
Seborrheic dermatitis on the face: treatment, photo, reviews

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Seborrheic dermatitis is a common type of chronic disease. It occurs in two forms: seborrheic dermatitis on the head and on the face. This disease affects the sebaceous glands and is manifested by an inflammatory response in the skin.

Disease susceptible to 3-4% of the people on Earth. The dry form of which is called dandruff is seen in one in five people. People with immune deficiency seborrhea are found in 90% of cases. Affects people of all ages, including newborns, with the male part of the population is sick more often than women.

Causes of

This facial skin disease occurs when increased activity saprofitovogo conditionally pathogenic fungus (Malassezia furfur).

These yeast fungi are part of the normal microflora of the skin for more than 90% of the population and is normally not very active. They are concentrated around the sebaceous glands and feed their secret, because it has a lot of fatty acids necessary for fungal growth and development. But when certain favorable conditions for the fungus begins to actively proliferate, causing severe lesions of the skin.

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Illness strikes approximately 5% of the world population, are often observed in adolescents during puberty and adults with hereditary predisposition to dermatitis. The disease usually develops in men because of medical data is the male hormones androgens stimulate the production of sebum (usually men). Seborrheic dermatitis often occurs in people with weakened immune systems, including HIV-infected.

The main causes of the disease:

  • attenuation of the protective properties of skin;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • amplification sebum production;
  • malfunction of the endocrine system in the background of gynecological diseases and obesity in women, cancer of genitals in men;
  • prolonged period of use of hormonal agents;
  • stress and depression;
  • presence addictions (alcohol, cigarettes);
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • diabetes.

All these factors, or a combination of several conditions provoke active reproduction of fungi on the surface of the skin. fungi waste products irritate the skin, causing serious damage to the epidermis. Treat this dermatitis is necessary once, as in the form of a running therapy more complicated.

Symptoms of dermatitis on the face

Seborrheic eczema or seborrheic dermatitis (see. photo) - an inflammation of the skin caused by ingestion of bacteria in the sebaceous glands. At the same time isolating the product of decomposition of sebum causes severe irritation of the skin. Complication fatty seborrhea are acnes. They are formed when adenemphraxis clotted sebum and skin particles. After contact with bacteria in the sebaceous glands occurs purulent inflammation in the skin depth.

The disease can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • severe itching,
  • burning sensation and peeling;
  • severe irritation of the skin accompanied by redness,
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • the appearance of the flakes of white and yellow flowers in the damaged areas of the skin;
  • are small but numerous papules on the face, localized on the cheeks, forehead, eyebrows and nasolabial area.

There are several types of seborrhea:

dry It occurs much less frequently. Leather with this type of dermatitis becomes very dry and crack. Sebum is greatly reduced. Usually this type of seborrheic dermatitis are more prone children.
oily The most common type of the disease. To add the above symptoms of oily skin. The sebaceous glands begin to produce very large amounts of sebum. Oily film covered face. This gradually leads to the proliferation of a variety of pathogenic fungi and mites, which exacerbates the situation.
mixed Appear oily and dry seborrhea symptoms simultaneously. Dry seborrhea - on the scalp, oily - on the skin.

All the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis occur immediately. There is a gradual deterioration of the situation. If time does not identify the problem and begin appropriate treatment, it may be even erythroderma.

possible complications

Advanced forms of the disease threatens to unpleasant consequences. Without timely and adequate treatment of sebaceous ducts are subjected to further clogging. Disrupted cell skin metabolism.

Accumulated fat penetrates into the lower dermal layers and subjected to decay, which contributes to the formation of purulent and neoplastic tumors. Eruptions can merge into a continuous inflammation. Connection of secondary infections.

What is seborrheic dermatitis, photos

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in the face.


Diagnosis is aimed at elimination of diseases with similar symptoms. To do this, conducted microscopic and mycological examination. Test material are flakes. The goal - to identify pathogenic fungi.

In some cases, as a diagnostic method using a biopsy or take the analysis on hormones.

seborrheic dermatitis treatment

Seborrhea on the face requires a mandatory consultation dermatologist who, in accordance with the treatment protocol, appoint the necessary therapy.

Recommended therapeutic measures:

  • for active influence on the conditional pathogenic microflora is recommended to use 2-5% ichthyol paste which, in addition antimycotic effect possesses keratolytic action that allows a drug to penetrate into the deep layers epidermis;
  • currently, there are many external preparations against manifestations of dermatitis on the face. For example, Nizoral cream, Klotrimaksozol, Ketodin, Lamisil cream, etc. In the case of fungal etiology Development of the disease is assigned to the person processing 2% Nizoralom (cream against fungal infections) during 2 weeks;
  • to neutralize the inflammatory creams and ointments are applied to the low concentration of corticosteroids such as prednisolone ointment, hydrocortisone cream, etc.;
  • at obvious treatment of allergic manifestations assigned antihistamines (Erius, Claritin, etc.);
  • recommended intake of probiotics (bifiform and Linex) for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in severe disease seborrhoeic development in order to neutralize the symptoms, external addition treatment, drugs are used extensively for oral administration. This can be ketoconazole (200 mg daily), terbinafine (250 mg during the day) or fluconazole (100 mg daily). oral drugs against fungal infections are taken during the development of an acute relapse of seborrhea. The most commonly assigned Diflucan (100 mg.) For one day. However, we must take into account the contraindications in the treatment of antifungal drugs.

To restore immune forces assigned vitamin (B, E, C) and reception of immunomodulators (Elidel or Protopic). Furthermore, complex treatment includes folk recipes disposal of the disease.

Ointments and creams for external use

Among external preparations, the following hormonal, immunostimulatory or anti-fungal ointment for the face:

  • "Elokim". Ointment from seborrheic dermatitis of the group of hormonal agents. It is indicated for inflammation and itching with dermatoses. Means are thin in damaged portions only 1 time per day. Price from 300 p.
  • "Elidel". It refers to the immunostimulant group. Is indicated for short-term and long-term treatment in adults or eczema grudnichka. Only in newborn face fungus can be treated by this means no sooner than they reach 3 months. You need to distribute a thin layer to the affected areas up to 2 times daily. Then grind careful movements until absorbed. Cream Price from 1000 p.
  • "Nizoral". Cream, referring to the antifungal group. Indications are ringworm, seborrheic dermatitis, skin candidosis. It must be applied depending on the affected area one or two times a day. Price from 500 p.

Treatment of an acute inflammatory response

With the development of severe seborrheic dermatitis as a result of a violation of the sebaceous gland function remove negative symptoms can perform the following actions:

  • nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac and others.);
  • It recommended patient power correction;
  • appointed antihistamines (loratadine, Diazolin, Tavegil et al.);
  • steroidal agents (Betamethasone, Lorinden et al.);
  • if necessary, it is treated with antibiotics.

Please be aware that the disease can be completely cured only through an integrated and timely approach, including the treatment of folk remedies.

Nutrition for seborrheic dermatitis

Developing patient diet for seborrheic dermatitis of the face, the expert must consider a few things:

  • excluding food stimuli;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • ridding the body of slagging;
  • Normalization of the digestive functions.

Compulsory elimination from the diet be any products that provoke excessive production of sebum. Food should not contain dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers. Salty and spicy food, as well as dishes, flavored with spices or herbs, is not recommended to use. Not subject to receiving food and pickles, sweets, snacks and semi-finished products in the form of crackers, chips and similar products.

For healing the body and improve the skin condition of the face it is useful to eat dairy products with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Of protein foods need to have one that is of animal origin. Improve digestion, help bran, oatmeal and buckwheat, cereal. Cooking food follows on vegetable oils with vitamins A and E, as well as in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Food must be steam.

Folk remedies

Recipes informal medicine offer different ways to combat seborrheic dermatitis:

  1. Decoction of oak bark. About half an hour boil the mixture of ground bark and water, taken in the ratio 1: 5. In the finished broth stir 1 h. l. honey. Clean the damaged areas, washing away the remnants of tools in 2-3 hours.
  2. Honey and water. Connect the components in a ratio of 1 to 9. Ready solution, wipe the affected skin, gently massaging it. Wash off the remnants of money in just a few hours.
  3. Infusion by collecting herbs. In equal parts, take calendula flowers, chamomile, and plantain leaves (1 tbsp. l. per cup of boiling water). Pour into a thermos and leave for the night. Treat infected dermatitis of the face in the morning and evening after washing.

Coping with stress - a way to get rid of the disease

The sebaceous glands are located neurotransmitters, and numerous nerve appendages are in the skin layers. Therefore, any nervous shock exacerbates seborrheic dermatitis. Further stresses reduce the immune function of the organism, to exacerbate gastrointestinal diseases.

Recommended methods:

  • favorite hobby;
  • walks;
  • communication with interesting people;
  • introduction of the diet of sedative infusions of herbs;
  • emotional discharge;
  • reduction in events of significance.

A good method of prevention - hardening of the body. It strengthens the nervous system and the immune system, which positively displayed on the duration of remission periods. Especially important is the positive attitude of the patient, there are cases when the disease is receding, even in the absence of treatment.

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