
Discus compositum injections. Price, instructions for use, reviews

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  1. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price
  2. Composition, release form
  3. Operating principle
  4. Indications and contraindications for use
  5. Instructions for use
  6. With a hernia
  7. With osteochondrosis
  8. With gout
  9. With myositis
  10. Some analogues, prices
  11. Terms and conditions of storage
  12. Video about injections Discus compositum

Discus compositum is a homeopathic medicine, which is actively assigned to patients in identifying pathologies of the musculoskeletal system of varying severity. Discus compositum injections help not only eliminate the manifestations of the disease, but also improve tissue condition, prevent the development of complications as a result of rapid progression symptoms. The price of the drug is quite high, but its effectiveness justifies it, if you believe the patients who use the solution in courses.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price

A homeopathic remedy is expensive. For 5 ampoules, the patient will have to pay 1200-1900 rubles. depending on the region of distribution and the specific pharmacy.

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Discus compositum injections. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Dispensing of medication from pharmacies is carried out after presentation of a certified prescription form from a doctor, despite the fact that it belongs to homeopathic remedies. This eliminates the risk of developing negative symptoms when used independently.

Composition, release form

Discus compositum - injections (the price of the product depends on the number of ampoules in the package), which are a clear solution without color, packaged in 2.2 ml transparent glass ampoules. Ampoules are placed in small plastic cells of 5 pieces. The cells are in a small cardboard box. A description is attached to the medication, it details all the nuances of use, possible complications during treatment, contraindications.

The product contains a complex of homeopathic components, among which the following are considered the most important:

  • Extraction from animal cartilage.
  • Herbal ingredients.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Nicotinamide.

There are other substances in the composition that make the drug effective. Prepared water is present in the solution as an auxiliary substance. Experts cannot accurately indicate the amount of each component in the composition. The ingredients are not only of animal origin, but also of plant and mineral origin, which ensures high efficiency.

Operating principle

Solution for injection has different properties, due to the variety of its composition and the natural origin of each component. The analgesic effect of the drug is noted during course use. In patients, pain associated with damage to the cartilage tissue and muscular apparatus is eliminated.

The presence of an extract from the cartilage tissue of animals in the composition explains the positive effect of the drug on the articular joints and intervertebral discs. When using the solution, a gradual restoration of damaged cartilage is noted, as well as an improvement in the production of components in the body that are responsible for the elasticity and strength of tissues. As a result, there is a decrease in the risk of disease progression and the development of complications.

Discus compositum injections. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The medication also has other properties:

  • Improves metabolic processes, increases the percentage of assimilation of useful components from food. Against the background of this process, the normalization of digestion, the elimination of the symptoms of pathologies of the endocrine system is noted.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the entire musculoskeletal system of the patient, prevents inflammatory pathologies of muscle and cartilaginous tissues. If the patient has chronic diseases, there is a stop in their progression, an improvement in the general condition.
  • The components in the composition of the drug improve the condition of the bone tissue, make it strong, and prevent damage in case of minor injuries.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of the drug help to improve the condition when diagnosing acute inflammatory pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs.
  • The presence of herbal ingredients ensures the detoxification properties of the drug. During treatment, the elimination of toxins, harmful components that prevent recovery from the body is noted.
  • The antispasmodic properties of the drug are also considered important for patients, especially with damage to muscle fibers.
  • The medicine stimulates the process of tissue regeneration, helps to accelerate the formation of cells.
  • An additional property of the drug is the ability to improve the patient's immune forces by saturating with important ingredients.

Discus compositum - injections, the price of which is high, affecting the nervous system of patients. Experts note the mild sedative effect of the drug, which helps to normalize sleep if it is disturbed as a result of severe pain.

Discus compositum injections. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Discus compositum helps to normalize sleep, since the pain no longer bothers.

When the drug is administered parenterally, the components are rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation and spread throughout the body. Substances in small amounts accumulate in tissues, having a more pronounced effect. After the end of the course, the ingredients are evacuated for 1 day, mainly with the help of the kidneys.

Their processing is carried out in the liver, therefore, in the presence of pathologies of this organ, a slight deterioration in the assimilation of ingredients is observed. Pharmacokinetic features in different patients may differ depending on the characteristics of the use of the medication.

Indications and contraindications for use

The medication is usually used to diagnose pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, but there may be other indications.

In most cases, the solution is indicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis at different stages of development. In this case, the agent is used in case of damage to one section of the spinal column or several sections at once.
  • Intervertebral hernia at different stages of development. The severe course of the disease requires an integrated approach, but as an auxiliary method, the solution can be used to increase the effectiveness of therapy.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the articular joints. For example, with arthrosis of large joints, a gradual destruction of cartilage occurs, and the use of a solution helps to avoid this.
  • Inflammatory pathologies of joints and muscles. For arthritis and myositis, medication is not used as the only treatment, but may be prescribed to increase its effectiveness.
  • Inflammatory and traumatic lesions of the ligamentous apparatus.
  • Damage to bone tissue of varying severity.
  • Rheumatic origin of arthritis with involvement of large joints.
  • Acute and chronic gout.
  • Muscle pain after heavy exertion or injury.
  • Recovery period after injuries to the limbs or spinal column.
  • Osteomalacia.
Discus compositum injections. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The medication can be used as part of the complex treatment of neurological diseases, as well as metabolic disorders. Discus compositum may not always be prescribed to patients, if you study the reviews of some of them. Injections are not used when diagnosing intolerance to any of the plant, mineral components of the composition, a tendency to such disorders in the patient's history.

The official instruction does not indicate the period of pregnancy and lactation as a contraindication for therapy, but doctors rarely prescribe medication. This is not necessary very often. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and in short courses. To date, there is no data on the negative effect of the ingredients on the development of the fetus, but there is also no information on the absence of such an effect.

Children and adolescents are not prescribed medication, which is also due to the lack of data on the effect of ingredients on the body. Relative contraindications for therapy include hepatic and renal failure, exacerbation of pathologies of the brain, digestive tract.

For elderly patients, the solution is prescribed with caution, especially in the presence of chronic heart and vascular diseases. In each case, there may be individual contraindications for the patient, determined by the doctor during the examination.

Discus compositum injections. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Despite the natural composition of a homeopathic medicine, it can provoke negative symptoms if used incorrectly. The most common is considered an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by a rash on the skin, itching and burning, peeling. Some patients talk about headache, dizziness, weakness. Sometimes the use is accompanied by indigestion, nausea and bouts of vomiting, increased salivation.

The appearance of such symptoms requires refusal of treatment and a visit to a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment, if necessary. It is not recommended to use drugs on your own, as well as to ignore the symptoms while continuing therapy.

Instructions for use

Discus compositum - injections (the price of the medication may be higher if there are a large number of ampoules in the package), prescribed patients after a preliminary diagnostic examination and identification of the severity of symptoms diseases. Depending on the pathology, the treatment regimen is different, but a standard method can be used. It involves the introduction of a solution 2 times a week intramuscularly in 1 ampoule.

When administered intramuscularly, dilution of the solution is not required. The drug can also be taken orally after adding 10 ml of water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week. The duration of the therapeutic course is 4-8 weeks and is determined individually. The method of application of the solution is determined depending on the specific patient. The best effect is obtained with parenteral administration, but when this is not possible, oral administration is allowed.

Sometimes a doctor cannot prescribe a medication orally if patients have a malabsorption of substances in the digestive tract as a result of a disease. Then it is better to choose the parenteral route of administration.

With a hernia

When diagnosing a herniated disc, the agent is used in courses of 4 weeks. If the course of the disease is mild, it is sufficient to administer 1 ampoule 2 times a week intramuscularly.

Discus compositum injections. Instructions for use, price, reviews

In severe cases of violation, the dosage is increased to 3 injections per week, and the duration of the course is increased to 6 weeks. If the disease requires surgery, the drug can be used for long courses during the recovery period. The solution is administered intramuscularly, 1 ampoule per week. The therapeutic course can last 8 weeks.

With osteochondrosis

When diagnosing osteochondrosis, the drug is used in courses of 4-6 weeks. They are repeated 2 times a year to maintain the therapeutic effect. The dosage of the drug per day is 2.2 ml, that is, 1 ampoule. Repeat the introduction 3 times a week. In a severe course of the disorder, other agents are additionally used that increase the effectiveness of treatment.

With gout

Diagnosing gout requires long-term treatment with a solution. Intramuscularly, 2.2 ml of the drug is injected 3 times a week. After 3 weeks, the doctor assesses the result of the therapy and, if necessary, prolongs it. If within 2 weeks there are no first results of treatment, specialists can re-examine and prescribe another medication.

Independently, the patient is strongly advised not to exceed the dosage or prolong the course.

In combination with other remedies, homeopathic medicine brings a pronounced result, but doctors select drugs individually, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disorder in a particular sick.

With myositis

Discus compositum - injections (the price of the drug is high for many patients, which is the reason for refusing to use it), which are used in short courses of 2-4 weeks in case of muscle fiber damage.

The agent is injected intramuscularly 3 times a week, 2.2 ml. It is allowed to take the solution inside according to the same scheme after preliminary addition of 10 ml of water. In each case, the doctor individually decides on the method of using the medication. If the patient is administering the drug parenterally, subsequent oral administration is not prohibited as directed by a physician.

The traumatic origin of the pathology requires the additional use of painkillers with more pronounced properties, which will enhance the effectiveness of treatment. A homeopathic remedy alone is not sufficient to relieve acute pain after injury.

Some analogues, prices

The solution has analogues that can be used in the absence of it in pharmacies or the impossibility of using it for various reasons. Substitutes may have a different composition, but have similar properties.

Discus compositum injections. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Product name Features and cost
Alflutop The drug is based on a concentrate from marine organisms, which is often used to treat patients with various forms of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The medicine is produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration. The drug has anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective properties, helps to restore cartilage tissue and prevents the progression of the pathological condition. The product does not contain additional ingredients in the form of herbal substances, but this does not make it less effective than the original. The cost of the solution is approximately 1400-1700 rubles. for 10 ampoules of 1 ml.
Traumeel S Homeopathic medicine in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration, with pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The action of the drug is carried out due to the presence of a complex of plant and mineral components, it is prescribed not only for the defeat of the musculoskeletal system, but also for other pathologies. The drug is also available in the form of tablets, drops, gel and ointment for external use. Its cost ranges from 600-900 rubles.
Target T A medicine from the homeopathic group, which contains components of animal, mineral and plant origin. The composition of the substitute does not completely coincide with the original, but its effect is the same. The medication helps to normalize metabolic processes, improves the absorption of components from food, increases the strength of bone tissue and the elasticity of cartilage in the articular joints. This leads to an improvement in the general condition and stopping the progression of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The drug is available not only in the form of a solution for parenteral administration, but also in the form of an ointment, tablets. The medicine is prescribed in long courses to obtain a more pronounced result and prevent the development of complications. The cost of the substitute is approximately 1300-2500 rubles. depending on the region of distribution.
Discus compositum injections. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The choice of an analogue is made only by a doctor, since an individual approach is required depending on the symptomatology of the pathology, the presence of concomitant deviations from other systems and organs. The presence of other components in the composition of analogs increases the likelihood of complications, so you should not select medicines yourself.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is important to store the medication in a dark and cool place. It is important to avoid contact with moisture, direct sunlight and keep out of the reach of children. The maximum storage period for the product is 5 years. The date of its production is indicated on the packaging, the information should be studied before use. After the expiration date, the use of the solution is not allowed.

Discus compositum is an effective tool for improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system of patients with various diseases. Injections stimulate tissue repair, prevent the development of complications against the background of the lack of proper treatment. The high price of the drug forces patients to select more affordable analogues, but in most cases, substitutes have the same cost.

Video about injections Discus compositum

Features of Discus compositum:

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