
Bronchitis in Adults: Symptoms and treatment regimen at home

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Bronchitis - an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa provoked by cold, SARS, influenza, adenovirus, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, banal infection.

Development of disease is associated with a fall of the total body resistance, decrease in the defense mechanisms of the immune system to the action of various agents - viruses, bacteria and fungi, and the action of various chemicals, allergens.

Hypothermia, stress, fatigue, exposure to sick during an epidemic situation - all this gives rise to the beginning of bronchitis.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis

Symptoms of acute period of the disease in adults:

  • severe cough, at first dry, then wet
  • High temperature 38-39 degrees
  • malaise, weakness
  • increased perspiration
  • chills, fatigue, lack of efficiency
  • symptoms can be pronounced or moderate
  • listening - hard breathing, wheezing scattered
  • chest pain
  • with severe illness - shortness of breath
  • the duration of acute bronchitis 14 days

The characteristic symptoms appear in the first few hours with the onset of the disease and may be accompanied by Decrease or loss of appetite, disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract, secretions from the nose sinuses.

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Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is often sluggish throughout, and for a long time can go unnoticed.

The main symptoms are:

  • dry cough, which is aggravated by the cold smoking or irritating chemicals;
  • dyspnea on exertion;
  • periodic sweating;
  • weakness attacks;
  • sometimes - a slight rise in body temperature.

If acute bronchitis is not cured, the disease becomes protracted vyalotekuyuschuyu shape and becomes chronic, more difficult-to-therapy. Chronic form of bronchitis people are sick for years and even decades.

As it is impossible to treat bronchitis?

Acute and chronic bronchitis - the disease is very serious, they can be complicated by a very heavy diseases of the pulmonary system, which threaten not only the health of people of working, but in general his life.

  1. Self without physical examination in a health institution generally leads to the fact that acute bronchitis adult patient is not cured completely, causing soon it becomes chronic or complicated, for example, pneumonia. Often people do not even suspect that the mask bronchitis they develop cancer pathology or tuberculosis.
  2. To bronchitis is not applicable for the type of attitude, "he will take" or "to cure yourself without having to call a doctor." And, of course, impossible, to be treated for bronchitis, shifting disease "on their feet."

Treatment of bronchitis in adults is possible only on condition of bed or polupostelnogo mode. But there are "heroes" who continue to work while ill, they have every chance to acquire cardiac complications or make acute bronchitis chronic.

Treatment of acute bronchitis in adults

Pay attention to bed rest, drink plenty of warm honey, raspberry, lime-blossom; It gives good results with heated alkaline mineral water. In the absence of fever appointed thermal treatments on the chest.

Well help inhalations of eucalyptus, menthol, anise oil. At the time the disease is desirable to eliminate dust and fumes in the premises, hypothermia, smoking, alcohol abuse. Drug therapy includes antitussives, expectorants, drugs for removal of bronchial spasms, antiallergic agents, vitamins.

Treatment of acute bronchitis in adults symptomatic: temperature reduction, inhalation, expectorants. In acute bacterial bronchitis may need a course of antibiotics. In the case of mild forms of bronchitis and convalescence encouraged the use of the popular therapies.

chronic bronchitis Treatment includes treatment with antibiotics (to inhibit chronic infection), treatment with drugs and expectorants, spreading bronchial lumen. In the case of chronic bronchitis in smokers, a significant improvement of the disease is observed after smoking cessation.

Bronchitis need antibiotics?

Antibiotics for bronchitis are appointed only in severe chronic bronchitis, with its frequent relapses. Acute bronchitis is treated perfectly and without the use of antibacterial drugs. The particular form of these drugs is selected by determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics bronchitis.


Treatment of bronchitis in adults includes not only a therapy against the pathogen. In the presence of high temperatures necessarily used antipyretics from the group consisting of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the case of heat applied injections bronchitis adults to reduce the temperature rapidly. Used drugs based on aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen and nimesulide.


Most often, doctors prescribe other means such adult expectorant drugs:

  • Mukaltin. It thins the viscous mucus, facilitating its exit from the bronchi.
  • Funds on the basis of herbs thermopsis - Termopsol Codelac and bronchitis.
  • Gerbion syrup, herbal Stoptussin, Bronhikum, Pertusin, Gelomirtol - are based on herbs.
  • ACC (acetyl). Effective means of direct action. Directly affects the mucus. When receiving incorrect dosages can cause diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn.

The action of expectorants aimed at removing phlegm. This is a prerequisite for the treatment of bronchitis in adults. If the body can not rid yourself of a lot of phlegm, it stagnates, and bacteria begin to actively proliferate in this environment.


Special funds aimed at getting rid of the manifestations of dyspnea. Allow to expand the diameter of the bronchi, facilitating removal of sputum. The names of the most popular means: eufilina, Teotard.


Very effective treatment of bronchitis performed using different inhalations. If you want a quick cure bronchitis, then you should definitely make inhalation. But first make sure that there is a high temperature and heart rate.

Recipes for steam inhalation bronchitis a lot - it's salt and soda solution, and the essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, myty, herbal fees, inhalation of volatile production, which are rich in essential oils of garlic, rosemary - reduce cough shock and facilitate the process of expectoration. However, not infrequently in the essential oils and herbs you experience an allergic reaction and therefore people prone to allergies (hay fever), it is better not to take risks and to avoid the use of various herbs and essential oils.

Also for those who have a home nebulizer, inhalation can be carried out with a nebulizer for bronchitis Lazolvanom, Ambrobene and others. special medicinal solutions designed to improve the release of the bronchi by expectoration.

In the case of obstructive bronchitis in children or adults are effective bronchodilators is a drug Flomax, special solutions are available for inhalation.

Steam inhalation with bronchitis

antiviral agents

If bronchitis arises against the flu, the therapy can be connected to antiviral drugs. You can use interferon drugs intranasally, ie, burying his nose in both children and adults, the use of other antiviral drugs for SARS and influenza Today, widely advertised and recommended, however, conclusive studies and evidence of their effect and safety there, so a decision on their application - private matter.

Bronchitis Treatment folk remedies

In the treatment of bronchitis in adults can be successfully used as a pharmaceutical drug, and prepared according to recipes of traditional medicine. These drugs and treatments less effective, and receive course lasts much longer. Here folk remedies that have proven effective in the treatment of bronchitis in adults:

  1. Very popular folk remedy for the treatment of bronchitis - steam inhalation. It is recommended to breathe the steam formed during the cooking of potatoes, etc. Some this process with careful using, of course, it helps, but often its use causes burns of mucous and the subsequent exacerbation of the flow bronchitis.
  2. Drinking koumiss or goat's milk in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis: It is recommended to consume at least 1 cup milk 3-4 times a day - for a long time. Reliable data on the effectiveness of this method, I have not seen.
  3. Eating onions mixed with honey in the ratio 1: 1, passed through a meat grinder under the scheme: 1 tablespoon - 2 times a day 10-14 days. Sometimes, instead of onion recommend the use of garlic. In some patients did have an effect in the majority - noted the aggravation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Perhaps the method side effects can be avoided by reducing the content in a mixture of onion.

Perhaps treatment of bronchitis means of herbal. Most often for the treatment of bronchitis use the following herbs and their combination: thyme, licorice, oregano, lime, mother-and-stepmother, plantain. To prepare the broth 1 tablespoon mixture is poured ½ liter of boiling water and insist 2 hour. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment 7-10 days. The method is really effective in the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Breathing exercises and massage

Always effectively and quickly helps to cope with virtually all diseases - massage, bronchitis can be carried out only in the case of normalization of body temperature, it is possible to do it yourself, using various massagers, Kuznetsova applicator or vibratory massage. To date, many different kinds of massagers, so you can buy any of them.

Once completed the acute phase of the inflammation and will only be residual effects in the form of a rare cough, you can start making therapeutic breathing exercises, for example, Strelnikova. Women can try to do simple exercises of breathing exercises Bodyflex, which not only strengthens the respiratory system, but also normalizes metabolism and promotes weight loss. On doctor's advice, you can also go through physical therapy.

Oddly enough, but the old proven tools forgotten by modern man, and techniques such as banks, mustard, hot compress rarely have been used by people. But this is a very safe and effective procedure.

Diet for bronchitis

In acute bronchitis, the patient first of all, you need to sweat; for that he should drink 3-4 cups of broth some sweatshop herbs (sage, mint, lime blossom, elderberry and honey). Very effective tea with raspberry fruit (dried or frozen, but not jam).

A few days go hungry, only eat orange juice with water until no further acute attacks. Then, to facilitate the separation of viscous sputum with a dry cough good to drink whey in the form of heat or be taken several times a day 2 tablespoons anise seeds decoction with honey (in a glass of water - is incomplete tablespoon anise seeds, 1 tsp of honey, pinch of drinking soda).

Drink the juice of onion, which is a good expectorant. To pass a balanced diet gradually. From drinks recommended lemon water without sugar. Instead of tea and coffee is better to pour the hot milk with honey and a pinch of baking soda; honey must first boil, as it enhances cough without boiling.

Protein diet for bronchitis

mental attitude

It is possible that many will seem strange and unacceptable, but the psychological, emotional, positive attitude of recovery is always very important, especially for chronic diseases. Belief in the healing - gives the brain a very strong impetus to the intensification of the struggle of the organism with the disease.

Daily reading positive attitude that you can do to come up with yourself, pronunciation of affirmations, self-hypnosis, meditation - may help more than some drugs facilities. The main thing to believe that it works, believe in the power of the organism and the disease is gone.


Bronchitis - a very insidious disease, which threatens the lack of correct and timely treatment of complications such as:

  • obstructive changes of the bronchial tree - doctors regard it as a dying state;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • cardio-pulmonary insufficiency;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • pneumonia - occurs due to the weakening of local immunity and is a common consequence of acute bronchitis;
  • chronic form of bronchitis - usually occurs after the disease acute bronchitis three times a year or more;
  • bronchiectasis (bronchiectasis).

If the cough is accompanied by bronchitis sputum mixed with blood, it is advisable to check for serious diseases such as tuberculosis and lung cancer.

Prevention of bronchitis

By effective, but at the same time simple preventive measures of this disease include:

  • to give up smoking;
  • breathing exercises in the morning;
  • limiting contact with ill persons in the autumn and winter;
  • avoidance of hypothermia;
  • regular airing of living spaces, frequent wet cleaning them;
  • in the presence of hazardous occupational factors at work wearing masks;
  • Daily exposure to fresh air;
  • the strengthening of individual reactivity of the organism with the help of regular exercise, balanced nutrition;
  • timely and correct treatment of SARS, which often give complications in the form of bronchitis.
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