
Periodontal disease: treatment regimen at home. Symptoms and Causes of periodontal disease

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Periodontal disease - a disease of the gums that is not associated with inflammatory processes, in which there is a disturbance in the nutrition of the affected tissues. If left untreated the disease affects the jaw bone and leads to loss of teeth.

Dental disease is diagnosed it is often enough, so today there are many ways to treat it. Used with success can be as a means of traditional medicine and traditional healers drugs, time-tested. Regardless of what treatment is chosen, it should be remembered that the sooner it is started, the faster the recovery will come, and the lower the risk of tooth loss.

What it is?

Periodontal disease - a disease of the oral cavity, wherein the collapse begins periodontium (periodontal tissue, which is responsible for fixing the teeth).

This is a problem faced by 90 percent of our fellow citizens over the age of 35 years. Initially, you can not pay attention to the signs, because they are small (sensitivity to sweet and salty foods, changing the color of the gums), resulting in a mystery illness progresses, destroying Periodontitis and exposing nerves teeth.

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Causes of

Causes of periodontal disease, as opposed to the inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues, mostly of a general nature:

1) Local causes: overbite.

2) Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system:

  • vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia, Angina pectoris;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • trophic disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system.

3) Avitaminosis, gastrointestinal disease: lack of vitamins, nutrients due to violations of digestion and absorption disorders leading to the exchange.

4) Metabolic disorders: sharp protein synthesis delay system osteoporosis, Violation of the updating and building bone.

5) Hereditary factors: the presence of certain cells (the so-called high-risk monocytes-macrophages), producing substances that dissolve bone.

Despite the well-known view that the bacteria are not involved in the development of periodontal disease, some scientists still proved the role of prostaglandin E2 type emitted by the impact of certain toxins periodontopathogenic bacteria. When this inflammation, as such, does not develop, and provokes the destruction and degeneration of bone tissue.

symptoms of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease can not be called a silent disease. According to the characteristic features of the disease a person can even detect the presence of the disease on their own.

The main symptoms of periodontal disease are:

  • slight swelling of the gums;
  • slight pain;
  • halitosis;
  • pale gums;
  • the presence of a burning sensation in the gums;
  • the presence of itching in the gums;
  • the presence of abundant bacterial plaque;
  • Root canal opening;
  • bleeding in the use of hard food;
  • bleeding even during brushing with a soft brush;
  • decrease in the stability of teeth.

The presence of even a part of the manifestations of periodontal disease should alert the person seriously and bring it to the dentist. The doctor will evaluate the patient's condition correctly, determine the extent of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What is periodontal disease: Photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

Periodontal disease - treatment at home

Self-treatment of periodontal disease, without the involvement of a professional doctor, is highly undesirable. The disease is treated for a long time and are difficult even with the use of intensive care and self can (at best) be ineffective.

But there are methods of treatment in the home, which is very useful to use in conjunction with a regular visit to the periodontist. The main objective in the treatment of periodontal disease - to prevent the formation of plaque:

  • primarily improve toothbrushing technique, focusing on hard to reach places;
  • floss after each meal;
  • rinse teeth medical antiseptic agent at least the night;
  • corrected (if necessary) an occlusion of the teeth;
  • find conscientious dentist who makes beautiful, thick edge on the crowns, fillings and carefully grind.

Treatment of traditional medicine is recommended only in conjunction with a professional treatment at a dental clinic, as periodontal disease is treated quite difficult. Next, go to the most effective and have a reasonable basis for, because they got rid of the disease even our grandparents.

Here is a list:

  1. Immortelle, calamus and elecampane mixed in the same amount. Separate from the total mass 50 g of raw material and pour the amount floor liter bottle of vodka. Put the infusion in a dark place for 10-14 days (the contents of the shake every day). The glass lukewarm water add 1 hour. a spoonful of the infusion, and that content to rinse the mouth every day.
  2. Aloe vera. This succulent full medicinal properties that heal and cure a lot of diseases and ailments. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties very quickly kill bacteria, preventing the spread of infection. Application. Over the fresh leaves of aloe vera cut edges and cut the sheet into two parts. Grate gel sheet side gums and teeth and massage for five minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Repeat three times a day. Gums heal as soon as possible.
  3. honey treatment. Honey is a traditional remedy, used in the treatment of many treatment medomzabolevany. He applied and parodontosis. Pre should make sure there is no allergic reaction to honey. Discomfort in the gums can be eliminated rubbed 20 c. honey 10 grams. salt. The mixture becomes so dense that from it we can roll a ball. Further, this ball is wrapped in a clean cloth. Thus produced bag should rub gums.
  4. Crush two garlic cloves and blend it with tea brewing (1 hr. a spoon). The resulting mixture was poured into tea maker and brewed as tea. Rinse mouth means you need at least 14 days on a daily basis.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil has a calming effect on the gums. Necessary richly oiled cotton swab and apply it to the affected areas especially in pockets.
  6. Needles (200 g pine needles) to fill a glass clean cold water. Placing over medium heat, bring to a boil the broth, and then left on the heat for another 15 minutes. Large spoon of honey dissolved in a warm broth, then should start rinsing.
  7. Calendula has a powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Alcohol tinctures of calendula from the pharmacy for the treatment of periodontal disease is not appropriate, it is best to cook yourself infusion. 3 tsp flowers pour half a liter of boiling water, leave for at least half an hour, drain. Once the broth has cooled, to rinse their mouth in the morning and evening.
  8. Sea salt. In terms of home treatment of periodontitis will help such folk remedy, sea salt without various impurities, sage tincture or chamomile and sometimes oak bark, vitamin-mineral complex, adaptive toothpastes. When salt help treat disease long time. To do this, it was crushed and used to rub the gums and teeth. This method is perfectly compatible with all kinds of mouth rinses and tooth cleaning ingredients described above.

Use methods of folk medicine against periodontal disease is possible only after consulting with your doctor.

Diet with periodontitis

It's time to pay attention to nutrition with periodontitis. With the defeat and pain in the mouth a person is simply obliged to see to it that he eats and in what form products fall into his mouth.

  • You need to eat more solid food, which helps to strengthen and massage the gums. The food should chew. Include in your daily diet as much as possible fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Should be excluded from the daily diet consumption of coffee, black tea and any other beverages containing gases and dyes. It is important to give the sweet promoting tooth decay, plaque formation and bacterial accumulation in the oral cavity. Also discard the chips and cookies.
  • Do not forget about dairy products that must be present in the food - cheese, sour cream, milk, yogurt, starter, cheese and others. In such products, full of calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth.

We present our approximate diet menu with periodontitis:

  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, green tea, carrot or apple.
  • Second breakfast (lunch) - a salad of cabbage and carrots, olive oil, orange or a few apricots, broth hips.
  • Dinner - pea soup, braised beef with buckwheat, coleslaw, tomatoes and bell pepper, juice.
  • Snack - dried fruit, yogurt, fresh vegetables or fruit.
  • Dinner - liver cutlets with steamed carrots, a salad of cauliflower, fermented baked milk.

When periodontal disease in most cases to a speedy recovery is the observance of a balanced diet. Diet with periodontitis should be observed for at least 6 months before full recovery of the patient.


Gymnastic exercises stimulate the jaw muscle tension due to which blood starts to act more actively to the teeth and gums.

How to conduct exercises:

  • In the first 5-7 days: take the teeth small wooden stick and gently biting her bottom up.
  • The next 2-3 weeks the task is complicated: tightly clenched teeth sprig, from left to right and back and forth to carry out the movement of the jaws.
  • Next added another exercise, one end is clamped tightly sprigs teeth, holding the other end, it is necessary to try to pull the rod from the mouth.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is better to take a sprig of oak and pine trees.

We should not forget that any of these methods may cause a side effect in the form of allergic reactions to components. Therefore it is necessary to use traditional methods of treatment of periodontal disease with caution.


The course of their reception varies depending on how pronounced the pathological process, but the average is 10-14 days. Antibiotics may be taken as a tablet or administered to a patient intramuscularly. Their method has antimicrobial effects.

The correct dosage selected specialist, you will need to take into account characteristics of the patient. For example, if he is suffering from diabetes, an antibiotic is prescribed fluoroquinolone. In parallel with their reception, doctors often prescribe Metronidazol and vitamins. Metronidazol (Trichopolum) is a universal anti-microbial agent, acting on pathogenic flora of the oral cavity, and vitamin complex strengthens immunity.

Gels and ointments

This means for topical application, they are applied directly to the gum. They have on the gum strengthens anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect, normalize blood flow in vessels, heal the damaged epithelium.

Due to its structure, gels and ointments are perfectly absorbed. If a patient has periodontal pockets formed, the gel is put directly into them. Most often, experts appointed by the heparin ointment troksevazin, cryogel. They improve blood flow to periodontal tissues.

Physical therapy procedures

Positive effect on periodontal disease have such physiotherapy as:

  1. Darsonvalization and dynamic currents - operate on the same principle as the massage. They contribute to the stabilization of trophic and suspend atrophy.
  2. Massage the gums - is carried out using a special apparatus. In this case, the blood flow to the periodontal tissues is enhanced, improving metabolism.
  3. Self-massage the gums is also allowed, but only with the permission of a doctor. Twice a day, gently massage the gums can be within a few minutes. Before the procedure, you must brush your teeth and wash your hands, avoid of infection.
  4. Electrophoresis in combination with calcium gluconate - reduces hyperesthesia (enhanced sensitivity) in nude tooth necks. Electrophoresis - is the introduction of the drug in the periodontal soft tissues by low voltage current.

Sense physiotherapy is oxygen saturation of periodontal tissue, increased blood flow and restoring nutritional metabolic processes.


Not as a treatment, and for the prevention of periodontal disease and periodontitis, can be made:

  1. Baths - of chamomile, rose hips is Hypericum or broth and in 10 minutes the solution should be kept in the mouth flora. Trays can be done every day for a month and then take a break.
  2. Rinsing the mouth with special solutions for the prevention of periodontal disease - "Forest Balsam", "Spring", as well as decoctions of herbs - calendula, chamomile, oak bark, propolis or solution. This enables to clean the oral cavity and of food debris and bacteria.
  3. Use of a toothpaste or mouthwash Parodontax, which contain extracts of medicinal herbs, also contributes to the prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease.

It is important to understand that periodontal disease is not considered as a harmless disease, the treatment of which can be dealt with by yourself without a dentist. Treatment of periodontitis folk remedies will be effective only in the combined treatment with traditional medicine. Otherwise, there is a risk to remain without teeth.

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