
Tachycardia: symptoms and treatment at home

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Tachycardia heart - this is not a separate illness, but a symptom or condition in which there can be more unpleasant manifestations on the part of the body except the heart palpitations. In some cases, the tachycardia is able to flow and "background", without causing any discomfort. Depending on the specific condition of the overall cardiac rhythm can be "torn" and unstable or be in the normal range on the base.

At the physiological level in this form of heart arrhythmia does not manage to completely fill with blood before contraction of the muscle is carried out. blood flow velocity in the body increases, there are pressure drops, because it turns out a considerable burden on the whole cardiovascular system. In a situation where the tachycardia becomes a constant companion of man, the risk of an early heart exhaustion and heart failure.

What it is?

Tachycardia - increase in heart rate (HR) of 90 bpm. It is necessary to distinguish between tachycardia as a pathological phenomenon, that is, an increase in resting heart rate and tachycardia as the normal physiological phenomenon (increase in heart rate as a result of exercise, anxiety or fear).

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It is understood that a tachycardia - is not a disease but a symptom, because it can occur as a manifestation of many diseases. The most frequent causes of tachycardia are disorders of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, hemodynamics disorders and various forms of arrhythmia.

Reasons for tachycardia

To understand what a tachycardia, it is important to bear in mind that the heart is manifested tachycardia due to many different reasons. Thus, such a state may occur as a natural response of the human organism and on the emotional burden too heavy physical labor.

Also tachycardia may be accompanied by fever, smoking, use of high doses of alcohol. Heartbeat becomes more frequent in the case of the sharp decrease in blood pressure, anemia and, accordingly, decreasing hemoglobin level, as a consequence of the development of malignant tumors, purulent infections, increased thyroid function gland. Tachycardia may also occur as a consequence of the treatment of certain medications.

There is also a tachycardia arising due to the presence of heart muscle disease or because of irregularities in the heart's electrical conduction. Tachycardia heart - this is the first sign of cardiac decompensation. Also, such a state is a result of shock or collapse (which may be fainting, bleeding, etc.), As a result of the reflex to the lowering of blood pressure.

The tendency to tachycardia is a common symptom in people with vascular dystonia. As a rule, in this case the patients are younger. Rapid heart rate observed in patients with neuroses.

symptoms of tachycardia

Depending on the type of tachycardia, the symptoms will vary. Let us examine closely each form.

Sinus tachycardia in adults may be asymptomatic or accompanied by mild symptoms:

  • frequent dizziness,
  • feeling short of breath,
  • weakness,
  • dyspnea,
  • insomnia,
  • fatigue,
  • loss of appetite,
  • persistent palpitations,
  • decreased performance and mood impairment.
  • sinus tachycardia is characterized by gradual onset and end. Reducing the cardiac output is accompanied by circulatory disturbance various tissues and organs. May experience dizziness, fainting, in the case of lesions of the brain vessels - seizures, focal neurological disorders.

There are two types of ventricular tachycardia, characterized by their symptoms:

  1. Hemodynamically stable - heart palpitations, heaviness, tightening in the heart, in the chest, dizziness;
  2. Hemodynamically unstable - the patient loses consciousness within a few seconds after the first manifestations of ventricular tachycardia. It occurs suddenly, in the latter case the loss of consciousness is only a manifestation of increasing the heart rate.

Atrial tachycardia or may be asymptomatic patients experience a palpitation. In some cases, there is dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain. Older people may not pay attention to a slight increase in heart rate.

Atrioventricular tachycardia. Proceeds with a high frequency of attacks is very rare clinically significant. They are accompanied by:

  • decrease in blood pressure,
  • angioznymi pain,
  • suffocation,
  • pulsation in the neck,
  • impaired consciousness.

Begins suddenly, attack duration - from several minutes to several days. It is most common in women and is usually not associated with heart disease.

What happens if not treated?

pathological order tachycardia, left unattended for a long time, is able to trigger the following states:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • lung and brain edema;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thromboembolism;
  • asthma heart;
  • arrhythmic shock.

The main threat to the health and lives are chronic disorders in the rhythm, the speed of the heart. As well as the pathological variants of tachycardia, which can trigger heart attacks and ventricular fibrillation leading to death.

In addition to the rapid deterioration of the heart, heart palpitations, occurs often leads to hypoxia, as quickly circulating blood throughout the body does not manage to suck the oxygen. When unexpected strong attacks, causing dizziness and fainting, injuries may occur in the fall.

heart tachycardia Treatment

The main areas of treatment of tachycardia is to prevent it in future attacks, minimizing complications caused and bringing the heart rate to normal. Treatment of tachycardia may be medicated with the assignment of special drugs, or it may be a change of lifestyle of the sick, avoiding stressful situations and high-grade vacation.

Therefore, based on the treatment of tachycardia are lifestyle changes and elimination of factors causing heart rate gain or affecting the heart. These factors include:

  • Spicy food;
  • Stress, emotionally charged state;
  • Physical exercise;
  • Caffeinated beverages, other stimulants;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Smoking.

When paroxysms atrial tachycardia resorted to the use of so-called vagal techniques designed to give additional vagal tone, quenching excitation in the cardiac muscle:

  • Pressing on the region, an angled lower jaw;
  • Evoke the gag reflex;
  • Take a deep breath and straining;
  • Intensive exhalation against a closed nose and mouth;
  • Pressing on the inner upper corner of the eyeball;
  • Immersion face in cold water (or rubbing face).

Vagal techniques should not be administered during cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels. In most cases, are not life-threatening tachycardia basis of treatment is medications.


When pathological tachycardia prescribers, however independent they do not use It recommended, as they affect different parts of the body and only a doctor prescribe medication, suitable patient.

  • Concor, antenolol and egilok - drugs that reduce stress. Used in sinus tachycardia manifestation.
  • Ritmonorm, VFS - tachycardia provoked arrythmia.
  • Digoxin - tachycardia, triggered by heart failure.
  • Cordarone, sotageksal - with paroxysms of tachycardia.
  • Patients suffering from tachycardia in the background of excessive emotionality, prescribed sedatives.

Tachycardia is also treated using minimally invasive surgery techniques - no scars, under local anesthesia. This can be radiofrequency ablation, setting an artificial pacemaker et al.

Folk remedies

If a sinus tachycardia (and not each!) Folk remedies can somehow handle the treatment of ventricular tachycardia, which often it requires urgent resuscitation, just out of the question, so the patient needs to know which version got it and what happened to him do. But still should be pre-consult with the doctor. What if the patient has no further diagnosis?

  1. Vitamin balm. Prescription medications called vitamin balsam consists of hawthorn berries and viburnum, taken liter jar, cranberries (enough for half a liter) and rosehips also pint. All this is gradually layered into a 5 liter jar, sprinkling each layer of a glass of sugar, and better pouring the same amount of honey. To the thus prepared drug is added to a liter of vodka, which is three weeks absorbs all the healing properties of the ingredients and become a full national treatment for tachycardia. The resulting mixture is taken until the end (50 mL morning and evening). If someone alcohol is contraindicated, the infusion can be prepared without vodka. The rest of the infusion of smart people do not throw the berries and added to tea, which they give flavor and contribute nutrients as they did not lose them in the process of infusion.
  2. Hawthorn. Many tinctures from tachycardia in the structure have hawthorn, valerian and motherwort. They differ only in some tincture of them to add. Some add Corvalol others - peony, and some even buy in a drugstore ready to collect themselves insist on the vodka or alcohol and taking. I would like to note that hardly vodka infusions can be absolutely safe for prolonged use, especially for children. Still, it's alcohol solutions and tincture of hawthorn is often called by the people "pharmacy brandy." Taking three times a day on a tablespoon, a little man gets used to the drugs infused with alcohol and it must be remembered. This is especially true of persons with a history of history in this regard. In addition, there are recipes that do not require the mandatory addition of alcohol-containing liquids.
  3. Juices of fruits and vegetables. Said to be very useful vegetable juices, which, if not cured tachycardia, the harm will not bring clear. For example, juice, beet, carrots and radish (mixed in equal proportions) should be drunk 3 times daily with 100 ml of 3 months. Or black radish juice, flavored with honey (ratio - 1: 1) need to take a month of art. spoon morning, afternoon and evening. And you can make a paste of onion and apple and eat it every day in between meals.

In addition to folk remedies at home you can use:

  1. Breathing Yogis. To restore the normal rhythm of the heart rate is obtained if for a minute to breathe the air of one nostril and out through the other. To do this, close the nostrils alternately finger.
  2. Curative mixture of tachycardia. 2 Chop walnuts and mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey, add the lemon zest. Eat a serving of gruel before going to bed every day for a month, then make a 10-day break and repeat the course.
  3. Eye Massage. Push the orbit fingers, providing the pressure for a few seconds. Give your eyes a rest and repeat the massage. The intensity of pressing must not be weak or excessive.


The prevention of tachycardia include:

  • restriction of the use of caffeinated drinks and energy;
  • restriction or elimination of alcohol and smoking;
  • early diagnosis and identification of the reasons for its removal to undergo timely treatment;
  • receiving vitamin-mineral complexes containing potassium and magnesium;
  • restriction exercise, walking outdoors;
  • adherence to sleep and rest;
  • incorporation in food products rich in potassium and magnesium grapes, parsley, black currant, pineapple, peach, banana;
  • a balanced diet, which should be a regular, fractional and small portions. Faceted use of fatty, fried foods, sugary foods.

When repeated attacks of tachycardia on the background of the development of other symptoms is a reason to see a doctor. It should be remembered that the tachycardia - a symptom of many serious diseases.


Sinus and supraventricular tachycardia prognostically more favorable than ventricular. The forecast for the final determined by the nature of the underlying disease. For example, a successful surgical correction of heart disease and slow the development of heart failure, prognosis favorable, and with extensive acute myocardial infarction occurred on the background of ventricular tachycardia adverse.

Also, the prognosis depends on whether the left ventricular function is preserved. If the ejection fraction of the heart ultrasound within the normal limit (60% or more), the risk of cardiac death less than in low ejection fraction, as normally functioning ventricle is less susceptible to the action of arrhythmogenic factors. Provided continuous use of antiarrhythmic drugs in combination with beta - blockers risk cardiac death is significantly reduced.

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