
Why is it important to know why the joints crunch - the causes and consequences

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a crunch in the fingers If crunching bones and joints is not an innocuous thing.

If you understand, you can find out that this is often a harbinger of a serious disease.

Our joints should move silently and imperceptibly for us.

This is provided by the development during the movement of synovial fluid acting as a joint lubricant.

A crunchy sound appears in the case, when the cartilage tissue is damaged and less liquid is released .Because of this, there is friction, which over time can develop into joint disease and even leads to disability.

It is generally accepted that this is mainly the problem of older people. But, according to statistics, today there are more frequent cases of regular crunch in the joints of young people aged 18 - 25 years.

Contents of the article Why does our joints crunch

  • Other causes
  • If the whole body crunches
  • The development of pathology in different parts of the body
    • If the knee joints are clicked
    • The spine crunches - urgently to the doctor
  • insta story viewer
  • Children's snapping joints
    • Details about the crunch problem in children
  • How to get rid of the pathology
    • Inflammation of the joint
  • Possible and frequent complications
  • Preventive measures
  • Why do our joints crack?

    Click the joints most often on suchins:

    1. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder. These organs are responsible for the production of collagen, which ensures the strength and elasticity of cartilage and tendons. In turn, the violation of their functions leads to a decrease in the synthesis of this substance.
    2. Kidney disease. This body is responsible for all body fluids, including synovial fluid. When it is damaged, the release of the joint lubricant decreases greatly, provoking friction.
    3. Osteoarthritis. Characterized by wear and tear of joints, often affects older people, but sometimes occurs at a young age.
    4. Arthritis - inflammation of the joint, which occurs as a result of infection in it.
    5. Osteoarthrosis - a lesion of the cartilaginous tissue, which is caused by a disturbance in it of the metabolic process. Especially often the disease occurs in knee osteoarthritis people who suffer from excess weight, because in their case, the cartilage and joints are experiencing excessive loads.
    6. Bursitis - inflammation of the joint bag.
    7. Tendenitis is an inflammation of the tendons, which often develops due to constant physical exertion.
    8. Gout - is characterized by the deposition of urates in the joints of the body. As a rule, people who regularly eat meat, liver and kidneys of animals, as well as fans of strong black tea, coffee, cocoa, are the most susceptible to this disease. Sometimes the appearance of gout provokes some medicines.
    9. Diseases that appear due to metabolic disorders in the body .These include diabetes mellitus, calcium and vitamin D deficiency.

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    Other causes

    The cause of the crunch all over the body or in its separate part can be:

    1. Injuries to - in fractures or fractures of bones, the tissues and vessels adjacent to the joint are also damaged, resulting in inflammation that hampers the movement of the joints.
    2. Infections of the .
    3. Lack or excess of physical exertion. A sedentary lifestyle often leads to the fact that the muscles weaken and atrophy. As a result, ligaments and the joint apparatus as a whole suffer. If a person is regularly subjected to excessive physical exertion, for example, during sports or at work, which involves constant lying on his legs or carrying heavy loads, it can also trigger the appearance of a crunch in the joints.
    4. Unsustainable food - people who abuse meat, chocolate, strong tea or coffee, sharp or salty foods and sweets, can observe the appearance of a crunch.
    5. Excessive salt in the joints of - often a problem for people living in areas where drinking water contains an increased amount of mineral salts.
    6. Hypermobility of the joints - too high of their mobility, most often observed in young women and associated with the production in their body of the altered protein of connective tissue - collagen.
    7. Inflammations in muscle tissues of that occur after reloading.
    8. Joint wear .
    9. Overweight .
    10. Metabolic disorders.
    Sometimes, if all the joints begin to crackle, this is not a cause for concern. This can be judged if the sound is not accompanied by pain.

    This can be due to the accumulation of dissolved gas in the synovial fluid, which, when increasing in volume, produces a click. The interval between such sounds should be at least 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another reason for the normal crunching is in touching the ligament or tendon of an outstanding forward bone fragment. A deaf click is heard.

    If the crunch is crumbling all over the body

    shoulder joint The sounds that make up the joints are inherently a signal of their destruction and the risk of developing arthritis and the like.

    As a rule, joint damage occurs in a specific part of the body, but it also happens that the entire body begins to crackle periodically.

    This is usually a consequence of joint hypermobility and is due to genetic inheritance.

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    In the event that the crackle is heard constantly, it is accompanied by pain, swelling, stiffness of the joints, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

    Development of pathology in different parts of the body

    A crunch in different parts of the body indicates the presence of problems in this area.


    1. Unpleasant sounds in the shoulder. Often the cause of this phenomenon is the excess movement, which results in the hypermobility of the joint. Ligaments weak, painful clicks appear. This factor is transmitted at the gene level, so you can not get rid of it. The only solution to this problem is to observe preventive measures, which consist, in the main, in avoiding overloads and overstretching of ligaments. Also, a crunch can occur due to arthritis or other joint diseases.
    2. Clicks in the hip joint. If the cause of the crunch was not a trauma, then it can talk about arthrosis of the joint. As a result of this disease, the joints die and die, and their mobility is limited. Also, the cause of clicks in the hip joint may be coke or coxarthrosis, that is, inflammation or degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue.
    3. Click the joints in the knees. Normally, this part of the body should not crunch. The presence of this symptom indicates problems with health. It is important to establish in time the cause of the appearance of foreign sounds in the joints and to begin the correct treatment. The cause of crunch in the knee, accompanied by pain, can be trauma, overweight, genetic predisposition, viral infections, problems with the endocrine system, physical overload, high-heeled footwear, sedentary lifestyle. Accompanying every movement of the leg with pain and a crunch in the knee can talk about joint disease.
    4. The joints of the hands ache and crackle. Many practice a bad habit - crackle your fingers. At first glance it's a pretty innocuous habit, but it's not entirely true. It is clear that after working hours or during a psychological stress you want to stretch your fingers. Quite often it is a relief. But the regular use of such a forced recovery of joint mobility over time leads to the fact that the cartilage is damaged and arthrosis begins to develop. Therefore, it will be much more useful to do hand massage or simple physical exercises than to make your fingers crunch.
    5. The abnormal sound in the back of the usually occurs when a force is applied to the joint, which exceeds the resistance of muscles and ligaments. This is normal. But if clicks become regular, this can be a sign that the muscles are constantly in tension and do not cope with their task. This happens, as a rule, due to physical overload, infection, malnutrition.

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    If the knee joints

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    The knee joint is the largest in the human body. It is formed by three bones: the femur, the large tibia and the knee cap. The ends of bones, like. ..

    Crunches the spine - urgently to the doctor

    crunches the spine

    Why crunches the spine and what is the health hazard

    Sometimes every person crunches his spine. Not necessarily this phenomenon is associated with a specific disease of the back. In some cases, he wears. ..

    To eliminate it you need to perform special gymnastics.

    Flickering joints in children

    Why is the pathology most often manifested in children? There are a number of reasons:

    1. Pathology of connective tissue. In this case, the child is noted for excessive mobility of the joints.
    2. Temporary child hypermobility of joints. Since the child has not yet fully formed the joint and ligamentous apparatus, from time to time a crunch can occur in his lap without pain. Over time, when the joints become stronger, the sound disappears. The cause for concern should be the appearance in the joints of grinding, a feeling of discomfort. If this happens, then you need to seek medical help.

    More about the problem of crunch in children

    crunch joints

    Why the child crunches the joints and what is dangerous for the baby

    The joint crunch is not dangerous, in principle, a phenomenon. But over time it can be transformed into serious violations. Crunch is a harbinger of destruction. ..

    How to get rid of the pathology of

    What can and should be done if during the day you crack joints.

    In this case, it is worth taking some measures to prevent the development of disease: elbow joint

    1. So, during sitting, you need to frequently change the poses of , at least once an hour and a half you need to get up and perform your head and palms with some simple exercises. Two or three times a week there should be sports.
    2. If the crunch occurred after an injury or joint disease, then urgently needs to contact an orthopedic trauma specialist .To make a diagnosis, he will prescribe an X-ray, an ultrasound of the joints of the bones and a computer tomography, and will tell you how the treatment should proceed.

    Inflammation of the joint

    If the inflamed joints crackle, then the decision on how to treat the disease in this case should only the doctor.

    In such cases:

    1. Assign analgesics to eliminate pain syndrome.
    2. In the presence of inflammation and swelling, the doctor prescribes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Fastum gel.
    3. If necessary, chondroprotectors - preparations are internally taken, aimed at restoring the cartilage structure. These include sulfates of glucosamine and chondroitin. The course of treatment in this case takes quite a long time. It should be taken into account that chondroprotectors act more effectively at an early stage of the disease, when there is still no sensation of pain.
    4. Joints need regular discharge of , providing them with peace. For this, elastic bandages and special fixatives are used.

    If the cause of clicking sounds is the disease, then the appropriate treatment is carried out:

    1. For arthrosis , it is necessary to release the joints from the load as much as possible, to wear comfortable, and best of all orthopedic footwear. If the patient has excess weight, it will be expedient to get rid of it, because the joints and vessels of the legs will be less stressed. In the case of active disease progression, an operation must be performed, during which the joint will be replaced. Usually this procedure is performed on the knee and hip joints.
    2. If the patient has gout treatment includes compliance with diet and enhanced drinking regimen. In this case, the patient must consume at least two to three liters of fluid.
    3. Patients suffering from arthritis , it will be useful to exclude from their diet flour and sweet, as well as animal fats. It is useful to eat products of fermented milk and vegetable food.

    Possible and frequent complications of

    hypermobility of joints If the request for help to a doctor is untimely, the crunch in the joints, ultimately, can lead to the development of diseases such as osteoarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis.

    The biomechanics of the spine also changes, there is a hernia of intervertebral discs and other complications.

    Ultimately, the patient may become disabled, losing the ability to self-service or self-relocation.

    Preventative measures

    In order to prevent unpleasant sounds in joints, it is necessary to observe such measures:

    1. There are more vegetables and fruits, and eating fatty meat dishes is cut.
    2. Useful for the body will be products that act as a source of calcium and phosphorus: sea fish, dairy products.
    3. Instead of red meat, it is more useful to use white meat.
    4. Fried and smoked dishes should be replaced with stewed or baked dishes, and instead of sweets, use fruit, jam, fruit jelly.
    5. It is useful to consume sunflower seeds, pumpkin and sesame, vegetable oil.
    6. A day should drink at least 6 glasses of water in order to dilute the blood in the body and prevent the formation of blood clots.
    7. During the day, you need to move more, with sedentary work, often change postures, climb and warm up.
    8. Biking, walking and swimming have a beneficial effect on joint health.
    9. To the extent possible, strong physical exertion, leading to injury, destruction of the cartilage tissue, inflammation should be avoided.
    10. Do not click your fingers, because the joints are injured and there is a risk of developing arthrosis.

    To summarize, it can be said that crunchy things - is a rather dangerous thing , because it is a harbinger of serious joint diseases. It is very important to diagnose in time, finding out the cause of this sound, and to begin adequate treatment.

    It is also important to observe preventive measures to prevent unusual sounds in the body.

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