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Why diets affect everyone differently

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If you read reviews on the Internet, you can find those who are crazy about some newfangled diet, but there are also those who indignantly report that they could not lose 2 kilograms with its help. What is the reason? Maybe the fact is that some adhere firmly to the recommendations, while others allow themselves liberties and deviations, due to which the diet ceases to be low-calorie and effective?

Unfortunately, it's not about diets, but about ourselves. We are all different and react in very different ways to dietary restrictions. The body of the lucky ones in response to these restrictions immediately begins to spend reserves of the fat depot, as if it is just waiting to be given this opportunity. The body of others, on the contrary, goes into a saving mode, reducing the rate of basal metabolism. This, of course, does not mean that such people will never lose weight. They are able to reduce weight, but the process will take significantly longer. The only problem is that absolutely any diet is designed for a certain period of time. A strict restriction on the set and variety of foods and the total calorie content is not a comfortable situation, and it is not possible to adhere to such recommendations for a long time. If there is no effect of the diet, such people, as a rule, abandon the diet altogether or look for another. It is quite natural that all subsequent diets will also not give any result.

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An interesting fact, scientists have found that all diets are approximately the same. Among them there are no more or less effective ones, no matter what assumptions about the harmfulness and usefulness of certain products would lie at their basis. Only the total calorie content of what you eat per day matters. If you prefer to lose weight by eating exclusively cheese and chocolate, this is your right. Another thing is that these are high-calorie foods, and in a day you can only afford a bar of chocolate and a couple of slices of cheese. Such a small amount of food, of course, will not be enough for your stomach, and you will experience a constant feeling of hunger. That is why it is recommended to give preference to plant foods. Having compiled a menu of tomatoes, cucumbers and lean meat, you can eat fully throughout without any discomfort, while the total calorie content per day will not exceed 1200 - 1500 kcal.

This approach to weight loss is good for those whose food was normal in volume, but sinned with hypercaloric intake due to foods high in fat. A slight adjustment of the menu towards less high-calorie foods in such a situation is quite sufficient to make it normal and even hypocaloric. No special diet is required for this.

A more difficult case is the excess not only in calories, but also in the amount of food consumed. Most of us feel full when food is mechanically pressed against the stomach wall. If overeating is constant, the stomach gradually stretches, and in order to experience this feeling, more and more food is required. In such a situation, just replacing more high-calorie foods with less high-calorie foods is not enough. With a large amount of food, the calorie content will inevitably be high, even if the foods themselves are low in calories. Nutritionists recommend solving this problem in several ways.

Glass of water

If you drink one or two glasses of water before each meal, they will initially create a feeling of fullness in the stomach. At the same time, the amount of food for saturation will require much less.

Negative calorie content

There are a number of foods, the calorie content of which is less than the energy required by the body for their assimilation. When consuming foods such as cucumbers and lettuce, the body will burn more calories than it will receive. Try starting each meal with a few cucumbers or salad before moving on to the main course.

Second signal rule

As mentioned above, the first signal that we are full is when food is pressed against the walls of the stomach. In fact, for the brain it is important not how much we ate, but how much the blood sugar level has risen, since the brain receives energy only from sugar, it cannot receive it from fat. But this second signal from the brain that the level has risen enough, some people lag behind, and they eat until the stomach is full. If this is your case, try to eat only a fraction of what you planned and get away from the table. Distract yourself, for example, by watering flowers or hanging laundry. Then return to the table. You will understand that you do not want to eat so much and it is quite possible to get by with the amount that you have already eaten.

Fractional nutrition

Scientists have proven that for weight loss there is no difference how many times a day you eat, the main thing is how many calories you enter your body per day. But the longer you do not eat, the more the hunger hormone ghrelin builds up in your blood, and it becomes more difficult to control hunger. Therefore, with rare meals, two or three times a day, it is so difficult to keep within the limited portions. Try to divide your total daily food intake into 5-6 meals. Eating every two hours makes it much easier to control hunger and portion sizes.

When all else fails

It also happens that you follow all the recommendations, limit your diet as much as possible, resort to all possible tricks and tricks to trick the feeling of hunger, but the weight either does not decrease at all, or decreases so slowly that you already despair. Try to help yourself with weight loss medications. There are many such products in pharmacies, but not all are suitable for this purpose. The fact is that dietary supplements, widely advertised on television, promise an early weight loss, but according to Russian laws, they are not required to prove their effectiveness, but only safety. The mechanism of action is out of the question. Therefore, it is worth paying attention only to drugs, and among them to drugs that affect appetite, such as Goldline Plus. These drugs affect the corresponding centers in the brain. When they are used, the feeling of fullness is prolonged and, as a result, the feeling of hunger is dulled, due to which it becomes easier to adhere to the diet.. In studies, it was found that when they are used, the calorie content of food is reduced by 25%, and the amount of food consumed by 20%. If you only want to lose weight, then you should take them for at least three months. If you want, in addition, to form the correct eating habits that will allow you to maintain the obtained result, then it is recommended to extend the intake to six months.

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