
The head hurts in the back below near the neck, in the back of the head, vomiting. Causes

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  1. Causes of back pain near the neck
  2. Osteochondrosis
  3. Hypertension
  4. Increased intracranial pressure
  5. Occipital neuralgia
  6. Meningitis
  7. A brain tumor
  8. Neck pain and nausea
  9. Symptoms for which you need to urgently see a doctor
  10. Headache Videos

Headache in the back of the head of any nature provokes discomfort and disrupts the usual way of life. If we are talking about ordinary fatigue, then it is enough for a person to rest and sleep well. However, sometimes the head hurts in the back below near the neck due to a serious illness.

A person in such a situation needs a therapist's consultation and a comprehensive examination. The results obtained will help the specialist to draw up a therapy regimen and, if necessary, appoint an additional consultation with other specialized doctors.

Causes of back pain near the neck

Pain syndrome in the head behind the bottom near the neck is more often provoked by physiological and pathological processes. Depending on the developing disease, the patient develops concomitant symptoms, with which it is important to immediately go to the hospital and be examined. Comprehensive testing will allow not only establishing a diagnosis, but also choosing an effective treatment.

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There are the following external provoking factors, against the background of which a headache appears in the back of the head:

  • poor sleep, insomnia, lack of sleep;
  • prolonged stress, overwork, emotional stress;
  • unhealthy diet, strict diets;
  • acclimatization;
  • great physical activity;
  • collecting hair in a tight ponytail;
  • sudden head movements;
  • prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • incorrectly chosen sleeping place;
  • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.

It is possible to eliminate painful sensations in such situations; it is enough to exclude the provoking factor. If there are accompanying alarming symptoms, then you should go to the hospital.


A chronic disease that provokes a deterioration in the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. They become thinner, which negatively affects the damping between adjacent discs while driving. As the pathological processes progress, thorns and growths appear on them. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops against the background of numerous factors and is accompanied by characteristic clinical symptoms.

The head hurts in the back below near the neck, in the back of the head, vomiting. Causes
Provoking reasons Manifestations
  • Bruise or fracture of the spine;
  • heavy load on the spine;
  • impaired posture;
  • unstable vertebrae;
  • age-related changes in bone and cartilage structure;
  • great physical activity;
  • sedentary lifestyle.
  • Severe headache worries, which worsens when trying to turn or tilt the head;
  • weakness appears in the hands;
  • the upper limbs grow numb;
  • muscle spasms occur in the neck;
  • motor reflexes deteriorate;
  • there is a curvature of the spine in the neck;
  • dizzy;
  • flies or colored spots appear before the eyes;
  • coordination is disturbed.

An instrumental examination will help to establish an accurate diagnosis, which the physician-therapist will prescribe to the patient, taking into account his complaints and symptoms. Treatment involves more than just medication. Additionally, patients are prescribed physiotherapy procedures, massage and spinal traction. In emergency and severe situations, blockade with injections is shown to relieve severe pain and muscle spasms.


The head hurts in the back below near the neck with hypertension. The pathological condition is characterized by a chronic increase in blood pressure. The reason is not only external factors, but also diseases, disorders within the body. A person develops concomitant clinical signs that will help the physician to establish a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive examination to the patient.The head hurts in the back below near the neck, in the back of the head, vomiting. Causes

Causes Symptoms
  • A sharp change in weather conditions or atmospheric pressure;
  • increased physical activity;
  • emotional outbursts, stress;
  • vascular diseases;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • improper nutrition;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • obesity of varying degrees;
  • bruise or head injury.
  • A sharp and throbbing pain appears that affects the neck and head, namely its back;
  • vision deteriorates, becomes cloudy in the eyes;
  • visual hallucinations appear;
  • hearing deteriorates, tinnitus occurs;
  • the skin of the face and mucous membranes turns red;
  • nausea appears;
  • the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted.

When exposed to external factors, blood pressure rises for a short time. When they are eliminated, the human condition stabilizes on its own. In the case of pathological sources, the patient requires drug therapy and specialist supervision. Hypertension is dangerous to human life with its consequences and complications.

Increased intracranial pressure

Intracranial hypertension is a consequence of a high level of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull. The pathological condition arises against the background of numerous factors and is accompanied by pronounced symptoms:

Causes Symptoms
  • Infectious disease of the human body;
  • period of bearing the baby;
  • generic activity;
  • violation of material metabolism;
  • neoplasms in the area of ​​the cranial box;
  • bleeding;
  • stroke;
  • head injury;
  • taking certain medications.
  • Intense pain in the back of the head of a bursting character;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe dizziness, which can lead to loss of consciousness;
  • vision is impaired;
  • paralysis, paresis appear;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • worried about heaviness in the head and pain in the eyeballs.

In most cases, increased intracranial pressure is treated with medications (steroids, antibiotics, diuretics). In severe or emergency situations, surgery is performed.

Occipital neuralgia

The disease is characterized by severe painful sensations that appear as a result of compression of the nerve roots of the occipital nerves. Pathological processes provoke numerous factors, the effect of which depends on the specificity and intensity of the clinical picture.The head hurts in the back below near the neck, in the back of the head, vomiting. Causes

Causes Symptoms
  • Mechanical damage to the spinal column as a result of trauma;
  • hypothermia of the human body;
  • prolonged stress;
  • complications against the background of osteochondrosis;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • spine diseases;
  • development of gout;
  • vascular pathology;
  • endocrine system damage;
  • autoimmune diseases.
  • Severe pain syndrome;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lacrimation increases;
  • there is a feeling of cold;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • intolerance to loud sounds occurs;
  • the skin in the area of ​​the occipital nerve lesion turns red or pale;
  • hair falls out on the back of the head;
  • the sensitivity of the skin decreases.

Treatment for neuralgia of the occipital nerve is selected by a specialized doctor. The research results and the individual characteristics of the human body are taken into account. At an early stage of the disease, drug therapy is carried out. In the absence of positive dynamics or in the event of serious complications, surgery is prescribed.


The head hurts in the back below near the neck due to meningitis. The disease is characterized by a strong inflammatory process that affects the lining of the spinal cord and brain. In most cases, the provoking source is an infection.

Causes Symptoms
  • Fungal, bacterial and viral infection;
  • the simplest parasites;
  • mechanical trauma to the head and back;
  • chronic diseases;
  • bad habits (abuse of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and drugs);
  • prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • improper and uncontrolled use of certain drugs;
  • weak immunity.
  • The body temperature rises;
  • headache appears;
  • there is nausea and vomiting;
  • confused consciousness;
  • a specific rash appears on the body;
  • a person loses consciousness;
  • convulsions appear;
  • muscle weakness is present;
  • increased sensitivity to loud sounds and bright light;
  • appetite worsens;
  • conjunctivitis develops;
  • the heart rate rises;
  • there is pain in the neck.

Laboratory and instrumental research methods will help diagnose and differentiate the disease. Treatment is selected by an infectious disease doctor, taking into account not only the results of the examination, but also the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

A brain tumor

The pathological condition is characterized by a complex of intracranial neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature. A brain tumor occurs as a result of uncontrolled cell division or due to degeneration of affected tissues.

Pain in the head in the back near the neck below appears against the background of numerous provoking factors that trigger pathological processes.The head hurts in the back below near the neck, in the back of the head, vomiting. Causes

Causes Clinical signs
  • Age from 45 years;
  • the negative effect of radiation or toxic substances on the brain tissue;
  • traumatic brain injury, damage;
  • environmentally unfavorable environment;
  • violation of the development of cerebral tissues during intrauterine maturation;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • weakened immunity.
  • Intense headache of a bursting and paroxysmal nature;
  • vomit;
  • systemic dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • decreased motor reflexes;
  • sensory disorders;
  • sudden and involuntary muscle contractions;
  • mental disorders;
  • visual hallucinations;
  • impaired memory and thinking;
  • vision problems;
  • hormonal disorders.

The diagnosis and treatment of a patient depends on the type of tumor that has appeared in the brain. A comprehensive examination will determine the nature of the neoplasm and the area of ​​tissue damage. The therapy is carried out in different ways, depending on the patient's condition.

Neck pain and nausea

In 20% of cases, pain in the occiput is accompanied by nausea with high blood pressure.

However, there are other physiological and pathological conditions that are accompanied by these clinical symptoms:

  • muscle fatigue and tension;
  • migraine;The head hurts in the back below near the neck, in the back of the head, vomiting. Causes
  • tension headache;
  • great physical activity;
  • occipital neuralgia;
  • damage to the trigeminal nerve;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • apnea;
  • osteochondrosis.

Among the serious diseases that are accompanied by occipital pain and nausea, hypertensive crisis, Parkinson's disease, thyrotoxicosis, sinusitis, stroke, and gout should be distinguished. In any situation, it is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner, undergo an examination and start treatment. It is better to refuse independent therapy, especially when it comes to serious pathology.

Symptoms for which you need to urgently see a doctor

The head hurts in the back at the bottom near the neck, you must first consult a doctor therapist. The specialist will examine and interview the patient, prescribe an additional comprehensive examination to establish a diagnosis. If necessary, the patient may also need a consultation with a vertebrologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, traumatologist, infectious disease specialist or psychotherapist.

Symptoms for which a person needs urgent medical attention:

  • high body temperature;
  • lack of coordination, movement problems;
  • numbness or tingling in the extremities;
  • double vision;
  • human consciousness is disturbed;
  • the headache is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting;
  • blood pressure is elevated and hard to get off with drugs;
  • the headache is present for no apparent reason and has been bothering for a long time;
  • there are chronic diseases or other pathologies.

A doctor's help is necessary in any situation, even with a minor headache. In the absence of timely diagnosis and correctly selected therapy, pathological processes will progress. Against this background, the symptoms will intensify and serious complications will arise, up to and including death.

When the head hurts in the back below near the neck and concomitant clinical symptoms appear, one cannot refuse the help of a doctor. A pathological condition can lead to serious complications and consequences. Comprehensive diagnostics is required for the patient when even minor problems have appeared. Detection of the disease at an early stage will stop its progression and prevent complications.

Headache Videos

Problems in the neck, but a headache:

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