
Norma leukocytes in the blood of women: reasons for increases and decreases

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The natural rate of leukocytes in the blood of women and men are different, as indicated by some of the factors peculiar to the weaker sex (pregnancy, breast, menstruation).

Leukocytes - white blood cells is in the blood, which protect the body from the environment. Their increase indicates the onset of inflammatory processes and of various pathologies in the body, so the normal level leukocytes in women is in a certain range, the deviation of which indicates the need for more accurate diagnostics.

Meaning of leukocytes in the body

Leukocytes protect the body against the penetration of foreign cells. They create a barrier in the event of an attack a variety of viruses, germs or bacteria. They are able to produce specific enzymes and antibodies that bind and cleave malicious formation and then removed breakdown products, outputting them from the body.

Leukocytes tend to move freely pass through the walls of blood vessels in the space between the cells. They capture the chemical composition of substances that emit toxic or disintegrated microorganisms. White blood cells are sent to him in contact with them and split them with the help of enzymes.

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Thus, leukocyte function as follows:

  1. Cleavage and binding harmful substances;
  2. Excretion antigens and dead cells of the human body;
  3. Absorption pathogens which are hazardous to humans;
  4. Production of antibodies - blood plasma protein compounds, which purpose - to resist microbial growth and neutralize toxins secreted by them.

In carrying out these functions, many white blood cells are killed. Therefore, it is important that the body time to replenish the missing amount of white blood cells.

Norma leukocytes in the blood

Depending on the age of the rate of leukocytes in the blood of women is different, as the figure has the effect of physical state: it increases after exercise, and in the evening in the accumulation fatigue.

The normal leukocyte composition of adult human blood, regardless of sex includes:

  • 40 - 75% neutrophils,
  • 20 - 45% lymphocytes,
  • 3 - 8% monocytes,
  • up to 5% of eosinophils,
  • to 1% basophils.

As can be seen, the maximum level belongs to neutrophils and lymphocytes. This is determined by the main task of leukocytes - ensure sufficient immunity.

The woman's body is increasing WBC during menstruation, pregnancy and after childbirth. The following table shows the rate of white blood cells, depending on the age and during pregnancy:

Age, years Normal leukocytes, h109
Up to 16 4,5-12,5
16-20 4,2-10,5
more than 21 4-9
White blood cells during pregnancy 15

Analysis on blood leukocytes during pregnancy, especially towards the end of the period show increased WBC level that is considered normal. This is due to the concentration of white blood cells in the submucosa of the endometrium, so that it is activated contractile work, and the fruit is protected from the penetration of infection.

How to evaluate the deviation?

In the analysis of the blood to the various infringements relating to leukocytes:

  • leukocytosis (Increased number of leukocytes);
  • leucopenia (leucocytes lowered);
  • violation structure leukocyte;
  • appearance cell precursors or immature forms.

A pregnant woman's blood count is studied often enough to detect possible abnormalities. The norm is always taken into account, but it is very far from the manifestations of the disease or pregnancy hidden.

Reasons for increase

Elevated white blood cells in the blood (denoted WBC) in decoding may show the following states:

  1. angina, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and other acute inflammatory processes.
  2. Menstruation.
  3. Overtraining.
  4. Bleeding, especially strong and long-lasting.
  5. Myocardial infarction and stroke.
  6. Long being under the scorching sun or burns.
  7. Overcooling or overheating of the hot tub.
  8. Inflammatory gynecological processes.
  9. Appendicitis or meningitis.
  10. Renal failure in an acute form.

Also the volatility test results depend on many factors, such as quality and quantity of used products,

  • mental and emotional state, as well as:
  • how much you are doing exercise or sports;
  • the season and time of day;
  • climate change;
  • of medications;
  • period before menstruation.

Therefore, physicians share the problems associated with an increased level of leukocytes in the body, physiological and pathological. In the first case, there are to be unpredictable situation because of which increases the level of white blood cells in a healthy person. The second will testify about the development of the body of pathological processes.

Identified leukopenia (high blood leukocytes) necessarily requires qualified treatment to regenerate the body's ability to defend itself. Together with the impact on the disease, which has caused such a deviation from the norm, it is necessary to use drugs, stimulate the production of white blood cells, and pay attention to diet, eat vitamin necessary complexes.

Reasons for decrease

Low blood leukocytes is no less dangerous than their increase. Low white blood cell count in the first place indicates a strong inhibition of the immune system. This condition is called leukopenia and may be provoked and external factors. By the temporary reduction rules can result in:

  1. Admission painkillers.
  2. Recently borne illness.
  3. The recent vaccination.
  4. Painful menstruation.

Pathological causes of reduction may be varied, it is possible to distinguish among them:

  1. Violation of the bone marrow.
  2. Avitaminosis.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Long for infectious disease.
  5. Diet.
  6. Stress.
  7. Low pressure.
  8. Leukemia.
  9. Radiation sickness.
  10. Autoimmune diseases.
  11. Congenital abnormalities.

A decrease in white blood cells poses a serious threat to patient health. The lower the level, the more dangerous condition. The absolute reduction in white blood cells observed in cancer and diseases of the blood after the chemical treatment. In this case, the patient may be missing pour blood cells from a healthy donor.

Preparation for a blood test

In order to reliably determine how many white blood cells are in your blood, the following apply:

Donating analysis is not earlier than 3 hours after ingestion;

  1. Limit physical activity for 30-40 minutes prior to blood donation;
  2. Within 3 hours kofein- and eliminate the use of sugar-containing beverages, alcohol, and tobacco;
  3. Do not take before going to the hospital hot baths, contrast showers and other water treatments uncomfortable to the body temperature.

If these rules levels of white cells may slightly exceed the rate or remain at its upper boundary. This change can lead to diagnostic errors and incorrect assessment of health status.

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