
An excess of zinc in the body. Symptoms in women, men, child, consequences

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  1. Symptoms and Signs
  2. Causes
  3. Diagnostics
  4. Treatment methods
  5. First aid
  6. Drug therapy
  7. Folk remedies
  8. Diet
  9. Possible consequences and complications
  10. Zinc Videos

Zinc in the human body supports various processes. The trace element also takes part in the development of bone structures, brain tissues. It is necessary for the life of the whole organism, cell division and growth, and maintenance of the correct functioning of the reproductive and immune systems. However, an excess of zinc can harm a person. A large concentration of this element in the body will lead to symptoms of intoxication. A complication of poisoning can even be fatal.

Symptoms and Signs

The clinical picture with an overdose of zinc manifests itself quickly and occurs more often in the form of symptoms of acute intoxication of the body:

  • the functioning of the immune system is disrupted;
  • there is nausea and vomiting;
  • there is a sweet taste in the mouth;
  • the sensitivity of the stomach increases;
  • a person is tormented by strong thirst;
  • the functioning of the liver, the work of the pancreas is disrupted;
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  • hair becomes brittle, dull, falls out
  • nails flake and break
  • the external condition of the skin changes;
  • in the human body, the concentration of other important elements (iron, copper, cadmium) decreases;
  • chills appear;
  • the person constantly wants to sleep;
  • men have problems with the prostate gland;
  • pain syndrome of a pressing character occurs in the chest;
  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • the mucous membrane in the eyes and mouth turns red;
  • a dry cough appears.An excess of zinc in the body Symptoms in women, men, children

Impaired functioning of the immune system leads to the fact that a person develops autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis). A sharp rise in temperature is observed for some time, after 2-3 hours the parameters decrease. At the same time, sweating increases in a person.

In severe cases, serious complications appear, which are also accompanied by pronounced clinical signs:

  • there is a fibrous degeneration of the tissues of the pancreas;
  • the blood glucose level rises;
  • pneumonia develops;
  • the organs of the respiratory system are swollen;
  • severe vomiting with blood impurities appears;
  • convulsions appear in the area of ​​the calf muscles;
  • renal failure develops.

When zinc enters the human body with food, there is a strong reddening of the mucous membrane not only in the mouth, but also in the digestive tract. An overdose of this chemical element is dangerous to humans in that violations contribute to the degeneration of tissues of internal organs. Pathological processes provoke the appearance of malignant tumors. The cardiovascular system and the liver are also under attack.


An excess of zinc in the body (symptoms of a pathological condition cannot be ignored, since heavy metal poisoning is dangerous to health) a person occurs for the following reasons:

  • prolonged and improper use of certain drugs;
  • the presence in the diet of products that are stored and transported in packages with substances that form toxic compounds;
  • the use of biological additives that contain zinc;
  • failure of metabolism in the human body;
  • long-term and direct interaction with a chemical element;
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse);
  • the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • development of liver cirrhosis;
    An excess of zinc in the body Symptoms in women, men, children
    An excess of zinc in the body can be triggered by uncontrolled intake of drugs with zinc

People who work in hazardous industries have a high risk of experiencing an acute or chronic zinc overdose. The compound of this element is used in the manufacture of various paints, ceramics, matches, glass products. The same goes for man-made fibers. You can also get poisoned by zinc vapor if you carry out electric welding work indoors. In this case, do not use special protective equipment (respirator).


In some situations, an excess of zinc in the human body is accompanied by a weak clinical picture. Therefore, a differential complex diagnosis is necessary, which will help determine the poisoning and choose the most effective treatment.

Patients are assigned the following studies:

Name Description
General blood analysis The results will help establish the concentration of zinc and copper in a person's blood. The level of other beneficial microelements is also checked, the amount of which can be reduced against the background of zinc intoxication of the body.
General urine analysis Laboratory tests can help determine the concentration of zinc in the urine. But the test is not informative enough. Positive results can also be obtained with the development of oncological pathologies or cardiovascular diseases.

The obtained results of complex diagnostics will help not only to establish the correct diagnosis, but also to choose the most effective therapy regimen.

Treatment methods

An excess of zinc in the body (symptoms of intoxication will help the physician to determine the degree of damage to the body and choose an individual therapy), a person is treated permanently. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the source of overdose and reduce clinical signs. In case of acute zinc intoxication, the victim must be provided with first aid, after which the person is hospitalized, if necessary.

A thorough examination is carried out, based on the results, a special treatment is selected.

First aid

Before the victim is hospitalized and undergo inpatient treatment, before the arrival of doctors, the person must be given first aid.An excess of zinc in the body Symptoms in women, men, children

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The person must be taken out into fresh air to eliminate the source of exposure to the toxic substance.
  2. The patient must be laid on a flat surface. It is important that the person remains in complete peace before the arrival of the doctor.
  3. If the victim is in a closed room and it is not possible to take him out, it is necessary to open the windows for fresh air to enter the room.
  4. If zinc enters the digestive system, gastric lavage should be performed. To do this, use a soda solution. Additionally, it is recommended that a person drink more milk or alkaline mineral water.

Further medical assistance is provided by qualified specialists in a hospital setting.

Drug therapy

After the provision of first aid, the victim is assigned an examination and a specially selected therapy regimen is individually tailored. The doctor takes into account the patient's complaints, the symptoms present and the characteristics of the body.

An excess of zinc in the body (symptoms of a pathological condition require urgent hospitalization of a person and medical care) are treated with the following medications:An excess of zinc in the body Symptoms in women, men, children

Drug group Name Application
Detoxification drugs Unitiol, Dimercaprol The drug is administered mainly intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The adult dosage of the drug is 200-500 mg 3-4 times a day.
Antidote Sodium thiosulfate, Methionine The drug has a mild laxative effect, and also removes toxins from the human body. The medicine is administered intravenously. Adults are prescribed 1.5-3 g.
Bronchodilators Neophylline, Erespal Medicines dilate the bronchi, improving ventilation. The drug is taken orally before meals or after meals. The tablets are swallowed whole and washed down with a little water. The dosage of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the patient's condition. Adults are prescribed 300-600 mg 1-2 times a day.
Antipyretic drugs Acetylsalicylic acid, Paracetamol The medicine is taken orally, preferably after meals, washed down with a little water. The course of treatment lasts 3-5 days. The adult dosage is 1–2 tablets every 4–8 hours.
Cardiac glycosides Korglikon, Digitoxin Medicines are prescribed to patients with the development of heart failure. The drug is administered intravenously for 5-6 minutes 1-2 times a day. The drug is preliminarily diluted with glucose (10-20 ml). The adult single dosage is 0.5-1 ml.

In case of severe poisoning with zinc compound vapors, oxygen therapy is indicated for patients. After treatment in an inpatient department, the patient is discharged home, but for some time he is advised to visit the attending physician and undergo a preventive examination. Such measures will help to timely determine the complications of hyperzincosis and stop the progression of pathological processes.

Folk remedies

Unconventional methods of healers and healers help to remove harmful substances from the body and toxins, this includes a zinc compound. It is important not to use natural ingredients on your own; it is necessary to discuss the treatment with a physician therapist. Despite the low likelihood of side effects, folk remedies can provoke an allergic reaction or individual sensitivity.

An excess of zinc in the body (symptoms of pathological processes will help to suspect violations in a timely manner and immediately go to the hospital) can be reduced using the following means:

An excess of zinc in the body Symptoms in women, men, children
Name Recipe Application
Milk thistle Boil the seeds of the plant (1 tsp) with boiling water (1 tbsp.). Insist for 20-30 minutes and drain well. Milk thistle removes salts of heavy metals from the human body. The plant strengthens the liver and prevents the absorption of harmful substances. Milk thistle broth is recommended to be consumed orally 6 times, 1 tbsp. The course of treatment lasts a month.
Healing collection Mix in equal proportions birch, raspberry, blackberry and nettle leaves. Grind all components and pour boiling water (500 ml). Insist 1 hour and strain well. The finished broth should be taken orally at 0.5 tbsp. 4 times a day.
Olive oil and honey Mix 2 tbsp. natural honey and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Mix all components well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Olive oil with natural honey slows down the intoxication process, destroying toxic substances. The agent is recommended to be taken orally 50 g 5 times a day.
Field horsetail Brew dry grass (1 tablespoon) with boiling water (200 ml). Insist for 20-30 minutes and drain. The ready-made broth is recommended to be consumed inside 0.5 tbsp. every 3 hours throughout the day.
Rose hip Pour 1 tbsp. dry berries with hot water (1 tbsp.). Insist 30 minutes and strain. Rosehip broth is recommended to be consumed during the day instead of tea. The plant not only removes toxins from the body, but also increases its resistance.

An excess of zinc in the body Symptoms in women, men, childrenGarlic, as a natural antiseptic, well protects the human body from various infections. The healing quality of this product is also the elimination of heavy metal salts and toxins from the human body. It is enough to consume half a clove of garlic every day and wash it down with water. It can be diluted with a little lemon juice to eliminate the unpleasant odor of garlic in your mouth.


A properly prepared diet will allow you to restore the concentration of zinc in the human body and eliminate the excess, if the cause is not pathological processes.

Allowed Products Prohibited foods
  • apples, beets, black currants, peaches
  • carrots, cabbage
  • marmalade, gelatin, jam
  • dates
  • corn, buckwheat
  • milk products
  • almonds, beans
  • olive oil
  • fatty fish
  • citrus products
  • fatty, fried, smoked and spicy dishes
  • alcoholic drinks
  • sweet soda
  • strong tea and coffee
  • pickled and salted dishes
  • fatty fish and meat
  • semi-finished products
  • seasonings, spices
  • sweets, pastry, chocolate products

Vitamin P, which is found in tomatoes, sweet cherries, cherries, blackberries and rose hips, helps to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. It is necessary to drink more pure liquid, which also helps to quickly get rid of harmful substances. All dishes should be baked, boiled, steamed.

Possible consequences and complications

An excess of zinc in the human body provokes the appearance of characteristic symptoms, with which it is important to immediately go to the hospital.An excess of zinc in the body Symptoms in women, men, children

Without timely medical care, the risk of dangerous complications and consequences increases:

Name Description
Bone fragility increases The high level of zinc in the human body interferes with the absorption of other necessary elements to maintain the normal functioning of internal organs and systems. Lack of cadmium, iron, manganese and copper leads to a deterioration in the state of the bone structure.
Growth slows down A complication of high levels of zinc in the body, which is more common in children. Hyperzincosis disrupts the activity of the cells of the bone structure, as a result of which the growth of the child is slowed down.
Muscle weakness The imbalance in the human body of essential trace elements leads to the fact that muscles also suffer. Neglected situations are characterized by the absence of tendon reflexes at all.
Malignant tumors Zinc compounds are carcinogenic. We are talking about a negative effect on the cells of the human body, which contributes to the degeneration of the affected tissues. This is how malignant tumors are formed.
Autoimmune Disorders Hyperzincosis causes serious changes in the functioning of the immune system. For this reason, the risk of developing dangerous diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis) increases.
Respiratory damage A high level of zinc in the human body provokes the development of pneumonia, pulmonary edema. We are talking about serious complications that arise in the case of constant contact with zinc vapor.
Heart disease An excess of zinc in the body negatively affects the state and functioning of myocardial tissues. The contractile activity of the heart is impaired.

Urolithiasis can also result from zinc poisoning of the human body. Together with this trace element, the concentration of salts in the patient's urine increases, which leads to the formation of calculi. An inflammatory process develops in the organs of the urinary system, stones are formed.

An excess of zinc in the human body cannot be ignored. Lack of medical care will lead to serious consequences, the elimination of which will take more time and effort. It is important not to ignore the first symptoms of zinc intoxication, but to consult a physician immediately. Taking into account the human condition and other individual characteristics, the specialist will prescribe additional consultations with other specialized doctors and select the most effective treatment.

Zinc Videos

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