
Forlax for children. Reviews, price, instructions for use

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  1. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price
  2. Composition, release form
  3. Operating principle
  4. Indications for use
  5. Contraindications and side effects
  6. Precautionary measures
  7. Instructions for use
  8. Application for children under one year old
  9. For children under 4 years old
  10. From 4 to 8 years old
  11. After 8 years
  12. Some analogues
  13. Video about the drug Forlax

Laxative for children called Forlax effectively relieves constipation and enhances intestinal motility. The instructions for use of the drug indicate that it is effective and harmless. A package of this product with 20 sachets is sold from pharmacies at a price of 270 rubles.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price

The product is sold and dispensed freely, without requiring a prescription. The prices for it depend on which pharmacy it is sold at.

The cost of the drug can be seen from the following table:

Pharmacy chain name Forlax price for children, rub.
First aid 320
Doctor Stoletov 320
Ozerki 315
Maksavit 295
Monastyrev 290
Pharmacy 285
Gorzdrav 280
Eurofarm 290
Zhivika 270
Zdravcity 260
Rigla 270
Dialog 240
Planet Health 235
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Composition, release form

The Forlax laxative is in powder form and is available in sachets weighing 4 or 10 g. The tool is sold in 1 package or 10 (20) pcs., Placed in a separate packaging box.

Forlax is based on macrogol, which binds water molecules present in the intestines. This laxative medication is prescribed for those children who are already six months old. The drug is intended for internal use. This is indicated in its instruction leaflet. You can find out about the price of the product from the Internet or by phone.Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The effect of the drug is due to its active ingredient - macrogol 4000.

In addition to this main substance, the preparation also contains auxiliary ones:

  • ethyl butyrate (pain relief and irritation);
  • terpineol alpha (dissolution of components and disinfection);
  • citral (detoxification);
  • additives that extend the shelf life of the product;
  • hexenol (aromatization);
  • acacia gum (normalization of the digestive organs);
  • acetic aldehyde (combination of all components);
  • linalool (increased aromatization);
  • orange and grapefruit juices (taste improvement);
  • maltodextrin (forming the consistency of the drug);
  • sodium saccharinate (sweetener);
  • grapefruit and orange oils (citrus aroma);
  • octanal (odor enhancement).

Macrogol 4000 has the following properties:

  • harmlessness;
  • the ability to stay in the body for up to 48 hours;
  • high molecular weight;
  • lack of addictive effect.

Operating principle

The main substance of the agent swells inside the intestine after absorbing liquid. At the same time, the feces increase and begin to put pressure on the organ, at the same time irritating the receptors. This effect will soon lead to bowel movements. A delicate laxative relieves constipation rather than treating its cause.

Macrogol in the child's body:

  • increases the amount of water in the stomach;
  • changes the consistency of solid feces;
  • activates the functioning of the digestive muscles and and accelerates the natural release of decay products;
  • cleanses the intestines of everything harmful;
  • leads to the process of defecation the next day.Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Forlax for children, the price and instructions for use of which are available and understandable, does not lead to addiction and is even suitable for getting rid of chronic constipation. With a long use of the medicine, its cancellation will be completely invisible. But the drug can sometimes cause flatulence and nausea.

After using a laxative solution in the body:

  1. Water molecules bind together.
  2. Further, they increase the volume of stagnant feces, at the same time softening them.
  3. With the help of the osmotic effect, intestinal peristalsis returns to normal. The next day after taking Forlax, the feces are successfully and painlessly evacuated from the body.

Unlike its counterparts, Forlax has several advantages:

  • rarely manifested side effects;
  • no harmful effects on the digestive tract;
  • the remedy can be used for a rather long time, since the body does not get used to it;
  • has a pleasant taste and smell, which is very popular with young children;
  • the possibility of taking it even with diabetes mellitus;
  • mild effect on the intestines;
  • lack of systemic effect on other organs;
  • the possibility of taking from half a year of life;
  • quick elimination of side effects when the dose is exceeded.

Parents who treat their children for constipation with Forlax note that young patients perceive the laxative solution as an unusual white juice. This is due to the sweetish taste and citrus aroma of the drug. Forlax also helps relieve children from psychological constipation.Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

To achieve a faster and lasting effect of therapy with Forlax, children are limited in the amount of use:

  • chocolate;
  • harmful and fatty foods;
  • flour products and other carbohydrates;
  • fast food;
  • a carbonated drink with a sweet aftertaste.

All this can be replaced by parents:

  • still mineral water;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • unsweetened tea.

Indications for use

Experts recommend using Forlax for:

  • persistent constipation;
  • absence of stool for more than 2 days;
  • poisoning;
  • constipation, which is a side effect of taking other medications;
  • transferred operations when attempts are prohibited;
  • upcoming examinations;
  • constipation from stress;
  • chronic hemorrhoids;
  • upcoming digestive and intestinal operations.

Forlax for children (the price and instructions for its use are always on medical sites) contains sorbitol. Therefore, such a drug is not given to children who are intolerant to fructose. The main elements of the remedy are not absorbed or destroyed in the stomach. Thanks to this, peristalsis improves and defecation occurs.

Contraindications and side effects

Laxative medication is contraindicated for:

  • children under six months of age;
  • exacerbation of digestive diseases;
  • inflammatory intestinal processes;
  • severe dehydration;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal ulcers and ruptures;
  • an enlarged colon;
  • allergies and intolerances to the elements of the product;
  • narrowed intestinal lumen;
  • pain in the abdomen.
    Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews
    Forlax for children

Sometimes, especially with long-term use, Forlax can lead to side effects:

  • manifestations of allergies:
  1. swelling;
  2. itching;
  3. rashes;
  • flatulence;
  • irritation of the skin in the anus;
  • stomach pain;
  • diarrhea and stool incontinence;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • violation in the body of water-salt metabolism;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

If the medication is taken in high doses, then:

  • turn to specialists for examination;
  • increase the amount of water you drink;
  • drink polysorb or activated carbon.

Symptoms of forlax poisoning include:

  • low pressure;
  • diarrhea;
  • rapid pulse;
  • fecal incontinence.

Precautionary measures

The precautions when using the drug include:

  • Forlax is not taken if there are contraindications;Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • the product is not used for allergy to fructose;
  • for newborns up to six months, the medicine is allowed to be given only after the permission of the attending physician;
  • when side effects appear, the medication is replaced;
  • simultaneously with taking a laxative, increase fluid intake;
  • Forlax is prohibited from giving to children in conjunction with other laxative medications;
  • the medicine also cannot be combined with diuretics and antidiarrheals;
  • the diluted powder cannot be used as the contents of an enema: it can only be taken orally;
  • Forlax children are given to drink 1.5 hours before the morning meal;
  • with regular use of the drug, children should be monitored by a doctor at all times.

Forlax for children, the price (the instructions for use position the agent as a mild laxative) sometimes fluctuates up to 320 rubles for it, has a powdery appearance. In addition, the drug smells pleasantly of citrus. But at the same time, the remedy also has contraindications.

The simultaneous use of a laxative powder and other drugs weakens the absorption of their active substances. Therefore, Forlax is taken 2 hours before taking other medications. To preserve the beneficial characteristics of the laxative, it is kept at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° and always in a closed package.

Instructions for use

Children's Forlax is applied as follows:

  • before taking the powder, dilute with water (it should be boiled and slightly warm);
  • the contents of 1 sachet are thoroughly dissolved in 60-80 ml of liquid to obtain a homogeneous suspension;
  • a laxative is usually given to children in the morning in order to notice possible allergic manifestations to it during the day;
  • a single dose of the drug should depend on the child's age:
  1. from 6 months to a year, 4 g per day is allowed;
  2. children under 4 years of age are given 8 g of medication;
  3. up to 8 years old, you can take up to 4 sachets per day;
  4. after 8 years, take 1-2 sachets (10 g each) per day.

To consolidate the result of taking Forlax, the following steps are also taken:

  • control the physical activity of children, encouraging them to go in for sports and outdoor games;
  • constantly give the child a sufficient amount of fluid;
  • exclude unhealthy food from the children's diet, enriching it with useful products:
  1. with fiber;
  2. cereals;
  3. fruits and vegetables.

Application for children under one year old

A child who has not yet turned 1 year old is allowed to give only 1 sachet of 4 g each day for constipation.Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews Doctors advise drinking the powder, diluted with liquid, 1-2 hours before the morning meal.

For children under 4 years old

Children under 4 years old are sometimes additionally prescribed 1 sachet of spedstvo, which must be drunk in the evening, before going to bed. The effect of such a reception occurs within 12-24 hours.

From 4 to 8 years old

Up to 8 years old, the daily dose of Forlax for children may already be 16 g (4 sachets each). This amount is divided into 2 doses: morning and evening.

After 8 years

Constipated children who are already 8 years old can drink Forlax for adults. Such patients are given the medicine in a similar dose (10 g), 1 sachet per day, preferably from morning. Additionally, they can drink 1 more bag of laxative powder intended for adults in the evening.

Pediatricians are allowed to take Forlax for up to 3 months in a row. To increase the effectiveness of the drug, children need to move enough and eat food containing plant fiber. It also has a positive effect on gastric motility and prevents constipation.Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Forlax for children, price (instructions for use of the drug analyze in detail all the nuances of its use) in Moscow it starts from 250 rubles, it is a very mild laxative. It is a safe product that effectively softens and removes stool even in babies. However, this osmotic-quality laxative can also be used by adults.

Some analogues

Not only Forlax helps with children's constipation, but also some of its other analogues:

  • Normasethat are being treated:
  1. putrid dyspepsia;
  2. chronic and symptomatic delays in the natural excretion of feces;
  3. hyperammonemia;
  4. dysbiosis;
  5. hepatic encephalopathy.
  • Oral drops Picosene.
  • Eucarbon, also helps to cope with flatulence.
  • Phytolax, which the:
  1. stabilizes the digestive tract;
  2. has a mild laxative effect;
  3. enhances the secretion of the digestive glands.
  • BAA Transit Lax Evalar, which is also an additional supplier of magnesium to the body.
  • Bioflorex, also applicable for:
  1. salmonella;
  2. hemorrhoids;
  3. putrid dyspepsia;
  4. liver failure and encephalopathy;
  5. intestinal dysbiosis;
  6. chronic hepatitis;
  7. intoxications;
  8. hyperammonemia.
  • Normolact, it is still effective for:
  1. preparation for colon surgery;
  2. dysbiosis;
  3. hemorrhoids;
  4. dysbiosis;
  5. poisoning;
  6. dyspepsia;
  7. liver failure.Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Glycelax, allowed from 3 months of age and stimulates the motor function of the stomach. The drug is in the form of rectal suppositories with glycerol and is intended for children from 3 months.
  • Guttalax with sodium picosulfate. Natural emptying stimulating tablet for children over 4 years of age. Drops can be given to small patients from 2 years old.
  • Duphalac with lactulose, which can even be given to newborns. This medication is contraindicated for:
  1. ileostomy or colostomy;
  2. suspicions of inflammation in the abdominal cavity, as well as appendicitis;
  3. hypersensitivity and susceptibility to lactose and its derivatives;
  4. intestinal obstruction;
  5. bleeding from the rectum;
  6. diabetes mellitus.
  • Mikrolax, produced in microclysters, which is administered rectally. The drug includes:
  1. sodium lauryl sulfoacetate;
  2. citrate;
  3. sorbitol.
  • Exportal with lactitol monohydrate, which:
  1. intended for children from a year;
  2. prevents the development of harmful bacteria;
  3. has a hypoammonaemic effect;
  4. accelerates the elimination of toxins.
  • Lavacol with polyethylene glycol. It cannot be taken by those children who have:
  1. kidney problems;
  2. heart failure;
  3. erosion or stomach ulcer;
  4. dehydration;
  5. intestinal or gastric perforation;
  6. intestinal obstruction;
  7. gastric stenosis.Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Tranzipeg, it is contraindicated in patients with:
  1. phenylketonuria;
  2. inflammatory bowel disease;
  3. dehydration;
  4. ulcerative colitis;
  5. chronic heart failure.
  • Guttasil, drops containing sodium picosulfate. They are prohibited when:
  1. hypokalemia;
  2. dehydration;
  3. intestinal obstruction;
  4. abdominal pain;
  5. peritonitis;
  6. colitis.
  • Good luck, shown at:
  1. encephalopathy;
  2. constipation;
  3. hepatic coma;
  4. hemorrhoids.Forlax for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Laxigal, helps with poor bowel function and contains sodium picosulfate. The medication can cause:
  1. convulsions;
  2. dehydration;
  3. weakness;
  4. stomach ache;
  5. diarrhea;
  6. nausea and vomiting;
  7. urolithiasis.
  • Portalak, having side effects in the form:
  1. flatulence;
  2. muscle cramps;
  3. lethargy;
  4. dehydration.
  • Weak with sodium picosulfate. The drug sometimes leads to:
  1. lowering pressure;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. convulsions;
  4. stomach pain;
  5. weakness.

The group of drugs with the same active substance as Forlax also includes:

  • Fortrans, it still contains potassium chloride and the following sodium derivatives:
  • sulfate;
  • chloride;
  • bicarbonate;
  • saccharinate.
  • Lavacol.
  • Forteza Rompharm, which helps retain water molecules in the intestines.

Constipation in children occurs due to their not yet fully developed digestive system. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility, pediatricians advise parents to use a drug such as Forlax. The instructions for use will familiarize him with the correct use of this medication at a bargain price.

Video about the drug Forlax

Forlax powder - overview and indications:

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