
As streptoderma begins in adults: photo, symptoms, treatment

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Streptoderma is an infection of the skin, which is caused by streptococci. The disease occurs in both children and adults. After penetration into the body of infection disease begins to develop, passing the incubation period, which is from 1 week to 10 days. Streptococcal Infection occurs in close contact with the patient healthy person.

Most often, when a family disease affects one member, if not complied with safety precautions, ill and other relatives, and even when a sufficiently strong immunity. Disease can occur on skin anywhere on the body.

In the case of the disease to start treatment immediately after its first manifestation, it will be cured quickly and without any consequences for the organism. If treatment is not available, then a high risk of complications, and the transition to a chronic form of disease.

What it is?

Streptoderma adults - an infectious skin lesions caused by streptococcal microflora. The causative agent is the b-hemolytic streptococcus group A.

The disease is fairly common, but is more common in children than in adults, because their skin is thinner and more susceptible to all sorts of infections. In adults streptoderma often develops on the background of other skin diseases that weaken the immune system and provide access to the body pathogenic microflora.

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The causes of disease

The main causes of streptococcal adults:

Internal reasons:

  • AIDS;
  • Some manifestations of allergy in the form of urticaria, allergic dermatitis;
  • hormonal imbalance, affects the metabolic processes; skin begins to dry, microcracks occur;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system, circulatory system (venous thrombosis), gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases with rashes.

External causes:

  • diaper rash in patients lying;
  • violation of body hygiene, altering the acid-base balance;
  • not a balanced diet, causes beriberi;
  • injured skin (scrapes, wounds, insect bites, itchy and provoke scratching);
  • stress, physical stress, which result in the depletion of the nervous system, and decreased immunity.

Adults often enough a reason for the occurrence of the disease, usually complex, composed of several factors.

How is streptoderma?

The main route of transmission - kontaktno- home. The disease occurs in close contact with an infected person, using it with common things, bedding, household items.

Sometimes, there are cases of streptococcal infection through biting insects (mosquitoes, midges), or in contact with a wound pathogen through dust or sports gym. In rare cases streptoderma develops due to mechanical damage of the skin (cuts, scratches, abrasions).


The disease can be either acute or chronic. Depending on the depth of skin lesions secrete deep and superficial shape. Each species has specific symptoms.

Allocate such basic types of the disease in adults:

  1. Impetigo. This form is considered to be the most common. The disease comes on suddenly. First, there is redness on the skin of the face, as a rule, near the mouth and nose. Then on the back of strong giperemirovaniya there is a small bubble, which inside is filled with murky liquid. He quickly grows in size and reach approximately 10-20 mm. Then the bubble is opened and released the contents. Then this place will be eroded, and its surface is weeping. There are at the edges of the remnants of the epidermis. When the damaged area begins to dry out the crust appears yellowish. Normally, all this is accompanied by severe itching, which the patient can not stand and begins to comb the skin. This leads to a re-infection, so that the infection proceeds to healthy skin. That is why there is often more than one bubble, and the whole inflammatory lesions on the face, and then the disease becomes chronic.
  2. Bullous streptoderma. It is the heavy defeat of the skin surface. Characterized by the formation of bubbles on the surface of the skin. These bubbles reach a diameter of 1 cm and can be accompanied by symptoms of pain. Such damage may also be extended, after such a shape recovery period somewhat longer and can last up to 35 days.
  3. Streptococcal Zayed. The main causes of this kind of disease is a deficiency of vitamin B, caries formation, and colds and allergic diseases, as a result of which stands out the mucus from the nose in large quantities. Bubbles with yellow liquid, which appear in the corners of the lips, quickly burst and create pain and fractures.
  4. Streptococcal intertrigo. The presence of excess weight and severe sweating often the cause of diaper rash on his body. Outbreaks maceration with the presence of inflammation appear in the armpits, groin, under the breasts and buttocks in women. After drying, the formations may be repeated oozing. Thus, streptoderma may extend over several years.
  5. Felon. Whitlow most often occurs in people who have a habit of biting his nails. Traumatized skin around the nail results in the formation of edema, redness and pain. In the first stage the pain is aching disease, but after a while it becomes throbbing and painful. If purulent process is strong, this may even entail the discharge of the nail plate.
  6. Dry streptoderma. Such form is also called lichen simplex. On the skin appear white or pinkish spots oval. From above they are covered with scales chapped skin. Usually the rash spreads to the cheeks, chin, nose, ears. The infection spreads rapidly, so that the precipitation is not confined to the face and moves to the legs, arms, back. This form is characterized by ulcerative lesions. Then the patients are covered by skin of dried crust. It is quite dense. Zoster simple type is considered to be a deep form of streptococcal as amazed germ layer of the epidermis. After the sores heal on their place scars. These sites will continue to be dipegmentirovannymi. They are distinguished from healthy skin color and not covered tan. Gradually, however, and this difference will disappear and the skin will become a normal hue.
  7. Streptococcal ecthyma. For this type of streptococcal characterized by the presence of an abscess, which is not associated with hair follicles. After the contents departs ulcer, painful ulcer is formed, after which severe scarring may appear. These scars are usually saved for a lifetime.

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The symptoms of streptococcal

Start streptoderma in adults is usually sharp. Often, the disease occurs against various infectious pathologies, for example, SARSThat due to a decrease not only the general immune properties of the organism, but also local skin protection factors.

Developing symptoms (see. photos) can be seen on the face and on the lower extremities, upper extremities, hips, buttocks. The main clinical signs - is the formation of lesions and the presence of itching. The rash usually presented in small bubbles flushed skin, which are filled with a clear or unclear contents. Characterized by the rapid growth of the periphery and quite actively increasing the number of lesions, their spread to other parts of the body.

In a relatively short time the bubbles burst, and in their place are quickly formed yellowish brown. With timely diagnosis, proper care and treatment of the disease quickly regresses. However, in the absence of therapy, the infection can take a long and recurrent nature. The rash is often accompanied by symptoms of discomfort and even pain, such as the formation of perleches (loss corners of the mouth), as well as the involvement of the deep layers of the skin.

Symptoms such as fever, lymphadenopathy, fatigue accompanied surface forms streptoderma rare in adults. These symptoms may be as simple as a manifestation of the current SARS symptoms.

How does streptoderma: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in adults.

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When contacting the patient to the doctor, the diagnosis can be made on the basis of the following factors:

  1. Bacteriological sowing the contents of the vial (this is usually done in order to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics).
  2. Inspection and detection of typical primary (bubbles) and secondary (yellow cake, erosion, cracks) elements.
  3. Conducting one or more assays (doctor assigns them based on the state of the patient). Among them may be FEGDS, coprogram, ultrasound of the abdomen, feces analysis on helminth eggs, analysis of blood sugar, blood test for thyroid hormones (T3, T4 free), clinical analysis blood.
  4. If the disease is chronic, and often repeated, that the survey is conducted the patient's gastrointestinal tract.

How to treat streptococcal impetigo at home?

First of all in the home is assigned a hypoallergenic diet with restriction of sweet, spicy and fatty. Important to avoid wearing clothing made of synthetic and wool, as it stimulates sweating and helps to increase and diffuse lesions. Patients are strongly encouraged to give preference to natural fabrics.

As the period of treatment water treatments streptoderma prohibited (bathtub) to prevent the spread of disease. Healthy skin is recommended to wipe the decoction of chamomile.

Drug treatment of streptococcal involves the use of countervailing funds. With the usage of symptoms reduce their intensity in the first days of treatment. Remission occurs within 7-10 days after initiation of therapy.

  1. To cleanse the affected surface of the skin and its disinfection is applied salicylic alcohol. Possible to perform disinfection with an aqueous solution of boric acid.
  2. Tetracycline or topically applied ointment streptocidal. It is used on the affected areas of the skin under the bandage. Bandage with ointment is recommended to be changed every 12 hours. When applying the dressing without need to update the layer of ointment and every 12 hours. When applying a new layer of ointment should be carefully remove the remnants of the old agents from the skin with a napkin with an antiseptic solution.
  3. The treatment may be applied bandage impregnated with an aqueous silver nitrate solution at a concentration of 0.25%. It is also possible to use rezotsina solution (2%).
  4. Crusts on the surface to soften and to disinfect eritromitsinovaya applied ointment or 3% rivanol.
  5. When streptococcal or immunodeficiency generalized form can be assigned steroidal topical preparations. They are assigned only by the attending physician.

Antibiotics for streptococcal

The reason for the use of antibiotics to adults only serves streptoderma advanced stage or a wide range of lesions of the skin, in all other cases, the doctor may prescribe a surface treatment.

Among the wide variety of streptococcal dermatitis antibiotics well treating means penicillins, for example:

  • minocycline;
  • ampicillin;
  • augmentin;
  • amoxiclav;
  • Doksibene;
  • Soljutab;
  • Amoxicillin.

If as a result of laboratory samples was identified allergy or any other contraindications to the treatment used cephalosporins:

  • cefuroxime;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • cephalexin;
  • Supraks.

In other circumstances, for the treatment of adults may be administered less toxic antibiotics - macrolides. These medications include:

  • telithromycin;
  • Azithromycin dihydrate;
  • erythromycin;
  • leucomycin;
  • Ilozon;
  • Klatsid.

If streptoderma adults flows is extremely difficult, the drugs from different groups can be combined according to the physician's discretion.

How to treat people's means?

To speed recovery, with streptococcal adults allowed adjuvant treatment of folk remedies. These include:

  • should avoid overheating the skin and sweating;
  • diet, which excludes from the diet of sweet, fatty, spicy;
  • Clothing should be made of "breathable", natural materials;
  • bandages, soaked in the broth of herbs that have dried and properties are not allergens: This chamomile and oak bark;
  • since at the time the disease can not be accepted either shower or bath, healthy skin, gently clean cloth soaked in chamomile broth.

Any treatment of even the most proven methods should be accompanied by a resolution and supervision of a physician. Otherwise, complications can occur that are difficult to be corrected.

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In order to prevent the occurrence of streptococcal prophylaxis should follow the rules. They are very effective and do not present any difficulties.

Doctors recommend for good health:

  • maintain in good condition the nails, making timely manicure;
  • handle any antiseptic preparations, even minor damage to the skin;
  • wash your hands after coming back from the street;
  • wash the face after returning from public places;
  • comply with all the rules of personal hygiene;
  • conduct timely treatment of skin irritations;
  • stick to a balanced diet;
  • make daily walks in the fresh air of at least 30 minutes.

Signs of streptococcal on his face - bad signal. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist and find out the nature of the formations. The earlier treatment starts, the better the chance of recovery. Neglected diseases can cause serious complications, including death. Therefore, it is better not to neglect a situation, and treat disease.

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