
Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do

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  1. Why do cramps occur at night
  2. Physiological causes of nocturnal calf muscle cramps
  3. Diseases of the internal organs
  4. Phlebeurysm
  5. Flat feet
  6. Use of diuretics
  7. Lack of nutrients
  8. Causes in pregnant women
  9. First aid
  10. Medicines
  11. Ointments
  12. Vitamins
  13. Exercises
  14. Nutrition rules
  15. Rules for the use of compression hosiery
  16. Video on why the calf muscle is cramping at night

Reduces the gastrocnemius muscle at night quite often. Usually, the pathological process is observed in people over middle age. Spontaneous muscle spasm is accompanied by intense pain. Usually localized in the lower leg or calf area. The duration of the contraction is several seconds or minutes. The muscle hardens and deforms. The reasons may vary.

Why do cramps occur at night

Often the question arises of what causes the appearance of cramps in the calf muscles at night. Indeed, in the dark, the body is in a relaxed state. At night, circulatory disorders are provoked. The trigger is an incorrect posture during sleep or a violation of the functionality of the vascular system.

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Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do

Any mobility can lead to spasms. Most often, patients complain of acute pain that lasts for several minutes. Nocturnal cramps are called idiopathic in medicine. The term means the absence of a specific provocateur of a pathological condition. The main reason is established by a specialist after a thorough history taking.

Physiological causes of nocturnal calf muscle cramps

Reduces the gastrocnemius muscle at night (the reasons are different) when stretching. Usually, a spasm occurs with sharp physical exertion. In particular, such cases are often observed in women who have been wearing high heels for a long time. If the leg muscles are cramped when walking, running or swimming, then it is necessary to identify the root cause. Perhaps the provocateur is not a deficiency of elements, but a violation of blood flow.

In addition to common flat feet, varicose veins can serve as a trigger.

The most common explanation for the onset of seizures after exercise is the theory of impaired neuromuscular control. Often, the problem is noted in athletes with little experience, who expose the body to unnecessary stress. Insufficiently trained muscles tire quickly. For this reason, the level of spinal reflex activity may change.

It is she who is responsible for the protective function of the muscular system from stretching, since it is associated with the nerve-tendon spindles. When an athlete develops fatigue, nerve impulses increase, and the activity of the muscular system decreases. This provokes the activity of neurons that are responsible for reflexes.

Muscles undergo involuntary contraction after intense physical exertion. Athletes experience a decrease in trace elements and dehydration of the body due to increased sweating.

Diseases of the internal organs

Reduces the gastrocnemius muscle at night (the reasons are established by a specialist) at night with liver pathologies. With cirrhosis, an imbalance of globulin and albumin is noted. As a result, seizures may appear. The symptom is often noted by people who regularly undergo hemodialysis for kidney failure.

Contraction of the calf muscles at night can cause a pathology such as hypoparathyroidism. Any violation of the parathyroid glands is expressed by muscle spasms.


Reduces the calf muscle in people with varicose veins. The pathological process worries at night, if during the day there was an increased load on the legs. For example, a person walked a lot. The danger is not only dynamic, but also static tension of the veins. In addition to spasms, the patient is worried about the swelling of the legs.

Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do

Severity appears in the evenings. The lower limbs contain many tiny veins and capillaries that expand and show through the skin. Varicose veins are often diagnosed by teachers, hairdressers, salespeople. The reason for the appearance of pathology is explained by the fact that people of these professions spend a lot of time in a standing position.

Flat feet

Improper development of the foot provokes increased stress on the muscles of the legs and ligaments. This leads to an uneven distribution of tension, which provokes cramps in the leg area. With flat feet, the functionality of blood vessels and nerve endings is impaired.

Use of diuretics

Self-medication, non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician, uncontrolled intake of diuretics can cause significant damage to health. Diuretics often cause muscle cramps in the lower extremities. Failure to comply with the rules for taking loop diuretics is especially dangerous. This category includes "Furosemide", "Lasix", "Diacarb".

Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do

Medicines promote the excretion of sodium and magnesium from the body. The lack of elements causes excitability of nerve endings and muscle spasm. The problem is relevant in the elderly. Often this category of patients complains of muscle twitching at night.

Lack of nutrients

Reduces the calf muscle at night (the reasons for the process are explained by various factors) with a lack of vitamins, which are necessary for the full functioning of all systems in the body. A deficiency of nutrients leads to a malfunction of the functionality of internal organs and the appearance of convulsive contractions of the leg muscles.

With a lack of vitamin B1, a person has memory problems and tension in the calf muscles. Vitamins A, B, D, E are responsible for a full reduction. With their low content in the body, neural conduction is reduced, which provokes seizures.

When muscles are tense, they often have low levels of vitamins D and B6, as well as micronutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for the regenerative capacity of cells. Deficiency of the element provokes a decrease in muscle tone. Calcium provides the functionality of the musculoskeletal system. Its level falls with age. Therefore, to prevent the pathological process, it is recommended to take special dietary supplements.

Causes in pregnant women

Pregnancy causes malfunction in the body. Often, when carrying a fetus, a woman has night cramps in the calf muscles.

The provocateurs are:

  • Eclampsia. Hypertension is the leading symptom. Muscle spasms are a characteristic feature, in some cases leading to fainting.
    Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do
  • Lack of vitamins. The body of the expectant mother may have low levels of potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamin B6. This condition causes frequent urination. Useful elements are removed with urine.
  • Phlebeurysm. When carrying a child, the load on the female body increases. Disruption of blood circulation is provoked. For this reason, nutrients do not enter the muscles.
  • Reducing blood glucose levels. To maintain the optimal marker, pregnant women should eat a balanced diet and a fractional meal.
  • Inferior vena cava syndrome. As the size of the uterus increases, the veins are compressed. The outflow of blood worsens. This causes cramps in the leg muscles.
  • Gestosis. Pathology is noted in late pregnancy. Dangerous for the expectant mother and child. The main signs include swelling, increased blood pressure, excretion of protein with urine, and frequent convulsions.

Pregnant women should undergo routine check-ups. The doctor can diagnose pathology at an early stage. Timely medical assistance is the guarantor of maintaining the health of women and children.

First aid

With muscle spasms in the legs, a number of measures are taken that can eliminate the unpleasant sensation at home:

  • Giving the body the correct posture. The person is laid down on a flat surface or sits down.
  • Relaxation of muscles. The patient grabs the toes. They are pressed in such a way that they are bent towards the victim. The person will experience pain that will quickly stop.
    Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do
  • Calf muscles massage. Manipulation relieves tension. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to carry out simple strokes, to actively rub the skin. The massage should be finished with intensive kneading of the muscles. At the end of the session, stroking is also recommended. This will induce relaxation and elimination of tone.
  • Providing peace. After elimination of spasms, the patient should be allowed to rest. The leg muscles should relax as much as possible.

It should be noted that after a while, pain will appear in the area where the leg muscles contracted. Unpleasant sensations are provoked by the intense release of lactic acid, which irritates the receptors.


Self-administration of certain drugs is contraindicated. Consultation with a specialist is required. If seizures are provoked by a deficiency of magnesium, potassium and calcium, then it is recommended to take Panangin or Asparkam drugs. They are highly effective. Both contain magnesium and potassium aspartate. They are an excellent prevention of seizures at night. The drugs are easily absorbed by the body and are well tolerated by the elderly.

For spasms, the drug Quinine is prescribed. However, it requires careful use. The dosage should be observed. The therapeutic regimen is established by a specialist. If you experience side effects such as nausea, pain and dizziness, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


In some cases, specialists prescribe ointments. The appropriate remedy is chosen depending on the cause of the spasms. If cramps at night are the result of varicose veins, then Heparin ointment is usually prescribed. Funds with a warming effect Troxevasin, Troxerutin, Diosmin are widely used.

Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do

Ointments are used 2 times a day. Rubbed into the skin with light massaging movements. The drugs help to optimize blood circulation, eliminate puffiness and seizures.


Calcium and vitamin D are part of many vitamin complexes. Calcium D3 Nycomed is considered a popular remedy. To compensate for the lack of magnesium, drugs Magne-B6, Magnelis B6, Magnerot, Magvit are prescribed. With a shortage of potassium and sodium, a complex of vitamins Doppelherz is prescribed.

Often, seizures are caused by a thiamine deficiency. Complex remedies Milgamma, Neuromultivit, Benevron BF contain B vitamins. From monopreparations, tocopherol or vitamin E should be isolated.


From spasms at night, accompanied by acute pain, a person most often wakes up. There are a number of exercises that can eliminate unpleasant manifestations in a short time.

Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do
If the calf muscle is cramping at night, you can do self-massage.

The table shows the main ways of their implementation:

An exercise Description
Strong nip on the caviar Repeated several times. Allows you to relieve pain caused by spasms. A similar method is to prick with a sharp object (needle or pin).
Stretching The spasm disappears when the feet are pulled towards oneself. Relaxation and subsequent muscle tension are felt. Spasms resolve quickly enough.
Massage It is considered the most optimal method. Ideally, the manipulation should be done by someone else, but you can do it yourself.
Standing with bare feet on the floor With a mild spasm, you can roll from heels to toes. The muscles will relax and the pain will subside.

Nutrition rules

It is important to maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals. It is advised to consume food rich in vitamins. Compliance with the drinking regime is also important. It is recommended to consume up to 2 liters of still water per day. It is advised to give up the consumption of alcohol, coffee, energy drinks and tea. Drinks interfere with the full absorption of calcium.

You should adhere to fractional nutrition. It is recommended to take food in portions (4-5 times a day). This helps to accelerate the absorption of nutrients.

Rules for the use of compression hosiery

The positive effect of wearing compression hosiery is due to their compressive effect on the veins that are affected by varicose veins. Promote increased blood flow. Compression hosiery reduces pain and cramps. It is necessary to follow the rules of wearing. The elastic stocking is put on immediately after waking up.

Reduces the calf muscle at night. Reasons for what to do

An important condition is that the degree of compression must be determined by the attending physician. A tight stocking has a negative effect on blood circulation. At the same time, insufficient pressure also does not bring the expected therapeutic effect. Reduces the calf muscle at night for various reasons. The provoking factor must be established by a specialist. Self-medication can aggravate the pathology.

Video on why the calf muscle is cramping at night

Leg cramps. Bringing his legs. How to treat:

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