Back Treatment

How to treat an osteochondrosis of a backbone - the best methods, revitalizing a complex!

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Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease, as it progresses, there are more and more pronounced disturbances in the structure of the intervertebral discs, with the possible subsequent inclusion of vertebrae, joints, ligaments and other nearby structures into the pathological process. For this disease characterized by severe pain, limited mobility, a sense of constraint.

How to treat osteochondrosis of the spine

How to treat osteochondrosis of the spine

In the absence of timely medical care, osteochondrosis can give many complications, primarily in the form of a violation of the blood supply to the brain and intervertebral hernias.



Hernia with osteochondrosis

Hernia with osteochondrosis

When starting treatment, a specialist first prescribes therapy that helps to eliminate the existing painful manifestations and inflammatory processes, and then develops a program for restoring and strengthening the affected areas and the body as a whole. Next, you are invited to learn about the existing methods of treatment of osteochondrosis and the features of their use.

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Content of material

  • 1 Diagnosis procedure for osteochondrosis
  • 2 Treatment methods
    • 2.1 Manual therapy methods
    • 2.2 Physiotherapy treatment
    • 2.3 Special exercises
    • 2.5 Massage Therapy
    • 2.6 Drug therapy
    • 2.7 Refleksoterpiya
    • 2.8 Traction
  • 3 Features of surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease
    • 3.1 Video - How to treat osteochondrosis

procedure for diagnosis of osteoarthritis

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis


osteochondrosis before treatment specialist should get asyou can get more information about the existing pathological process, especially the reasons for its occurrence and the intensity of expressionimages. To do this, apply the appropriate diagnostic techniques.

Degrees of osteochondrosis

Degrees of osteochondrosis


Survey of the patient by the doctor

First, he immediately listens to the patient's complaints, performs an external examination with palpation of the disturbing areas, then directs the patient to X-ray and, based on the results, draws conclusions about the features of the disease and the optimal order of further actions. If necessary, CT and / or MRI are assigned - the survey data allow a more detailed study of the pathology.

MRI with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine

MRI for osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine


X-ray therapy

Methods of treatment

There is no specific and the only correct method for treating osteochondrosis - this process under any circumstances assumes an integrated approach. If the doctor claims the opposite, you should think about his professional qualifications and think about finding another specialist.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis

The integrated program traditionally includes the following components:

  • physiotherapy methods of influence;
  • special exercises and massages;
  • methods of manual therapy;
  • medication;
  • reflexology, electrophoresis, etc.;
  • Extension.

Manual therapy until recently was not considered as a serious method of treatment, perceived as an unconventional treatment. Along with this, numerous studies have proven its usefulness and effectiveness.

Manual therapy

Manual Therapy

Osteochondrosis can be cured by methods of manual therapy

Osteochondrosis can be cured by manual therapy

Methods of manual therapy

Manual therapy relieves of acute painful sensations, helps to restore posture. One of the most commonly used methods is visceral therapy. In the course of its implementation, the joints are treated qualitatively, blood circulation processes are improved, and immunity is strengthened. It helps to prevent the aggravation of various chronic ailments.

Visceral massage( or visceral chiropractic) is a specialized technique of manipulating the internal organs and deeply lying tissues of the body

Visceral massage( or visceral chiropractic) is a specialized technique of manipulating the internal organs and deeply lying tissues of the body

Important! Manual therapy can not be considered as an independent treatment technique. It is intended for use in combination with special exercises, medication and other means of exposure.

Consider the above items in more detail.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Helps to effectively combat morbid manifestations in the localization of pathological process. There are many types of physiotherapeutic effects. Most often resort to the use of magnetotherapy, ultrasound therapy, as well as exposure to low-frequency currents.



Physiotherapy is effective in combination with medical treatment - its methods promote faster and better quality assimilation of drugs, which allows to reduce the prescribed dosages and accelerate recovery.

Magnetotherapy in diseases of the back

Magnetotherapy for diseases of the back

Subject to competent application taking into account the features of a particular patient, physiotherapy techniques do not cause adverse effects. Consequently, they also do not have significant contraindications.

Special exercises

Competent medical gymnastics is one of the most important components of the complex program of therapeutic influence in the case of osteochondrosis. The task of the exercises is to strengthen the muscular corset, in parallel removing the excessive tension from the affected areas and ensuring the correct distribution of loads in the future.

LFK, gymnastics and exercises

Exercise, gymnastics and exercises

The complex of exercises is selected by a qualified specialist taking into account the peculiarities of a particular patient's , tk.under different circumstances and concomitant syndromes, treatment will somehow differ.

Exercises for the back

Exercises for the back

Some patients confuse curative gymnastics with a massage. The latter is also very effective and helps to cope with many side effects of osteochondrosis. However, for the effect of the massage to last as long as possible, a person must necessarily engage in exercise therapy - in the absence of training, the muscles simply will not have the strength to hold the intervertebral discs in the required position for a long time.

Therapeutic gymnastics( LFK)

Therapeutic gymnastics( LFK)

Important! Therapeutic gymnastics is not charging or training in their usual sense. The patient can not just come into the gym and perform a set of strength exercises for the development of the spinal muscles. A specialized instructor should teach the technique of the training. And here the emphasis is not on the number of "approaches" and the "weights" taken, but on the correctness of the actions performed.

The great advantage of curative physical education is the fact that patients of any age can engage in it. It is contraindicated only if there is a history of serious damage to the spinal column( subject to individual clarification) and during periods of exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Lfk with osteochondrosis for any age and sex

LFK for osteochondrosis for any age and gender



Important! Doing gymnastics, as well as attending massage sessions during periods of exacerbation of the disease, it is impossible. Recommendations for the optimal time to start classes and the specifics of their conduct will be provided by the doctor.

Therapeutic massage


Therapeutic massage

Like physiotherapy, if properly applied massage does not provoke the appearance of adverse effects. It is not intended for use during periods of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, in the presence of inflammation and severe pain. Has the following contraindications:

  • various kinds of skin and blood diseases;
  • any inflammation;
  • open wounds;
  • other similar damage.
Classic therapeutic massage

Classic therapeutic massage

As well as therapeutic gymnastics, it is applied after overcoming the acute phase of osteochondrosis of the spine. Has a comprehensive useful effect. About him in the table.

Table. The use of massage with osteochondrosis

Areas of exposure Useful effect
Nervous system

Nervous system

Improving the patient's well-being, massage relieves him of adverse changes in the nervous system caused by jamming of the nerve roots, persistent pains and other concomitant manifestations of osteochondrosis.
Muscular system

Muscular system

Special massage techniques relieve the pain and tension in the muscles.
Circulatory system

Circulatory system

Massage improves blood circulation and promotes vascular strengthening.
The immune system

Immune system

Thanks to special massage techniques, there is a pronounced strengthening of immunity with concomitant normalization of internal metabolic processes.

Practiced manual( "manual") and hardware massages. The first is more effective, becauseallows the specialist to feel the patient as much as possible, providing the necessary therapeutic effect. The hardware is more simple in carrying out, but not so qualitative.

Hardware massage

Hardware massage

Medical therapy

All kinds of non-hormone based tablets and ointments are used to eliminate painful sensations and signs of inflammation. These drugs are not intended for permanent use and are regarded only as a tool for the elimination of symptoms. After getting rid of pain and inflammation, taking medication usually stops and the patient is sent to physiotherapy, gymnastics, massage, etc.

The only exception are chondroprotectors. Preparations of this group contribute to the normalization of the state of the cartilaginous structure and the stocks of the so-called.articular fluid. Accepted long-term courses with a prescribed physician periodicity.

Chondroprotector ointment

Ointment chondroprotector

In emergency cases, the use of intraarticular injections is used to quickly get rid of acute manifestations of osteochondrosis. This is an extreme measure, becauseThe vast majority of drugs in this group provokes a number of side effects.

Chondroprotector injections

Chondroprotective injections

Pharmacological action - stimulating regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, chondroprotective, analgesic, anti-inflammatory

Pharmacological action - stimulating regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, chondroprotective, analgesic, anti-inflammatory


Effective in combination with a therapeutic massage. During the treatment special points of the body are worked out, connected with certain organs and systems and promoting the activation of such functions.


Reflexotherapy - acupuncture

Thanks to reflexology, there is an increase in the beneficial effect of physiotherapy and massage techniques. It is indicated for use in the presence of residual pain, sleep disorders, etc.

Applicators for reflexotherapy

Applicators for Reflexotherapy


is better known as an extension. Helps eliminate painful sensations. During the procedure, the specialist, appropriately affects the patient's body and promotes stretching of the spine, during which the distance between the intervertebral discs increases and the load is distributed evenly on the spinal column. In the future, restoration of the natural form of the spine.


traction The stretching can be carried out in hardware, but the most effective is the manual technique - it allows the physician to pick up the load that best suits the specific patient.

Traction equipment

Traction equipment

Features of surgical treatment of osteochondrosis

In many situations with osteochondrosis it is possible to successfully fight with conservative means. However, in advanced stages, an operation may be the only possible method of solving the problem.


Surgical treatment

To reliably determine the need for surgery, the patient is referred to a series of examinations. In most cases, MRT is mandatory. If the results of the survey reveal that osteochondrosis is potentially capable of leading to loss of ability to work and, in general, a significant deterioration in the patient's quality of life, he will be recommended an operation.

Surgery as an extreme measure in the treatment

Surgery as an extreme measure in the treatment of

Good advice! If one doctor talks about the need for surgery, consult a few more specialists. This recommendation is relevant for all such cases, not just osteochondrosis.

Most often, the indications for surgical intervention in osteochondrosis are, first, the loss of a sick person's ability to control the processes of bowel and bladder emptying;horse tail.

As the last, the branching of the nerve endings in the lower part of the spinal cord is determined. If during the palpation of such a strong painful sensations are felt and, concurrently with this, there are neurological disorders, surgical intervention will not be avoided.

Operation is carried out in two stages. First get rid of the causes of pain, then take action to stabilize the spine. If necessary, the affected elements are removed, implants are implanted, prostheses, etc. When choosing a specific method of treatment, the specialist is guided by the features of the course of the disease and the condition of the patient as a whole.

Do not allow the development of osteochondrosis to the advanced stages, follow medical recommendations and be healthy!

Back health in your hands

Back health in your hands

Video - How to treat spine osteochondrosis

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