
Expigment 4. Instructions in Russian, reviews, price

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  1. Form of release of cream Expigment 4%
  2. Composition of the preparation
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. At what age can the drug be used?
  8. Instructions for use, dosage for fair skin
  9. Side effects
  10. Overdose
  11. special instructions
  12. Drug interactions
  13. Analogs
  14. Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  15. Price
  16. Expigment cream video

Expigment 4 - freckle cream and age spots, which is often used by women and men to eliminate cosmetic defects. The instruction for the tool in Russian describes the rules for applying the cream, but the indications for its use must first be assessed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Form of release of cream Expigment 4%

The effective product is sold as a topical cream. It has a standard consistency, unobtrusive aroma, well distributed and absorbed into fabrics. The cream is packaged in aluminum tubes of 30 g, which are placed in small cardboard boxes.

Each box contains 1 tube of medicated cream. A description may also be attached to it, which details all the nuances of use and possible contraindications.

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Composition of the preparation

The anti-pigment agent contains the substance hydroquinone in the amount of 40 mg per 1 g of cream. It is this ingredient that provides the main action.Expigment 4. Instructions in Russian, reviews, price

The cream also contains auxiliary ingredients in the form of a base, purified water and other components. They provide the correct consistency, facilitating distribution over the skin and absorption into the deep layers of it. There are no other active ingredients in the composition.

Pharmacological properties

Expigment 4 (instructions in Russian are described later in the article) has a pronounced whitening effect. As a result of the accumulation of a large amount of melanin in certain areas, the formation of age spots occurs, especially on the skin of the face. The application of the cream helps to get rid of this cosmetic defect.

Additionally, the product helps to improve the condition of the skin, evens out the tone of the face. Despite the fact that a cream is used to get rid of a cosmetic defect, it belongs to medicines.

When applied, the elimination of not only spots, but also foci of inflammation, relief of the course of dermatological diseases, if there are any in the patient's history, is noted.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After being applied to the skin, the agent penetrates into the deep layers and has a therapeutic effect. The main ingredient refers to ingredients that are able to slow down the production of melanin, which provokes the formation of age spots. As a result, the skin is lightened and the tone is evened. After a while, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the skin.

Additionally, the medication prevents the re-formation of spots on the treated areas, improves the general condition of the skin. The medication has a positive effect on the processes of tissue regeneration, helps to reduce the likelihood of complications in the presence of dermatological pathologies.

The drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation when applied externally, which is considered an advantage of the drug over other drugs with similar properties. With prolonged use, there is a slight accumulation of the ingredient in the tissues, which does not lead to an overdose.

Since the drug does not enter the bloodstream, it cannot be detected in the systemic circulation. The ingredients are not processed in the liver, which is also considered an advantage, as the stress on the organ is reduced. The lack of systemic influence and absorption into the body reduces the likelihood of developing an overdose, which is also considered an advantage.

Indications for use

Expigment 4 is prescribed to patients when diagnosing cosmetic defects in the skin.Expigment 4. Instructions in Russian, reviews, price

The instruction in Russian assumes its use in the following cases:

  • The patient has freckles, the number of which does not depend on the time of year and the duration of exposure to open sunlight.
  • Pigmented spots that appear after prolonged exposure to the sun. At the same time, patients often have light skin, therefore, melanin is not distributed correctly when exposed to the sun, which leads to the appearance of spots.
  • The presence of stains in patients that occur in the absence of contact with the sun's rays.
  • Dermatological pathologies in which the production of melanin is impaired in patients.
  • Formation of cosmetic defects against the background of hormonal imbalance. In some disorders, the development of such disorders is possible, and systemic medications do not bring a pronounced result.

The tool can also be used as part of the complex treatment of certain dermatological disorders, but only as prescribed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist.


Despite the fact that the agent is applied externally and does not have a systemic effect on the body, the use may be contraindicated in some cases.

The main barriers to using an effective cream are:

  • Identification of allergies to the components of the composition. In this case, the medicine can provoke complications.
  • The tendency to develop allergies when using external medicines with bleaching properties. Such complications may have occurred in patients in the past with the use of such drugs, so it is important to exclude the possibility of their recurrence.
  • The presence of skin lesions in the area of ​​intended application.
  • Purulent inflammatory foci on the skin of the face.
  • Irritation after the procedure of hardware cleaning, peeling with acids. Only after elimination of irritation is it allowed to use the agent.
  • The recovery period after burns of the skin of the face. The use of any bleaching medication can provoke complications. After complete restoration of the skin, the use of the cream is allowed.
  • Large blackheads and acne in the area of ​​spots. Experts suggest that such complications can provoke additional concomitant reactions when prescribing a cream.
  • Residual allergy reactions in patients. The use of the cream can aggravate the symptoms, it is better to achieve a complete recovery.
  • Severe renal and hepatic impairment. The absence of systemic influence does not guarantee safety for patients with such disorders.

Dermatological pathologies of a chronic form, for example, psoriasis, dermatitis or eczema, are not considered a contraindication for prescribing a medication. Despite this, the presence of lesions on the face can become a reason for refusing therapy if the disease is in an exacerbation stage.

The period of lactation and pregnancy is considered a relative obstacle to therapy, since today day experts did not find evidence of the detrimental effect of the ingredients of the composition on the mother's body and child. In each case, it is important to pre-consult with a doctor, especially if there are complications during gestation.

In each case, the patient may have individual contraindications, which are determined during the examination.

At what age can the drug be used?

Expigment 4 (the instruction in Russian assumes the appointment of the remedy only after assessing the condition of the skin) is prescribed for patients over 12 years old. This is indicated in the official description.Expigment 4. Instructions in Russian, reviews, price

But experts usually do not recommend using a cream to eliminate stains in patients under 16 years of age due to the increased likelihood of complications. In each case, prior consultation with a doctor is required.

Instructions for use, dosage for fair skin

Depending on the characteristics of the skin and the number of lesions, the features of using the cream may differ. A standard therapeutic regimen is often used, in which the drug is used for 4 weeks.

Apply the product in the morning and evening after preliminary cleansing of the skin. When applying, the layer must be thin, rubbing the medicine is allowed with the fingertips, but it is important not to irritate the skin so as not to lead to the appearance of microtraumas. After 4 weeks of use, you must consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. He will evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, if necessary, prescribe another remedy or prolong the treatment.

Only in some cases, the drug is prescribed for treating the skin 3 times a day, if the doctor considers it appropriate to use it. This is usually required when there are a lot of spots on the skin. Intensive use continues for no more than 2 weeks, as this increases the risk of complications. Treatment can last up to 8 weeks if the dermatologist considers it effective.

If the patient notes the lack of effect within 4 weeks, do not continue using. It is recommended to consult a doctor who will determine the reason for the lack of result, if necessary, prescribe another remedy. There are no peculiarities of using the medication for light skin, but long-term treatment is not recommended. Usually, a double application is prescribed during the day, therapy for 4 weeks.

Application 3 times a day for patients with fair skin is not recommended, as the risk of complications increases.

Side effects

Expigment 4 (the instruction in Russian should be studied by patients before using it) can provoke complications if the instructions are violated. In most cases, local reactions occur, but the likelihood of systemic disorders cannot be ruled out. In most cases, systemic complications result from exacerbation of local reactions.Expigment 4. Instructions in Russian, reviews, price

Type of complications Features of symptoms
Local reactions On the part of the skin, disorders appear in the form of classic symptoms. Patients talk about a rash that appears not only on the skin of the face, but also on the limbs and trunk. The rash spreads to large areas of the skin, leading to irritation. Itching and burning are a little later. The patient combs the affected area, which can provoke the addition of an infection, the development of inflammation. In some patients, reactions occur immediately after the start of use, but quickly disappear after discontinuation of treatment. In other patients, negative symptoms persist for a long time, but appear some time after the start of use. Allergies can also affect the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasal passages, and oral cavity. The patient's nasal breathing worsens, there is an inability to eat. With prolonged preservation of symptoms, lacrimation and sourness of the eyes are noted.
Systemic disorders Systemic complications arise against the background of local negative reactions. Patients report headaches, dizziness and indigestion. Some note a decrease in performance, memory impairment and concentration. Often, systemic disorders provoke a deterioration in the work of internal organs, so special treatment is required. Adverse reactions in most cases disappear after the elimination of local symptoms, but sometimes persist for a long period of time.

Complications require referral to a specialist, since the symptoms may worsen, lead to other disorders of the internal organs. Specialists draw the attention of patients to the fact that one should not ignore negative reactions, as well as use any drugs to eliminate them without a preliminary examination.


The drug does not lead to the development of an overdose, since its components are not absorbed into the systemic circulation and do not accumulate in tissues.Expigment 4. Instructions in Russian, reviews, price

Despite this, long-term uncontrolled use is prohibited, even if patients do not have complications during the period of therapy.

special instructions

Expigment 4 (instructions in Russian helps patients learn the rules of treatment before starting to use) should not be applied to other cosmetics. For example, application without first removing foundation or powder does not work, but it can provoke complications.

Before each use, it is important to cleanse the skin with warm water and dry with a towel. It is not recommended to apply the product simultaneously with any other creams. It is especially important to observe this rule in the presence of concomitant deviations from the side of the skin.

If, after applying for several days, the patient notes a strong effect, it is worth visiting a doctor. Perhaps a particular patient should not use the drug.

Drug interactions

Since the agent does not have a systemic effect on the body, it is allowed to combine it with other drugs in different dosage forms.

Expigment 4. Instructions in Russian, reviews, price
Expigment 4

But local preparations in the form of gels, creams, ointments are prescribed not so often. This is associated with an increased risk of complications. In each case, the doctor individually decides on the appointment of certain medications at the same time as the cream.


The drug has no analogues with the same composition. But on drugstore shelves you can find many medicines with different compositions, but similar therapeutic properties.

Popular substitutes:

  • Cream Green Pharmacy it is considered quite effective if patients have age spots on the face. The composition contains lemon juice and shea butter, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. The product has a mild effect on the tissues, helps to lighten the skin and even out the tone, and prevents the appearance of imperfections. The drug does not often provoke negative reactions, therefore it is often used for different patients.
  • Biocon - cream for age spots, which contains tocopherol, shea butter and chamomile extract, lemon juice. The drug helps to improve the condition of the skin, relieves irritation and inflammation, brightens the tone. With regular use, you can get rid of small stains and some other problems. The tool is allowed to be used for a long time, since it rarely provokes negative reactions.
  • Bark - a cream for freckles and age spots, which is considered very effective. It contains not only tocopherol and ascorbic acid, but also citrus extract, which provides results when used correctly. It is allowed to use the cream for a long time. The only complication during use is considered to be an allergy to the components of the composition.

There are many more analogues with the same properties, but in each case it is better to select a product for a specific skin type with a specialist. Before starting to use any cream, it is better to test for sensitivity to its components.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The drug can be stored for 2 years. In this case, it is important to exclude the possibility of direct sunlight hitting it and keep it away from children.

Dispensing funds is carried out without a prescription. This allows you to purchase it when needed.


Its cost is 2000-2500 rubles. for a tube. The price may differ in different pharmacies and regions.

Expigment 4 is considered a fairly popular cream for freckles and age spots. It not only helps to get rid of defects, but also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The instruction in Russian describes precautions and basic rules for using the product.

Expigment cream video

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