
Nail fungus on hand, treatment at home

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Most often, nail fungus on the hands affects people who lead a healthy lifestyle and stick to it. As paradoxical as it may sound, but the causes of the disease are often saunas, swimming pools and beaches, where the infection is found in large quantities.

Of course, to get rid of the disease as possible, resorting to the use of drugs, but does not prevent the use of traditional medicine tips at home.

Causes of

Fungi are common in the environment everywhere. They love moisture and heat. Hit almost all organs and systems of the human body, including fingernails. human hands are a unique tool created by nature itself. They are constantly in contact with a variety of items, so greatly affected by environmental factors, including microbial. Nail Fungus on your hands do not always develop in contact with the agent. Good immunity and good personal hygiene to protect people from the disease.

The main part of onychomycosis is a fungus species Trichophyton rubrum (red trihofiton). Much less the source of the disease are fungi species Trichophyton interdigitale, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum, Aspergillus and Candida albicans.

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Red trihofiton by blood and lymphatic vessels spread throughout the body. This is evidenced by the nail lesion with the rear portion (proximal) and detection of the pathogen in the lymph nodes, inguinal region and prostatic secretions. This form of onychomycosis is rare. The disease is often recorded in HIV-infected.


Modern medicine distinguishes three main types of fungal nail disease:

Oniholitichesky characterized by the following features: the nail plate loses smoothness and luster, sereet; rapidly developing nail lag from the bed; if the nail is separated completely, exposing the loose bed.
normotroficheskie It manifests a change in color of the nail plate from milky white to grayish-yellow hue. Also formed bands and spots.
hypertrophic when this form of the disease nail edge crumbles pale color plate and dims noticeably thickened nail plate. Have expressed pain.

Each type of fungus can occur in different ways, to put the following diseases:

onychomycosis suffer from it okolonogtevogo roller and nails completely. Transmitted by infectious - from a sick person. In this case, only one touch and even try on the gloves at the store. Less commonly, the disease develops after exposure to the fungus, reproduced on any fruit;
candidiasis the fungus that causes the disease, has lived in the human body. Provoke disease can beriberi, taking antimicrobial drugs, bad eating habits, permanent injury to the nail, frequent and prolonged their stay in high humidity conditions. In this case, not only affects the nail plate, but okolonogtevogo roller. In the group of housewives risk, mothers of young children, food industry workers, and so on. Etc .;
tinea word data combined several poorly known diseases. Their causes are still unclear. Their treatment is based on the results of laboratory diagnostics.
sporotrichosis subject to animal lovers and all those who are often in contact with animals. Infection occurs due to contact with the fungal spores in the skin micro-cracks. Occupational disease of veterinarians.


Any kind of fungus fingernails (see. photo) has three main symptoms:

  1. Discoloration of the nail plate;
  2. The thickening of the nail plate;
  3. The destruction of the nail in the form Etched circuits and other manifestations.

Changes in the nails can start with the edge of the nail plate or from its base. It depends on the type of organism causing the disease, ie, whether it is a Candida infection or dermatofikoznom.

The main symptoms of nail fungus on the hands are as follows:

  1. Nail in one way or another changes its color, depending on the type of pathogen. This occurs most often when a total degeneration.
  2. Nail surface becomes rough. The roughness may be determined by both visual and palpation.
  3. Stratification of the nail often occurs at the distal-lateral lesions. As the disease progresses bundle area increases.
  4. The appearance of white spots under the nail.
  5. Loss of healthy shine. It happens gradually, maybe a long time other manifestations mkoticheskogo lesions will not occur.
  6. Strengthening burr formation. This symptom is observed in lesions of cutaneous roller when the skin on the edge of the nail begins to rapidly die off and burst.
  7. Delamination entire nail plate. This symptom is characteristic of the total degeneration.
  8. skin peeling of hands. Sometimes fungi affect not only nails, but also the skin of the hands and it starts to flake off in the form of small flakes.
  9. The appearance of crumbs on the surface of the nail plate. This symptom can occur when white superficial form of fungus. Subsequently, on the surface of the nail formed small holes.

Launched step often accompanied by loss of the nail, it becomes loose, thickened plate and a process of peeling off, resulting in the nail bed and behind the break. At this stage, as are typical signs of burning and itching.

What is the danger?

Onychomycosis should definitely be treated as itself, this disease does not take place. The disease will progress, resulting in the destruction of nail and skin infection around it.

Launched onychomycosis brings severe discomfort to the patient, because he feels a burning sensation, itching, stress, insomnia. Damage to the skin fungus integrity leads to penetration into the body other infection and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the wound, the emergence of other diseases.

Looks like a fungus on his hands, photos

The photo shows how the disease is manifested on the nails and the hands at the initial running stage.

How to treat nail fungus on your hands?

Fighting onychomycosis - a lengthy process. Prescribe the effective treatment of fungus capable only qualified dermatologist. onychomycosis therapy is drugs topically and internally. For the treatment of early stages of onychomycosis appoint special varnishes, ointments, creams, which are abundant there in the pharmacy.

When running form of the disease the doctor will assign corticosteroids, antifungal medications, antibiotics. A lesion and with extensive destruction of most of the nail plate removal doctor will prescribe.

Nail fungus treatment arms

Consider how to treat nail fungus at the hands of varnishes, sprays and tonics.

  • Batrafen ciclopirox lacquer damaging to 58 fungal strains. Use it for a long time, from 3 to 6 months. Within 1 month, patient treatment is performed nail 1 on p. in 2 days. The second month of the varnish 2 is applied on p. in Week. On the 3rd month and up to complete recovery create curative coating 1 on p. in 30 days.
  • Spray Terbiks terbinafine. The procedure begins with disinfection of diseased plate alcohol. Spray is sprayed onto the nail and surrounding skin. Number of treatments - 1 - 2 per day.
  • Demikten varnish with polyvinyl acetate. The drug reduces swelling and inflammation and gives a drying effect. Daily application of funds kills pathogens of onychomycosis and eliminates unpleasant odor exuded affected hands.
  • Candid lotion. The liquid is rubbed in the plate 1 - 3 r. day after decrease inflammation.

Ointments, lotions and solutions

Effective and easy-to-use anti-fungal agents are considered to be on hand creams, ointments, solutions:

  • Mikozan.
  • Triderm.
  • Tinedol.
  • Ekzoderil.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Lamisil.
  • Travogen.
  • Terbinafine.
  • Ointments and nistatinovaya levorinovaya.

To the best means of nail fungus on the hands are cream and gel Lamisil, Terbinafine and ointment and cream.

Pharmaceutical preparations for oral use

In cases of serious lesions of the nail plate administered tablets and capsules antifungal action. Reception performance of these preparations is high and the positive effect of treatment is achieved in 95% of patients.

  • Fluconazole. Take capsule 150 mg 1 time per week. Following the resumption of healthy nail pills cease.
  • Diflucan. The medicine is prescribed to eliminate fungus and nail recovery. Drink preparation 1 time in 7 days, 0.15 g Diflyukanom treatment is carried out by regrowth of a new, healthy nail.

These drugs have contraindications, side effects. Medication has a negative effect on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and liver. Often to combat fungus appoint: fluconazole, terbinafine, mikozoral, Diflucan, mikosist, orungal, itramikol.

Laser treatment and hardware

Hardware cleaning nail fungal diseases allow to remove the affected layer of the plate, thereby facilitating access to the site of maximum drug concentration fungi. From hardware methods is the most effective laser cleaning. This is a completely painless procedure that can 1.5-2 times shorten the life of the treatment of fungal nail infections.

In addition to being affected by the fungus removed the stratum corneum, the laser itself kills fungi and their spores, sterilizes the bed acts on the blood. And markedly symptomatic effect of the laser - is drying, desensitization, withdrawal itching, inflammation. One therapy session lasts half an hour, all of them can be required 3-4, but after the first procedure the patient sees the effect.

Folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus

Time-tested folk remedies can be used at home as a supplement of medical treatment of the fungus.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide - is applied to a small portion of the cotton pad the size of a nail, is applied to the lesion and fixed. Exposure time - 10-15 minutes. The procedure is performed 1 time per day for 1-3 months. Peroxide as an active oxidizer has a devastating effect on the micelles and fungal spores;
  2. Poultice of grated potatoes on sick nails. The duration of about half an hour, rinse with warm water.
  3. Iodine. Diseased nails applied twice a day on 1 drop of iodine. During this procedure will feel a burning sensation, but that's okay. Healthy nails treated with iodine three times a week. Duration of treatment - a month. If the pain during the application of this tool is too strong, it is worth trying a different method of treatment.
  4. Bath of hot strong coffee. Do every night for at least a week. The precipitate do not stir!
  5. Soda-salt bath. 1 tbsp. l. in 1 liter of warm water to dissolve the salt and soda, immersed in a tray with sore fingers nails for 15-20 minutes. You can take each day.
  6. Tea tree oil. The pour ½ liter water 1 teaspoon spoon shower gel, 10 of the tool drops. The resultant solution soar limb 10-15 min daily until the healing nail. Another essential oil well to get rid of the fungus if to rub it into your nails 2 times a day for about 3 months.
  7. Ointment: 20 g of hop cones, 20 g of crushed burdock root, calendula flowers 10 g to 1 st. water. Boil down in a water bath, filter, mixed with vaseline in the proportion of 1: 2. Apply to the affected area several times a day.
  8. Tar soap - cover the affected nail and roll it with soap, and then dipped his hands in the salt, should wrap the fingers wrap and wear gloves or mittens, leave overnight. You can use this tool to a complete cure;
  9. Peppermint and salt. Pereteret mint leaves with salt. Applying the resulting slurry to the sick nails for 1 hour.

Ideally folk remedies treatment should be regarded as a complement to traditional therapies. They help to enhance the action of antifungal drugs and to achieve a speedy cure and eradication (destruction) of fungi.


For the prevention of fungal infections of the nail plate on the hands and feet should follow certain preventive rules.

These include:

  1. Monitoring the Status of the nail when frequently visiting nail salons. For prophylaxis after manicure nails can be treated with antimycotic cream. Often, however, you should not get involved in them, because it disturbs the natural protective layer. It is better to go to a certified nail salon, where due attention is paid tools treatment measures;
  2. Moderate hand hygiene, to preserve the protective lipid layer of the skin, which provides a natural anti-fungal protection;
  3. Prevention of re-infection is produced by treating the patient gloves, disinfection of nail files and sponges and towels. Recent desirably washed at high temperatures and the possibility to iron.

Prevention of family infection is early detection and treatment of fungus, especially fungus foot the elderly, as well as the use of individual towels, nail clippers and other means of personal health;

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