tendency;
  7. The special sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

Adverse reactions

Candles Gepatrombin F from internal hemorrhoids in most situations, are well tolerated by patients. Adverse effects are rare and are characterized by reactions such as:

  • redness of the skin;
  • rash on the mucous membrane;
  • hives;
  • angioedema.

The expression "pobochki" may occur if more than the duration of treatment or the use of multiplicity of suppositories.

Instructions for use

Candles Gepatrombin F used only for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, including after surgery and complicated by thrombophlebitis. The ointment used for the treatment of external haemorrhoids and traumatic or inflammatory disorders of the skin region of the anus.

Candles Gepatrombin T is introduced into the rectum after defecation (spontaneous or induced enema, laxatives, etc) 1 - 2 times a day for 2 - 3 weeks. Before the introduction of the candle should be sure to make a bowel movement. If the natural urge is not there, you must take an enema or laxative allowed. After defecation anal region should wash with cold water, wet and soft towel candle enter into the anus.

For the treatment of inflammatory and traumatic injuries anorectal (fistulas, cracks, itching, etc.) and external hemorrhoids in the acute period under intense pains must apply a thin layer of ointment Gepatrombin T 2 - 4 times per day to the affected area. Some time after the relief of intense pain should go on applying the ointment once a day for a week. Prior to each application of the ointment should wash the anus region with cool water.

Gepatrombin hemorrhoids - reviews

It should be noted that reviews of ointment Gepatrombin D, mainly related to the treatment of hemorrhoids. Typically, the drug is used with resorption hemorrhoidal cones. This therapy is very effective and helps to quickly get rid of unwanted symptoms. You can also find reviews of candlelight Gepatrombin F, but this form of the drug used by patients less frequently, although it is not less effective.

In addition, reviews of D ointment Gepatrombin hemorrhoids reported that sometimes it is not used entirely as intended. For example, this external means may be used for sucking hematomas, which are formed after the injections. There are cases when women ointment was applied to eliminate the swelling and bags under the eyes. In addition to reports on the effectiveness of this drug, you can find stories about the development of adverse events during the improvements. Usually it is an allergic reaction in the form of itching, rashes and swelling.

Despite the fact that this drug is very good in some cases by prescription, use it on their own should not be. This is especially true of cases of pregnancy, when carrying out any treatment requires maximum caution.

Negative comments about Gepatrombin from hemorrhoids due to the ineffectiveness of the drug in the elimination of symptoms and relief of the painful symptoms of the individual. Due to the absence of the effect for which they had hoped, people were disappointed and left no negative feedback.


For drugs with similar effects may include:

  • Relief Advance (candles and ointment);
  • Anuzol (candles);
  • Proctosedyl (ointment and suppositories);
  • Gemorol (ointment);
  • Olestezin (candles);
  • Proktozan (candles and ointment);
  • Gepazolon (candles);
  • Bezornil (ointment);
  • Procto-Glivenol (cream and candles);
  • Rektobelol (candles);
  • Ultraprokt (ointment and suppositories).

Gepatrombin F is a very effective and safe medicine. Use analogues is recommended only in case of intolerance of its components.


Price Gepatrombin F in candlelight varies within 220-300 rubles.

How to buy?

Gepatrombin F refers to the group of OTC drugs. You can buy it in every pharmacy or online store. When you purchase it is important to pay attention to the shelf life and storage characteristics of the drug.

Mr. Gepatrombin well to get rid of even running, severe hemorrhoids. But, it is not necessary to engage in self. This often leads to deterioration. Prescribe drugs individually, after a medical examination.

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