
With severe pain in the stomach. What to take, diet, pills, first aid

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  1. Groups of drugs for relieving stomach pain, depending on the cause
  2. When is it better not to self-medicate?
  3. First aid for acute stomach pain
  4. Groups and names of drugs that relieve stomach pain, instructions for use
  5. Antispasmodics
  6. Analgesics
  7. Holinoblockers
  8. Antacids
  9. Astringents and coating agents
  10. Drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid
  11. Enzyme remedies
  12. Means that improve motor skills
  13. Other combined means
  14. Folk remedies for stomach pain, recipes and rules for taking
  15. Diet food for stomach pain
  16. Video about the causes of stomach pain

Strong pain in the gastrointestinal tract may indicate various internal diseases. In case of episodic or isolated cases, it is allowed to independently take medications that help eliminate pain. If you have frequent stomach problems, it is recommended to see a doctor.

Groups of drugs for relieving stomach pain, depending on the cause

Medicines should be used depending on the cause of the pain syndrome.

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Possible reasons Groups of funds
Improper nutrition Analgesics, enzymes
Poisoning with harmful substances or poor quality food Analgesics, antispasmodics, enzymes, astringents and coating agents, anticholinergics
Cholecystitis Antispasmodics, enzymes, analgesics
Pancreatitis Enzymes, analgesics, antispasmodics, antacids
Gastritis, diverticulitis Antacids, anticholinergics, analgesics
Ulcerative lesion of the stomach and duodenum Antacids, analgesics, anticholinergics
Gastroesophageal reflux Antacids, anticholinergics, drugs that improve motor skills
Hereditary intolerance to lactose, gluten, or other substances Enzymes
Stressful situations Antispasmodics, enzymes, motor skills
Infectious lesion Astringents and coating agents, analgesics

When is it better not to self-medicate?

It is not recommended to self-medicate and use drugs in cases where pain is caused by various internal diseases (with a confirmed diagnosis), especially with congenital or chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal path.Severe stomach pains. What to take, diet, pills, first aid

Also, you should not take medications before the doctor's appointment for an unknown cause of stomach pain, since each gastrointestinal disease has an individual therapy regimen.

In case of poisoning, some of the remedies can aggravate the patient's condition and lead to more pronounced symptoms.

First aid for acute stomach pain

With severe pain in the stomach, any pain relievers are allowed to take on their own in order to stop unpleasant symptoms. In this case, it is recommended to refuse food intake and increase the use of warm drinks.

In case of poisoning, you should take activated charcoal or other sorbing drugs, after which it is necessary to restore the water balance in the body. To do this, drink plenty of water throughout the day.

In cases where the pain is caused by chronic gastritis, it is recommended to take a lying position (on the side) and tuck the legs towards the body. To eliminate soreness, you can put a cold compress on your stomach. If the condition has worsened, it is recommended to artificially induce vomiting. After that, you should consume more fluids.

In case of acute pain, you must immediately contact any medical institution or call a doctor at home.

Groups and names of drugs that relieve stomach pain, instructions for use

Each group of funds has its own distinctive features, indications and other characteristics. In this connection, it is necessary to consult a specialist before using them.


This group of drugs is used to eliminate spasms and pain in various organs. The action of the funds is due to a decrease in the function of smooth muscles located in the internal organs, and blood vessels.


  • Papaverine. This remedy is used for muscle spasms as monotherapy or as part of a complex treatment. It comes in the form of tablets, injections, and rectal suppositories. Age restrictions - from 6 months. Daily dosage (tablets): 40-60 mg 3 times a day. The duration of the course is according to the doctor's recommendations.Severe stomach pains. What to take, diet, pills, first aid
  • Drotaverinum. The medicine is made in the form of tablets or an injection solution. Can be used in childhood. Daily dosages: 40 to 80 mg 2-3 times a day. Contraindications: intolerance to the composition, glaucoma, atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries, adenoma in the region of the prostate gland.
  • No-shpa. The drug is a derivative of isoquinoline, which has high antispasmodic properties. Indications: spasms and pains caused by smooth muscle hyperfunction. Dosage: 1-2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day. Age restrictions - over 6 years old.
  • Buscopan. The drug has an antispasmodic and m-anticholinergic effect, and therefore, it is used to reduce pain and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Dosage: from 3 to 5 times, 1-2 tablets. Age restrictions - for adults and children over 6 years old.

All funds are dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.


For severe pain in the stomach, it is recommended to take analgesics.

These include the following medications:

  • Spazmalgon. This Bulgarian remedy has high analgesic and antispasmodic properties. It can be used to eliminate pain in the internal organs, as well as in the preoperative period. The drug has a moderate antipyretic effect. Daily rate: 1-2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day. Age restrictions - at least 6 years old. Contraindications: dysfunctions of the kidneys and liver, the period of gestation and feeding of the child
  • Pentalgin. The medication is a multicomponent agent with analgesic and antispasmodic properties. Dosage: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The drug has an extensive list of contraindications, which must be familiarized with in advance.

These tablets are dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


The action of these funds is aimed at reducing the tone of smooth muscles and suppressing the production of hydrochloric acid.


  • Besalol. This drug has an antispasmodic, analgesic and antiseptic effect. It can also be used for diarrheal syndrome. Daily allowance: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Contraindications: angle-closure glaucoma, intolerance to components, bleeding in the stomach, prostate adenoma.Severe stomach pains. What to take, diet, pills, first aid
  • Platyphyllin. This medication is produced in various dosage forms and is used for pain syndrome, ulcerative lesions stomach, cholecystitis, bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, angina pectoris, colic of various etiologies, as well as with the development spasms. Dosage: 3-5 mg before meals 2-3 times a day.

Before using the funds, a mandatory doctor's consultation is required.


The drugs are used to reduce the negative effect of gastric juice on the walls of the stomach. General indications: dyspeptic disorders, heartburn, reflux disorders.


  • Gastal. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets for resorption. In addition to general indications, it can also be prescribed for pancreatitis and erosive lesions of the calving of the gastrointestinal tract. Dosing regimen: 1 hour before meals or 1 hour before bedtime, 1-2 capsules no more than 4-6 times a day. The maximum course of use is 14 days. Age restrictions - at least 6 years old.
  • Almagel. The medicine is made in the form of a suspension for oral administration. Daily dosage: 5-10 ml of suspension 3 to 4 times a day. The duration of therapy is 15 to 20 days. Age restrictions - at least 10 years old.
  • Phosphalugel. The drug can be used for ulcerative lesions, gastritis, reflux diseases, diverticulitis, pancreatitis. Scheme of use: 1-2 sachets from 2 to 3 times a day after eating or if necessary. Restrictions: drug intolerance, constipation, kidney failure (in the stage of decompensation), children under 12 years of age.

Before using medication, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects and limitations.

Astringents and coating agents

It is recommended to take astringent and enveloping preparations for the stomach in case of severe intoxication (poisoning), accompanied by severe pain syndrome.

The action of this group of drugs leads to the fact that a special protein film is formed on the gastric mucosa, which protects the cavity from the effects of various negative factors. Moreover, the drugs have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

List of funds:

  • Gastricide. The tool reduces the activity and production of hydrochloric acid, has an enveloping effect. Dosage regimen: inside 5-10 ml 1-2 hours after eating. As a maintenance treatment, 2-3 tablets are used once a day. Age restrictions - not less than 4 months. The drug is not used while carrying a child.Severe stomach pains. What to take, diet, pills, first aid
  • De-nol. The medicine is produced in pill form. Daily dosages: 2-4 times half an hour before meals. The number of tablets taken at a time is individual. Age restrictions - for children over 4 years old

Before taking medication, it is recommended to first consult with a gastroenterologist.

Drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid

These drugs reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. They have m-anticholinergic and antihistamine effects.

List of drugs:

  • Famotidine. It is a Serbian drug produced in pill form. It has numerous indications, including prophylactic treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies. The product is intended for adults and children over 3 years old. Daily norms: from 20 to 40 mg 2-3 times a day. The medication is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
  • Metacin. This drug belongs to the class of anticholinergics with antispasmodic action, and is prescribed for pain and spasms caused by gastric ulcers. Dosing regimen: Orally - 2-4 mg 2 to 3 times a day. Age restrictions - from 2 years old.

Both medicines are available with a prescription.

Enzyme remedies

With severe pain in the stomach, it is necessary to take enzymes in conjunction with other medicines. The action of this group of funds is aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of the pancreas and normalizing digestive functions.


  • Mezim. The drug is produced in pill form and is used as an adjunct therapy. Dosages: 1-2 pcs. before eating. If necessary, 4 more pieces are consumed during meals. For children, the remedy is prescribed only on the advice of a doctor.Severe stomach pains. What to take, diet, pills, first aid
  • Creon. This medicine contains various enzymes, including pancreatin. Daily norms: for children - from 500 to 1000 U / kg, adults are recommended to take from 25 to 80 thousand. UNITS The drug should not be taken while breastfeeding.

Both agents are recommended to be used in conjunction with other drugs to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Means that improve motor skills

This group of medicines helps the absorption and digestion of food. They have antiemetic effects and relieve signs of nausea. The drugs belong to the class of prokinetics.

List of funds:

  • Motilium. The drug is produced in tablet form and is prescribed for adults and children over 12 years of age. Reception scheme: 1 capsule 3 times a day. The duration of use is no more than 1 week. The medication is prohibited for use while carrying a child.
  • Ganoton. This remedy is available in pill form and is used for various dyspeptic disorders, including pain. dosage regimen: 1 capsule 3 times a day before meals. The duration of therapy is up to 2 months. Age restrictions - at least 16 years old.

The drugs can be used in conjunction with other drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other combined meansSevere stomach pains. What to take, diet, pills, first aid

This group of drugs is used as a short-term treatment to eliminate unpleasant symptoms caused by malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Gelusilak. The drug has a regenerating effect and helps to reduce acidity. The daily rate is 1 sachet from 3 to 6 times a day. The suspension is not used for functional disorders of the kidneys and liver.
  • Almagel A (suspension). This medication relieves pain and inflammatory reactions. Dosing scheme: 1-3 tsp. from 3 to 4 times a day. Age restrictions - newborns younger than 1 month.

The daily dosage of drugs should be calculated by the attending physician based on the severity of the symptoms.

Folk remedies for stomach pain, recipes and rules for taking

With severe pain in the stomach, taking medications alone is impractical, since the violation requires an integrated approach.

Traditional medicine recipes can be used in conjunction with drugs only after prior consultation with a specialist.


  • Cabbage juice. To prepare the product, you must first grind the leaves of fresh cabbage and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Before taking the infusion, it is recommended to warm it up a little. Consumed half an hour before meals for ½ tbsp. 2 times a day.
  • Common plantain. A decoction should be prepared from the plant. After preparation, the infusion must be cooled to room temperature and taken 2-3 times a day before meals. They use broth instead of tea.
  • Drops with a choleretic effect. Take in equal parts bitter wormwood, peppermint and belladonna. Mix everything and add vodka or alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. The finished product is taken in 1 tbsp.

Before using traditional medicine recipes, it is necessary to convince in advance that there are no allergies or other contraindications to them.

Diet food for stomach pain

With pain in the stomach, it is recommended to follow a diet and adhere to the basic rules. Table number 1 is assigned as a diet.Severe stomach pains. What to take, diet, pills, first aid

What the diet includes:

  • vegetable soups;
  • pasta and cereals;
  • fresh vegetables, herbs;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • fresh eggs;
  • fruits and berries;
  • milk products;
  • flour products, sweets;
  • butter;
  • fruit juices and compotes, tea, rosehip broth.

You should give up fatty foods, smoked meats, fried, spicy. It is also necessary to exclude rye bread, legumes, coffee, carbonated drinks, cheeses, fruits and vegetables with high acidity, pickles from the diet.Severe stomach pains. What to take, diet, pills, first aid

Menu (first day):

  • Breakfast: steamed omelet, weak tea (you can add cream).
  • Lunch: Potato soup, chicken fillet (boiled, steam), boiled carrots.
  • Dinner: steamed fish, mashed potatoes and milk, green tea.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: slightly diluted cocoa, pumpkin porridge with milk.
  • Lunch: cauliflower soup, compote, lard from boiled carrots.
  • Dinner: macaroni with cheese, boiled beef (you can add cream sauce), dried fruit compote.

To eliminate pain in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. For this, it is recommended to follow a dietary diet and take medications (especially for severe pain). In the presence of chronic diseases, the diet is adhered to constantly.

Video about the causes of stomach pain

Malysheva about the SOS signals of your stomach:

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