
Pregnancy calendar week by week

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  • 1 week of pregnancy

    There are two kinds of definition of pregnancy: obstetric and fetal. 1 obstetric week of pregnancy is counted from the first day of the last menstrual period, and embryonic - from the moment of fertilization. The difference between them...

  • 2 Weeks Pregnant

    Period immediately preceding conception is the 2nd obstetric week of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman wishing to become pregnant, should go up to prepare carefully. On average, healthy women ovulation occurs 12-14 days after the beginning...

  • 3 Weeks Pregnant

    The third week of obstetric pregnancy coincides with the first week of embryonic. At this stage, a woman can already notice the first changes in your body, but reliably confirm the success of conception or the presence of a fetus in the uterus still can neither test nor...

  • 4 Weeks Pregnant

    The most important for the proper development of the fetus is considered 4 obstetric week of pregnancy. Since at this stage of the embryo begins to form the embryo. This week, it increases in growth of up to 1 mm, so it is already possible to visualize...

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  • 5 Weeks Pregnant

    You should know that 5 obstetric week of pregnancy or after conception, the third is the period when the woman usually finds out about his interesting position. Delay menstrual bleeding - the first sign of pregnancy. This week...

  • 6 Weeks Pregnant

    Interestingly, the fourth week from the moment of conception is already considered obstetric 6 weeks of pregnancy. Usually at this time of a woman, if you still do not know, it begins to guess about their interesting position, the reason for which are missing monthly...

  • 7 Weeks Pregnant

    The middle of the first trimester is considered to be 7 weeks of pregnancy, or obstetric 5 weeks after conception. Symptoms of pregnancy is increasingly enhanced, and the embryo continues to grow rapidly. This week marks the end of the embryonic period...

  • 8 Weeks Pregnant

    The end of the second month, and the middle of the first trimester is the 8 obstetric week of pregnancy. The fruit is rapidly evolving and improving, and all the organs and tissues - complicated. The most important event of this period are wiggling...

  • 9 Weeks Pregnant

    The beginning of the third month is considered obstetric 9 weeks of pregnancy. The woman's body is in full swing hormonal changes and the fetus is rapidly developing and growing. Its power is already being implemented through the placenta, and not through the wall of the uterus. On...

  • 10 Weeks Pregnant

    The tenth week of pregnancy completes the most dangerous and critical period of development of the baby. The risk of spontaneous abortion in the middle of the third month is significantly reduced, and a child by this time there was already laid all the most important...

  • 11 Weeks Pregnant

    The eleventh week of pregnancy marks the appearance of a child's grasping reflex. From this period, the fetus will grow and develop intensively, and a woman - slowly recede nausea and vomiting...

  • 12 Weeks Pregnant

    Twelfth week of pregnancy marks the retreat of nausea and vomiting, and is popularly referred to as its "golden period." A woman is significantly improved well-being, however, the stomach is not yet so big, so she can enjoy...

  • 13 Weeks Pregnant

    Thirteenth week marks the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the fourth month of pregnancy. The second trimester is the most quiet period, because the woman almost does not bother toxemia and stabilized...

  • 14 Weeks Pregnant

    The fourteenth week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester - the most peaceful period, when a woman can enjoy his position, well-being and mood...

  • 15 Weeks Pregnant

    The fifteenth week of pregnancy is accompanied by various changes in the body. A woman may notice a deterioration of the skin, hair and nails and crumbling teeth. This is due to the fact that all the energy...

  • 16 Weeks Pregnant

    The sixteenth week of pregnancy - the end of the fourth month of pregnancy. The kid has grown significantly, and the abdomen of a woman is increasingly rounded. Some women may have...

  • 17 weeks pregnant

    Seventeenth week marks the beginning of the fifth month. This is the most favorable period of pregnancy, which is accompanied by a good mood and well-being of women. Expectant mother is important more...

  • 18 Weeks Pregnant

    At the eighteenth week, expectant mothers usually begin to feel the first stirring of a child who does not like not to shock, but to "flutter butterfly" or "crawling worm." A child grows up to this date...

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