
Internal hemorrhoids: symptoms, photo, treatment. How to treat women

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Hemorrhoids - a disease characterized by inflammation of hemorrhoids located on the inner wall of the rectum, from the anus. Hemorrhoids called painful varicose veins, forming folds and knots on the mucosal surface of the colon.

Sometimes the whole plexus formed such nodes - hemorrhoids. Stagnation and overvoltage in these areas are displaced nodes closer to the exit, if there occurs an unnatural disturbance of blood supply increase them in size and deformed.

Causes of

Hemorrhoids is a sensitive issue, about which patients are embarrassed to talk. For this reason, the disease is often diagnosed in advanced stages. The main etiological factors of hemorrhoids are:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth. Unfortunately, such as pregnancy physiological process with subsequent delivery can also become the appearance of hemorrhoids. This is due to overfilling of the pelvic veins and increase the pressure in them.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle. The lack of regular physical activity, which affects the majority of the inhabitants of our planet, not involved in sports, also is a risk factor in terms of the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Many modern people neglect physical activity, replacing its passive rest near the TV with the packaging of chips and a bottle of beer. Sedentary work in the absence of exercise is the main cause of stagnation of blood in the pelvis.
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  3. Improper and an unbalanced diet. Hemorrhoids are more common in people who overeat. Abundant reception fried and fatty foods, sweets and, smoked is one of the major risk factors in terms of occurrence of the disease. An aggravating factor in the development of the disease is the absence in the diet of dairy products, cereals and products containing fiber - fruits and vegetables. Malnutrition is a major cause of constipation, which result in an increase in pressure on the pelvic vascular plexus. Further blood stagnation occurs in the pelvis, which leads to the appearance of internal hemorrhoids, symptoms of which may be first not significant, but over time become more intense. Adequate diet with abundant ingestion of fiber is one of the main preventive methods to prevent hemorrhoids. It should be noted that the cause of hemorrhoids may also be a small liquid consumption.
  4. Excessive exercise. Hemorrhoids are often found in athletes who regularly lift heavy objects and are experiencing increased physical load. The risk for the incidence of hemorrhoids are people who are professionally engaged in weightlifting, bodybuilding, power sports.

The occurrence of hemorrhoids can trigger other diseases, such as tumors of the pelvic%, bad heredity (presence of hemorrhoids in the history of parents or close relatives).

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids, photos

At first signs of internal hemorrhoids is not very much and disturb the patient. Symptomatology begins to increase with increasing hemorrhoids. Clinical presentation depends on the stage of the pathological process.

1) First step. Cavernous formation of small, so the protrusion of the mucous membrane of very little concern to humans. Only occasionally, when damaged their hard feces, inflammation occurs. The earliest symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

  • discomfort in the rectal canal after a bowel movement;
  • burning and itching in the anorectal area because blood vessels emitted inflammatory exudate (fluid);
  • occasionally detected traces of blood on the toilet paper after going to the restroom.

2) The second step. If hemorrhoid treatment is not carried out, the pathological process in the rectum only enhanced, moving to a heavier phase, which is characterized by:

  • an even greater increase in the hemorrhoidal nodules;
  • increased yield cavernous formations from the rectum (usually during defecation) and independent of their return to the usual position;
  • discomfort and a sense of finding a foreign object in the anal canal;
  • more intense bloody secretions;
  • soreness when visiting the restroom.

3) The third step. The clinical picture of "growing" the severity of negative symptoms is increasing:

  • bleeding from the rectum become more frequent and intensified;
  • hemorrhoids at any exertion emerge from the anus, thus have their own back insert;
  • pain also increases, especially if joined to hemorrhoids anal fissures and inflammation.

4) The fourth step. This advanced forms of the disease, in which all signs of varicose veins hemorrhoids are expressed most clearly:

  • pain syndrome is present constantly, and such simple steps as movement and rest, only exacerbate pain;
  • cavernous formation regularly sag, with insert them back into the rectum on its own is not possible;
  • bleeding can be so intense that they are difficult to stop.

The rapidity of increase adverse symptoms depends on the number of pathogenic factors and characteristics of the human body.

What is the internal hemorrhoids is shown in the photo below.



Among the complications of internal hemorrhoids include:

  • vein thrombosis;
  • pinching hemorrhoids;
  • loss of varicose formations;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • insufficiency of the sphincter of the anus.

Hemorrhoids leads to stagnation of blood in the veins, which causes thrombosis. Symptoms of this complication - the increase of nodes, the acquisition of bluish-purple hue and a sharp pain in the perianal region, growing at a palpation examination.

Frequent complication III-IV stage - continuous bleeding of the corpora cavernosa. Under his patient complained of general weakness (due to the increasing anemia). Analyzes show a drop of blood hemoglobin to 40-50 g / l.

In elderly patients with frequent loss of nodes on a background of the progressive hemorrhoids in some cases resulting in weakness of the anal sphincter. This complication manifests incontinence gases and even content of rectum (liquid faeces).


To determine the presence of internal hemorrhoids can proctologist after inspection and palpation. If the hemorrhoids are located at a distance of 5-7 cm from the anus, the doctor will be able to feel them, to determine the density and site soreness. In other cases, when the venous seal located above the rectum, need further diagnosis.

Basic research that can identify hemorrhoids, called an anoscope. During in rectal cavity procedures introduced anotrubka thin optical device at the end. The handset allows you to assess the condition of the rectum to a depth of 10 centimeters. The doctor can not only detect the presence of hemorrhoids, but also to determine the fissures of the rectum, adrectal fistulas or even bowel cancer, which give the same symptoms as the internal hemorrhoids.

More informative study is considered a sigmoidoscopy. The device design allows you to see the state of the intestine to a depth of 25 cm. Also, your doctor may prescribe a colonoscopy procedure to distinguish intraluminal polyps from hemorrhoids.

How to treat hemorrhoids?

When an internal hemorrhoid treatment prescribed for the complex following groups of drugs:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, use the local media: ointments and suppositories. May be either non-steroidal (indomethacin candles), and steroid (ointment with hydrocortisone and suppositories).
  2. Venotoniki. For example, detraleks, flebodia, vazoket used in tablets. Also available in pills and suppositories, which is composed of horse chestnut extract. These drugs increase the elasticity of the vascular wall and prevent stretching of the veins.
  3. Analgesics. For pain relief is used as non-steroidal analgesics and local anesthetics. For example, suppositories with belladonna, menthol.
  4. Thrombolytics and proofreaders microcirculation. They prevent the formation of blood clots in the hemorrhoids. It is produced in the form of ointments and suppositories (heparin, troksevazin).
  5. Wound-healing agents. These drugs stimulate the regeneration of tissues, referring to them buckthorn oil, propolis, Methyluracilum.
  6. Antiseptics. Inhibit the development of infection in hemorrhoids. It may be either natural (calendula, buckthorn) and pharmaceutical (Ichthyol, phenol).
  7. Hemostatic agents. Is used in the form of tablets (menadione), and suppositories (thrombin, epinephrine).

Most drugs cause various adverse reactions, their application is carried out under medical supervision.


In that case, if conservative measures do not work, resort to surgical intervention.

  1. Ligation latex rings applied to the second (third) stage of internal hemorrhoids. Outpatient procedure is performed using the anoscope. The bottom line is that hemorrhoids are pressed with special latex ring, resulting in the problem solved itself - broken power nodules with blood, and they just die. Effective and inexpensive procedure, but quite painful and long - in one session, you can only handle a single node.
  2. Infrared photocoagulation is performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization. In this method, the affected area is treated with light waves of the infrared spectrum, which leads to the cessation of blood supply node and drying. The disadvantage of this method is the risk of a blood clot at the site of cauterization.

According to the testimony it can be used sclerotherapy, laser photocoagulation, cryotherapy. However, the most effective and drastic way of solving the problem is considered hemorrhoidectomy - the removal of hemorrhoids conventional surgical method.

Folk remedies: ointments and suppositories

For the treatment of internal nodes use the same ointment as external. It is necessary to impregnate the ointment liberally wad of gauze and insert into the anus at night. Candles for rectal administration is prepared from the ice, it can be made from potatoes, fat or honey.

  • To prepare the first candles made special konusopodobnuyu form using heavy paper. Then a cone filled cooked means which put in a refrigerator for freezing. Before using home-made candles wrapping paper is removed. Filler fat or crushed celandine is good because it reduces the pain and units in size. The same effect can be obtained also by previously crystallized honey. In addition sometimes mixed with honey mummy. In order to keep the shape of the candle in their preparation added to the starch and flour.
  • In order to prepare the candles made from potatoes, you need raw, pre-washed tuber cut the candle in the form of a cone. Then insert it into the anus at night. To avoid discomfort and dryness anus lubricated with vegetable oil or honey. Candles prepared ice perfectly cope with bleeding of internal hemorrhoids. For their preparation frozen water in konusopodobnoy form. Before the introduction of the form of the paper removed from the ice candles.

As enemas to treat internal hemorrhoids, use decoctions of herbs. Also use oils that have a therapeutic effect, solutions of oil, mummy, plant juices, propolis. Such an enema is necessary to enter into the rectum. For their preparation suitable strawberry leaves, mugwort, beet juice, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and other herbal teas. Medicinal infusions help to reduce the size of knots, pain, itching, burning.

invalid food

The main direction of the diet is to consume foods that do not cause constipation and bowel problems. In the daily diet should include foods full of fiber, so you need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and all kinds of cereals. It is important to eat dairy products and lean meats. Food should be boiled or steamed.

Should not be used:

  • pickles;
  • canned food;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • spicy dishes;
  • smoked;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee.

It is important to ensure the intake of a sufficient amount of fluid for this purpose should drink per day for at least 2 liters of water.

How to prevent hemorrhoids?

Effective treatment of the disease is impossible without preventive measures. Each patient must know not only how to treat hemorrhoids, but also how to avoid its occurrence.

  1. Eliminate constipation. Help this special diet and laxatives.
  2. Exclude a strong exercise and lift weights properly.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle, walking, gymnastics, physical education.
  4. When pregnancy is used to prevent the knee-elbow position several times a day.
  5. Avoid obesity.

If you follow these guidelines, the appearance of internal hemorrhoids can be avoided.

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