
Herpes Body: symptoms, photo, treatment in 2019

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Herpes Body - is an infectious disease that is caused by the herpes virus - one of the most popular in the world, perhaps, after the influenza virus. Usually the disease is manifested rash on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of small groups of painful blisters, but can also affect the nervous tissue and internal organs.

Herpes species exist up to eight species. The causative agent - a highly contagious virus that is very common in nature and is easily transmitted from sick to healthy people.

How do you get?

As passed herpes on the body of a child or adult? Forms of infection (transmission) from a sick person's health depends on the type of virus:

  1. Labial (buccal) The virus is transmitted by kissing, using a common utensils, towels.
  2. Genital - during sexual intercourse;
  3. Chickenpox virus (Zoster) is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Different types of herpes viruses choose their localization. However, they are distributed widely with a low immunity. Genital herpes may appear on the inner surface of the legs, thighs and buttocks. Oral - on the cheeks, neck, shoulders and back.

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The causes of herpes is a virus. Various types of herpesvirus (Herpesviridae) are localized in different parts of the body (labial - around the mouth, genital - in the genital area zoster - throughout the body in the form of chickenpox). Susceptibility to viral infection depends on the state of immunity. The form of the disease (heavy or light), the number of lesions as determined immunity.

As major medical illness such instigators distinguished:

  • use of certain drugs;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • severe overheating;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • Chronic lack of sleep;
  • avitaminosis;
  • long nerve overload;
  • diabetes;
  • frequent infections (influenza, respiratory diseases, SARS);
  • age over 50 years.

If a strong immunity, the virus can not be manifested externally, localized in nerve tissue and stored in a dormant (latent) state. When a weakened immune system, herpes virus generates extensive rash on the body, causing the temperature. Average state immunity allows the appearance of a rash on the body in the form of bubbles, but quickly locates the rash appeared, and for 10-14 days heals skin wounds.


Experts identify the 8 species of herpes virus, each of which has its own special features in the picture of the disease, the flow dynamics and therapy. Thus, we consider each of these in more detail:

  1. The most common are considered to be HSV-1 and HSV-2. These types of herpes on the body hit the lip (bubbles people call a cold) and genitals. Herpes type 2 is called the genital.
  2. 3 herpes type familiar to physicians and patients for diseases such as chickenpox and shingles. In childhood, the body is covered with elements of chickenpox but pathology symptoms easily cropped. Secondary infection gives specific rash on the body. Treat shingles need complex involving antiviral action of external agents and oral preparations Hour (antihistamines, analgesics, vitamins).
  3. The fourth type of herpes virus (synonym - Epstein-Barr disease) - rarely seen, may provoke mononucleosis and Hodgkin's disease.
  4. 5 ons "cytomegalovirus" type of herpes disease. Venereologists consider him a sexual infection, because the strain is transmitted through unprotected intercourse. But it also spreads through the air and blood transfusion between infected and healthy in terms of human herpes.
  5. Herpes 6, 7 and 8 types are not fully known. There is a hypothesis that the virus manifests sudden rash or affects the nervous system in a way that causes the neurological disorders.

Bubbles herpes simplex jump not only on the skin. In some cases, the pathogen is localized under the nails or cuticles. Such a condition is called "herpetic whitlow".

Symptoms of herpes on the body

At first, the disease adult experiences a slight fever, general weakness, decreased appetite, body aches, especially in the area of ​​future herpes sores, most often in the course of the peripheral nerves. Typically, this period lasts up to four days, with varying intensity, and symptoms of intoxication.

The most common sites of localization of the virus are:

  • The skin of the lips.
  • The skin on the face, ears and neck (herpes, located in this area can be seen athletes to get involved in those sports that require contact with other people).
  • Genital area in both sexes, in the vagina and labia in women.
  • Buttocks and thighs (in most cases it occurs after anal sex with a partner infected with genital herpes).
  • On the abdomen, flanks, bending elbows and knees (there are localized virus in people with weak immune systems).
  • On the skin around the nail plate and under them.
  • The skin on the eyelids.
  • Predkornevaya area of ​​the head, in this case, a person feels a strong itching and burning of the dermis at the base of the hair, as this virus provokes copious dandruff.

Then there is a period of lesions when there herpetiformis blisters along nerves. Moreover, when there is a reproduction of the herpes virus in the body, the symptoms can be distributed on several nerve trunks. Favorite localization of herpes zoster is a projection of the intercostal nerve, the trigeminal nerve in the face, sometimes a rash on the thighs and genital area. Rash resembles group vesicles which are disposed on the compacted reddened skin, inside the bubbles contained serous fluid.

In places where there is a burning rash enough intense paroxysmal pain, worse at night. Sometimes the symptoms of herpes are characterized by disorders of tactile sensitivity in places nerve damage - the facial, oculomotor nerves, limbs and abdomen, the sphincter Bladder. As soon subsides febrile temperature, and reduced toxicity symptoms, improving the general state of the patient.

The severity of this disease is largely determined by the state of human immunity depends on concomitant diseases and herpes localization. Symptoms are characterized by the most intense pain and different flow duration - is damage to the nerves of the head and face when affected by the eyelids and cornea.

How to treat cold sores on the body?

Get rid of the blisters on the body and calm the grown-virus drugs and pills to help different groups:

  1. painkillers. Remove the soreness and irritation of the skin to help Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. The body can be lubricated outer drugs with lidocaine or acetaminophen.
  2. antiviral - Valtrex, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Viroleks. Antiviral agents better to drink before the pimples when just beginning to disturb an itch. External preparations Gerperaks, Serol, Acyclovir blisters lubricated every 3 hour. At night, the skin is wiped with an antiseptic. In advanced cases of drug administered by injection.
  3. Promote healing of broken elements Panthenol spray and ointment Depantenol.
  4. For the prevention of infection of wounds treated with blisters antiseptics (zinc ointment and with streptotsidom, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).

Since herpes virus is active with weakened immunity, it is important to strengthen the body's defenses and bring recovery. To improve the immunity shown Cyclopheron courses and polioksidoniya. Mineral supplements and vitamins E, A, C patients prescribed for internal use. Intramuscularly administered vitamins B.

Ointments and creams to treat

For the treatment of lesions on the body of the patient is recommended to smear the affected area antiherpethetical ointments and creams with an antiviral effect. In the acute stage herpes agent must be applied to the body every 4 - 5 hours. At night, before going to sleep, you need a cream rinse with water and wipe the centers of lesions with liquid antiseptic solution.

What is possible to spread the rash on the body:

  1. Gerpferon - Acyclovir is a combination of lidocaine and interferon; ointment is indicated for acute herpes.
  2. acyclovir - the mainstay of treatment, the most popular means antiherpetic. The cream is applied to the lesion 5 times a day for 7 - 9 days.
  3. Penciclovir - used to combat the herpes virus when acyclovir is powerless, as it has much more powerful antiviral activity.
  4. "Golden Star" - the Vietnamese balm for body rubbing and accelerate the skin regeneration process.
  5. Children rubbing "Dr. Mom" ​​- disinfects the skin and reduces inflammation in it.
  6. Antivirus gel Panavir - herbal remedy for a variety of viruses.
  7. Zinc ointment or streptocidal - dries inflamed vesicles.
  8. Ointment Depantenol - contribute to the rapid healing of ulcers and skin epithelialization.

Tablets for the treatment of

The following table presents some of the most effective modern drugs against herpes simplex virus, taken for the treatment of herpes on the body in adults orally in tablet form:

The drug and its analogues Recommended standard regimen
Acyclovir (Viroleks, Zovirax, Supraviran, Tsiklovir, Provirsan, Tsitivir) Acts at a cellular level by inhibiting the activity of both types of herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2) and varicella zoster virus, regardless of the location of rash, it possesses immunomodulating properties.

Take 4 - 5 tablets (200 mg or 400, depending on the age and the severity of the disease) per day for 7 days.

Valtrex (Valacyclovir, Vatsireks, Valtsikon, Vayrova) Converts own active substance acyclovir, depressing production of herpes virus DNA /

Take one tablet (500 mg), 2 times a day for 5 - 10 days.

Famciclovir (Famvir) The drug treats herpes and shingles, is indicated for the treatment of exacerbations of chronic form of the disease and for the prevention of recurrent herpes attacks.

Take one tablet (500 mg) 3 times a day for weeks


It is worth noting that herpes - a contagious disease. Most often infection occurs during the formation of pimples containing serous fluid resembling and pustules. The disease is considered to be safe for others after visiting places of rashes on the body dry crusts. Still need to be careful and comply with bed rest until they are cured. Not wash in a hot bath.

  1. To avoid the spread of the disease, all patients should have things for personal use, some of the members of their family. Also, until recovery to avoid tactile contact with their relatives, children and strangers.
  2. During the progression of the disease can not use cosmetics (including shampoos, scrubs and gels) because of potential allergic rashes and deterioration after the rash spread on body. Bathing in a shower can be not more than 3 times per week. If possible, better to abandon the frequent contact with water, because the habit of frequent bathing promotes "spreading of" acne on the body.

Until the formation of crusts on the sores, we recommend using only of underwear made of cotton. When pimples burst, resulting from their serous fluid in contact with the clothing will not cause allergic reactions, irritation and painful sensations. Natural linen cloth has absorbed all the liquid, without causing infection.


During treatment to symptoms decreased, stick to the diet, which involves high content of lysine. The milk and milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt (preferably unsweetened). Eat a salad of seaweed, it is rich in iodine. Give preference to poultry dishes, potatoes and eggs. Do not forget the fresh fruits and vegetables. In moderation, consume beans. Additionally, take vitamins A, E and C, it will help fight illness.

Refuse from time to fatty foods, chocolate, cocoa, nuts and seeds. Coffee in the morning, replace the green tea. Vegetable exclude tomatoes.

Folk remedies

Consider a few popular ways how to cure herpes blisters in the home.

  1. Thin young raspberry shoots wash and grind in a meat grinder. Ready mass as a compress applied to the rash at night.
  2. Brew tea-time, remove the bag from the cup and apply it to the affected area for 30 minutes. Do the procedure 3 times a day.
  3. Washed leaves of cinquefoil grind in a blender. The resulting slurry of plants spread over the area of ​​lesions and fixed with gauze and plaster. An hour later, remove the wrap and rinse it with water.
  4. At night, make a nidus cut aloe leaf lengthwise cut down. Secure the bandage with a bandage and leave overnight. In the morning remove and treat the problem area with an antiseptic.
  5. You can smear herpes blisters fresh birch tar.
  6. Honey - has long been a folk remedy used to treat herpes. Applied to the pockets of rashes mixture of 10 g of the sieved wood ash and 20 g honey. Keep a compress all night, morning, remove and rinse with water.
  7. Treatment of herpes can be supplemented by wiping problem areas with ice made from clean boiled water.

It is useful to take a bath before going to bed with the infusion of succession, chamomile, oak bark.

How to prevent recurrence of the disease and

Clear scheme prevention of herpes rash on the body is not present. There is a vaccine used against herpes zoster, but for its introduction, there are some contraindications: allergy, pregnancy, acute respiratory disease.

Establish the work of the immune system to help special preparations - immunomodulators, appointed physician-immunologist after the results of the survey and ad hoc analyzes.

Based on the fact that the virus behaves in a weakened body, great attention should be paid to health. To strengthen the immune system make it a habit to eat correctly and on time. Classes at the fitness center and gym will enhance health. Sauna and steam bath will also come in handy and will play a positive role in the prevention of herpes. No miracle drugs are not able to compete with a healthy lifestyle.

What doctor treats cold sores on the body?

Choosing a specialist should be made on the basis of where it is localized herpes:

  • with a simple type on the lips should visit a dermatologist;
  • rashes on the genitals should be the reason for the conversion to a gynecologist or urologist;
  • set the development of herpes on the eyes and can an ordinary therapist, but the patient is required to be sent for inspection to an ophthalmologist;
  • the location of the lesions on the body in different localization (face, neck, butt) - you need to go to a therapist.

It is said that taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the disease, all patients with such a diagnosis is further sent for consultation to the immunologist.

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