
Neuritis of the facial nerve. Photos before and after treatment, how long it takes to recover

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  1. Description of the disease, facts
  2. Can I get rid of it without treatment?
  3. How long does it take to be treated?
  4. What are the predictions?
  5. What complications can arise?
  6. Is it possible to massage the face with neuritis?
  7. How does the treatment depend on the cause?
  8. Recovery stages
  9. Prevention of facial nerve neuritis

The inflammatory process in the facial nerve is called neuritis. Such a disease is characterized by rather painful symptoms, a significant decrease in the sensitivity of muscle muscles, paralysis and paresis. To better understand what this pathology is, you need to use a photo and a detailed description, which increases the chances of a timely visit to a doctor.

Description of the disease, facts

Neuritis of the facial nerve, a photo of which will allow you to quickly determine the nature of the disease, is often called Bell's palsy, which is associated with the discoverer of the pathological process, the scientist Charles Bell, who lived in the territory Scotland. He was first able to identify and describe the disease in 1821.

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Also, numerous studies with a large sample of participants indicate that neuritis has a different degree of prevalence based on a particular region. The most often affected are those peoples in whose countries the cold season lasts much longer.

Although it is generally considered a rare condition, facial nerve neuritis is diagnosed in approximately 40,000 people in the United States. Studies also indicate that the disease most often affects patients whose age ranges from 40 to 60 years.

The facial nerve is characterized by the main function that is responsible for the innervation of the muscular tissues of the face, which ensures the correct movement of facial expressions, lips or eyelids. In addition, he is directly involved in the sensitivity of the skin and nasopharynx.

An interesting fact is that the facial nerve always develops in pairs, so its presence can be observed on the right and left sides of the face. Despite this, in most cases, neuritis occurs on a certain side and only in exceptional situations can it be bilateral.

Although the opinion is often expressed in society that girls suffer from the disease much more often than men, recent studies indicate that both sexes are equally susceptible to neuritis.

Can I get rid of it without treatment?

Neuritis of the facial nerve (a photo of which can be seen below in the article) in some cases can go away on its own, without the use of any therapy. However, such situations are detected only in 10% of the general population. If we look at the problem from a different angle, the risks of dangerous complications are much higher - approximately 45-60%.

Based on the above nuances, do not expect that the neuritis will go away on its own. It is better to use the qualified and high-quality help of an experienced specialist who can not only prescribe treatment, but also carry out a course of correct rehabilitation.

How long does it take to be treated?

The speed of recovery of the facial nerve is characterized by several factors, where timely and correct treatment is considered the most important. The next indicator, which indirectly affects the regeneration process, is various physiotherapy procedures, including acupuncture.

Facial nerve recovery also largely depends on how strong a person's immune system is. The assistance of the body, along with the necessary procedures, to a greater extent affects the reduction of the inflammatory process in the tissues.

Despite the well-established opinion in society that nerve cellular structures are not capable of recover, they still go through the regeneration process, which is rather slow speed. Based on this, the speed of treatment indirectly depends on how advanced the pathological process is.

If in childhood a complete recovery from therapy is characterized by 2-3 weeks, then an adult patient can wait for an effective result from several months to six months. Often 12-15 sessions of physiotherapy and other complex measures are required to ensure that not a trace of neuritis remains.

When a patient has negative symptoms for 9-10 months, the attending physician may refer him to the following procedures:

  • Meme therapy. This includes specialized and highly targeted exercises that can help strengthen the muscles of the face, including improving their motor function.
  • Plastic surgery. This method, although it can eliminate negative symptomatic manifestations, is not able to eliminate the main cause of neuritis. This technique is used in the case of hiding the imperfections of appearance, which increases the overall aesthetics of the face.
  • Injections. The introduction of Botox into the subcutaneous layers can only help if the patient simultaneously performs the prescribed therapeutic exercises.

In 80% of cases, the prognosis in the presence of a pathological process is favorable. If the patient underwent complex therapy, and the changes did not occur, the chances of recovery can be significantly reduced.

What are the predictions?

Neuritis, localized in the facial nerve, shows a good prognosis for treatment in the presence of rapid regeneration of tissue and cellular structures of the body. The disease disappears most quickly in patients aged 16 to 30 years. In order to better understand and determine the pathological process, it is recommended to use the photo provided below.

The prognosis for elderly patients is less comforting, especially when other pathological processes are present in the body. At the same time, timely started and well-chosen treatment allows you to eliminate negative symptoms and return the patient and normal life even at the age of 60-70 years.

If the therapeutic course was chosen incorrectly, as well as in case of untimely appeal to the treating person doctor, not only the risk of developing severe complications increases, but also the chances of a relapse diseases.

What complications can arise?

Despite the fact that in most cases, the elimination of facial nerve neuritis is characterized by the complete restoration of its functional features, with prolonged treatment or a large area of ​​damage, the following complications may occur:

  • Abbreviations of an involuntary nature. In this case, some muscle fibers begin to contract, regardless of the actions of the patient himself. This process occurs when nerve fibers are not able to fully recover. For example, a person may try to smile, but when they try, their right eye closes or their nostrils widen.
  • Loss of smell or taste. This complication is due to the defeat of some of the nerve endings that are responsible for the sense of smell. In some cases, the smell or taste may never return to the patient. For their return, they often resort to restorative therapy with a number of drugs and surgery.
  • Ulceration of the cornea. Complete drying of the cornea is possible when the patient's eyes are constantly open, which is explained by the negative symptoms of facial neuritis. In order to avoid more dangerous complications in the future, the attending physician prescribes special drops that help to better moisturize the eyes. Ulceration often leads to visual impairment and the introduction of various infections, pathogenic microorganisms.

Since the main cause of facial neuritis is an inflammatory process in internal tissues, such a disease in many cases leads to disruption and damage to nerve cell structures. A severe course of the disease can provoke paralysis of the facial muscles or the entire face.

The spread of the pathological process to nearby tissues leads to a limitation in the motor function of the eyeball, which often provokes the effect of a drooping eyelid. Also, the tongue may atrophy, various problems arise in the swallowing reflex, and the function of the speech apparatus decreases.

Is it possible to massage the face with neuritis?

Despite the prevailing opinion, it is possible to massage the face with an inflamed facial nerve. A massage procedure is a fairly effective remedy against a number of complications, which can significantly reduce negative symptoms.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that massage is prohibited during the acute period of the pathological process - for about 1-2 weeks after neuritis was detected. The use of such a physiotherapeutic procedure at the end of the specified period allows you to eliminate painful sensations and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

Many experts recommend massage 2-3 times a day, combining it with exercise therapy exercises. The average massaging time is 10 minutes. However, the technique must be performed exclusively by an experienced physiotherapist or attending physician. Otherwise, the opposite effect can be achieved.

How does the treatment depend on the cause?

Depending on the cause of the disease, one or another type of therapeutic effect is used. This is indicated by the lack of effective treatment that would be suitable for all factors affecting the development of facial neuritis.

So, for various disorders of the central nervous system, vitamin complexes of group B are used, in particular B6, B12, B1, as well as trace elements such as thiamine and riboflavin. These substances play a particularly important role in the proper functioning of nerve fibers. They can be used in case of depressive or stressful conditions.

In the presence of a weakly expressed muscle tone, anticholinesterase type agents are used, such as Galantamine and Proserin, which can improve the connection between nerve fibers and muscles. They also often normalize the function of the salivary or lacrimal glands.

If the main reason for the development of neuritis is arterial or vascular problems, antispasmodic agents can be used. They are able to quickly relieve spasms localized in blood vessels, arteries, and also in some muscle tissues. In addition, such drugs significantly improve blood circulation and eliminate painful sensations.

The most common cause of the disease in the form of viral infection is characterized by the use of appropriate drugs aimed at eliminating pathogenic organisms. Most often, Acyclovir and Zovirax are prescribed, which are able to stop the division of the virus.

If neuritis of the facial nerve is due to severe alcohol intoxication or previous sinusitis, diuretic drugs are used to speed up the outflow of urine. This feature makes it possible to significantly reduce swelling in inflammatory tissues, and also eliminates the risk of compression of blood vessels or arteries.

In addition to the above-described therapeutic effects with the use of drugs, thermal procedures, ultrasound treatment, and acupuncture can be used. Depending on the general prognosis, the course of the disease, as well as the patient's condition, many of them are characterized by certain contraindications, because doctors most often prescribe medication treatment.

Recovery stages

The first stage of recovery after a healed neuritis of the facial nerve is the complete disappearance of painful sensations. The patient begins to feel better, stops taking pain medications or injections. The presence of this sign indicates an effective course of therapy.

Then the patient has a complete restoration of the functional characteristics of the nerves or muscle structures of the face, sensitivity and movement return. After this, there is a significant decrease in pathological manifestations, indicating the presence of vegetative disorders.

The last stage of recovery is the return of the patient to the state in which he was before the primary symptoms of the disease. In this case, the patient is restored to the previous way of life, all signs of the pathological process disappear without a trace. Only in this case it is possible to ascertain the end of the therapeutic course.

In the absence of a pronounced recovery, as well as if the therapeutic effect ineffective, a surgical procedure is prescribed for excision of facial nerve endings with their subsequent connection. With such an event, the doctor removes the inflammatory process, slightly shortening the facial nerve.

Prevention of facial nerve neuritis

Neuritis of the facial nerve (a photo of which will allow you to better understand the specifics of the disease) can develop again in 60%. In this case, a more intensive and long-term treatment is introduced, the positive prognosis of which is significantly reduced.

In order to avoid a relapse of the pathological process, it is necessary to adhere to simple preventive rules:

Recommendation Description
Avoid hypothermia Numerous researchers have proven that this factor is the most common cause of neuritis. At the same time, even a slight draft significantly increases the chances of developing the disease. So, it is recommended to avoid long-term stay near air conditioners, open windows, including the obligatory wearing of a headdress or a hood in frosty weather.
Modern treatment of viral diseases In the presence of the first signs, which are characteristic of most viruses, it is necessary to take the appropriate medications. In order to avoid reproduction of the infection in the cellular structures of the nerve, you can use special Viferon drops, which contain an effective immunoglobulin.
Avoid stressful situations Since a decline in emotional or mental health can contribute to various disorders in the central nervous system, it is necessary to either avoid frequent stress, or learn to quickly relieve psycho-emotional stress with the help of meditation, auto-training, and other relaxing procedures. It will not be superfluous to take tinctures from hawthorn or motherwort.
Proper nutrition Healthy dietary norms have a positive effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the immune system. For this, it is recommended to include in the diet such foods as: fish, eggs or cottage cheese, which are best diluted with fresh vegetables and fruits.
Self massage In order to avoid the re-development of the disease, many experts recommend resorting to massage procedures that are performed for 10 minutes. 1-2 times a day. Detailed instructions on correct implementation can be given by the attending physician.

Based on numerous studies, careful and timely adherence to the above recommendations can reduce the chance of re-development of the pathological process by 75-80%.

For the prevention of neuritis, which is localized in the facial nerve, it is necessary to timely make vaccines against viral and pathogenic organisms, as well as reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. In addition to a detailed description, you can use high-quality photos, which will allow you to timely identify the disease and contact your doctor for help.

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