
Limfostazom lower extremities, treatment at home

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Limfostazom lower extremities (legs limfadema, lymphoedema feet) - a disease of the lymphatic system, characterized by the disturbance of lymph circulation and abnormal delay in the lymph tissue.

According to WHO statistics, now lymphostasis diagnosed in 10% of the population of our planet. The progression of this disease prior to the development of elephantiasis generates physical and psychological suffering of the patient and almost always leads to disability. That is why the prevention and treatment of lymphostasis now being given increased attention of Phlebology and lymphologists worldwide.

What it is?

Limfostazom - the defeat of the entire lymphatic system and violation of lymphatic drainage. It simply ceases to circulate and accumulate in tissues. That is why strong legs become swollen, and the skin over time becomes very dense. The problem itself is not passed, and develops into a more serious form, when a person has can hardly move because of the strong thickening feet.

In people, this phenomenon is called elephantiasis because of external similarity with the extremities of the animal. Such stagnation of lymph may develop on one leg or two, as well as touch and hand. From an aesthetic point of view, such a spectacle is very unpleasant, and hide it rather difficult. On the Internet you can see the photos, which show examples of the disease.

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Reasons lymphostasis

Development lymphostasis may caused by several factors, of which the exclusion of the pathological process development can be prevented or lead to permanent regression.

Among the major release:

  • amniotic peretyazhenie vessels;
  • heart disease;
  • congenital disorders of the lymphatic system;
  • small diametric options vascular lumen;
  • tumors of various origins;
  • inflammatory diseases of the skin of feet;
  • hypoalbuminemia (protein deficiency);
  • acute or chronic venous insufficiency;
  • sprains or fractures;
  • renal failure (substitution treatment step);
  • removing node compounds of the lymphatic system;
  • Various parasitic infestation;
  • surgery in the thoracic cavity (e.g. mastectomy);
  • prolonged immobilization.

The causes of the disease can not be linked directly to the lymphatic system, but indirectly exert pathological effects from adjacent organs or systems.

Symptoms lymphostasis, photos

Each of the lower extremities lymphostasis stages have their symptoms (see. Photo).

There are three levels of pathology:

  1. Moderate edema (lymphedema). Swelling is regular runs in the morning, after the holiday increased by exercise. Connective tissues do not proliferate, pale skin, easily detectable forms a crease on palpation. In cold weather it can completely disappear. At this stage there is no irreversible changes.
  2. Irreversible swelling (fibridema). Swelling does not go, there is pain, skin tight, palpation remains footprint by pressure, easily tired legs. At the site of lesions occur cramps, skin is not going to fold, the skin darkens gradually.
  3. Elephantiasis. Connective tissue under the skin is growing strongly, bluish skin, rough, tight. Swelling badly hurt leg limb resembles an elephant, thickening more. There are ulcers, necrotic processes of inflammation. The finiteness of progressively more deformed joints do not bend.

limfostazom feet may develop primary or secondary. Primary limfadema is characterized by dysfunction of the lymphatic system caused by congenital lymphatic pathways and affects either one or both limbs. Lymphostasis primary manifestations occur in childhood and progress in the future.

Secondary lymphostasis develops as a result of injury to the legs or the development of acquired diseases initially correctly formed by the lymphatic system.


In determining therapeutic tactics expedient to hold an extended examination of the patient, which includes:

  1. The most reliable method of diagnosing disorders of lymph transport in the lower extremities - MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  2. Ultrasonography (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs and the entire abdominal cavity;
  3. Duplex scanning vessels of hands and feet;
  4. Ultrasound of the heart, ECG;
  5. BAC (blood chemistry) with binding proteins and determination of liver enzymes (ALT, AST);
  6. X-ray examination (lymphography);
  7. Radionuclide Diagnostics (lymphoscintigraphy);
  8. OMK (urinalysis).

Most likely, all of these diagnostic events will mark not only the development of lymphoedema, but find the cause of these disorders.

Treatment lymphostasis lower extremities

All conservative treatments are used only on the first stage of the disease, even when structural changes in the connective tissue and the skin not yet begun. How will the treatment lymphostasis, depends on what the reason it has caused. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causative factor (e.g., if the pelvic tumor which compresses limfososudy requires its removal).

The main recommendations for patients with this pathology:

  • accurately and in a timely manner to cut nails;
  • when the massage is not to resort to the methods of kneading;
  • You can not wear shoes with lacing or heels (heel increases the burden on the legs and thereby impairs lymphatic flow, and lacing can drag the soft tissue and blood vessels, which also affect the development of this disease);
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the sauna, steam room or sunbathe (thermal action dilates blood vessels, including the lymph, which adversely affects the lymph, blood flow in the lower extremities);
  • processing the slightest skin damage (including insect bites) an antiseptic solution;
  • to avoid static loads and lifting of gravity (prolonged sitting or standing);
  • you can not sit in the position of the foot on the leg, which, incidentally, is a favorite posture of every woman, as you so obstructs blood flow and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs, and legs;
  • abandon tight clothing and tight underwear (especially they compress the lymph nodes, and skin friction leads to trophic disorders);
  • the use of special oil bath at the reception, and after the water treatments required to wipe the skin with lotions and feet creams without preservatives and fragrances that not only protect it but also soften a positive impact on the security barrier;
  • Do not walk barefoot outside the house (there is a high likelihood that the skin is damaged and stop ulcers are formed, which will not heal);
  • use powder (baby powder, talcum powder) with a strong sweating of the feet, which reduces the risk of trophic disorders and sweating).

Lymphedema Treatment at home should be comprehensive, including medication and compression therapy, special massage, a thorough foot care, diet, exercise and medical gymnastics.

  1. Diet in lymphostasis be substantially salt-free and low-calorie, since salt retention in the body fluid, only contributes to the progression of edema. Food limfostazom patients should be rich in plant and animal proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is necessary to limit the amount of sweets, bakery and pasta products, some types of cereals. But the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products is welcome.
  2. Drug treatment comprising administering tablet formulations. Normalize the lymphatic circulation will welcome troksevazin, detraleks and tablets venoruton forte. To improve peripheral circulation appoint Nospanum and teonikol. Restore blood circulation helps the medicine Trental.
  3. When lymphostasis mandatory sessions lymphatic drainage massage, combining a deep massaging the lymph nodes with rhythmic and gentle strokes outer skin. After the massage, the duration of which takes about an hour, we recommend the imposition of a medical bandage.
  4. Compression therapy is reduced to wearing special compression garments with distributed pressure or to regular bandaging the affected limb. For dressing, you can use an elastic bandage or special articles of medical hosiery. Promoting lymphatic drainage, these measures will help to significantly reduce the swelling.
  5. Patients with limfostazom very helpful sessions of physiotherapy, swimming and Nordic walking.

Preparations at lymphostasis

It should be noted that medication lymphostasis leg comprises a wide range of drugs, normalizing lymph and blood flow, reducing the permeability of vascular walls, as well as enhance their elasticity:

  • diuretics - used with caution under medical supervision;
  • antiplatelet agents (blood thinners) - Trentalum, Curantylum;
  • enzyme preparations (Wobenzym, Phlogenzym) - stimulate the immune system, fight edema, anti-inflammatory and fibrinolytic action;
  • phlebotropic means (detraleks, troksevazin and gel troxerutin) - improve tissue microcirculation, increase the tone of veins, lymph reduced;
  • homeopathic remedy - limfomiazot stimulating metabolism, improving and enhancing lymphatic removal of toxins from the body;
  • benzopyrone (coumarin) - reduce high protein edema, blood thinners, activate proteolysis by activation of macrophages; also appointed and dobesilate calcium, by the action similar to benzopyrone;
  • angioprotectors (drug from extracts of horse chestnut) - normalized tone lymphatics and veins, reduce the permeability of the vascular wall, which reduces the intensity of edema (Aescusan, venitan, aestsin);
  • solkoseril - reduces tissue edema, has a regenerative effect, increases vascular tone (stimulates production of collagen in vessel walls);
  • antihistamines - recommended in relapsed erysipelas and inhibit histamine release inhibitory effect on contractile activity limfososudov (see. All antihistamines);
  • immunomodulating agents (succinic acid, tincture of Eleutherococcus, likopid) - stimulate immunity, enhance vascular wall;
  • antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs with trophic skin disorders (ulcer, eczema, erysipelas)
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, vitamin E, PP, P) - strengthen the vascular wall and decrease vascular permeability, have antioxidant effect.

Compression underwear

Medical jersey - saving for patients with pathologies of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Products have a number of advantages:

  1. Functionality. lymphedema treatment is effective to conduct medical knitwear. Stockings, socks, sleeves, not only gently squeeze affected, extended areas of the lymph or blood vessels, but also provide support for the limb.
  2. Convenience. It is unlikely that all have the skills or elastic bandage bandaging basics lymphatic drainage massage. A compression hosiery (stockings, sleeves, socks) afford to put everyone.
  3. Beauty. Treatment lymphedema, edema may be fashionable and stylish. Knitwear made of different colors, stylish design. It can be worn instead of the usual clothes under normal clothing.

Choose medical jersey is only necessary on individual measures. Their relieves the surgeon, medical consultant. For a positive effect on congestion, edema, prolonged use of daily wash stockings or sleeves.


The method involves a combination of lymphatic drainage massage and physical therapy sessions. According to the rules, first for 15 minutes Wire improves lymphatic drainage massage on a special technique, and then followed by 15 minutes of charging. The course of treatment is 14 procedures.


When lymphostasis - is the mainstay of treatment. Equal efficiency have hardware and manual exposure to deeper layers and major blood vessels. Self-massage the arm or leg can not be edema. Elaboration of stagnation start from the groin or armpit area, it is physically difficult to hurt yourself. The propensity to accumulation of lymph and interstitial fluid, edema go through a course of massage specialist.

After the first session after 1 hour you replace that affected limb decreased in size, the body can pass a pleasant "tingling" tingling. This is the signal that lymphatic fluid retention and edema subsides. During the session, the therapist covers the ring finger of an arm or leg, slowly warms up and is working on the deeper layers of tissue. Limfostazom lower limbs or hands can work out a massage brush or roller. The vessels strengthen, and will remove stasis edema. Areas with large varicose nodes, trophic ulcers and other disorders of the skin integrity of the bypass. If during the session there was discomfort, stop the exercise.

The benefits of exercise therapy

In addition massage with lymphostasis lower extremities are very important exercise. They are included in the treatment of this disease. Of course, it is necessary to develop a special package, which should be done 2 times a day. Employment should be given only a quarter of an hour. At the same time on a sick leg compression bandage should be sure to attend.

What exercises can be included in the complex?

  • Bicycle bad leg;
  • Bending and straightening the fingers on his leg;
  • The rotation of the feet alternately in different directions;
  • "Vyrisovyvanie" feet "eight".

The exercises are very easy, but important rule is the daily performance of them.

Treatment of folk remedies

At home, for the treatment of lymphostasis (as an auxiliary medication and only in the initial stages) in the course are various folk remedies. Not being able to describe them all, give a few examples:

  1. Apple vinegar. It strengthens the vessel wall, removes swelling and trophic changes. For trituration vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Rub massage movements from the feet to the hips. Then, after a brief exposure, wash off the solution and applied to the skin cream with a firming effect vessels.
  2. Excellent help compresses. For example, roasted onion mixed with tar pharmacy. Baked onion, rubbed until smooth and add 2-3 tablespoons of tar. The finished mixture is spread on a clean canvas fabric. Cloth evenly distributes the place of local edema, fixed with a bandage and leave overnight.
  3. Dandelion Root - product enhances lymph drainage and tones the vascular wall. Use the infusion dandelion leaves, taking 0.5 cups empty stomach three times a day. To prepare you will need 2 tbsp. spoons dry leaves of dandelion, they need to add 0.5 liters pm. boiled water. Ready infusion drink during the whole next day and in the evening to prepare a fresh batch. It can be used and dandelion roots, but they must be boiled in a waterbath for 5-8 min. in the same volume of water. Ready broth to drink a glass of the morning before eating.
  4. Decoctions of medicinal fees can be used as a night applications. As grasses take St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow. The stock solution add 25ml medical alcohol, aspirin and tablet ampioksa. The composition is impregnated gauze and apply on the affected area of ​​the skin from top to impose a cloth soaked in a salt solution steep and securely fix the bandage, leaving for the night.
  5. Natural herbs have a diuretic effect, have a therapeutic effect, contributing to the rapid elimination of leg edema. Collection of nettle leaves, birch buds and hips mix in equal proportions and then on a water bath for 10-15 min. After filtration, the infusion drink for glass floor three times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
  6. Not bypassed traditional medicine and the active use of leeches. When unexpressed edema can be used 2-3 leeches at a time. In more advanced cases, the number of leeches can be increased to 7-8 units. During the week, you can do two treatment courses. Hirudin, contained in leeches not only perfectly thins the blood, but also strengthens the vascular wall, decreasing the effusion of fluid into the tissue and as a result, significantly reduces leg swelling.

In addition, we should not forget about the other recommendations of doctors to patients who have mature or occur similar problems. They will have to eliminate the bath, sauna, solarium, fragrances and preservatives used in cosmetics for the feet, to give up shoes on high heels, tight clothes, rub skin, avoid heavy lifting, prolonged standing or sitting (especially his legs for leg).


The question of surgical treatment is considered in severe congenital abnormalities of the lymphatic system, there is no effect on the Conservative therapy, progression of lymphedema, soft tissue fibrosis, frequent episodes of erysipelas and the like. d.

Types of surgery:

  1. Dermatofastsiolipektomiya islet method - removal of the modified parts of the skin together with subcutaneous fat, fascia, fibrosis. Preoperative preparation includes several sessions of liposuction needed to get rid of subcutaneous tissue. Surgical intervention is excision of certain zones of the skin to the underlying tissues affected by fibrosis. The resulting wound surface is covered with skin grafts stored or taken with a healthy skin area of ​​the patient's cover.
  2. Tunneling - artificial creation of special channels in the affected areas for the outflow of lymph accumulated in healthy tissue with subsequent absorption into the lymphatic vessels. Temporary tunnels are made of special helical drains or prostheses, constant - portion of the saphenous vein or spirals made of inert material. Shown in advanced form of lymphedema, eliminating any possibility of treating the above methods.
  3. Operation with the creation of anastomoses lymphoveinous. It is indicated for the secondary lymphostasis, especially arisen after exposure to radiation to the lymph nodes or after their removal during a mastectomy. For treatment of primary lymphostasis inefficient. The intervention involves the separation vessels and lymphatic channel connecting them to the adjacent vein using microanastomosis thinnest.
  4. Liposuction - aspiration surgical removal of subcutaneous tissue subjected to fibrotic changes. Carried out in the presence of moderate limited fibrosis.

After any kind of medical treatment is given surgery. Each patient with limfostazom, regardless of the stage of the process is observed in angiohirurga. Maintenance therapy in most cases carried out throughout the life of the patient.


To prevent lymphostasis lower extremities, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • wearing compression hosiery;
  • regularly visit the swimming pool;
  • refuse uncomfortable shoes;
  • Daily drink at least two liters of clean water;
  • every day to make the half-hour walking, cycling;
  • Foot care for skin: sostriganie nail, removing dead skin, treatment of wounds, treatment of insect bites antiseptics or boric acid - everything must be done in a timely manner.

Stagnation in tissues, lymph fluid outflow violation trigger the appearance of other serious diseases and restrict movement. How can prevent the development of disease? If you have already been diagnosed lymphostasis lower extremities - home treatment will help to quickly deal. System exposure to risk factors should not be neglected in patients with a genetic predisposition, or are in remission.

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