
Green tea: the benefits and harms of green tea. Who is contraindicated?

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Green tea - drink is not unambiguous. It is made from the leaves of the tea tree, which are not subjected to fermentation. Known rich chemical composition of green tea. The fact that a person uses for food and drink affects his health. Drinks that are sold in stores contain chemicals that are not very useful for the organism.

Which drink for a long time can not be doubted - so it is green tea. However, you should know all of its features, because green tea benefit and harm to health can bring the same degree.


Due to the fact that the processing of fresh products mainly lies in the evaporation of moisture from the leaf tea, the color and composition of the finished tea leaves as close to the original natural product. Only the concentration of nutrients, it is many times greater.

The chemical composition includes elements such abundance that green tea is one of the most valuable products for the human body. The structure consists of its vitamins and minerals, and macronutrients.

Tea Ingredients:

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  1. Vitamins - e.g., vitamin P, promoting healthy and vascular elasticity and supports the cardiovascular system as a whole; Vitamin C, which is in green tea than in lemons and oranges; vitamin K, provides normal blood clotting; B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system; vitamins A, PP, D and E.
  2. Minerals and trace elements - for example, zinc, needed for the growth and strengthening of hair, teeth and nails; as well as iodine that supports the endocrine system; fluoro, strengthening the gum and teeth; Potassium - a friend of the heart muscle; copper, promoting women's health, and manganese. The minerals contained in the leaves, helps the proper operation of the internal organs, strengthen the immune system, maintain the balance of all systems of the body and normalize metabolism, which, among other things, promotes weight loss.
  3. Caffeine - well, caffeine all know it refreshing and toning properties familiar to fans of coffee, but with green tea is not so simple. The fact that it it contains "other caffeine" - Taine, whose action is much smoother, and at the same length. Besides, it is completely eliminated from the body without causing side effects. When I, kofemanki with the experience, suddenly taking a gallop pressure, my doctor recommended to replace morning coffee with green tea, and a positive experience so inspired me that I was completely switched on him. It's amazing - pressure returned to normal.
  4. Antioxidants - flavonoids (catechins), which not only slow down the aging process, but even protect against cancer. It is believed that green tea catechins rich like no other, slow down and even stop the growth of tumors. Catechins, moreover, regulate blood sugar, which makes this drink is incredibly useful for diabetic patients.

Green tea contains four main catechin component. Only one of these components is 100 times the antioxidant properties of vitamin C. Studies have shown that one cup of green tea contains up to 40 mg of polyphenols, which is many times greater than the antioxidant effect of the same apple, spinach or broccoli.

Harm green tea

The composition includes green tea substances that have both positive and negative effects on the human body. In addition, green tea contains theophylline and theobromine, which have a stimulating effect on the human nervous system. That's why the infusion of the tea leaves is not recommended for people with increased excitability, and insomnia.

Remember that the recommended temperature of the brewing water in the region of 80-90 degrees. Not having at hand a thermometer to determine the suitable temperature is quite simple. It should be open from the lid and when it begins to climb couples bring a hand to him. Couples should not burn his hand. It is this temperature is optimal. Understand once and for all - the boiling water destroys most of the nutrients in tea, making this drink is useless!

Strong drink is definitely harmful in these situations:

  1. When pregnancy. It prevents the natural splitting of folic acid, so vital to the developing brain of the future baby. All this is due with content in it a large dose of chemical agent with the unpronounceable name "gallatepigallokatehina". Once again we mention caffeine is contraindicated in pregnancy. Whether black tea folic acid cleavage prevents certain it is not proven, but the caffeine in it still contains. Only a few cups of tea every day can cause the birth of a baby with low birth weight, premature birth stimulate the possible death of the fetus.
  2. When unstable nervous system and in diseases of the cardiovascular tract. Of course, the theine is harmful to them. But tea is rich in not one Taine, it contains substances that actively influence these systems, which causes its harmful effects, for example due to theobromine.
  3. In gastric ulcer. Most tea is contraindicated than really bad. Strong tea and green in particular, increases gastric acidity, and this, in turn, prevents the natural process of wound healing. As a result, the patient's condition may worsen substantially.
  4. At a temperature. The tea theophylline is present, capable of enhancing human temperature. Therefore, a patient with fever, drinking green tea, even more will worsen their condition.
  5. When unhealthy liver. Here it should be noted in particular green tea. Some of the compounds contained in tea, is extremely loaded liver, especially when the drink to drink large quantities. But black tea of ​​these compounds are very little.
  6. For skeleton and bones. Analyzes put scientists on animals have shown unexpected results. It turns out that tea has a negative impact on the skeleton and, in particular, the density of the bone tissue. In fairness, we note that in humans such research has not been done.
  7. Leaching of mineral trace elements. Tea excreted outputs metals. Again because of theine.
  8. For teeth. Although there is said to the contrary effect, but there is evidence that tea detrimental effect on tooth enamel. What to believe? Definitely not the answer, but is unlikely to rinse the tea teeth while brushing.
  9. urea formation. Any tea is rich in purines, which in the process of assimilation synthesized urea. She is known to be poisonous, and removed from the body with difficulty. Its salt synthesized crystals developing gout. In addition, the green tea violates the condition of people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.

The harmful green tea bags:

  1. The composition of the vast number of stamps packaged teas include the so-called tea trash (Injured leaves, petioles, sticks), which is rejected in the production of high quality leaf teas. Taste and use a teaspoon of dust is minimal.
  2. Many brands of tea bags except the tea leaves contain a variety of plant components (leaves, grass) dubious quality or origin.
  3. Often, for the production of tea bags used overdue tealeaves. The structure of paper, which is packaged tea include thermoplastic fiber (for shaping). This material when in contact with hot water releases various harmful substances.

Extremely hot drink should not be used in large doses. Therefore, if you continually consume excessively heated tea, inevitably there burns the internal organs. They are deformed, painful cringe on fabrics formed cracks. This kind of burns will certainly increase the risk of cancer. Here it should be noted that this does not harm the tea itself.

Benefits of Green Tea

Useful properties of green tea have long been used in Asia - China, Japan, Central Asian nations use this "health drink" on a daily basis: cold to hot, hot - in the cold season. Look at the Japanese women - their wonderful skin, youthfulness and harmony for a long time serve as a model for all women.

Of course, the seafood-rich diet also plays an important role in the preservation of youth and health, but "drink of life" - green tea - one of the most important components of this diet. Do you think, in vain and glamorous diva movie star in their luxury spas long ago brought fashion to indulge in a cup of green tea, perfectly helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the body?

The product is characterized by a huge number of useful properties, but the most important ones are:

  1. Reducing the growth of cancerous tumors. The opportunity to stop and delay the growth of various types of tumors and fight cancer activity cells (though, according to some studies, against breast tumors green tea ineffective).
  2. The ability to excrete free radicals and protect against excessive radiation.
  3. Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system up to heart attacks and stroke, blood pressure lowering.
  4. Cleavage fat excretion of harmful cholesterol, normalizing metabolism and weight control.
  5. Combating diseases of the oral cavity, periodontal disease and eliminate bad breath, it prevents tooth decay.
  6. Normalization and maintenance of a healthy intestinal flora.
  7. Excretion of toxins, salts, including the compounds of radioactive metals.
  8. Maintaining the vitality and activities of daily living, struggle with decreased vitality, drowsiness, headache.
  9. Improved brain (mental) activity reaction.
  10. Removal of anxiety, depression, stress, sleep normalization (when used correctly).
  11. Reducing the harmful effects of tobacco on the body.
  12. The fight against kidney stones and gallstones. Restoration of water balance in the body.
  13. Slowing down the aging process, improving the overall body tone.
  14. Improvement of the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems.
  15. Maintaining visual acuity, good skin and hair.

How to prepare green tea

There are many recipes for this drink, but first of all need to understand what exactly the effect you want to achieve by its use. If the case is in the taste preferences, the brew can be virtually as you like - someone like the combination of tea with milk or lemon, someone chooses flavored or mixed varieties, some add to the taste of honey, or a drop of Sahara.

If you want to save as much as possible in favor of green tea, it is best to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • used for brewing ceramic, porcelain or glass container;
  • brewing tea is not too hot water - 60-80 degrees will suffice (tea brewed in an absolutely even cold water). In order to determine whether the water has reached the right temperature, you need to listen - bubbles in the water to boil should make a noise like the wind in the pine forest;
  • during the brewing should not put sweet additives - it is better to add them just before use;
  • various additives in tea help to strengthen certain properties of tea - tea with milk will help satisfy your hunger; Hibiscus will increase metabolic processes and give the tea a slight diuretic effect.

Green tea will taste better if warm teapot steaming, pour tea at the rate of teaspoon per cup, pour hot water. You can brew tea with milk, or make tea in the usual way, and to add milk to taste. This drink will help to satisfy your hunger and normalize blood pressure.

Green tea increases or decreases the pressure?

As is known, the terms hypertension and hypertension are considered synonymous. Although, to be precise, "hypertension" refers to an increase in vascular tone, and "hypertension" - "increase in system pressure."

Increased blood pressure indicators to 140/90 mmHg It not always associated with an increase in vascular tone. High values ​​may be observed when a conventional tone and even reduced due to the increase in force or other causes of cardiac output. Therefore, the discussion about the benefits of green tea varieties to reduce or increase the pressure continued.

  • According to one point of view, the change indicators occurs. Part of the caffeine stimulates the heart's activity, which initially increases the pressure. Simultaneously, the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata, is responsible for constriction or dilation of blood vessels, gives the command to lower the tone, with the result that performance quickly returned to normal. Studies have found that green liquor has the property that thin the blood, making it more fluid. As a result, substantially reduces the load on the heart muscle, pressure indicators are normalized, reduced the risk of stroke.
  • Other studies with different degree of certainty confirm the benefit of green tea to reduce the level "Bad" cholesterol, strengthen and increase the elasticity of vessel walls due to the high content of tannins substances. The best effect is achieved with the use of high-quality varieties, which are produced from the upper young leaves.
  • Green teas are useful have diuretic and therefore can be used in the treatment of cardiovascular or renal disease, edema reduction. The results obtained allow to recommend to use all healthy green liquor to reduce the risk of hypertension, but also in the early stages of the disease. Many patients report normalization or a perceived decline in the indicators improvement. But talk about a complete cure of the disease do not have the data means.

To make a definite conclusion about the benefits of green tea to reduce the pressure at its regular use, additional long-term studies.

Green tea with milk

Perhaps the most useful drink for tooth enamel is green tea with milk, in bags or brewed from the leaves. Due to the high calcium content (495 mg), it effectively strengthens the tooth enamel, it prevents thinning. Furthermore, when used with milk, tea does not stain teeth (unlike black tea, a pigment which is not always neutralized even milk).

Another property, what is useful green tea bags and milk - it has an alkaline environment (thanks to milk), and thus is able to neutralize the acidity of the stomach. Because the obvious benefits of green tea with milk in any form for people suffering from heartburn, gastritis, hyperacidity. If swallowed the drink, thanks to its alkaline medium, reduces the acidity of gastric juice. As a result, it reduces the severity of attacks of gastritis and acid reflux. To improve the taste of it can be used with honey, jasmine, mint, balm, and other additives.

How best to use green tea?

To Green Tea maximum benefit, choose high-quality large-products. It is desirable that the composition of the product was only one ingredient. If you want to improve the taste, you can do it yourself and adding natural products rather than flavors of unknown origin.

Tea drink freshly. An hour later, it significantly reduced the concentration of vitamins. It is impossible to heat the tea, because it formed harmful compounds. Quality grade of brewed 2-3, wherein the infusion time increases each time by 20 seconds.

Hot drink destroys tooth enamel and irritate the stomach and cold - is poorly absorbed and becomes less useful.

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