
De-Nol (De-Nol) with reflux esophagitis. How much to drink, can I take

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  1. Release form of the drug
  2. Composition of the preparation
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. At what age can the drug be used for reflux esophagitis?
  8. Instructions for use for reflux esophagitis
  9. Side effects
  10. Overdose
  11. special instructions
  12. Drug interactions
  13. Analogs
  14. Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  15. Price
  16. Video about the drug De-Nol

De-Nol - antiulcer drug, which is often used in reflux esophagitis in order to alleviate the condition of patients and prevent the development of complications of the disease. The remedy is considered quite effective, is usually well tolerated by patients and allows you to reduce the number of medications prescribed for exacerbation of symptoms. Before starting therapy, it is worth visiting a doctor who will prescribe a remedy and determine an individual dosage.

Release form of the drug

The medication is sold in the form of tablets for oral administration. They are small in size, biconvex, round in shape. They are packaged in ordinary plastic plates of 8 pieces.

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In an individual cardboard box, you can find 56 or 112 tablets. A description is always attached to them, which indicates the nuances of therapeutic use, possible contraindications and complications during treatment.

Composition of the preparation

De-Nol is often used for reflux esophagitis, which is due to the presence of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate in its composition. It is through him that the main therapeutic effect is realized.De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

The composition of the tablets includes several auxiliary components:

  • Talc.
  • Lactose as monohydrate.
  • Starch.
  • Macrogol.
  • Magnesium stearate.

Additional substances do not have medicinal properties, they are present to preserve the chemical formula of the product. The amount of the main ingredient per 1 tablet is 120 mg.

Pharmacological properties

The drug in tablet form has antiulcer and gastroprotective properties, therefore it is often used in diagnosing pathologies of the digestive tract. Reflux esophagitis is a disease in which stomach contents are regularly poured into the patient's esophagus. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, for example, heartburn, pain.

With this disease, an increase in the acidity of gastric juice is usually observed, as well as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus. The pathology is chronic, therefore, it requires the use of medications to relieve symptoms. The drug De-Nol has not only antiulcer, but also antibacterial properties, helps eliminate the symptoms of pathology and reduces the likelihood of repeated relapse over a short period time.

The tool also helps to stop the multiplication of bacteria in the digestive tract, which can aggravate the course of the pathology. The complex effect on the tissues makes the drug effective.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

De-Nol with reflux esophagitis is considered a fairly effective remedy, since it eliminates symptoms quickly after entering the stomach. The tablet dissolves, and its active substance spreads through the gastrointestinal tract. The active ingredient envelops the walls of the stomach and prevents the negative effects of gastric juice on them. This is especially important in the case when the patient suffers from peptic ulcer or gastritis.De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

The drug also has another effect:

  • It has a gastroprotective effect, that is, it stimulates the restoration of damaged mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus. When using the drug, there is a significant decrease in the risk of progression of the inflammatory process and an increase in the area of ​​tissue damage.
  • It helps to somewhat reduce the acidity of gastric juice, which has a positive effect not only on the condition of the mucous membranes, but also on the general well-being of the patient. Heartburn and nausea are less common in patients, digestion is normalized, and the work of other parts of the digestive system improves.
  • Destroys the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which often aggravate the course of stomach pathologies. Today, the drug is considered one of the most effective in combating this type of bacteria, since different strains of microorganisms cannot develop resistance to the main ingredient of the composition.
  • Reduces relapses in a short period of time. With reflux esophagitis, relapses occur quite often, since the disease in most cases is chronic.

Due to the positive effect of the component on the patient's body, a quick recovery occurs and the number of complications decreases. The combination of tablets with other systemic medicines somewhat increases the effectiveness of therapy.

When taken orally, the active ingredient penetrates deep into the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Its accumulation in tissues occurs in small amounts. A small dosage of the active substance enters the systemic circulation, which reduces the risk of complications with prolonged treatment.

After providing a therapeutic effect, the ingredient is excreted from the body with the help of the intestines. The duration of the withdrawal period does not exceed 12 hours. In patients with intestinal diseases, it is possible to increase the duration of excretion of the active substance after its processing, which does not affect the therapeutic effect.

Indications for use

De-Nol is prescribed not only for reflux esophagitis, but also for other gastroenterological pathologies.De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

The main indications for pill therapy:

  • Gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • Peptic ulcer of various forms. The drug is effective at the initial stage and the presence of ulcerations on the mucous membrane.
  • Pathologies of the stomach of inflammatory origin, provoked by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  • Acute gastroduodenitis. The medicine is considered effective if the patient has complications from other parts of the digestive system.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Usually, patients have stomach complications.
  • Functional dyspepsia, which is not associated with organic lesions of the stomach, intestines.
  • Acute and chronic pancreatitis. The drug is included in the course of the main treatment in order to increase its effectiveness.

With esophagitis, the drug is not used so often, but its effectiveness has been proven, therefore, the drug may be included in the course of main therapy.


The drug is not used when detecting intolerance of the main or auxiliary ingredient of the composition, which is explained by the increased risk of complications.De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

Other barriers to treatment include:

  • The period of gestation and breastfeeding. The safety of the drug for such patients has not been proven.
  • Internal bleeding that occurs as a result of perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestines.
  • Decompensated renal failure, accompanied by disorders of other parts of the urinary system.
  • Acute period after suffering myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke.
  • Acute mental disorders.
  • Infectious diseases, accompanied by damage to the digestive tract, frequent vomiting and loose stools.
  • The recovery period after undergoing surgery on the abdominal organs.

For elderly patients, the medicine is prescribed with caution and after examination. It is noted that in older people, complications occur more often when instructions are violated or when used without a doctor's prescription.

At what age can the drug be used for reflux esophagitis?

The official instructions for the use of the drug indicate that the tablets are prescribed only to patients over 4 years old.

When diagnosing reflux esophagitis, the drug is usually prescribed to patients over 12 years old, but if necessary, tablets can be used for patients over 4 years old.

Instructions for use for reflux esophagitis

De-Nol for reflux esophagitis is used after examination and questioning by a gastroenterologist, identifying the severity of symptoms and the presence of concomitant abnormalities in the patient. The daily dosage for an adult and teenager over 12 years old does not exceed 4 tablets.De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

In this case, there are 2 ways of receiving:

  • 1 tablet 4 times a day;
  • 2 tablets 2 times a day.

There is no fundamental difference in these methods, each patient independently makes a decision and chooses the most suitable method for himself.

The duration of the therapeutic course is 30 days. After that, the doctor evaluates the result of the treatment. Sometimes therapy lasts up to 2 months if the patient does not have marked improvement after 30 days of taking the regimen. A prerequisite for proper treatment is considered to be taking pills 30 minutes before eating. This ensures maximum efficiency. Experts also recommend that you drink the medicine with a sufficient amount of water to accelerate the dissolution of the film shell.

Children over 4 years of age take the medicine for 30 days. In this case, the dosage is calculated taking into account the weight. For 1 kg of body weight, there is 8 mg of the drug per day, that is, 1 tablet for 15 kg of the child's weight. The daily rate is taken 2-4 times during the day with equal time intervals. When treating a child, a regular visit to a doctor is mandatory, who assesses the result of treatment, prolongs or cancels it if necessary.De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

If the remedy is used when other diseases are detected, the therapy regimen may differ, but it is prescribed by the doctor after the examination.

Side effects

The medicine can provoke negative reactions, even if the instructions are followed. Violation of the recommendations often provokes more negative symptoms. Complications can affect not only the digestive system, but other systems as well.

Damage area Frequent negative reactions
Nervous system From the side of the nervous system, disorders do not occur so often. Sometimes during the admission period, patients talk about headaches and dizziness. Some people report sleep disturbance and increased irritability, fatigue, and decreased performance. After refusal to take the drug, the symptoms gradually disappear. Only sometimes therapy leads to the development of encephalopathy, which is associated with the effect of bismuth on the central nervous system.
Respiratory system With prolonged use of pills, respiratory disorders may appear. They manifest themselves in the form of shortness of breath, coughing, especially with physical exertion.
Digestive tract The digestive organs are usually not affected during therapy. If the patient takes pills without a doctor's prescription, nausea, pain in the stomach and intestines may occur. Some people report upset stools, flatulence, and bloating. In the presence of concomitant abnormalities in the liver and pancreas, their course may worsen.
Heart and blood vessels If the patient has a history of cardiovascular pathologies, their course may be aggravated by the use of tablets for an extended period of time. Many patients report fluctuations in blood pressure, tachycardia, and pain in the heart. Usually, the use of special means is not required, and the symptoms disappear after refusal of therapy.
Skin covering Allergy to the drug manifests itself in the form of classic symptoms, that is, itching. Burning and peeling, rash. Sometimes an acute form of urticaria develops, which aggravates the condition. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasal passages, eyes also worsens the patient's well-being.
De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

If negative symptoms appear, you should not continue taking the drug. It is recommended to visit a doctor who will determine the appropriateness of using medications to normalize the condition.


Taking the drug in the prescribed rate does not lead to the development of an overdose. But long-term use of pills in large quantities can lead to such complications. Overdose is accompanied by the aggravation of all negative reactions, as well as the appearance of other complications.

Allergy occurs in an acute form, accompanied by severe swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat, shortness of breath and even suffocation. The patient's condition worsens, there is nausea and frequent vomiting, which disrupts the absorption of fluid in the digestive tract. Long-term persistence of symptoms provokes dehydration, accompanied by convulsions, dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, headache.De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

Overdose can provoke Quincke's edema. This condition threatens the health and life of the patient, and can provoke death in the absence of timely assistance. The first manifestations of an overdose are considered a reason for immediate medical attention.

special instructions

De-Nol for reflux esophagitis is used only according to a certain scheme. You should not independently increase the dosage or prolong the course, even in the absence of a therapeutic effect.

During the period of therapy, it is possible to change the consistency and color of feces, which is not considered a reason for refusing to take it. The patient can visit a doctor who will explain the mechanism of action of the drug and possible changes in the digestive system while taking it.De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use

If there is no therapeutic effect within 8 weeks of taking the medication, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the medicine is not suitable for a particular patient, and another drug is required.

Drug interactions

The drug should not be used concurrently with other bismuth-based products. This provokes an overdose due to the accumulation of ingredients in the body. It is not recommended to use it simultaneously with tetracycline-based medicines, since the absorption of the antibiotic is significantly impaired.

Simultaneous use with food reduces the effectiveness of therapy, so doctors strongly recommend taking the drug separately from food. The drug does not interact with other drugs, so it can be prescribed simultaneously with different systemic medicines.


In the absence of the drug in pharmacies or the impossibility of using for various reasons, it is allowed to use substitutes with similar medicinal properties.

The most effective analogs are:

  • Novobismol is considered a common analogue that contains the same active ingredient in the composition. The product is available in the form of tablets, it is taken as directed by a doctor and after a preliminary examination. The medicine is considered to be just as effective, but you shouldn't use it on your own.
  • Vis-Nol - capsules for oral administration, which are also used to treat reflux esophagitis in patients of different ages. The drug contains bismuth in the composition, therefore it is used for various diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Vikalin - tablets for oral use, which contain not only bismuth, but also herbal ingredients that increase the effectiveness of treatment. The medication is prescribed for reflux esophagitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer and some other diseases of the digestive system.

Analogues should be prescribed by a doctor on the basis of examination data, despite a similar composition and therapeutic properties.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The drug is sold freely in different pharmacies. When storing it, it is necessary to exclude direct sunlight and moisture.

De-Nol for reflux esophagitis. Instructions for use
De-Nol for reflux esophagitis

The maximum storage time is 4 years. The date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging.


The cost of packaging the product differs depending on the number of tablets in the package. The average price ranges from 500-900 rubles.

De-Nol is considered an effective and relatively safe drug, which is often used for reflux esophagitis and other diseases of the digestive system. Its use must be approved by a doctor, which reduces the likelihood of complications.

Video about the drug De-Nol

Instructions for the use of tablets, De-Nol analogues:

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