Food Poisoning

Food poisoning during pregnancy in the early stages: what to do?

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1 Incorrect nutrition

Already from the first weeks of conception, the expectant mother needs to reconsider her diet. It is known that the most frequent occurrence is food poisoning during pregnancy. It is necessary to correct not only the amount of food consumed, but also its quality.

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Nutritionists identify several categories of products that are most dangerous for expectant mothers:

  1. Meat.
  2. Meat products.
  3. Salads based on mayonnaise sauce. Sweets made from perishable products.
  4. Drinks made from sour milk.
  5. Canned food.
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Separately it is necessary to tell about the use in food of mushrooms in any kind. They are especially dangerous for women in the early stages of pregnancy. It is in the first 3 months that the baby is most vulnerable, since his main protection - the placenta - has not yet been fully formed.

Most doctors will agree that during the gestation of the fetus the female organism is completely reconstructed and that what the expectant mother would eat with pleasure before pregnancy may dislike her and even harm her.

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2 Chemical damage

Chemical poisoning is less common than food poisoning, but still takes place. Intoxication during pregnancy arises from carbon monoxide or a broken standard thermometer with mercury. Now pharmacies sell new, non-mercury thermometers. They are absolutely safe for both mother and future child. An alarming call for a future mother should be:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Noise in the ears.
  3. Headache in the temporal region.
  4. Dry cough.
  5. Tremors trembling.
  6. Pre-smart state.

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Do not try to improve yourself the most. Poisoning during pregnancy is dangerous and is a serious reason for seeking help from specialists. After all, in this case we are talking about the health of not only my mother, but her not yet born baby.

3 Symptoms of

Symptoms that occur with any kind of poisoning are not much different. This is:

  1. Decrease or total loss of appetite.
  2. Constant nausea.
  3. Periodically occurring vomiting.
  4. Stomach pains of a different nature.
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Gas formation.
  7. A sudden increase in body temperature.
  8. Blood pressure jumps.
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All of the above symptoms appear after 30-40 minutes after eating poor-quality products. The degree of intoxication is also different. With severe poisoning, almost immediately there is weakness, chills and headache, fainting.

Nausea appears almost immediately, and in this case it is very important not to confuse the poisoning with a toxic attack.

4 Possible consequences of

If the pregnant woman is still poisoned, then she should be aware of all the risks and consequences. With severe food poisoning, first of all, dehydration and severe intoxication are possible. If to speak medical terms, then with a lack of water in the body, there is a thickening of the blood streams, and this can lead to the formation of blood clots. The veins of the lower extremities suffer most often.

The situation may worsen if a woman already has skin lesions affected by varicose veins. If you do not turn to the doctor on time and start cleansing, the level of oxytocin rises in the body, which, in turn, causes the contractile activity of the uterus. Possible miscarriage or premature birth.

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During the baby's wearing, the mother's body needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals. With severe diarrhea and vomiting, most of this all goes away with a precious liquid, which can severely harm a child.

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5 Methods of treatment of

If there are signs that there is poisoning during pregnancy, what to do can only be suggested by a qualified doctor.

That's why it's urgent to go to the hospital. If the condition of the future mother deteriorates rapidly, it is better to call an ambulance, put the pregnant woman in bed. After the examination, the doctor may release the patient to be treated at home or leave for a day hospital, but only if the signs of poisoning go to decline and the condition of the pregnant woman is stable. But this does not mean that you can do without treatment. In this case, all the recommendations of the specialist must be strictly followed.

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Treatment methods:

  1. Dropper. Since during pregnancy it is a question of saving two lives, a woman is hospitalized in a medical institution to observe her condition. It is the installation of a dropper that facilitates the rapid detoxification of the body.
  2. Rinsing of the stomach. This procedure can be prescribed to pregnant women during poisoning, if during the entire period of gestation there was no threat of miscarriage, there was no bleeding. Otherwise, a partial placental abruption can be provoked. Do not try to artificially induce vomiting - this action can cause bleeding. During the washing process, the stomach is irritated and, most likely, self-released.
  3. Reception of sorbents. The easiest and safest way to remove harmful substances and bacteria through the intestines. It can be Activated Carbon, Enterosgel or Polysorb. A specific drug and its dosage can be prescribed only by a doctor, you should not do self-medication and risk your health.


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6 Basic recommendations of

The doctor must tell you what measures are necessary to maintain the pregnancy, what to do next in the home and what can be pregnant with poisoning.

After the termination of vomiting, the expectant mother should actively try to fill the water balance of her body. For this, pharmacies can be purchased specially prepared mineral solutions, which can alternate with purified mineral water. Do not use a lot of tea, coffee, juices, compotes. Because of the complex composition, they are absorbed by the body much longer than purified water.

Figure 6

Of course, the treatment of this ailment can not do without effective national recipes. When poisoning pregnant women it is recommended to drink rice decoction. There are a lot of options, we will describe the classic: for cooking you need 2-4 st.l.unprocessed rice and clean water. We soak the cereal for 3-3.5 hours, drain, again fill 800-900 g of clean water and languish on a slow fire for 50-60 minutes. Cooked decoction is decanted by means of ordinary gauze and taken in small portions so as not to cause another attack of vomiting, no more than 3-4 st.l. Especially useful is rice decoction with frequent diarrhea. You can prepare broths of St. John's wort, daisies, blueberries.

It is best to drink liquid in small portions, but often, approximately every 10-20 minutes. The main indicator of the degree of dehydration of the body is dry mouth, a constant sense of thirst. A lot of drinking is necessary until all of the above signs are lost.

Medical products, in particular some categories of antibiotics, are prescribed extremely rarely and only in the most severe cases.

After any type of poisoning, the doctor prescribes an unloading diet. Only 12-24 hours after the last attack of vomiting, it is allowed to drink strong tea with a small amount of sugar and eat chicken broth.

In most cases, with any poisoning for a better body cleansing, the patient is recommended a short fasting, but this is excluded for expectant mothers.

Let's select that it is possible for pregnant women. Within 3-4 days after admission, women in the position are recommended to divide their food into protein and carbohydrate or alternate it.

In the first 1-2 days crackers, chicken and vegetable broth, loose tea without sugar are allowed. Gradually, focusing on your health, you can eat stewed vegetables in small portions, add a little sugar to tea or compote, cereals without the addition of butter and only once a day.

Picture 7

Products such as meat and fish in any form, raw vegetables and fruits, it is better to exclude them before full recovery.

Every future mother should remember that her body works for two during pregnancy. That's why you need to listen to him as closely as possible. Do not eat too many raw fruits and vegetables. The body spends a lot of energy to digest them. In addition, they mainly consist of plant fibers, which can provoke diarrhea.

  • Meat and fatty fish during digestion heavily load the liver and intestines.
  • Do not eat fresh, unboiled milk.
  • In small portions and 1-2 times a week you can afford marinades and pickles.
  • Exclude all fried and smoked.
  • 7 Influence on fetal development

    Any future mother in any complications first of all worries about how ailment can affect the baby. With any poisoning, even in the early stages of pregnancy, the child's health is not threatened, that is, the intestinal infection does not spread in utero, it is present only inside the intestine of the mother. But it is worth remembering that the fetus can be affected by the general unhappy state of the mother's body. Violation of normal blood supply can become the main cause of miscarriage or premature birth.

    Picture 8

    8 Prevention measures

    There are several simple rules that should be of interest to all pregnant women who pay special attention to their health:

    1. Before eating, you should always wash your hands with soap and water.
    2. Always pay attention to the composition of the product and its expiry date.
    3. Buy only quality and proven products.
    4. Exclude from its diet all types of perishable products: raw eggs, all kinds of sausages, canned foods, kefir and milk.
    5. Thoroughly wash in hot water all fruits and vegetables.

    9 As a conclusion

    During 9 months of pregnancy, any actively living woman faces problems associated with bearing a fetus. It must be remembered that everything is possible, if you contact a doctor in time. With all types of poisoning, the main thing is to recognize it in time and take action. In order to avoid all of the above, it is better not to take risks and observe the basic rules of hygiene, carefully monitor your nutrition and quality of consumed products.

    Every woman in the situation, even if this is not the first pregnancy, the slightest health problems cause great anxiety or panic. First of all, it is worth remembering that the baby always feels the mood of the mother. Therefore, do not panic, but better immediately consult with a doctor.

    • 1 Incorrect nutrition
    • 2 Chemical damage
    • 3 Characteristic features
    • 4 Possible consequences
    • 5 Treatment methods
    • 6 Basic recommendations
    • 7 Effect on fetal development
    • 8 Prevention measures
    • 9 As a conclusion

    Every woman will agree that bearing the baby is the happiest period in life. But it can be overshadowed by factors such as poisoning during pregnancy.

    Many modern women believe that an interesting position should not change their active lifestyle, and are very mistaken. It is during this period that you need to listen carefully to your body, because now he must work for two.

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