Diseases Of The Pancreas

Lipomatosis of the pancreas: what is it, the causes, treatment with folk remedies

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1 Degrees of the disease

Depending on how many fat cells appear in the pancreas, there are several degrees that include lipomatosis:

  1. The initial degree of the disease development, usually at this stage it does not manifest itself at all, and the person feels quite healthy. But at the same time the disease affects up to one-third of the total pancreatic volume. Usually it is diagnosed only when another pathology or disease is identified.
  2. Second degree. At this stage of the disease, the first symptoms of the pathology begin to manifest, but they can be confused with the manifestations of many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Half of the organ tissues are affected in humans.
  3. Third degree. At this stage, pathology already affects most of the pancreas - more than 60% of the tissues become fat cells. Fatty degeneration of the pancreas gradually leads to the fact that a person begins serious health problems: weight can be lost, pathologies of the urinary system manifest, but there is a strong thirst and appetite.
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There are several types of diseases:

  • regional - pathology spreads in the form of small foci of adipose tissue;
  • focal - on the tissues of the pancreas there are large islets of the affected cells.

The following forms of the disease can be formed:

  • diffuse - the affected tissues spread in the body of the organ and do not have clear outlines;
  • knotty - the affected tissues have clear boundaries and are similar to the nodules of the affected tissues, they usually spread along the pancreas symmetrically;
  • diffusively-nodular - with this form, two forms of pancreatic lipomatosis are listed above.

2 Etiology of development of

The exact causes of lipomatosis have not yet been established. Not found that starting point, which gives impetus to the development of pathology.

Picture 1

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Scientists have proven that there are causes or risk factors that increase the likelihood of such a pathology. They were revealed during statistical treatment of anamnesis in patients with pancreatic lipo- matomy. The factors are as follows:

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  1. Heredity. This is one of the main risk factors for the onset of lipomatosis. As a rule, in most cases of the onset of the disease, it is already present in someone from blood relatives.
  2. Acute or chronic pancreatitis. The presence of this disease increases the risk of pathology. Also, patients with pancreatic lipomatosis previously often observed an acute form of pancreatitis.
  3. Diabetes mellitus and impaired production of certain hormones. Disruption of the metabolic system and hormonal background is one of the main causes of the onset of lipomatosis.
  4. Overweight. This reason can also be associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body. A large amount of excess adipose tissue in the body leads to disruption of the pancreas.
  5. Alcoholism. To the onset of the disease can lead even a slight use of alcohol.

All of the above reasons may not be related to the onset of lipomatosis. Some people may have several risk factors, including hereditary predisposition, but the disease does not occur.

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Risk factors can only become indirect causes of pathology. In rare cases, lipomatosis develops in absolutely healthy people who do not have a single risk factor and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Picture 2

3 Symptoms of

The onset of pathology occurs very slowly. For the appearance of the second stage of the disease, several years and even decades are needed. At the first stage of the development of lipomatosis, symptoms do not appear, and the disease can be noticed only with a complex examination of the body or pancreas. Signs of lipomatosis in general does not manifest until the fat tissue will replace more than 30% of all tissues of the organ.

The person's health begins to deteriorate very slowly. It all starts with a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Lipomatosis of the pancreas 1 degree does not give any symptoms, they begin to manifest when pathology affects more than half of healthy tissues. The following symptoms occur:

  1. Appearance of sensation of bursting and enlarging the intestine.
  2. Because of the occurrence of a large number of gases, flatulence and visual bloating begins.
  3. Due to disruption of the intestine, the patient often has nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. This is due to a violation of the digestive function of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Because of the decrease in the number of pancreatic enzymes, the consistency and appearance of the stool changes, it can linger or, conversely, diarrhea occurs, fat and mucus may be present in the stool.


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Picture 3

Pancreatic dysfunction directly affects the performance of the entire endocrine system. The pancreas is responsible for producing the hormone necessary for the normal functioning of the body's functioning, like insulin. With its lack, the processing of protein and fatty foods is disrupted.

4 Diagnosis of lipomatosis

It is rather difficult to diagnose this disease. Due to the coincidence of many symptoms and test results, erroneous diagnoses can be made.

Picture 4

In case of impaired pancreatic function and high glucose level, due to changes in insulin production, diabetes mellitus can be diagnosed. With the growth of adipose tissue, a benign tumor can develop - a lipoma. It does not affect the work of other bodies. Lipoma can cause discomfort, only squeezing the blood vessels that surround the pancreas, and restraining a number of nerves.

More accurate diagnosis is carried out using an ultrasound examination device. With ultrasound, any changes in the size of the organ, its density, and the presence of changes in the tissues are noticeable. With the help of such a study, the degree of damage to the pancreatic tissues is also established.


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As the disease progresses very slowly, the diagnosis by comparative examination in a short time is inadequate. When a patient is ill, the patient is observed for several years and even decades.

Picture 5

5 Tactics of treatment

Treatment of lipomatosis is in most cases an auxiliary procedure. It is rather difficult to achieve complete cure of pancreatic stearosis and in some cases it is impossible.

Treatment of lipomatosis can be done in 2 ways. More often than not, this is a conservative treatment. There are no special drugs for the treatment of lipomatosis. But at the same time there are drugs that can fight some manifestations of the disease.

Any anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs, for example "Ibuprofen", can be used to reduce the pain symptom in case of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and the occurrence of compression.

Picture 6

In case of impaired pancreatic function, it is recommended to use drugs that contain digestive enzymes, for example Pancreatin.

Whenever diarrhea occurs or when a stool is delayed, the appropriate drugs are used.

Often the patient has all the symptoms, but some drugs can not be combined or they have serious side effects and contraindications. Before starting treatment, you need to adjust the intake of medications from your doctor.

Surgical treatment is used only in cases of widespread adipose tissue distribution or when fat cells are localized.

Picture 7

Removal of lymph node nodes is performed only if they seriously disrupt the pancreas and adversely affect the functioning of other internal organs, blood vessels that are experienced, and jamming nerves.

6 Lifestyle with pancreatic lipoplasm

Lipomatosis rarely succeeds in defeating: in most cases a person lives with this pathology throughout his life.

When answering the question what is the pancreatic lipoma, it is necessary to further clarify that this pathology is at least incurable, but it is possible to live with it completely.

Figure 8

Because of a violation of insulin secretion and the pancreas, the risk of overweight increases. This adversely affects the progression of lipomatosis and can cause other diseases, for example high blood pressure. Sports activities - this is one of the conditions that must necessarily constitute a course of treatment of lipomatosis.

The second important condition is the diet. Normal life activity of a person with lipomatosis without its observance is impossible.

The patient must be sure to eat fractional and fully at least 6 times a day. When preparing a diet, it is necessary to include only low-fat and non-calorie foods.

With lipomatosis eliminates flour and fatty foods, any products that require a lot of insulin. It is recommended to use any sort of low-fat red and white meat, a large number of cereals such as oats, buckwheat and rice cereals.

Under strict prohibition with lipomatosis there is alcohol and any products that can contain it. Alcohol and smoking increase the risk of many complications of lipomatosis, such as chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis.

  • 1 Degrees of the disease
  • 2 Etiology of development
  • 3 Symptoms
  • 4 Diagnosis of lipomatosis
  • 5 Tactics of treatment
  • 6 Life activity in pancreatic lipoderma

Pancreatic lipomatosis - what is it? This pathological irrecoverable state of pancreatic cells, in which healthy organ cells are gradually replaced by fat. From now on, they lose their ability to work normally and perform the functions assigned to them. Thus, the operation of the pancreas is significantly impaired.

Pathology appears due to various disorders of the functions of the metabolic system. Unfortunately, pancreatic lipomatosis is difficult to treat and it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it.

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