
Spider veins on the legs: Causes, treatment, reviews

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Spider veins on the legs - a phenomenon quite common. They are extended subcutaneous blood vessels that are visually resemble sprocket or mesh. Sustainable vasodilation can be triggered by various factors - from the external exposure of the skin to the body's internal problems.

Depending on the cause of vascular patterns on the feet can make a conclusion about the level of danger of this symptom. Single small veins on the legs are often a cosmetic problem, while regularly appearing, progressive vascular patterns suggest such disease as varices.

Causes of

Identify several reasons that contribute to the appearance of spider veins on the face.

The reasons for that were acquired during a person's life:

  1. Phlebeurysm.
  2. Metabolic liver disease.
  3. Autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency.
  4. Stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities.
  5. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  6. Overweight.
  7. Increased vascular permeability due to lack of ascorbic acid.
  8. Dermatological diseases, namely keratosis and annular teleangiektaticheskaya purpura.
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  10. Hormonal disorders in women who use oral contraceptives. Negative on vascular condition may affect the migrated abortions, miscarriages and even the successful completion of pregnancy.

Reasons due to congenital disabilities:

  1. Congenital cavernous and capillary hemangioma.
  2. Congenital neyroangiopatii and poykilodermii.
  3. Progressive dilation of the capillaries inherent nature.
  4. Congenital weakness of connective tissue - VSST. The person may suffer from symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome on and so forth.

Reasons causing compensatory vasodilatation:

  1. The injuries, including operating wounds.
  2. Difficult working conditions.
  3. Radiative forcing.
  4. Nerve strain.
  5. Alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking.
  6. Back-breaking exercise.
  7. Overheating of the body.
  8. Abuse cleaning cosmetic treatments for the skin - the use of masks and peels for the face, causing warming masks.


Type of vessels that create a star:

  • arterial;
  • venous;
  • capillary.

There are differences and apparently look. The appearance of spider veins:

  • arachnids (in all directions);
  • tree (consisting of a branching system, similar to the tree);
  • point;
  • linear (without branches characteristic).

The main thing to realize that, in whatever form does not manifest an asterisk on the body, they can heal and bring the same way.

How are spider veins: photo

The photo below shows how a person manifests disease on their feet.

spider veins treatment of folk remedies

Folk medicine recommends a variety of means to reduce the severity of vascular mesh on the face and body. Firstly, it sorts the compositions for external application.

  1. Tomatoes. Cut ripe tomatoes on mugs, attach them to the sore spot and wrap. Hold compress 4 h, then change the bandage. After the procedure lubricate the skin cream. The course of treatment is ten days.
  2. Almond oil. Applied to the field of cosmetic defects in the morning and at night. Means normalizes vascular tone and helps resorption mikrotrombov forming on the skin of the feet is characteristic star-shaped pattern. Treated before the onset of a positive effect.
  3. Kalanchoe. For the treatment of telangiectasia are preparing the infusion. Leaves of the plant are washed, dried and milled. Impose a half a half-liter jars, pour the boiling water and cleaned in a dark place for several days. After straining the infusion is ready to treat spider veins on the body. Every day you need to wipe his feet, moving from the ankle to the calf.
  4. Herbal. This tool is used to treat veins on the face. It helps to improve the elasticity and tone of the vascular walls. For the preparation you will need three tablespoons of chamomile, plantain, sage, birch leaves, hops, Spanish moss. All components of the mix. Tablespoon mixture pour cup of boiling water, cover and let stand for 30 minutes. Wipe the skin twice a day.
  5. Parsley. To prepare required tablespoon chopped greens, a glass of milk and half a cup of boiling water. First you need to pour boiling water over the parsley and leave for a quarter of an hour to insist. Then strain and add the milk. In the infusion wetted gauze folded in several layers, and applying to the sore spot for 20 minutes. Do the procedure on a daily basis. Used for the treatment of rosacea and spider veins on the legs.
  6. Filbert (hazelnut vulgaris). Make a glass of boiling water 1s.l. bark, insist hour, boil 10 minutes, let cool, drain. Ready to take the broth during the day for the treatment of spider veins, varicose veins, thrombus formation prevention. The course of treatment 30 days.

All these methods are easy to apply at home. In traditional methods of importance given to nutrition since reduction vessel elasticity may be caused by lack of vitamin C, P, C. Therefore, the food is helpful to avoid foods rich in these substances: citrus fruits, berries, cabbage, carrots.


In the complex treatment of spider veins effectively take French vetoniziruyuschy drug Phlebodia 600.

The main advantages of "Phlebodia":

  • per day should take only one tablet, which is very convenient;
  • drug not only reduces the appearance of "stars", but also reduces the veins, as well as a positive effect on the entire vascular system;
  • contains only the highly purified diosmin in optimal dosage - in contrast to the topical preparations (ointments, lotions, gels) it acts on the vascular wall from both inside and outside;
  • preparation shows a wide range of patients, are allowed to take even pregnant women (in I trimester pregnancy application is limited, in the II and III trimester use is possible only by appointment physician);

In addition due to single dose (1 tablet per day) Phlebodia is also most beneficial drug.


Here are some exercises to improve the tone of the lower extremities. They can be easy to perform at home:

  1. Take the initial position (standing, legs spread shoulder-width apart). Slowly raise your heels off the floor to a height of about 5 cm, and then immerse them sharply. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.
  2. Starting position - the same. Tearing off the heel from the floor, move your body weight on your toes and secure this position for a few seconds. Then shift your weight on your heels, toes raised, and so stand fast 4-5 seconds. Return to the starting position. Exercise to be performed for 1 minute.
  3. The next exercise - walking in place. Socks do not have to take the floor; Only lift the heel.
  4. Lift the left leg, bending it at the knee at an angle of 90 °. Turn the stack alternately inwards and outwards by half a minute. Repeat for the other leg. Do 3 sets for each limb.
  5. Lift the left leg and perform vigorous shaking for 5 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat for the other leg. Make 4 Approach.

Removal of spider veins

Hardware removal methods dilated vessels directed not only to improving the appearance of skin condition, but also to improve the blood microcirculation. To remove cosmetic defects in the form of spider veins used in the absence of contraindications minimally invasive techniques, while varicose veins, especially running, involves surgery.

For minimally invasive, gentle methods to help eliminate rosacea include:

  1. Laser photocoagulation - is the most effective and gentle method. The laser beam is directed to the vessel, blood elements absorb radiation, hot gas and gluing. Fabrics are not damaged because the skin takes place by means of cooling cryogenerator. Deleting held several sessions with breaks of up to 2 weeks. Achieved good aesthetic effect. Wrong actions physician may cause burns and scarring, so it is necessary to trust only qualified personnel. Method is ideal for the removal of vascular patterns on the face and neck.
  2. Mikroskleroterapiya - fine needle drug supplied to the vessel (sclerosant) "gluing" vessels. A few days after exposure should wear a compression garment or bandage. Not applicable for the removal of small vessels.
  3. Ozone therapy. Using injection, a skin special ozone mixture flows. After injection of the specific biochemical process takes place, resulting in decay vessels. The method is very good, no burns, stitching or any other flaws.
  4. Electrocoagulation - made "moxibustion" vascular shock with specially specified parameters. You may experience burns neighboring tissues, scars remain. The method is not used to remove blood vessels on the face.

Remedy vascular specialist chooses. You can not have recourse to the elimination of vascular branching during pregnancy and lactation.

Reviews of people

Review people past the removal or treatment of vascular Stars indicates that in most cases a good effect is achieved as from a laser therapy and mikroskleroterapii.

Several sessions correct the underlying vascular network. There are reviews, which are marked individual characteristics of perception procedures: strong, but short-term pain with laser photocoagulation, the formation of a crust on the skin at the site of treatment. There are cases of stars in the same place after some time. However, this once again testifies to the fact that angioektazii - a symptom, while the cause of the disease has not been eliminated.

Part reviews relates to the use of various creams and ointments to relieve the severity of spider veins. Most use them were satisfied with the results, as the stars, if not disappeared altogether, then paled. However, there is no reliable data on how long had such an effect.

Prediction and prevention

When properly chosen, the combined treatment of spider veins disappear once and for all. However, the discussion forums can be read posts where people write that gave a lot of money for treatment, but after a few years the problem of the blood vessels appeared again.

Vessels that have already been resolved and destruction, can not be restored! In this case it is a relapse of the disease with involvement in the process of new blood vessels, to ensure the absence of which can not be neither the most advanced procedures.

To prevent pathological vasodilation, doctors recommend:

  • the therapy of the underlying disease;
  • eliminate precipitating factors;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • cryotherapy status (in the absence of contraindications);
  • taking vitamin preparations K, P, C, sosudoukreplyayuschie preparations based rutoside, diosmin.

In any case, the answer to the question how to get rid of spider veins, can only be a competent physician, and only then - a beautician. Do not forget that under the aesthetic problem often lies a serious disease!

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