
Social phobia. How to get rid of yourself, what are these, symptoms

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  1. The essence and definition of social phobia
  2. Signs
  3. Emotional symptoms
  4. Physical symptoms
  5. Characteristics of the character and behavior of a social phobia
  6. Possible causes and prerequisites
  7. What keeps social anxiety alive?
  8. What can you do yourself?
  9. How to get rid of negative thoughts, beliefs and fantasies
  10. How to stop looping on yourself
  11. How to change your behavior
  12. How to deal with physical symptoms
  13. How to get rid of the fear of speaking in the company of other people
  14. Overcoming social anxiety
  15. Relaxation
  16. Working with thinking
  17. Negative attitudes
  18. Thought errors
  19. Will medications help with social phobia?
  20. What to do when self-help methods are not enough
  21. Social phobia video

Sociophobia was first described by Hippocrates during the period of Ancient Greece. Many centuries ago people suffering from this disease, characterized by alienated from society, squeezed, fearing to be ridiculed. It is quite difficult to get rid of social phobia on your own, since for this the patient needs to constantly leave the usual comfort zone, overcome your inner fears and complexes in spite of the mental suffering.

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The essence and definition of social phobia

Social phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, which is accompanied by an excessive attack of fear, unreasonable panic in ordinary social situations. For example, during a conversation with acquaintances or a stranger, visiting a large company, performing on stage in front of an audience. At the moment of the next attack of social phobia, a person loses the ability to consciously control their emotions.Social phobia. What are these, symptoms, how to get rid of

There is an overwhelming fear that his anxiety will be ridiculed, misunderstood by the people around him. In this regard, people suffering from social phobia withdraw into themselves, try to avoid situations that cause them a sense of anxiety. Most people with social phobia do not make an independent attempt to get rid of this disorder.


The clinical manifestations of social phobia are classified into emotional and physical symptoms. Signs of anxiety disorder occur every time a person is among a large number of people, or is forced to conduct a prolonged dialogue with one person. The symptoms of social phobia are so strong that they can cause a state of distress, causing comorbid personality disorders.

Emotional symptoms

An attack of social phobia is manifested by the following emotional symptoms, most of which are exacerbated at the moment when a person leaves their usual comfort zone:

  • panic attacks;
  • confusion;
  • melancholic moods;
  • psychological depression;
  • self-doubt;
  • conviction in their inferiority;
  • shyness;
  • a state of stupor;
  • deep depression;
  • thoughtfulness and lack of adequate reactions to questions or comments of people around;
  • a strong sense of fear of being seen in the wrong light or misunderstood.

A distinctive feature of social phobia is that they try to hide the manifestation of the emotional symptoms of their disorder from others. It is unpleasant for the patient to re-experience these sufferings, which deprive him of the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life. At the moment the next attack of social phobia appears, a person tries to run away to a place where there is no large crowd of people.

Physical symptoms

The onset of physical signs of social phobia occurs simultaneously with the manifestation of negative emotions.

Social phobia. What are these, symptoms, how to get rid of
Social phobia. Symptoms

A patient with social phobia has the following symptoms:

  • heart palpitations;
  • tremor of the upper limbs or the whole body;
  • an attack of nausea caused by a spasm of the stomach walls;
  • the release of vomit (occurs in conditions of strong emotional excitement, when it is not possible to protect oneself from the influence of society);
  • increased sweating in a room where the air temperature is comfortable;
  • confusion of speech;
  • swallowing individual words or incorrectly constructing sentences, which is caused by strong emotional excitement;
  • obsession with your appearance, the opinions of people around you;
  • headache that occurs against a background of severe stress;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • dizziness (loss of consciousness is not excluded);
  • redness of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté.

The physical symptoms of social phobia become more intense in proportion to the strength of the external stimulus. For example, if a social phobia is in the company of peers who ridiculed his appearance, then an attack of a panic attack can lead to loss of consciousness, prolonged and deep depression.

Characteristics of the character and behavior of a social phobia

Sociophobia (you can get rid of fear of society on your own only through daily work on internal complexes) is an anxiety disorder that does not tolerate publicity. Men and women are equally susceptible to social phobia.

The first signs of the disease begin to appear in early adolescence, which is reflected in the child's behavior. Scientific studies have shown that in 50% of cases, the emotional and physical symptoms of social phobia were found in children over the age of 11. In 80% of the participants in the experiment, the first signs of social phobia appeared after they turned 20.Social phobia. What are these, symptoms, how to get rid of

The sociophobe is horrified by the light in which he will be assessed by the people around him, or simply by outside observers. A person with a similar social disorder is always focused on his own appearance, puts forward overestimated requirements for himself, tries his best to make a positive impression on society.

Despite all attempts to look good in the eyes of others, the social phobia is still not satisfied with his appearance or behavior. At the same time, within such a person, the conviction of his own inferiority remains. A sociophobe can replay in his head the possible variants of a life situation, the order of his actions several times.

A patient with social phobia, who found himself in an unpleasant situation for himself, had to face a large number of people, communicate in the company of peers, can analyze these events for weeks, reflecting on how he looked, what they thought of him other.

In most cases, these thoughts are obsessive, tormenting a person for weeks. Such reflections become the cause of exacerbation of feelings of anxiety, fear and self-doubt. Therefore, after the next contact with the outside world, most social phobes fall into a state of deep depression, even more withdrawn into themselves.

The sociophobe does not see any positive qualities or abilities in himself. According to scientific research, people with this disorder have more bad memories than good memories. For example, a new team member introduces himself to colleagues. At this point, due to natural excitement, the person stumbles or confuses words.

A man or woman who does not suffer from social phobia will simply laugh at their mistake, correct, and then continue speaking. In a social phobia, such an incident will cause an anxiety attack or a panic attack, lead to a stupor and become a source of further fears in the future.

The following are the main criteria that characterize the personality of a person prone to manifestation of social phobia:

  1. Shyness, bordering on fear of communication with other people, regardless of their gender.
  2. Desire to avoid any contact with society.
  3. Refusal to visit small social groups. For example, parties in a close circle of acquaintances, dates, evening walks with peers.
  4. Fear of accidentally talking to strangers on the street, in public places or government offices.
  5. Constant avoidance of any situations related to the outside world that trigger an anxiety attack.

People suffering from social phobia are afraid to visit discos, clubs, cafes and restaurants. The moment they enter this institution, they have the feeling that all the people around them are not satisfied with their appearance.

During a conversation, a patient with this disorder tries not to look his interlocutor in the eyes, as this makes social contact too close. Most social phobes are smart and talented people who remain hostage to internal complexes and fears.

Possible causes and prerequisites

Sociophobia (it is possible to get rid of the feeling of anxiety on your own, but for this it is necessary to go beyond the "comfort zone") - This is an anxiety disorder that can occur with the following conditions:

  • panic disorder (found in 33% of cases);
  • stress disorder caused by PTSD (diagnosed in 36% of patients);
  • generalized anxiety disorder (present in 19% of social anxiety disorder);
  • the consequences of chronic dependence on drugs (found in 19% of cases).Social phobia. What are these, symptoms, how to get rid of

In 23% of patients who were examined by psychologists and psychiatrists, the development of social phobia began after one or more suicide attempts. Social phobia is present in almost all people suffering from chronic alcoholism and drug addiction.

The table below summarizes the main factors that contribute to the development of social phobia.

Prerequisites for the emergence of social phobia

Characterization of the causative factor

Heredity Men and women with close relatives suffering from social phobia are 3 times more likely to develop this disorder. The implementation of the hereditary factor occurs through the transfer of genetic material, as well as through imitation of the behavior of adults by children. For example, if a child observes the state and actions of the father, who is terribly afraid of talking with stranger, then over time, a son or daughter will develop a similar reaction to a similar social contact.
Family situation About 30% of social phobia are people who, in childhood, were exposed to excessive criticism or guardianship from their parents. The deliberate protection of a child from the factors of the external world for the purpose of protection leads to the fact that he grows up without the skills of social interaction with society and peers. The presence of constant criticism from parents also contributes to the emergence of the prerequisites for social phobia. The child grows up with a vaccinated complex inferiority.
Past episodes of social contact People with increased sensitivity of the nervous system are prone to the development of social phobia due to the negative experience of previous contacts with people and society. During the examination, in 50% of patients with social phobia, a causal relationship was found between humiliating or traumatic situation, as well as the subsequent manifestation of the first signs of social phobias. The following life events contribute to the development of this disorder:
  • bullying at school by peers;
  • public humiliation at a disco, party, in a close circle of friends;
  • physical violence;
  • making fun of clothes, shoes, gait, hairstyle and other elements of appearance.

People who have once experienced psychological trauma, throughout their subsequent life, try to avoid repeating a similar situation. Otherwise, they develop symptoms of social phobia.

Scientists in the field of sociology and neuroscience continue to search for causes that provoke the early development of social phobia. Recent studies have shown that a person's genetic predisposition to fear of society plays an important role in the occurrence of social anxiety. The factor of heredity is exacerbated many times over by negative experiences of social contacts and psychological trauma.

What keeps social anxiety alive?

Social phobia (getting rid of anxiety disorder on your own is real, but for this you need to find the cause of the fear of social contacts) - it is the fear of being misunderstood by the people around, which is fueled by the following factors:

  • lack of understanding in the family;
  • dissatisfaction with the financial situation;
  • lack of desired authority among colleagues and peers;
  • repeated negative experience of social contacts;
  • conflict and stressful situations;
  • disorder of personal life.

Exposure to any stressful factors that cause a decrease in self-esteem maintains the level of social anxiety of a person suffering from social phobia. Especially if the disorder is present in an adolescent child.

What can you do yourself?

To get rid of attacks of social phobia, to start leading a full-fledged social life, it is necessary to overcome internal complexes and prejudices. Social phobia. What are these, symptoms, how to get rid ofIt is much easier for an adult to cope with feelings of anxiety before interacting with people than a teenager whose personality is just on the way to becoming.

How to get rid of negative thoughts, beliefs and fantasies

Social phobia (getting rid of bad thoughts on your own is possible through the correct distribution of life priorities) Is a chronic behavioral disorder, the treatment of which requires a change in outlook on the world and society.

To overcome negative beliefs in your own inferiority, it is recommended to do 1 good deed daily. For example, to help elderly neighbors or people in need. At the moment of the next appearance of bad thoughts or fantasies, it is necessary to think about your good deeds, as well as about the social benefits that they brought to society.

How to stop looping on yourself

To stop looping on your own personality, you need to pay more attention to close relatives. A mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother or sister needs to be cared for. You should imagine their rhythm of life, problems and various situations that they face on a daily basis, but at the same time do not fall into a state of anxiety, depression and panic attacks.

How to change your behavior

A radical change in behavioral habits can only be achieved through daily practical training. Situations that deprive the social phobia of a full life cannot be avoided. It is necessary to gradually go out into the "world", communicate with people, overcoming internal complexes and bouts of anxiety.

This therapy should be dosed. At first, it is enough to take a daily walk along an uncrowded street or park. As feelings of anxiety and discomfort subside, move to public spaces where more people gather.

How to deal with physical symptoms

At the time of the onset of the next attack of social phobia, it is necessary to perform the following actions, which, over time, will completely get rid of from physical symptoms in the form of dizziness, increased sweating, nausea, redness of the face:

  1. Do not run away as soon as the outward signs of a behavioral disorder begin to be felt.
  2. Step aside, and then sit on a bench, chair, or lean on any object in the environment.
  3. Take 2-3 deep breaths.
  4. Close your eyes, imagine yourself in a virtual cocoon, which performs the function of protection from the judgmental gaze of the people around you.
  5. Drink some water.
  6. Remove beads of sweat from the forehead with a handkerchief.
  7. Wash with cold water.
  8. Sit for another 10-15 minutes.

The human body is designed in such a way that in the case of a prolonged stay in the "stress zone" mechanisms of adaptation to the prevailing conditions begin to be triggered. If the social phobia does not run away from people with the first manifestation of the physical symptoms of a behavioral disorder, but learn from to cope with the above methods, then over time the external signs will completely disappear, or they will subtle.

How to get rid of the fear of speaking in the company of other people

To get rid of the fear of conducting a dialogue with friends, you need to overcome your inner feelings of discomfort by throwing in topics for conversation. In the early stages, you don't need to talk a lot.

It is enough just to ask your friends a short question, the subject of which is close to them. For example, did they watch this or that football match, boxing match yesterday? What do they think about the release of a new computer game? Who will go to the disco on Saturday? Short questions can quickly spice up a discussion in a company with a person suffering from social phobia as a participant. The main thing is to control the feeling of anxiety, not to give up under the onslaught of panic attacks.

Overcoming social anxiety

Fighting manifestations of social anxiety requires daily work on your inner world, stereotypes and beliefs that have been formed during a certain period of life.


At the time of the next attack of social anxiety, it is necessary to quickly relax the nervous system from increased stress. Social phobia. What are these, symptoms, how to get rid ofFor this purpose, you can put on headphones, turn on calm instrumental music, audio recording of the marine surf or falling raindrops, close your eyes, and then imagine a completely different environment. For example, a deciduous forest with green edges, flooded meadows, a beach with golden sand.

Working with thinking

The feeling of social anxiety is fueled by negative thoughts that arise in the head of the social phobia at the moment when he once again plays out life situations.

Negative attitudes

It is necessary to get rid of negative attitudes that are associated with beliefs in their own insignificance and inferiority. You need to realize that during communication between people, different situations arise. Someone may joke about a friend by making fun of their appearance or behavior. The normal response to this kind of relationship is to laugh or a similar joke in response, but not to run away from the events with an overwhelming sense of anxiety.

Thought errors

The main mental mistakes of a social phobia are his belief in the following:

  • All people around are looking only at him.
  • People around him consider and appreciate his appearance.
  • People around him laugh at him.
  • In the eyes of those around him, he looks sloppy, has an ugly appearance, gait.
  • Work colleagues do not perceive him as an equal.
  • Girls don't like him.
  • If he speaks with unfamiliar or unfamiliar people, he will be laughed at.

The essence of the mental errors of a person suffering from social phobia is a distorted perception of his own personality. A reduced to a minimum level of self-esteem, combined with a feeling of inner anxiety, negative experience of previous social contacts, leads to the emergence of destructive thinking. To return to a full-fledged social life, you need to get rid of the above beliefs through the daily practice of communicating with people around you.

Will medications help with social phobia?

Medical treatment of social phobia can eliminate physical and psychological symptoms, but it does not relieve the patient of the disease itself.

To combat anxiety attacks and panic attacks, antidepressants of the following pharmacological groups are used:

  • selective inhibitors that reuptake the hormone serotonin;
  • hormone reuptake inhibitors norepinephrine and serotonin;
  • inhibitors (MAOI) of monoamine oxidase.Social phobia. What are these, symptoms, how to get rid of

The type of drug, dosage and duration of its administration is determined by the attending physician. The disadvantage of antidepressant therapy is that drugs in this group cause side effects in the form of depression and physical dependence.

What to do when self-help methods are not enough

In the event that independent attempts to get rid of social phobia have not brought a positive effect, then it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist. The doctor of this profile will teach you not only to overcome the symptoms of a behavioral disorder, he will help to find and then eliminate the cause of the fear of social contacts.

Social phobia is a behavioral disorder of adults and children over 11 years old, which manifests itself in attacks of overwhelming anxiety, fear, and panic attacks. These sensations arise in a sick person when he is among a large number of people, communicates with friends and acquaintances. The sociophobe has a twisted and misconception about his own personality.

Most people with this disorder have low self-esteem, they are full of complexes of their own inferiority. To get rid of social phobia on your own, it is necessary to overcome the fear of communication, to go out into society, not to avoid people, and despite the inner discomfort, start the conversation first.

Social phobia video

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