
Ferritin is lowered. Causes in women during pregnancy in a blood test. What does it mean

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  1. The value is normal
  2. Decrease symptoms
  3. Reasons for downgrading
  4. How is it determined
  5. How to bounce back
  6. Diet
  7. Drug treatment
  8. Sorbifer Durules
  9. Feramide
  10. Totem
  11. Ferroplex
  12. Taking vitamin complexes
  13. Mom
  14. Alphabet
  15. Injection or blood transfusion in a hospital setting
  16. Dietary supplements
  17. Elevit pronatal
  18. Teknofer
  19. Medefer
  20. Course or surgical treatment of the underlying disease
  21. Traditional methods of treatment
  22. Beet
  23. Rose hip
  24. Ferritin video

During pregnancy in women, ferritin indicators in analyzes can significantly deviate from the norm downward for natural reasons. Ferritin is a protein complex that stores and supplies iron to the entire body.

As an indicator of the level of serum iron, ferritin is synthesized in the body from the iron consumed in food and the products of the activity of erythrocytes, and in one turn it is retained in the placenta. Ferritin levels during pregnancy can drop several times, often causing disorders that require medical treatment.

The value is normal

Ferritin decreases in women during pregnancy to varying degrees, the reasons for which may not appear immediately. Normally, ferritin values ​​vary for healthy women from 18 liters. within the range of 25 - 180 mcg / l (average 30-40 mcg / l). During the period of gestation, the level of ferritin naturally decreases due to the restructuring of the body. The iron-containing protein is almost entirely used for the intrauterine development of the baby.

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It accumulates in the placenta and provides the fetus with immunity in the future. During the entire pregnancy process, ferritin accumulates in the baby's blood and helps him adapt to the new life conditions after birth. The required amount of ferritin for normal growth and development of the fetus gradually increases as its formation, therefore, the norm of this protein in the blood of a pregnant woman for each stage of pregnancy its.

Pregnancy period, weeks Average ferritin, μg / l
1-12 no more than 90
13-24 up to 75
25-40 10-15

With low levels of protein in blood tests, provided that the levels of other values ​​(hemoglobin, leukocytes, sugar) are normal, there is often no cause for concern. It is enough for a pregnant woman to change her diet and the amount of iron is normalized. However, the presence of negative symptoms of iron deficiency indicates the need for urgent treatment.

Decrease symptoms

Ferritin is lowered (causes in women during pregnancy can be natural) to varying degrees, which, depending on the state of health, may not show visible symptoms.

Acute protein deficiency in most pregnant women with low ferritin levels is manifested by heaviness and pain in the legs, as well as hair loss, dullness and brittleness. This indicates a lack of oxygen in the body, but may be a common side effect of body remodeling during pregnancy. It is possible to accurately determine the lack of ferritin only after passing the analysis.

Common symptoms of serum iron deficiency, in addition to deteriorating hair, include:

  • pale skin;
  • systematic headaches;
  • weakness or increased fatigue of a pregnant woman;
  • dry skin and peeling nails;
  • dizziness and slight shortness of breath;
  • heart palpitations and heaviness in the region of the heart;
  • systematic colds.

Ferritin is lowered in a blood test in women. Causes during pregnancyPregnancy period, weeksAverage ferritin, μg / l 1-12 no more than 90 13-24 up to 75 25-40 10-15

With low levels of protein in blood tests, provided that the levels of other values ​​(hemoglobin, leukocytes, sugar) are normal, there is often no cause for concern. It is enough for a pregnant woman to change her diet and the amount of iron is normalized. However, the presence of negative symptoms of iron deficiency indicates the need for urgent treatment.

Decrease symptoms

Ferritin is lowered (causes in women during pregnancy can be natural) to varying degrees, which, depending on the state of health, may not show visible symptoms.

Acute protein deficiency in most pregnant women with low ferritin levels is manifested by heaviness and pain in the legs, as well as hair loss, dullness and brittleness. This indicates a lack of oxygen in the body, but may be a common side effect of body remodeling during pregnancy. It is possible to accurately determine the lack of ferritin only after passing the analysis.

Common symptoms of serum iron deficiency, in addition to deteriorating hair, include:

  • pale skin;
  • systematic headaches;
  • weakness or increased fatigue of a pregnant woman;
  • dry skin and peeling nails;
  • dizziness and slight shortness of breath;
  • heart palpitations and heaviness in the region of the heart;
  • systematic colds.

Ferritin is lowered in a blood test in women. Causes during pregnancyAlong with these manifestations, the psychological state of a woman can change. The pregnant woman develops irritability, depression and lethargy. Sleep is disturbed and there is a change in taste, digestive problems. This is due to the fact that the body takes the lack of oxygen from the hair structures, skin and other tissues.

Reasons for downgrading

Ferritin is lowered (causes in women during pregnancy in most cases are associated with bearing a fetus) for various factors, which include:

  • lack of nutrition with useful substances;
  • anemia caused by iron deficiency;
  • insufficient absorption of iron in the digestive system;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • nephrotic syndrome or severe kidney damage;
  • a short period between the last birth and a new pregnancy.

Concomitant causes of iron deficiency during pregnancy that exacerbate health conditions include:

  • vegetarianism;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • increased physical activity;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • blood loss (during trauma, surgery, donation);
  • chronic infectious or endocrine diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • 4 or more births.
  • tuberculosis.

Often there can be several reasons for a decrease in ferritin, and together with a heavy load during pregnancy, they can provoke a sharp deterioration in a woman's health.

How is it determined

Ferritin is lowered (the reasons in women during pregnancy depend on the accompanying indicators) may be due to natural factors during the period of gestation. It is possible to establish a lack of ferritin only after a blood test. A pregnant woman is assigned a blood biochemistry test, which allows you to accurately determine the level of protein in the blood.

To exclude concomitant causes, an analysis of feces for residual blood is additionally prescribed, an ultrasound scan to determine latent bleeding.

Based on the results of the analysis, the general state of health and the degree of lack of ferritin for further treatment and hospitalization are established.

How to bounce back

The reasons for a decrease in ferritin are often complex. Too low levels of this protein in each trimester of gestation can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus. Low ferritin levels during pregnancy cause an underweight baby, a lack of oxygen for the fetus, and lowered immunity.

A sharp drop in blood ferritin can lead to the loss of a child. Therefore, after diagnosing the disease, it is important to immediately begin treatment and create optimal conditions for the normalization of the general well-being of the pregnant woman. The main treatments include:


To increase the level of ferritin in the blood and normalize the production of hemoglobin, doctors recommend that pregnant women include iron-rich foods in their daily diet.


  • buckwheat, rice;
  • liver, heart;
  • cherries, pomegranates or black currants;
  • beets, tomatoes;
  • beans, green peas and split peas;
  • nuts, dogwood, fish oil;
  • seafood;
  • eggs and meat;
  • fresh herbs and berries.Ferritin is lowered in a blood test in women. Causes during pregnancy

At the same time, the amount of dairy products must be reduced and consumed separately from other products. A pregnant woman's diet should contain the optimal amount of foods necessary to maintain the function of hematopoiesis. Meals should be frequent, with small portions. It is important to steam or simmer all meals until tender. All food should be warm and not spicy.

Drug treatment

An increase in the level of ferritin is carried out by course treatment with the help of a number of drugs that are safe for a pregnant woman.

Sorbifer Durules

Sorbifer durules contains iron, which is quickly and easily absorbed by the body. The medicine is taken in 1 tab. 3 times a day for 1-2 months. and repeat as necessary.


Feramide contains iron dichlorodinicotinamide and is used for iron deficiency anemia. Within 1 week after the start of taking feramide, a gradual improvement in ferritin indicators is observed. The remedy is drunk in 1 tab. 3 times a day after meals for 1 month. The drug is absolutely harmless and can be combined with other drugs.


Totem contains iron, copper and manganese gluconate, which help it to be absorbed quickly. The drug significantly increases the level of iron in anemia, is quickly absorbed and normalizes the blood condition after extensive bleeding.Ferritin is lowered in a blood test in women. Causes during pregnancy The drug is taken 1 cap. 3-4 times a day for 1-6 months. depending on the degree of iron deficiency.


Ferroplex is considered an affordable iron supplement. Ascorbic acid in its composition helps the gland to be quickly absorbed by the body. The drug has a prolonged effect and can be taken to maintain the level of iron in the blood after the completion of the main course of treatment. Prescribe a remedy for 1 tab. 3 times a day in a course of 21-30 days.

Taking vitamin complexes

With a slight decrease in the level of ferritin in the blood and to strengthen the immunity of pregnant women, vitamins are prescribed. These include:


The drug complevit mom contains a total complex of vitamins and minerals in a doubled dosage. The drug is used to maintain vitamin balance during pregnancy, including in the case of anemia. The medicine is taken in 1 caps. per day for 20-30 days.


The Alphabet preparation contains the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals that help to remove the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. The medicine has a universal composition, which is divided into 3 types of tablets for better absorption. Pregnant women can take only 1 tab. Containing iron from the medicine, or drink the drug in a course. The alphabet is accepted in 1 tab. 3 times a day for 20-30 days.

Injection or blood transfusion in a hospital setting

In severe cases, injections of preparations containing iron and blood transfusions are used to maintain the health of a pregnant woman in the hospital under the supervision of doctors and specialists. These procedures are used only in extreme cases after a comprehensive examination.

Dietary supplements

Ferritin is lowered in a blood test in women. Causes during pregnancy

The restoration of ferritin deficiency in pregnant women is facilitated by dietary supplements with the necessary iron content, which quickly restore protein levels.

Elevit pronatal

The drug Elevit Pronatal contains a full set of vitamins necessary for a woman during the period of bearing a child in an increased dose.

Nutrients are combined and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. With systemic use, the drug can eliminate iron deficiency. Drink the remedy for 1 caps. per day 1 month. After the break, the course is repeated.


The product contains iron with auxiliary components that promote rapid absorption. The medicine can be used during pregnancy, 1 tab. per day, dissolving in ½ stack. clean water. The admission period is 1 month.


Medefer is a drug that restores the level of iron in the blood during anemia and pregnancy. The drug is taken in 2 tabs. 1 time per day for 30-40 days. It is recommended to drink the product with meals.

Course or surgical treatment of the underlying disease

In cases where a decrease in ferritin is associated with disruption of the work of individual organs of the body (digestive organs, kidneys) or a neoplasm, the restoration of the level of protein in the blood depends on the complex treatment of the main diseases. In this case, the appointment of iron-containing drugs gives only a temporary effect and slight improvement.

To normalize health in this case, a pregnant woman is prescribed a course of drugs, taking into account the harm to the development of the fetus. In rare cases, the expectant mother is shown a surgical operation to remove the tumor and restore tissue. Such an intervention is carried out under increased supervision with the placement, if necessary, of the pregnant woman in the future in the hospital before childbirth.

Traditional methods of treatment

Alternative methods can be an addition to the treatment of iron deficiency in the blood of a pregnant woman. These are used as:


Beets are rich in iron and contain useful substances that restore blood composition and promote hematopoiesis.

  • To prepare the product, 3 beet roots must be peeled and grated on a fine grater.
  • The composition is transferred to cheesecloth and wrung out manually. Beet juice can also be obtained using a juicer.Ferritin is lowered in a blood test in women. Causes during pregnancy
  • Then the drink is poured into a dark bowl and stored in a cool place.
  • Drink 20-30 ml of beet juice before each meal for 3-4 months.

Rose hip

Rosehip also helps restore blood composition and relieves the manifestations of anemia.

  • To prepare a mixture of 100 g. rosehip berries need to be poured with 1 liter. boiling water.
  • The composition is mixed and infused under a lid for 10-12 hours.
  • Then the mixture is filtered through a sieve and drunk in 150 ml. 3 times a day for 2-3 months.

In women during pregnancy, an integrated approach to treatment and systematic monitoring of low ferritin levels in the blood are important. Early diagnosis of the causes of ferritin deficiency helps prevent iron loss in the body. Competent treatment in combination with proper nutrition and folk remedies will quickly restore the normal state of the female body during the period of bearing a child.

Ferritin video

Ferritin test:

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