
Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles

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  1. Generation theory
  2. Greatest Generation
  3. Silent Generation
  4. Baby boomers
  5. Generation X
  6. Generation Y or Millennium
  7. Generation Z or Homelander
  8. Generation Theory Videos

There are a lot of generations of people. By compiling your family tree - this can be checked. But there is also a unique generational theory that applies to X, Y, Z, baby boomers and alphas and many other representatives of time periods and is calculated by year.

Generation theory

The theory of generations is a detailed description of certain time cycles in the history of mankind, which are associated with certain characteristics. She also assumes views people who were born at a certain period of time. Knowledge of this theory will be useful for communication with employees at work, adults or descendants.

This theory was created in the early 90s of the last century. Two American scientists have thoroughly worked on it: Neil Hove and William Strauss. If we follow this theory, then every 20-25 years a new generation of people is born with their own character traits, features and habits that strikingly distinguish them from the background of other people, but after they are repeated in future generations.

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Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles

Scientists were able to give their name and make an accurate description of each generation, starting from the 30s of the 15th century.

If we follow this theory, then modern people from the last 4 generations represent one single family:

  • junior Vanya - generation Z;
  • Vanya's older sister - generation Y;
  • Vanya's dad - generation X;
  • Vanya's grandmother is the Baby Boomer generation.

But there are also earlier generations who were able to become famous for several generations and leave their indelible mark on the history of mankind.

Today in Russia, according to the theory of American scientists, 6 generations live at once, differing in their character, views and other features.

Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles
Generations of people by years
Greatest Generation Born between 1900-1923
Silent Generation 1923-1943 years
Baby boomers 1943-1963
Generation X 1963-1984
Yperek 1984-2000
Zed From 2000 to the present day

Greatest Generation

This generation was born from the beginning of 1900 to the end of 1923. Their basic values ​​were formed for a long time - almost until the mid-30s of the XX century. It was during these years that the maximum number of historical events occurred: civil war, electrification, collectivization.

Generations of people over the years, starting from 1900, are distinguished by their diligence, are as responsible as possible, they believe that only a bright future awaits them not far off. They are committed to ideological ties, for them the family and family traditions are in the first place, they are categorical in all judgments.

Every member of the current generation is familiar with or was familiar with members of the greatest generation. If they begin to judge something, then it is difficult to convince them otherwise. People of this generation (and they are already over 80) are ready to go to various authorities for a long time to prove their case. Money is not a value for them.Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles

Perhaps this is due to the fact that during their life money depreciated several times, waking up in the morning people found that ordinary pieces of paper were in their wallets. Also, people of this generation have more than once lost what they managed to gain.

Silent Generation

The generation of people over the years from 1923 to 1943, which is called the silent, is considered the smallest in the entire last century. Today these are people who are 70 or more years old. They had to live in one of the most difficult eras: numerous Stalinist repressions persecuted almost every person of this generation, hunger, deprivation, and a prolonged war.

All these hardships had a significant impact on the character of this generation. Silent or silent, this generation was called later, that people at that distant time were taught that if they say something superfluous, they will be sent to prison. How many people in that distant time spent more than a dozen years in prisons. The world war and constant denunciations forced people to keep their mouths shut and not stand out from the general crowd.

Character traits of people from the silent generation:

  • law-abidingness;
  • patience;
  • life only according to the established rules;
  • extreme caution and discretion;
  • thrifty and thrift;
  • attention to your health;
  • hard work.

During the war, this generation was still too young. But the representatives of the silent generation so wanted to be the heroes of their country, therefore, the books about that time describe many heroic deeds committed by the people of that time.Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles

Teenagers and children of the silent generation did not communicate much, the circle of friends suggested 1-2 people. Most fell in love once and for life. People of this generation gave more and more energy to science, education, creativity, literature, and the development of the country after the war.

Representatives of the silent generation were: Gagarin, Vysotsky, academician Sakharov, among the actors Leonov, Nikulin, Dal. It was these people who were able to create their own special atmosphere in society and provided the basis for the future generation - baby boomers.

Baby boomers

The generation of people over the years from 1943 to 1963 is called baby boomers. This generation was born immediately after the end of the Second World War, and this is a period of a compensatory increase in the birth rate. The term "baby boomers" is more common in the United States, but in Russia people who were born in 40-50 years old are called the generation of the Cold War. This is one of the most widespread generations. It was in the post-war period that the boom in fertility and marriage occurred.

The formation of character traits of this generation was influenced by such events: victory in a war, conquest of space, Soviet "thaw", some standards in the school curriculum, a guarantee in obtaining high-quality free medical service.

This generation believes in their country more than generations born before and after them. This generation is optimistic, collective and team individuals. Even the economy responded to the peak of activity of this generation. It was during that period that such stores as Radio, Svet, Hunter-Rybolov and others began to open in the country.

Football and hockey were considered the best sports for that generation, and tourism was the best recreation. Today, people born during the baby boomer period are the most active, go to gyms, swimming pools, and travel.Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles

Representatives of generations of baby boomers had a calm fate, but already at that time the country was slowly moving towards disintegration. This generation was in school when the first man flew into space. When he came to power, Khrushchev promised that this generation would live under communism and that long-awaited bright future would come very soon.

But in the end, no improvement was expected, but on the contrary, it experienced a serious collapse. All savings were lost, many lost their jobs, their status. Today, this generation cannot come to terms with the idea that the country in which they were born is a former superpower.

This generation includes the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, as well as the heads of the United States - Trump, Bush Jr., Clinton.

Generation X

The generation of people over the years from 1963 to 1985 is called Generation X or Unknown. Their main values ​​are constant readiness for any changes, the ability to quickly make a choice, the desire throughout life to learn something new, the hope only on their own strength, equality between floors.

Today, there are more representatives of this generation in business. This generation has its own unique key on its neck. These children were accustomed to being independent from birth, they did their homework themselves, and from an early age knew how to warm up lunch for them, which adults left on the stove for them.

The parents of this generation, belonging to the generation of baby boomers, believed that if their children were independent from an early age, then later in their lives it would be easier for them to pass the tests. That is why they did not try to make life easier for their child, but only complicated everything for pedagogical purposes. But the key on the neck is a symbol of the fact that from an early age the representatives of this generation will be independent.

Generation X makes conclusions only by comprehending their personal experience, but at the same time they strongly listen to the opinions of loved ones. This generation favors individual sports such as alpine skiing and tennis.

They value their personal time, they are constantly in a hurry. All companies that specialize in fast food or the production of semi-finished products should be grateful to the representatives of Generation X. This generation chooses potent drugs when purchasing drugs.

This generation has grown up with such events in the world:

  • the closeness of the country;
  • stagnation;
  • cold war;
  • the war in Afghanistan;
  • massive distribution of drugs;
  • restructuring.Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles

And it was during these years that the divorce boom had. Family values ​​were greatly shaken, many women started doing business, striving to become as independent and independent as possible.

One of the important goals of Generation X is the ability to make their own personal choices. The best work is the expression of creativity. Xs do not strive to change their occupation, but they need to be realized constantly. But this generation has almost no patriotism. The homeland of ale of these people is a small homeland or a very small one: it is a limited circle of friends, family.

In Russia, many well-known entrepreneurs belong to Generation X, including: Kaspersky, Tinkov.

Generation Y or Millennium

Generation Y is considered one of the most difficult for the public perception. The second name of the Millennium generation. This word, translated from Latin, means a millennium. The thing is that this generation was born at the turn of the 2nd millennium. Today people of this generation are within 20-36 years old.

The generation of people, if we look at them over the years, grew up in a not very easy time: perestroika, wars, a mass of epidemics. Each of which is worse than the previous one. But not everything was straight, it was always bad, there are pluses - global progress in technological processes.

It was during the years of this generation that smartphones appeared, therefore Igrekov was also called “the generation of the big finger ", and all because they were the first to start typing messages, clicking on the buttons only with the thumb finger.

If we compare this generation with others, then they only care about themselves, they begin to think about marriage and future offspring only after 30 years. They work only because they will be paid for it, so they do not always like their field of activity, the main thing is that the income is good. But they are not only interested in money. The fact is that the parents of representatives of the Ygrek generation did not have the opportunity to choose between professions. They had no one to help and when they turned 18, they had to study and work to feed themselves and help their families.

Most of the Games are provided by their parents, and this continues until they are firmly on their feet. As a result, the Igreki are in no hurry to get a job and they explain their decision - work should be enjoyable.

The main difference between the Igrekov is the addiction to constantly receive the latest information using Internet forums. They like to learn new things, gain wider knowledge and develop constantly. Education is not boring for them, but the old methods are not to their liking. In the information age, the value of information itself is losing its weight.Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles

Information that previously received only from teachers, now everyone can get on their own, one has only to enter the Internet. On the one hand, this is a significant plus, but on the other hand, the Igreks believe everything they read on the Internet, while most of the information is not true.

For this generation, studying at universities is not important, since most of the professions are not relevant today. Their main goal in life is to maintain or improve their usual standard of living. They try to eat better than they did as children, buy more advanced gadgets, cars, wardrobe items, housing and other goods.

This generation considers itself young for a long time and does not want to be held responsible for their actions. Thoughts about the realities terrify them.

Generation Z or Homelander

Starting in 2004, a new generation began to appear, which is called Generation Zed, Homelanders or couch potatoes. They will be born until 2024. The fact is that in the era of computers and the Internet, children have forgotten about active outdoor games, they are increasingly sitting at home on the Internet and social networks. They can skillfully combine 2 worlds: biological and technological.

The new young generation will pay special attention to their health all their lives. A lot of "smart" gadgets have already been released on the market and are still expected to be released, the main consumers are just the representatives of the couch potato generation. In the future, it is robots that will become the main service providers for Generation Zed.

Representatives of the last generation are able to change the world, trying to adjust it to their own views on life and their own needs.

Analysts believe that the younger generation will be more focused on science, technological advances, biotechnology and medicine. The elite of this generation will be doctors, scientists and teachers. The life of this generation will become the subject of inheritance - films will be made about them, all social networks will follow their every step.

They will not only be interested in science and technology, they will also receive a good education, especially carefully selecting training programs and manuals. They will pay special attention to special details, and this will manifest itself in a careful study of the instructions for new drugs, food products and the study of innovation.Generations of people by year of birth. Table, titles

For the homebody generation, the Internet is not just entertainment, but a source of knowledge and a significant expansion of one's horizons. This is communication with people from different countries of the world, thanks to which you can get unique knowledge. This generation, from an early age, passes through itself enormous streams of information. On the one hand, this is a plus, because an analytical mind is developing, and on the other, concentration of attention is significantly reduced.

The generations of people studied by scientists and analysts over the years are helping to better understand the values ​​that were important 40-60 years ago and now. The theory of generation helps to answer the main question why people of older generations cannot find a common language with young people. The thing is that different events affect the life of each of the generations of the 20th century and the values ​​are strikingly different.

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