
Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name, price, reviews

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  1. Danger of welding to the eyes
  2. Reasons for the appearance
  3. Symptoms
  4. Types of eye burns
  5. What degree of burns can be cured with drops
  6. What's the first thing to do?
  7. Types of eye drops used for burns
  8. Vasoconstrictor
  9. Regenerating and restoring
  10. Pain relievers
  11. Antibacterial
  12. Post-weld eye treatment video

The profession of an electric and gas welder is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous, since it is directly related not only to the threat of fire, but also to the danger posed by the welding arc. The high frequency of infrared, light and ultraviolet rays emitted during welding exceeds permissible indicators for vision several times, often becoming the causes of burns of varying degrees severity.

Seemingly safe "bunnies" damage the ocular epithelium, as a result of which any professional welder will certainly must have in his first aid kit special drops for first aid and restoration of damaged tissues when electrophthalmia.

Danger of welding to the eyes

The welding arc is a combination of infrared, light and ultraviolet rays, reaching a spectrum of 15,000 Cd / cm 2, which significantly exceeds the permissible standards for the human eye. Such a set of electrodes can not only provoke eye burns, but also severely injure the mucous membrane and cornea of ​​the organ of vision. The most dangerous for the ocular epithelium are electrodes in the arc in carbon dioxide, but tungsten electrodes in argon can also cause problems.

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Due to the high danger, electric and gas welding should be carried out only in special glasses, since any, even minimal exposure to radiation from the welding arc can lead to the appearance of "spots" arising from electrophthalmia and accompanied pain in the eyes.

Long-term work on the welding machine without protective equipment and eye-supporting treatment can cause photokeratitis of the cornea and cause the development of ophthalmia.Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name and prices

Photocaratitis is a burn of the cornea of ​​the eye, accompanied by severe redness of the conjunctiva, sensation of a foreign body, problems with opening and closing the eyes. These symptoms do not appear instantly, but develop within 6-12 hours from the moment of unprotected welding, in mild cases disappearing on their own after 3 days.

Longer exposure to the welding arc provokes the development of cataracts, accompanied by clouding of the lens and can lead to complete blindness.

Reasons for the appearance

Drops for eyes from welding are intended for the treatment and elimination of the consequences of electrophthalmia that occurs with aggressive exposure to ultraviolet and (or) infrared rays on unprotected organs of vision person.

The causes of corneal burns in most cases is a violation of the rules of technology safety, prescribing to carry out welding work only in special protective goggles chameleons or a mask. A slight eye burn can also occur in an ordinary, stranger, or in a partner of an electric and gas welder who is less than 1 meter away from the welder and does not have safety glasses with him.

The depth of damage to the eye depends on the degree and time of exposure, arising both when safety rules are not followed and when:

  • eye contact with thick toxic smoke coming from the molten electrode;
  • open contact with vapors of metals and gases;
  • red-hot particles of hot metal or sparks in the open eye;
  • ultraviolet (infrared) radiation.


The first symptoms of a burn of the cornea, retina or conjunctiva of the eyes appear 6-12 hours after unprotected contact with the welding arc and are accompanied by:

  • Strong or, on the contrary, a mild burning sensation in the eyes, gradually developing into severe pain. The condition improves if the eyelids are closed and returns with renewed vigor when the eye is opened.
  • Increased tearing, which occurs when exposed to bright light.
  • Blurred clarity of vision that occurs for up to 48 hours.
  • The appearance of "light spots" before the eyes.
  • Sensation of "sand" in the eyes, intensified in the case of mechanical impact on the organs of vision and can lead to the appearance of redness and swelling of the conjunctiva.
  • Transitions of "eye pain" in the head area, aggravated by turning and trying to look to the side.

Types of eye burns

Depending on the degree and duration of exposure to external factors, electrophthalmia is distinguished into:Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name and prices

First stage burn It is considered the easiest, accompanied by the appearance of a slight edema and small erosions, provoking severe itching, redness, the appearance of a burning sensation and clouding of the iris of the eye.
Second stage burn It is characterized by damage to the surface layers of the skin of the organs of vision and is accompanied by:

the appearance of burn bubbles and increased sensitivity of the eyes to bright light;

the formation of an opaque film on the surface of the iris;

sharp pain and shallow necrosis of the connective membrane of the eye.

Stage three burn An injury accompanied by constant severe pain affecting the inner layers of the skin and provoking necrosis of the eyelids and conjunctiva. In addition to puffiness and visual impairment, it also causes:

the formation of a dirty gray film on the mucous membrane of the eye;


problems with opening and closing eyes.

Stage four burn The most severe form of damage, accompanied by deep necrosis and charring of the conjunctiva with the sclera. With timely treatment, such a burn causes inflammation of the choroid or the appearance of an eyesore, and in severe cases it can cause complete blindness.

What degree of burns can be cured with drops

It is possible to completely stop the onset of inflammation with the help of drops and improvised natural remedies on your own only at the first and second burn stages.

In this case, the following are prescribed for treatment:

  • drugs that relieve inflammation and relieve pain, taken 2 times a day and have a cooling and vasoconstrictor effect;
  • drops to restore the cornea, with reparative and regenerating qualities;
  • pain relievers that provide local anesthetic to the affected area.

For 3rd and 4th degree burns, emergency professional medical treatment is required.

What's the first thing to do?

Eye drops help to relieve the negative symptoms of a welding burn of the eye epithelium of 1-2 or 3rd degree within 3-4 days. Of particular importance in this case is given to the correctly conducted methods of first aid, which make it possible to productively cleanse the organs of vision and reduce the severity of the pain symptom.

Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name and prices
Lidocaine is recommended by doctors as the first eye drops from welding

In most cases, electric gas welders, when the first pain in the eyes appears, stop working, preventing further injury to the conjunctiva, and then:

  • rinse the eyes abundantly with a solution of chamomile, potassium permanganate, tea leaves or plain water;
  • retreat to a dark place protected from sunlight or cover open windows with curtains;
  • instill in the conjunctival sac 1-2 drops of "Vizin", "VisOptin" or "Prokulin", which have vasoconstrictor qualities and relieve pain;
  • drink any pain reliever ("Analgin", "Ketanov");
  • remove foreign particles from the eyes with a wet handkerchief or sterile napkin;
  • apply a wet, cool bandage to the eyes;
  • a small amount of tetracycline or solcoseryl ointment is squeezed into the conjunctival sac.

In case of burns of the 4th degree, first aid measures are prohibited. In this case, the victim must be immediately taken to the hospital.

Types of eye drops used for burns

Drops are in the first-aid kit of any professional electric and gas welder, as the main drug that helps to alleviate the condition in case of burns of the cornea, retina or ocular conjunctiva. In medical practice, for the treatment of stages 1-2 of electrophthalmia, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and decongestants that help relieve pain, redness and swelling of damaged tissues within a few days.


Eye drops from welding with a vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect should be applied immediately from the moment of injury, for:

  • quick relief of edema with redness and swelling of the eyelids and eyes;
  • reducing the negative impact of environmental factors irritating the organs of vision (smoke, ultraviolet and infrared rays);
  • combating redness caused by vascular injuries.

Among the popular drugs of the group:

Name Brief characteristics of the drug Price
Vizin Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name and pricesAntimicrobial and antiprotozoal multicomponent drug with a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect that occurs within a few minutes. In addition to the main component tetrizoline hydrochloride, which effectively fights against vasodilation, the appearance of redness and puffiness, it contains:
  • boric acid, which has antimicrobial properties and provides an antiseptic effect;
  • detoxifying dihydrite acetate;
  • sodium chloride, which helps to maximize hydration of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • benzalkonium chloride, with its antimicrobial and antiprotozoal action.
About 350-400 rubles.
VisOptician Romanian eye preparation with a vasoconstrictor, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect based on tetrazoline, which helps to fight:
  • the appearance of a feeling of dryness and burning;
  • swelling and redness of the organs of vision;
  • manifestations of conjunctivitis;
  • increased tearing;
  • negative impact on the cornea and mucous membranes of the eye of environmental factors;
  • pain and pain in the eyes.
About 250-300 rubles.
Diclofenac An anti-inflammatory drug based on phenylacetic acid, used to relieve pathological conditions of the eyeball and conjunctiva. Highly active drops are prescribed for:
  • eyeball injuries;
  • removal of cataracts;
  • secondary glaucoma;
  • uveitis;
  • urite;
  • cycle;
  • therapy after antiglaucomatous operations.
About 30 rubles.
Prokulin Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name and pricesA drug based on naphazoline that helps to quickly relieve pain and affects the length of the blood vessels and the conjunctiva. Applicable:
  • with eye irritation from smoke, sunlight and ultraviolet rays;
  • allergic conjunctivitis.
About 650 rubles.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed three times a day, 1 drop placed in the conjunctival sac. The exact course of treatment can only be selected by a doctor, but you should not use the drug for more than 4 days in a row.

Special recommendations:

Drops affect the frequency of vision, therefore, when using them, you should refrain from driving a car and working with small parts.

  1. Before using drops, it is recommended to shake the bottle and heat it a little in your hands. The use of cold drops is prohibited. The solution should be instilled only with previously cleaned hands.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drugs are not compatible with wearing contact lenses, therefore, during treatment, you should refuse to wear them or put them on after 15-20 minutes. after instillation.

The use of vasoconstrictor eye drops will cause a slight increase in arterial blood pressure and should therefore not be used with:

  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • MAO inhibitors;
  • hypertensive drugs.

It is recommended to stop treatment with drugs when:

  • side symptoms and non-effectiveness of drops within 2 days from the start of treatment;
  • redness, split eyes, blemishes, or blurred vision;
  • headache or negative reaction to sunlight caused by the use of the drug.

Regenerating and restoring

Welding eye drops with a regenerating effect have a good regenerative and reparative effect, allowing you to gently restore the damaged conjunctiva. The composition of these medicines contains substances that improve microcirculation and blood composition, which contributes to a faster recovery of the damaged conjunctiva.

Name a brief description of Price
Emoxipin Angioprotective agent based on sodium benzoate and sodium sulfate, reduced vascular permeability and blood viscosity promotes elimination of damage and resorption of existing neoplasms and intraocular hemorrhage, and also improves microcirculation at:
  • inflammation and burns in the stratum corneum;
  • bleeding in the sclera and in the anterior chamber;
  • symptoms and prevention of cataracts;
  • dystrophy of the mesh layer;
  • symptoms of glaucoma, uveitis, keratitis;
  • sunburn prevention;
  • rehabilitation process after surgery.Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name and prices
About 200-300 rubles.
Vitasik Transparent ophthalmic solution based on adenosine, which activates the metabolism of cell tissues and promotes the restoration of the corneal epithelium. Containing a large amount of nucleotides, the solution is used for:
  • epithelial injuries;
  • epithelial punctate keratitis.
About 150 rubles.
Derinat A drug that simulates the cellular and humoral links of the immune system, which are responsible for the rapid restoration of damaged tissue surfaces. As a local immunomodulator, the solution is used for:
  • mechanical damage to the epithelium;
  • violations of vascular microcirculation;
  • glaucoma, cataract, myopia;
  • inflammatory lesions of the eyes;
  • viral, fungal and bacterial infections.
About 300-450 rubles.

The exact dosage and course of treatment with drugs is established by the doctor after examining the state of the epithelium of the cornea of ​​the eye. In most cases, the solutions should be applied in 1 drop three times a day, placed in the conjunctival sac. The duration of therapy in each case is determined by the doctor, but not less than 3 days.

The appointment of restorative drugs with other ophthalmic solutions is not recommended, as well as their use while wearing contact lenses. Work in highly hazardous areas and driving vehicles during the period of drug treatment are also limited.

During the use of drugs to restore the cornea, the appearance of:

  • feelings of burning and dryness;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • skin rash;
  • general malaise;
  • exacerbation of hypertension.

There were no contraindications to the use of drugs during laboratory tests, but the period of use and dosage in each case is determined only by the doctor.

Pain relievers

Drops are able not only to restore damaged tissue, but also to reduce the severity of pain that accompanies corneal burns. In addition to local anesthesia, analgesics can help control the spread of pain over the entire surface of the head, which increases with each attempt to change the position of the eyes.

Name a brief description of Price
Alcaine Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name and pricesA local anesthetic based on proxymethacaine hydrochloride, which begins its effect 20-30 seconds after adduction and helps block generative impulses in the nerve endings. About 490 rubles.
Lidocaine Local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic drug that begins to act 4-6 minutes after administration, as well as:

improves the permeability of cell membranes for potassium ions;

accelerating the process of repolarization.

About 20 rubles.
Tetracaine Local anesthetic with a blocking effect on nerve endings and conductors, which also has a vasodilating effect. About 220 rubles.

Solutions of 2 drops are used, placed in the conjunctival sac 2-3 times a day. A more accurate dosage is determined by the doctor.

During treatment, drugs rarely provoke the appearance of side effects, but they can cause local allergic reactions.

Do not combine the use of solutions with:

  • beta andrenoblockers;
  • MAO inhibitors;
  • hypnotics and sedatives.


Drops for the eyes from welding with an antibacterial effect are most often prescribed for burns resulting from the ingress of hot particles of the welding arc into the conjunctiva. Such drugs have a wide spectrum of action and are effective against streptococci and staphylococci, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli and diphtheria bacteria, allowing to prevent the attachment of a secondary burn infections.

Name a brief description of Price
Tobrex An antibacterial drug based on tobramycin is effective for most eye infections and is indicated for the treatment of:
  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • iridocyclitis;

as a prophylaxis of postoperative complications.Eye drops from welding. Which is better, name and prices

About 160 rubles.
Dilaterol An effective antimicrobial agent that provides an antibacterial effect at a minimum dosage and allows not only fight known eye infections, but also provide prevention of burns and postoperative complications. About 180 rubles.
Levomycin A broad-spectrum antibiotic with chlorfamenicol and boric acid contributing to the disruption of the synthesis of protein microorganisms of pathogenic bacteria of most known strains. About 25 rubles.

As a prophylaxis, antibacterial drugs are used, 1-2 drops, placed in the conjunctival sac every 4-6 hours. In the case of a bacterial infection attached to the burn, the dosage is increased to 2 drops every 60 minutes.

A full-fledged course of treatment is prescribed by a specialist, but not less than 3 days.

In case of an overdose, you can observe:

  • development of punctate keratitis and erythema;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • itching and swelling of the eyelid.

During treatment, the appearance of:

  • local allergic reactions, accompanied by itching and swelling of the eyelids, conjunctival hyperemia, lacrimation;
  • burning sensation and sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

The use of a welding machine invariably carries the risk of burns and eye injury from infrared and ultraviolet arcs. Compliance with safety measures can minimize the risk of injury from welding, and in the event of a burn, emergency eye rinsing and application are indicated. special drops, which allows not only painlessly eliminate microtraumas, but also minimize the consequences of electrophthalmia, which can become one of the reasons for the development cataracts.

Post-weld eye treatment video

Treatment for eye pain from welding:

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