
Hyperhidrosis underarm treatment at home

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Hyperhidrosis - this is not just an unpleasant feature of an organism, as a form of infringement of its activities. And even though the vast majority of people who are tormented by this problem, hyperhidrosis - is bad symptom that does not signal a more serious disease, should begin to deal with it immediately.

After all, even the idea that you have such a problem is already causing stress, which is fraught with another increase in the level of sweating. That is, you are caught in a vicious circle from which only one way out - to choose the most appropriate method of treatment that is right for you.

What it is?

Hyperhidrosis - a pathological condition associated with excessive sweating throughout the body (general form) or only in certain areas (local form) - in the armpits, on the palms of the hands or feet in large folds. Local forms of hyperhidrosis are more common.

The causes of hyperhidrosis

The causes of excessive sweating is not completely investigated and so far there is no single point of view on this issue. Hyperhidrosis - what it is: a separate disease or a manifestation of a particular disease organism? In most cases, the unpleasant phenomenon of secondary and experts discussed a number of different causes of hyperhidrosis:

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  • psychogenic factors;
  • malignant tumor;
  • infectious diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis, malaria);
  • neurological disorders (Parkinson's disease, stroke);
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, menopause, obesity, overweight);
  • the use of drugs (e.g., antidepressants);
  • reaction to giving up smoking, alcohol and drugs;
  • intoxication;
  • a genetic disorder.

The disease is classified into two types: general (generalized) and local (idiopathic).


Distinguish general and localized hyperhidrosis:

  1. Overall hyperhidrosis observed when exposed to high ambient temperatures, physical and emotional stress (Physiological hyperhidrosis), as well as a number of diseases (tuberculosis, nervous system, a sharp drop in glucose serum).
  2. The most common form of localized hyperhidrosis - hand-foot hyperhidrosis hyperhidrosis and large folds. Often, these forms are the manifestation of vascular dystonia, as well as the result of non-compliance personal care, flat feet, use the close, rubber footwear, clothing made from synthetic fabrics and t. d.

Hyperhidrosis creates conditions for the development of fungal and pyogenic flora as a result of maceration (softening and swelling) of the skin and changes its acidity.

primary hyperhidrosis

Primary hyperhidrosis - increased sweating in the absence of pathologies which may be accompanied by active operation of the sweat glands. In severe skin on the face, feet and hands are not just getting wet, and covered with sweat.

Primary hyperhidrosis appears in childhood or adolescence, and after 40 tends to be descending. This disease has little to do with the emotional state and the ambient temperature. He is more often permanent, rarely proceeds of attack. Patients can not clearly define what provokes an attack of sweating, as it occurs at rest, at normal temperature, in a well-ventilated area.

Primary hyperhidrosis predominantly local. It covers one or more zones of the foot, palms, underarms, face.

psychogenic hyperhidrosis

Psychogenic hyperhidrosis - increased sweating associated with stress and strong emotions. When stress and anxiety in the blood are thrown high doses of adrenaline. This hormone increases the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, responsible for the functioning of internal organs, including the sweat glands. The nerve centers generated a large number of commands that cause the sweat glands to work harder.

People with psychogenic hyperhidrosis, even slight stimuli cause severe perspiration. For example, if a healthy person with confusion only slightly vspoteyut armpits, then the patient's face can be covered with large drops of sweat, and clothes will be wet spots. Often this is accompanied by redness of the skin. This feature of the body appears to be associated with increased sensitivity receptor responsible for binding of adrenaline.

Due to the fact that during sleep the sympathetic nervous system is resting, and it is dominated by inhibitory processes, the night sweating is reduced.

endocrine hyperhidrosis

Endocrine hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating, accompanying disorders of the endocrine glands. In this case, the patient suffers from a generalized hyperhidrosis, when sweating is amplified throughout the body.

When endocrine pathology in the blood of patients increases levels of hormones. These substances have several mechanisms to control the sweat glands:

  • directly affect the thermoregulatory center;
  • increased excitability and conduction of impulses along the sympathetic nervous system fibers;
  • increase metabolism;
  • dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow, bringing to the sweat glands is more fluid.

Endocrine treatment of hyperhidrosis is engaged endocrinologist, in conjunction with a dermatologist. The mainstay of treatment - hormonal therapy is to restore the normal functioning of the endocrine glands. Other methods are aimed at alleviating the condition of the patients, but they do not eliminate the cause of the disease.

How dangerous is hyperhidrosis?

Primarily Hyperhidrosis provokes the problem of the social plan. Odor and sweat stains cause discomfort to the person and the hostile attitude of others. Illness can ruin personal life and influence the choice of profession. Such people tend to avoid public appearances, which is incompatible with the teaching, work on TV, etc. In severe hyperhidrosis patient severely restricts the communication and starts to close the image life.

Hyperhidrosis can cause the development of certain diseases. So, feet sweating creates favorable conditions for the development of the fungus. A hyperhidrosis underarm and groin area increases the risk of hidradenitis sup- - inflammation of the sweat glands and pus damage to the surrounding tissue. Besides the constant moisture of the skin it is often accompanied by the appearance of diaper rash and pustular rash.

Clinical manifestations

All the people who suffer from excessive sweating, familiar with the unpleasant feeling of sweat running down the skin brook locally skin irritation, instability of the body in front of all fungal diseases - these are the main symptoms of an unpleasant disease.

If you are sweating brings discomfort, you notice that sweat more than the surrounding, the skin because of sweat itch, there is irritation and diaper rash - you need to start to deal with problem.


In the diagnosis of hyperhidrosis is important to gather medical history and conduct a complete and thorough examination of the patient, who has a complaint to heavy sweating. First of all, it excludes secondary hyperhidrosis, which indicates the presence of the disease, which was the cause of this condition.

  1. Through examination of the patient, the doctor will determine what the state of his clothing and whether there are traces of sweat on it. Judge the degree of hyperhidrosis of the armpits can be largest sweat stains on clothing, which appear in the armpits. Thus, if the spot diameter is up to 5 mm, such a condition could arise if a certain physical effort and usually is normal.
  2. If the diameter of perspiration stains on clothes is approximately 10 mm, the patient is present mild hyperhidrosis. The spot diameter of about 20 cm indicates moderate disease, and if the wet spot size even more, we can speak of severe hyperhidrosis.
  3. If we talk about hyperhidrosis of the palms, his mild appears without a drop of sweat: a person just constantly damp palms. If there is a moderate degree of hyperhidrosis of the palms, the sweat stands out drops to the fingertips. In severe disease possible runoff trickles of sweat.

For a more accurate diagnosis of disease using specially developed methods for determining the degree of sweating, namely gravimetric method Minor sample chromatographic method.

hyperhidrosis treatment

Selection procedure is performed treating hyperhidrosis doctor depending on the severity of the symptoms and the individual contraindications to the use of certain medications.

The principles of treatment are to:

  1. Ascertaining (possible) causes excessive sweating and its correction or elimination.
  2. Recommendations on diet and proper compliance regime.
  3. Psychotherapeutic influence and prescribed antidepressants and sedatives.
  4. Specific therapy.

If hyperhidrosis underarm an independent disease, but not a sign of serious diseases listed above, to mitigate its manifestations, today modern medicine offers a lot of different ways and methods treatment:

  1. Physical therapy techniques, such as reflexology, electrolysis, and phonons iontophoresis with glycopyrrolate or atropine sulfate, and gidroprotsedury electrosleep. But their effectiveness is usually short-lived and only manifests itself when ill-defined forms of hyperhidrosis.
  2. Use of preparations for external application with a content of aluminum salts, hexamine, formalin extracts with vegetable tanning agents. They tend to be ineffective. Several higher efficiency in comparison with them, have antiperspirants.
  3. Treatment gipnrgidroza Botox by intradermal or subcutaneous injection. Botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands.
  4. Laser treatment of hyperhidrosis.
  5. Stem endoscopic sympathectomy, the principles of which are described above.
  6. Ultrasonic liposuction (ineffective).
  7. Curettage (scraping) of the inner surface of the skin at axillary hyperhidrosis.
  8. Partial excision of axillary skin.

Procedures such as laser and Boteks - these are extreme measures that should only be used in special cases. These methods are now actively advertised and recommended, however, they have a number of contraindications and can have long-term consequences. Sweating - a natural process of cleansing the body, removing toxins, which interfere in a using such methods may not be safe and have a long-term negative consequences for the health.

Botox treatment of hyperhidrosis

Botox injections are widely used for rejuvenation, and are used for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. When administered intradermal botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses from nerves to the sweat glands, thereby reducing perspiration. A particularly effective method when the axillary (axillary) hyperhidrosis. Carrying out the same of similar procedures on the feet and hands can cause a temporary denial of fingers and less well tolerated by patients because of pain. However, the experience of the doctor and special pain management techniques make it possible to treat hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin of any location.

There are also contraindications for this method:

  • oncological diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • hemophilia;
  • Local allergy;
  • muscle weakness;
  • inflammation in the injection site;
  • antibiotics and blood thinners.

Before treatment, the patients carried Minor sample, allowing accurately define the area in which to make an injection. Then to reduce pain in axillary region applied special anesthetic gel and botulinum toxin is administered by syringe. The effect of the application of this method of treatment is maintained for 6-8 months.

As the laser passes treatment of hyperhidrosis

This method of influence on the sweat glands through a small puncture under local anesthesia. A special needle is inserted through which a laser fiber is held. Thus, processing is performed inside the tissues. In fact, we have burned away the sweat glands.

When the laser technique is first treated axilla iodine and then sprinkled with starch. In those places where sweat glands are located (sweat channels), iodine reaction with starch turns blue. Here at once it is seen as localization of the sweat glands, and the intensity of sweating.

Laser exposure to the sweat glands starts the process of self-destruction. Thus, the amount of iron is significantly reduced. A rash and decreases with it.

Sometimes this operation allows doctors to do 1 - 2 times.

Laser treatment of hyperhidrosis - it's pretty, short procedure. After the completion of such an operation is necessary to observe the following guidelines in the early days:

  • Avoid strenuous exercise in problem areas;
  • not to visit bath, sauna and swimming pools.

In general, this method is widely used around the world. He has no social rehabilitation, and besides, he malotravmatichen. After the treatment, as a rule, the body does not remain scars or cuts.

How to treat hyperhidrosis at home

At home, in order to reduce excessive sweating and increased effectiveness of existing treatments need to do the following:

  1. Eliminate the use of alcohol, stop smoking.
  2. Abandon the use of hot, oily, spicy food. Limit the use of salt. It is worth remembering: the onion and garlic in dishes especially give sweat odor.
  3. Buy clothes only from their natural fabrics. Synthetics do not miss the air and creates a "greenhouse" effect.
  4. Frequent hygienic shower. Most suitable contrast dousing.
  5. Daily change of underwear, socks and tights.
  6. The use of antibacterial insoles in shoes which prevent the proliferation of bacteria and mildew and malodor. Special insoles can be replaced daily sifting soda in shoes. The effect of this will be the same.
  7. Rubbing abundant sweating places (e.g., underarm) soda solution. Using baby powder will help prevent skin maceration and the development of inflammatory reactions - swelling and redness.
  8. Using a decoction of oak and alum - bath and wiping should be used regularly for a long time.
  9. Using deodorant (only on a clean body!). The mixture of sweat and perfume gives no less offensive odor than the actual sweat. Conventional antiperspirant salts include aluminum-blocking gland ducts, in a concentration of up to 3%. However, this is almost always not enough for a person with hyperhidrosis. In such cases, medical help antiperspirants with high salt concentration. Such means of hyperhidrosis underarm used only 1 time per week and for more efficiency are applied at night.

However, to cure hyperhidrosis only household methods can not. In the presence of excessive sweating need to be sure to consult a dermatologist and be screened to identify the cause of this unpleasant problem.


The essence of operation as follows: after anesthesia (sympathectomy is performed under general anesthesia), the surgeon makes a small incision in the chest in the armpit. The cavity is inserted a thin tube, the end of which is located mikrovideokamera. Then through the same two punctures, approximately 0.5 cm, the surgeon inserts instruments.

Watching their progress on the screen, the doctor finds the sympathetic trunk and at the right level crosses a high-frequency current. In the first months after surgery may cause compensatory hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating of other areas of the body.


The way to avoid sweating: dress for the weather, watch out for body hygiene, tempered. Pay attention to the condition of the body - pass the annual health checks, consult with the doctor who treats you, watch the weight. It is important to remember that healthy people also sweat a lot, this does not get rid - fever, and immediately increased sweating. You go to the gym - you sweat. Sweat all, so do not give up on their social life.

If you notice that in stressful situations, increased sweating - lightly sedated. Any pharmacy will offer you support and a wide range of suitable drugs. Modern medicine has become more advanced, there was a mass of cosmetic and medical products to eliminate sweat, so it is now - the diagnosis, but not a sentence.

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