
Throat feels like a hair stuck, cough, dryness. What could it be, reasons

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Name of the disease Characteristic Cardiospasm This phenomenon is manifested by the occurrence of a spasm of the circular muscle, which is located between the stomach and the esophagus. Pathology is accompanied by difficulty swallowing, pain in the upper sternum. Hyper-, hypothyroidism Throat feels like a hair stuck, cough, dryness. What could it beMalfunctions of the endocrine system are characterized by an increase in the size of the thyroid gland, which, in turn, puts pressure on the cartilage of the larynx, located below.

With the production of increased amounts of hormones, weight loss and increased appetite often occur. It is also possible the appearance of periodic pain in the abdomen, increased heart rate, irritability, increased sweating, and vomiting.

Hypothyroidism is manifested by weight gain with decreased appetite, fatigue, sluggishness, memory impairment, hair loss, and dry skin.

Psychological disorders Such conditions are often accompanied by irritability, anxiety, frequent mood swings, dizziness, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, and the development of phobias. It is also possible the appearance of pain in the heart / head / abdomen, deafness, blindness, paralysis. In mental disorders, the "lump in the throat" is observed constantly, rather than the accompanying symptoms.
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Reflux esophagitis This condition occurs as a result of prolonged reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus, which leads to inflammation of its mucous membrane. In this case, there is sour belching, heartburn (especially when the body bends), painful sensations in the chest region on the left, "giving off" to the area between the shoulder blades. It is also possible the formation of cough, flatulence, feelings of nausea, dry mouth, gagging. Chronic pharyngitis Chronic pharyngitis refers to inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Such a disease develops due to the absence or inadequate treatment of acute pharyngitis. Also, the pathology can be caused by prolonged inhalation of dried / dusty / polluted air.

Symptoms of this disease include: perspiration, dry throat, and bouts of unproductive coughing. Perhaps an increase in body temperature, the appearance of a sore throat.

Cervical osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae is often accompanied not only by the sensation of a hair in the throat, but also by dizziness, soreness / crunching when turning the neck, headache when the weather conditions change.
Throat feels like a hair stuck, cough, dryness. What could it be
Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm This condition is characterized by a pathological location of the stomach (in some cases, and intestine) in the chest cavity due to the expansion of the opening in the diaphragm through which pass the esophagus.

The symptomatology of this disease resembles reflux esophagitis: in addition to the feeling of "coma" in the throat, there is heartburn after each meal, pain in the abdomen and "in the stomach" with tilt of the body. There may also be shortness of breath, staining of the skin around the mouth in a blue tint, pain in the retrosternal region.

Dystrophic myotonia This disease is hereditary. It is manifested by tension of a spasmodic nature in the masticatory muscles, and those that help to bend the hand. In this case, there is a violation of facial expressions, timbre of voice, difficulty in swallowing. Sleep apnea may develop. Esophageal injury The esophagus can be injured during the EGDS procedure or the placement of the evacuation / feeding tube. It can also happen from a pill or bone that has been swallowed. The condition is accompanied by a feeling of "coma" in the throat and pain in the esophagus. Chronic laryngitis This form of laryngitis should be understood as a chronic inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. The disease can occur against the background of professional activities (among speakers, teachers, singers), as well as from alcohol abuse and smoking.

It is manifested by perspiration, dryness of the oral cavity, sensation of a foreign body in the throat, exhausting paroxysmal dry cough, pain when swallowing, lack of air (not always). The voice may also become hoarse or disappear.Throat feels like a hair stuck, cough, dryness. What could it be

Sjogren's Syndrome Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by damage to the connective tissue and salivary, lacrimal glands. Most often occurs during menopause (in women). The initial symptoms include: a feeling of "lump in the throat", dryness of the skin, the visual organ, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, "sticking" on the lips. Parasitic invasions The sensation of a hair in the throat can occur due to the deposition of eggs in the esophagus by some parasite. In this case, the development of food allergies, rapid fatigue, irritability, coughing attacks, sneezing is possible. Scleroderma of the esophagus Pathology is associated with impaired blood circulation and thickening of the connective tissue. The defeat of the esophagus leads to difficulty swallowing, heartburn, resulting in a feeling of "lump in the throat." Guillain-Barré Syndrome An autoimmune disease of the peripheral nervous system, which is characterized by the development of muscle weakness. In the later stages of this disease, there is a violation of the swallowing, respiratory function, there is a nasal voice and a feeling of a foreign object in the throat. Damage to the nerves responsible for the act of swallowing food It can occur with a fracture of the base of the skull, thrombosis of the jugular vein, tumor of the glomus. The accompanying symptoms are: a feeling of "lump in the throat", impaired movement of the tongue, swallowing. Fazio-Londe syndrome A rare genetic disorder that manifests itself as impaired breathing (wheezing), distortion face, a change in speech (becomes incomprehensible, indistinct), a feeling of "lump in the throat", a violation swallowing. Throat / esophagus cancer Malignant tumors in the throat / esophagus are often accompanied by cough, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, feeling of pain and fullness in the chest region, regurgitation, increased production saliva.

At the initial stage, the sensation of a foreign body in the throat is a hindrance to eating, which forces you to drink it. Further, a person is able to consume food only in liquid form.

Xerostomia This disease means pathological dryness in the oral cavity due to insufficient production of saliva. Most often develops with Sjogren's disease, abuse of alcoholic beverages, prolonged smoking, dehydration.
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