
Strawberries: benefits and harms health

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Everyone's favorite strawberry (colloquially "Victoria") - juicy berry, bright and very tasty, fully lives up to its royal name. Benefits and strawberries harm to the human body is largely determined by its properties that allow use a miracle - a berry, not only as a dessert, but also be used in therapeutic and cosmetic purposes.

Strawberries, besides excellent palatability, has a mass of medicinal properties. Modern nutritionists respect this beautiful berry for its ability to regulate metabolism, and modern cooking "transform" its amazing flavors in new dishes and desserts.


If discoverers beautiful berries attracted the taste, the contemporaries of our pay attention also to the benefit. In this regard, the role played by the product. Despite the fact that in 100 grams of strawberries almost 85 grams of water, the rest part is simply amazing and delights of useful substances.

  • Strawberry comprises: proteins, carbohydrates, fat, water, and dietary fiber.
  • Its chemical composition is rich in vitamins: thiamine, choline, riboflavin, lutein, beta-carotene, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, folate, tocopherol, betaine.
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  • Trace elements: K, Ca, Mg, Na, Ph, Fe, Mn, Cu, Se, F, Zn. And also, it is rich in various amino acids.

Apart from all these goodies, strawberries attracted by its low calorie. 100g delicious, aromatic fruit only 36.9 kcal.

Useful and therapeutic properties of strawberries

The main benefit of strawberry is rich in mineral composition and, of course, it contains vitamins. Its use helps to maintain a healthy vitamin and mineral balance and improves the body's immune function.

Due to its composition, this berry:

  • It strengthens the cardiovascular system, makes the elastic walls of blood vessels;
  • It strengthens the immune system, helps the body to recover from an illness;
  • It accelerates metabolism, purifying the body of toxins;
  • It improves the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating constipation;
  • helps get rid of anemia;
  • endowed with antiinflammatory and disinfectant properties;
  • a diuretic;
  • gently lower blood pressure, alleviate the condition for hypertension;
  • improves vision, protecting the eyes from diseases;
  • It helps to remove stagnant bile;
  • It has powerful afrodiziakalnymi properties, enhancing libido;
  • thanks to the antioxidant properties slows the aging process.

Using strawberries in baby food nourishes the baby nutrients and helps increase resistance against any infections. But to give her kids can be no earlier than seven months of age and under strict supervision, since strawberries potential allergen.

Benefits for women

Thanks to the rich composition of minerals, strawberries normalizes the monthly cycle, contributes to prosperous pregnancy. Doctors recommend therapeutic berry in oncology and cancer, cholecystitis, in viral hepatitis in women.

Benefits for Men

Bright fruit is often called the "love berries" because they contain the element zinc, enhancing male potency, improves the quality of sperm. Ascorbic acid, which is especially a lot of fresh strawberries, increases the production and circulation of the blood, It improves the functioning of the endocrine glands, including those that are responsible for the production of sex hormones.

Also vitamin C prevents the formation of carcinogenic substances. They are often the culprits of prostate cancer. Miracle-vitamin helps to recover faster after exercise, is struggling with a bad mood.

Benefits of strawberries for weight loss (with diet)

Strawberry is present magical product for treating obesity, cellulite. Women who want to be slim, and in the absence of allergies to scented berry can arrange delicious fasting days. The day should eat up to 4-5 with 1.5 kg of strawberries, excluding the use of other products.

Such a diet will be useful not only for the body but also for the beauty of the face, the kidneys, the liver. Acquire fresh face, kidneys, and liver clear of toxins and impurities.

When the strawberries can be harmful?

Despite all the benefits of strawberries, there are a number of contraindications and precautions of use.

Strawberries do not eat in such cases:

  1. The first is the tendency to allergies. Strawberry is considered a potent allergen, especially allergies may be small children. If you see red skin rash, discontinue use of this delicious berry. Or at least minimized.
  2. Strawberries can worsen duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer. It is very active acids, which will irritate a sick stomach and intestines. In this case, you can eat some berries, but only in combination with dairy products. Milk fat will envelop the intestinal wall and will not allow actively annoy slizistuyu.klubnika cream
  3. Better not to eat the early strawberries. To make it faster is ripe, "entrepreneurs" processed berries hazardous chemicals that can cause significant harm to health. In such a strawberry there are no nutrients that occur in the natural maturation.
  4. Strawberries can be an unpleasant surprise in the form of worms. Therefore, before using it must be thoroughly cleaned.
  5. If you have appendicitis, stomach cramps or liver, the strawberries have no worth.
  6. Children under 7 years old can eat 100 grams of strawberries a day. It is no longer necessary to give. The same applies to pregnant women in late term (3 term).

should not eat strawberries, if you drink drugs similar to enalapril, to reduce the pressure.

Masks of strawberry

Strawberry - it is an excellent remedy for skin care. It is well whitens teeth and pigmentation spots. If you plan to clean teeth, then mash the strawberries and add a little soda. Put your finger on the teeth and a little massage. But this procedure is done only once in a couple of months.

  1. Strawberry ice. Freeze the juice mixed with a decoction of chamomile into a mold, and wipe the face with ice. The skin is supple and fresh. A hair strawberry gives a fresh and shine. Also, it perfectly enhances the effect of other components of the mask. Great for wavy and curly locks. Many recipes, but the classic version of the test of time, and it will help you regain your hair. Connect some strawberries, beer, and one egg yolk. Apply on the hair. Leave on for half an hour, and after - wash off.
  2. Whitening face. It is simply wipe skin strawberry juice. But, remember, it contains a sufficient amount of acid, therefore, after drying, wash your face and moisturizer. Also, strawberries has a drying effect and reduces pores. Therefore, a mask of strawberries well suited to combat comedones. It is recommended to make homemade lotion. To this knead 60 milliliters of cucumber and strawberry juice and add 1.2 grams of salicylic acid and 250 milliliters of dry wine. Treat skin after waking up and before going to bed.
  3. Mask against posechennyh tips. Pour warm some water half package of gelatin. Give mass to thicken. After - mashed into a puree, add the berry and absolutely any hair conditioner. Mix. Coat the entire length curls, except the roots. Use the mask on slightly damp hair. Top fix foil and wrap the cloth. Hold 60 minutes. After - rinse the head shampoo without running water. Also, the rinse can be used decoctions of herbs.

strawberry leaves

Strawberry leaves have many useful properties and use them in tincture and tea help in the fight against many diseases.

Leaves are useful in: vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure, diarrhea, abdominal pains and stomach, nausea, pain in joints, cold and purulent inflammations on the skin. Infusions and teas are based on the leaves in the fight against diseases such as ulcer, gastritis, kidney disease, laryngitis, tonsillitis, anemia contraindicated.

There are a variety of effective recipes.

  1. Teaspoon of dried leaves and flowers of strawberry is brewed with 200 ml of water and insist in a thermos for 1 hour. This infusion helps with pain in the throat. They need to rinse the throat and mouth every 3 hours.
  2. A handful of fresh or dried leaves and roots poured 0.5 liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes. You need to take 100 ml before meals. This broth helps with gout.
  3. 2 teaspoons dried leaves are poured with hot water for half an hour and infused. Take a glass of 1 times. Diarrhea is terminated after the first reception.
  4. When hemorrhoids you need to take a pinch of dried leaves, pour boiling water, to insist 40 minutes, strain and drink 50 milliliters a day.
  5. In neurosis mixed spoon strawberry leaf clover boiled water, infused for 20 minutes in a thermos. You can add honey.
  6. 150 grams of tea in daily use removes itching, reduce inflammation in the skin, smoothes the skin, removes shine.
  7. When mental fatigue pinch leaves boiled water and boiled for 4 minutes, then infused hour. Filter and take a spoon 4 times a day.

How best to use strawberries in food?

Most useful for the beauty and the balanced functioning of the body to use bright berries fresh. Remarkably, they are combined with dairy products. Delicate cottage cheese with strawberries and whipped cream is considered to be the most delicious and incredibly healthful dessert. And it's nice to enjoy the viscous and sweet strawberry jam with ice cream quiet summer evening!

Also fragrant berry is used for cooking wine and liqueurs, cocktails and liqueurs, preserves, jams, mousses, puddings. They impart an aroma and delicate flavor gravies and sauces to the dumplings, pancakes, meat. Strawberry jelly - a favorite treat of many children.

How much?

After learning about the incident, many choose to abandon the use of this berry. Doing this can not be! You just need to follow a few tips.

  1. Always thoroughly rinse strawberries before use. This berry will sing on the ground, so its surface can gather far the most useful substances.
  2. Do not eat strawberries with sour cream or sugar. Top salad juicy berries - yogurt, whole milk, yogurt or yogurt.
  3. To provide the body with daily requirement of vitamin B and C, should eat no more than 200-300 grams of strawberries a day. If you have an overabundance of vitamin C, it accumulates in the liver.
  4. Strawberry - an ideal product for those who want to lose weight. And all thanks to the low caloric content. Arrange a 2 handling days. Per night can no longer eat 300-400 g of berries.

Many dipped his head in the strawberry season and forget the berries as soon as it ends. Not necessarily overeat now and deprive themselves of the opportunity I have strawberries in other seasons. The most effective way of conservation - do not jam or compote and strawberries freeze. Do not forget to send in the freezer a few trays with ripe berries to enjoy strawberries, even in winter!

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