
Otitis media: symptoms and treatment at home

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Otitis media - an umbrella medical term used to refer to any infection in the ear. Depending on the localization of the affected his card secrete the outer, middle and inner otitis or labyrinthitis. Statistically diseases acute otitis media occupies 70% of all otitis, external - about 20%, internal - 10%.

Inflammation of the ear, is found in adults are much less likely than children, it may be as an independent primary disease, and as a manifestation of the general organism infections (ARVI, influenza, scarlet fever, measles) and consequently acute and chronic inflammatory processes nasopharynx, treatment was started.

In the treatment of otitis media should take into account the individual condition of the patient, the severity of inflammatory process and its stages - catarrhal, otitis media, serous purulent or adhesive medium otitis.

What it is?

Otitis media - is an infectious inflammatory process characterized by the rapid development and is localized in the middle ear cavity. Ear cavity disposed within the temporal bone and covered outside the eardrum. This membrane separates the middle ear from the ear canal.

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When starting to develop the infectious process, it is activated not only the cavity of the ear, but also a number of existing structures. It is a question of pneumatic cells mastoid, extending from the temporal bone and eustachian tube.

Causes of

Viral or infectious disease in the acute stage may also lead to the development of pathologies such as acute otitis media. The infection spreads through the mouth or nasal passages. The reason may lie in the allergic reaction, in which due to edema disturbed airflow into the ear cavity that promotes the development of stagnation and bacterial growth. Cause acute otitis media may catarrhal, which treatment started in time.

Chronic disease while reducing the protection of the body, too, can cause the spread of infection through the body and its organ of the defeat, with the development of inflammation in it.

Predisposing factors are:

  • decrease in the body's defenses due to stress, as well as physical and emotional overload;
  • total body hypothermia (leads to local supercooling, giving excellent opportunity bacteria actively proliferate);
  • latent infection in the body, under favorable conditions, can be activated and cause middle ear pathology;
  • poor diet (lack of nutrients) also leads to a decrease in the body's defenses.

In young patients the causes of this disease may be related to:

  • unformed immune system of the baby;
  • the fact that the cavity is lined with embryonic tissue, which is an excellent breeding ground for micro-organisms;
  • anatomically shorter Eustachian tube, which allows the infection is easier to penetrate the hearing aid;
  • adenoid tissue overgrowth, which closes the part of the oropharynx Eustachian tube;
  • It is in a horizontal position infants, which is why they often develop congestion.

stage of the disease

Doctors are three stages of acute otitis media:

Bluetongue appears the first clinical signs of pathology in the middle ear begins to accumulate exudate. The patient noted an increase in temperature up to 38-39,5 degrees, there is a headache and earache
purulent It is an active bacterial flora multiplication and the formation of pus-containing dangerous toxins - products from the bacteria. After perforation of the eardrum pus begins to flow out
step attenuation pus ceases to stand out. An opening through which the contents flow out gradually tightened

For complete recovery in this step is enough 6-7 days (with the proviso that the treatment is initiated within the first 48 hours after onset of symptoms). If therapy is carried out correctly, the disease becomes purulent form resulting from the growth of bacteria or fungus.

Purulent step lasts no longer than three days and end gap eardrum through which flows outwardly pus. For the prevention of re-infection of the patient is required to be appointed by antibiotics and other antimicrobials.

symptoms of otitis

Symptoms may occur on one or both sides. In the first case we speak of a unilateral, in the second - on bilateral otitis of the middle ear. Chronic and acute forms have some common symptoms, but still they appear with some differences.

For acute otitis media is characterized by such symptoms:

  1. The patient complains of a stuffy ear, hearing loss.
  2. Pain in the ear, behind the ear, sometimes she felt the nape, temple, gives to the teeth. She felt constantly or from time to time, sometimes throbbing, pulling.
  3. Lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.
  4. Evolution was observed. On stage, they perforated abundant, with mucus and pus, are with traces of blood. With the development of the disease, they become denser, their number is reduced.
  5. Acute intoxication during accompanied organism, as evidenced weakness temperature above normal, nausea, etc. If the temperature is decreased after membrane perforation, inflammation spread to the mastoid.
  6. Sometimes the symptoms spread to other organs - there is nasal congestion, discharge from it, there is discomfort in the throat.

In severe forms of the disease are observed bleeding from the ear - they show damage the eardrum. In such situations the patient is assigned inpatient treatment and surgery. Seek medical help is necessary at the very first symptoms of otitis media to avoid deterioration and severe consequences.

Chronic otitis media

With regard to chronic otitis media, it is a disease characterized by sluggish flow. Most often, a chronic form of the disease - a consequence of acute purulent otitis media. The share mezotimpanita, in the form of which runs a chronic otitis, accounting for up to 55% of cases of this variety of the disease. Thus inflamed mucous membrane lining the Eustachian tube, the middle and situated underneath the tympanum separated. That's where the eardrum is perforated, and, but most often it remains intact and tight.

For chronic forms of otitis characterized by the following patient's presenting complaints: hearing loss, permanent or periodic appearance of purulent secretions from the ear canal, in rare cases - dizziness and noise in ears. Pain may disturb a person only in the case where otitis proceeds in the acute phase.

During mezotimpanita favorable, the disease rarely leads to serious consequences. Hearing will be reduced depending on how the auditory ossicles are damaged at the time of treatment. Diagnosis of acute otitis media is based on the patient's complaints and sowing microflora discharge contents.

The second form, as which may occur chronic otitis media - a purulent epitimpantit. In this case, the damaged area is nadbarabannoe. Position discontinuity is localized at the top, so purulent contents is separated from the cavity of the ear is not fully. This form of chronic otitis media often fraught with complications than mezotimpanit.

In order to adequately assess the condition of the bone structures, often the standard of research is not enough, and carrying out X-ray examination is required.


After anamnesis and complaints physician conducts otoscopy (examination of the external auditory meatus) with reflector illuminated and other special tools. In addition, the doctor must examine the nasal cavity and oropharynx and, if necessary, appoint a radiological examination of the nasal and frontal sinuses. Also shown is a complete blood count, which revealed signs of inflammation (accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, increased number of leukocytes).

To verify hearing level assigned audiometry (air conduction estimate). To determine bone conduction are forks. In the event of the expiration of pus from the external auditory meatus produce fence on his bacteriological research, which will help to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

In order to eliminate a tumor or ear otitis complications (mastoiditis) assigned computed tomography.

How to treat otitis media in the home?

The main principle - an integrated approach and focus of treatment is not only for himself otitis media, but also on the disease which caused it.

At various stages of otitis media, the following treatments in adults:

  1. In the early stages of the disease are appointed by antipyretics and analgesics, as well as drops and hot compress, the doctor may also prescribe physiotherapy. First of all, you need to fight the infection, which led to the development of otitis media, it is necessary to mobilize the body's defenses.
  2. Antibiotics. Antibacterials with otitis used is not always that many experts say that the body has to cope on their own due to the immune system, so it is enough antipyretic and analgesic funds. Antibiotics are only prescribed for increased symptoms when the inflammation affects both ears, and this leads to severe pain. Own to take antibiotics in any case impossible.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drugs used in the treatment of the common cold. They reduce the formation of mucus makes breathing easier and improves the patient's condition. However, they have their contraindications, and they should be treated with caution.
  4. In severe disease and the appearance of pus is assigned to puncture the eardrum. This operation allows to reduce the inner pressure to remove the pain, to provide a more rapid recovery and increase the effectiveness of local treatment. The puncture is performed under anesthesia, then it does not carry implications for the hearing.

As an auxiliary treatment for otitis folk remedies can be applied. It is advisable to consult a doctor about their safety and effectiveness.

  1. Drops - lemon juice, garlic, plantain, basil, walnut leaf, mint, honey water (teaspoon mint juice and honey in half a glass of water), warmed alcohol.
  2. Swabs in the ear - with propolis tincture (how to cook the ointment is written here), garlic butter, baked and cooled down a little clove of garlic.
  3. Heating (contraindicated in purulent otitis). Hot compress - alcohol, vodka, camphor oil mixture with camphor spirit - superimposed around the ear to ear of the incision in tissue. It can be applied on top of the warm bags of steamed herbs (elderberry color, centaury, chamomile), hot stone, brick, bag of calcined sea sand.

In the acute phase it is necessary to prevent water from entering the ear canal, it can greatly complicate the situation.


Possible complications of acute otitis media:

  1. The transition of the disease in the form of mastoiditis, meningitis, brain abscess.
  2. Daylight disease in chronic suppurative otitis step with the formation of permanent perforation of the tympanic membrane, suppuration, decreasing hearing acuity.
  3. The formation of different changes of the tympanic membrane structure in the form of adhesions, motility disorders of the auditory ossicles, tugouhostost.

Self interruption of treatment, failure to comply with the doctor's recommendations or improper treatment regimen fraught with serious complications that can lead to complete loss of hearing and endanger the health and lives patient.

disease prevention

Prevention of otitis media in adults involves carrying out restorative measures:

  • hardening;
  • receiving immunomodulators;
  • vitamin;
  • timely treatment of nasal diseases, which are major causative factors of middle ear inflammation process.

Compliance with these simple recommendations will preserve the health of otolaryngology and forget about diseases of the ears, nose and throat.

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