
Lichen planus: symptoms, photo, treatment with ointments and drugs

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Lichen planus - a very widespread skin disease quickly becomes chronic course. In most cases it is a satellite of other diseases (gastritis, liver cirrhosis, duodenal ulcer or gastric).

Symptomatology manifested flat rash in the forearm area, wrist, and ankle joints. It is capable of hitting the mucous membranes of the oral cavity as well as the nail plate. For the disease is typical of frequent and severe itching, burning rashes in places. Rashes of various shapes are colored from light pink to purple-red (cm. Photo).

What it is?

Lichen planus in humans - a chronic multifactorial dermatosis which affects the skin, nails, mucous membranes. Characterized by a long course and a variety of clinical manifestations, it affects mostly older people.

Unlike other forms of lichen, lichen planus is not contagious and does not spread from person to person. Exploration of this dermatosis has been the subject of a number of scientific studies, but the exact cause of the disease has not yet been established.

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Causes of

The true causes of lichen planus is not found. Experts tend to believe that the pathological mechanism is triggered due to the following factors:

  1. autointoxication factor arises from the accumulation of toxins in the body. Such a breach occurs in hypertension, cirrhosis and hepatitis, diabetes, gastritis and gastric ulcer. Biochemical analysis of blood lishaynyh patients shows changes in liver samples.
  2. Intoxication factor affects the body like an allergic reaction developed on the basis of a certain drug treatment. These are the drugs of gold, aluminum, antimony, arsenic and iodine. Lishaynyh lesions may also appear on the body due to the reception of antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis medication, quinine and derivatives thereof.
  3. Viral-infectious, leading to increased division of the upper dermal layer cells. Trying to repel negative influence factor, immunity triggers production of antibodies which subsequently absorbs useful own cells. If Wilson's disease they become cells of the epidermis.
  4. Immunoallergic impetus to the development of disease is considered to be leading among all the theories and combines them, as the basis for each of them laid failures of protective functions of the body.
  5. Neurogenic provoking dermatosis after mental shock. Often, patients suffering from the red form of stripping, identify a variety of disorders of the nervous system. When neuritis lishaynyh elements are formed on the skin in the course proleganiya nerve branches.

What can you answer the question, contagious red shingles or not? There is no consensus about the dangers of Wilson's disease for no others in doctors. Dermatosis is capable of hitting both members of one family, and of a dermatologist, who takes the diseased tissue for a biopsy.

Multiple episodes of infection the doctor is not registered, but an isolated case in dermatological practice, still took place. The conclusion suggests the following: in order to avoid unnecessary risk to catch a sore should avoid close contact with a person covered lishaynyh spots.

Symptoms of lichen planus

The clinical picture of lichen planus (see. photo) depends on the form of the disease, localization and characteristics of the disease. A typical symptom is a shiny appearance on the skin of small red papules that gradually increases to lentil sized grains.

The first centers usually appear on the hands and feet in the joints, a few days later a rash spread to other parts of the body. Papules are not inclined to merge have the correct shape and a small indentation in the center. Small papules can be grouped together to form circumferentially or garlands and lines in which they tightly adjoin each other, but do not merge into plaques. The appearance of rash accompanied by intense pruritus. The diameter of such formations may be up to one centimeter.

over time, the surface becomes rough and plaques covered with small gray scales. Sami papules are of red or bluish color. After the disappearance of skin rashes are pigmented brown patches.

  • In lesions of the oral mucosa on an inner side surface, the palate, the back of the tongue, red border of the lips, gums appear whitish shining papules. They are located in such a way that they resemble grayish white lace mesh. In the mouth there is a feeling of tightness, burning, pain when taking a hot or spicy foods.
  • If zoster affects nails, the nail plates deformation occurs, they become lumpy, appearing on the surface of the groove and the groove is changed color. Nails break easily crumble and become thinner.

With the development of severe erosive-ulcerous forms, severe pain appears when receiving any food on the oral mucosa formed bleeding ulcer. Lichen planus can appear on - differently. There are several major forms of the disease.

How does red lichen, photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

Click to view.


Forms and variants of the disease

Lichen planus is classified into five types:

  1. Bubble shape. Presented blisters with serous or hemorrhagic exudate. In the first case, they are filled with a clear liquid, containing less than 8% of protein, in the second - fluid containing erythrocytes. This is one of the rarest forms of lichen planus. Foci when it localized in the legs and feet on the background of the plaques, nodules and itching or by themselves.
  2. Pointed shape. It occurs most often on the head. Zoster affects the hair follicles, and in their place are formed specific spikes outstanding up. After their disappearance on the head are a kind of scars, having a form of depressions.
  3. The ring shape. Characterized by the rapid proliferation of foci of inflammation, which at the same time heal the heart. Consequently it obtained zoster-like ring. There are also a form of garlands, and a semi-circular arc.
  4. Atrophic form. In the initial stages it is not particularly manifestations. However, after healing, at the location of foci remain seal. These horny sites are most often found on the knee and elbow joints. When they appear on the head there is a partial baldness.
  5. Warty form. Growths look like warts located on the red plaques. Such zoster is usually in the legs, accompanied by intense itching and heavily treated.
  6. Sclerosing form. It is the most rare. It is distinguished by the fact that leads to atrophy of the skin or skleroznogo seals.

A distinction is also three forms of lichen planus, the symptoms of which arise in the mucous membranes:

  1. Erosive and ulcerative form. It causes the formation of ulcers and of irregular shape, having a loose bottom.
  2. Exudative hyperemic. It characterized by mucosal inflammation foci, which are formed papules. This type affects mainly the gums and the inside of the lips, and is characterized by burning pain.
  3. Giperkeraticheskaya. It manifested in the form of large plaques, which strongly raised above the mucosal level.

Downstream planus may be acute (continues up to 1 month) or subacute (continued to 6 months), and long-flowing (greater than 6 months).


Lichen planus is significantly different from other forms of the disease. Usually, inflammation is manifested in such places:

  • knuckles and forearms in the fold;
  • neck;
  • shin;
  • external genitals in males.

With regard to the mucous membrane, the infection manifests itself in such places:

  • genital mucosa;
  • mouth mucous.

In the mouth pathology manifests itself more often. At the initial stage of development, lichen planus on the symptoms resemble ordinary stomatitis. However, preparations for the treatment of stomatitis do not bring any relief.


Symptoms of lichen planus is well expressed, but the exact diagnosis is possible only after the diagnosis. For example, skin rashes, in the initial stage is similar to allergic reaction. Education in the mouth of the symptoms resemble stomatitis. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis is possible only after carrying out instrumental studies.

Also with the help of additional tools of research, you can identify the cause of the inflammatory process. For this biopsy of the affected skin area. In some cases it is necessary to pass a complete blood count.

How to treat red shingles?

The treatment of this dermatosis in humans is always done in stages and complex. The plan of treatment may include medications such:

  • means for normalizing the tissue trophism;
  • means for lowering the activity of the immune system (if severe);
  • Local ointments and other means;
  • means to eliminate itching, stabilize the nervous system and sleep.

In addition, to accelerate the healing methods used influence on the disease provoking factors:

  • treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity;
  • stress management;
  • receiving a correction previously designated medicines;
  • eliminating hazards in the workplace;
  • normalization of diet, and so forth.

Medications prescribed to patients in cases when there is a breach of the general state of health. Selection of appropriate tools depends on each clinical case. For the treatment of lichen planus following drugs can be used for oral administration:

  • antihistamines: Tavegil, Zyrtec, Diazolin, clemastine, promethazine, loratadine, Fenkarol etc .;
  • immunosuppressants: cyclosporin A, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine;
  • systemic retinoids: neotigazon, Acitretin, Tigazon, Izotretion, Etretinat;
  • Corticosteroids: metipred, prednisolone;
  • antibiotics: tetracycline, methacycline, doxycycline, azithromycin, Sumamed, Roxithromycin;
  • synthetic interferons: Ridostin, Neovir, Interferon-alpha 2B;
  • drugs for improving vascular tissue trophism: xantinol, Trental, etc .;
  • hypnotics and sedatives: Phenazepam, medazepam;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin D.

In addition, drug therapy plan may include drugs for the treatment of associated diseases: diabetes, neurosis, hypertension, chronic inflammatory processes (eg, glossitis, stomatitis and so forth.).

For local therapy planus following tools are used:

  • nonsteroidal antiinflammatory ointment: Pimecrolimus, Tacrolimus;
  • nonsteroidal anti-allergic ointment: Gistan, Fenistil;
  • exfoliating ointment: Belosalik, Diprosalik;
  • ointment to accelerate tissue regeneration: Solcoseryl;
  • based ointment corticosteroids: Kloveyt, flumethasone, hydrocortisone, Betamezon, triamcinolone

Topical agents for the treatment of dermatoses that can be used both alone and in combination with each other. Assign them can only physician taking into account the shape, the severity and stage of disease.

Folk remedies

There are many treatments for lichen planus, which are used in the home. These include the treatment of sea buckthorn oil, grated beets, Calendula.

  1. Calendula is a popular and useful plants used in folk medicine. Effective in the treatment of alcohol tincture of calendula. Optionally or buy or prepare as follows: to alcohol (100 g) was added 10 grams of marigold crushed. We insist a few hours and use as a lotion. Possible and this option ointment: calendula, rubbed into a powder, mixed with 50 g of petrolatum and infused.
  2. Grated beets is good as a compress. Grate and put on the infected skin area zamatyvaya bandage. replace it with a new one when dry compress. Repeat application until the disappearance of lichen.
  3. Making lotions gauze soaked in the sea-buckthorn oil, and superimpose them to infected sites up to 60 minutes daily. You can use the technique of sea buckthorn oil inside with curative intent - on an empty stomach in the morning dose of 15 ml.


Due to the variety of reasons and a lot of factors of lichen planus, a single scheme to prevent the disease has not been developed.

Possible preventive measures:

  1. Hardening.
  2. Stress resistance.
  3. Admission of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Strengthening the immune system.
  5. Timely treatment specialists and treatment emergent diseases.

Thus, correct diagnosis rationally selected treatments observance preventive recommendations contribute to the rapid achievement of a positive result of the elimination of the red lichen planus.


In most cases, dermatoses respond well to treatment, and with milder forms of the flow can be cured on their own. Pathology may recur after a few years.

Severe course observed in erosive form of lichen planus. In such cases the dermatosis is treated for a long time and recur more often than other forms of the disease.

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