
Almag-01: knee joint treatment. Reviews

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  1. How the Almag-01 device works, the principle of operation
  2. Indications for the use of the device for magnetic therapy
  3. Contraindications
  4. Equipment
  5. Specifications
  6. How can I check the functionality of the device?
  7. Safety measures when working with the device
  8. Instructions for use for the treatment of knee joints
  9. Places of attachment
  10. Duration and frequency of treatment sessions
  11. When will the effect take place?
  12. Possible side effects
  13. How to improve the efficiency of procedures
  14. Cost of Almag-01
  15. Video about the device Almag

Almag is a device that allows treatment of knee joints and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. The device can be used at home and in the hospital in combination with other methods to increase efficiency. Depending on the severity of the symptoms and the presence of concomitant deviations in the patient, the nuances of the use of the device, the duration of the course and sessions differ.

How the Almag-01 device works, the principle of operation

The device is a compact device, easy to use, which has a positive effect on course of pathologies of the knee joints and helps to eliminate their manifestations, stimulates tissue repair.

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The device is simple. It consists of a small block that generates radiation, as well as special round-shaped emitters. It is they who help to influence certain points of the patient's body in order to achieve the result of therapy. A special wire goes from the unit to the emitters, which ensures the transmission of radiation. Dividing the emitter into 2 blocks with coils allows you to simultaneously create the required field for a positive effect on the tissues of the articular joint.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the ability of a magnetic field to stimulate tissue repair processes and prevent the spread of inflammation to healthy areas. For a long time, magnetotherapy has been used as an auxiliary method of treatment, as it is highly effective and helps prevent rapid progression diseases.Almag-01 for the treatment of the knee joint. Reviews

The device also has another effect on tissues:

  • Eliminates puffiness, which in most cases is present when diagnosing an inflammatory process.
  • Stimulates the patient's immune system, which makes it possible to more effectively fight the disease.
  • It improves blood circulation in the area of ​​the articular joint, which allows accelerating the process of tissue repair.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the spinal cord and brain.

Due to the influence of the magnetic field, the regeneration processes are accelerated, as well as the general condition of the patient is improved. Additionally, the magnetic field has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient, the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Indications for the use of the device for magnetic therapy

Almag (treatment of the knee joint with the help of the device is prescribed only by a doctor) is used not only for the treatment of knee joint joints. It is often used in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis and bursitis of the knee joints.

There are other indications for treatment:

  • Osteochondrosis of varying severity.
  • Pathologies of small articular joints of the hands and feet.
  • Sciatica.
  • Myositis.
  • Bruises and injuries of ligaments, muscles.
  • Recovery period after limb fractures.
  • The presence of long-term non-healing wounds.
  • Neuritis and neuralgia of varying degrees of neglect.
  • Traumatic lesions of the spinal column.
  • Scars of different origins.
  • Vascular pathologies in which the vessels of the brain are affected.
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system. The device can be used for heart failure, hypertension, and other disorders.
  • Obliterating endarteritis.
  • Dermatitis and dermatosis, eczema and psoriasis in remission.
  • Diseases of the bronchi and lungs.
  • Diabetes mellitus, which affects the vessels of the eyes, lower extremities.
  • Diseases of the digestive system, such as gastritis, pancreatitis.
  • Pathology of the reproductive system of men and women.Almag-01 for the treatment of the knee joint. Reviews

Despite the multifunctionality of the device, in most cases it is used for the therapy of articular joints.


Almag cannot always be used for patients, since the treatment of the knee joint is often carried out using other methods.

Contraindications for the procedure include the following conditions:

  • Acute period when diagnosing inflammatory diseases of internal organs. Despite the fact that the device is used for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of joints and internal organs, magnetotherapy is prescribed only after the elimination of acute manifestations.
  • The presence of purulent foci in the place of the supposed influence of the device. The use can provoke an aggravation of symptoms.
  • Persistent hypotension and accompanying deviations against the background of this disease.
  • Oncological diseases. Magnetic waves can adversely affect the course of a pathological condition.
  • Systemic blood pathologies in acute and chronic form.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Severe ischemic heart disease, as well as an acute period of myocardial infarction. With such violations, therapy with the device can only aggravate the symptoms.
  • Thyrotoxicosis at different stages of development.
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident. It is allowed to use the device during the rehabilitation period.
  • Acute mental disorders.
  • The patient has pacemakers.

There may be individual contraindications for each patient, which are revealed during the examination. That is why it is important to visit a doctor in advance, who will determine the appropriateness of the appointment of magnetotherapy.


The set of the device includes the unit itself, which generates impulses, as well as round-shaped coils, reminiscent of "headphones", of a network cable. Additionally, the kit includes wires through which magnetic waves pass to the coils.

Each device is accompanied by an instruction, which describes its features, technical characteristics and nuances of use. The fixture is in a small cardboard box, which also contains instructions.


Almag (knee joint treatment can be carried out over a long period) is a small device. Its weight is approximately 700 g. The standard power, like many devices, is 220V, but the power consumption does not exceed 35V.

Almag-01 for the treatment of the knee joint. Reviews

The average operating time of the device is at least 1000 hours. The manufacturer indicates the service life of the device, it is 5 years. After the expiration of this period, use is not recommended. Before starting to use, it is recommended to study the features of the device, its characteristics, and the principle of operation.

How can I check the functionality of the device?

Before starting therapy at home or in a hospital, it is necessary to check the operability of the device. To do this, you need to connect the device to an electricity source.

Two lights on the device come on. One of them is green, which confirms that the machine is connected to the network. The second is yellow, it is she who confirms the operability of the device. If only the green light is on when switched on, do not try to disassemble the device. Better to go to the store or pharmacy where it was purchased.

It is forbidden to carry out any procedures with a damaged device. This can threaten the health of the patient.

Safety measures when working with the device

Experts warn patients about the need to comply with all recommendations when using the device at home.

The most important safety measures:

  • Carefully study the instructions that come with the device.
  • Inspect the fixture for scratches, damage, cracks, and other defects.
  • The device is turned on only into a working outlet of the correct voltage, that is, 220V.
  • Do not store the device in places with high humidity, avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.Almag-01 for the treatment of the knee joint. Reviews
  • After each use, it is recommended to process the device, but not only those parts that come into contact with the skin. During processing, it is important to prevent the solution from getting inside the instrument.
  • It is imperative to take breaks between sessions, as indicated in the instructions.
  • After the end of the procedure, you must disconnect the device from the electricity.
  • Do not carry the device by the power cable, as this can damage it, which will affect the performance of the device.

Compliance with safety measures helps to avoid various complications during procedures, injuries and negative effects on the body.

Instructions for use for the treatment of knee joints

After examination by a doctor and determination of the duration of the course, the patient is allowed to use the device at home. The first step is to connect the device to a source of electricity. Normally, not only the green, but also the yellow light should be on, which confirms the serviceability of the device.

After turning on and checking the health of the device, it is allowed to apply one of the coils to the affected area for a time determined by the doctor. After the manipulation, the device should be unplugged and left for 10-15 minutes. The next step is to treat the device with a disinfectant solution, while it is important to avoid getting the solution inside the device.

For processing, you can take 70% alcohol or a solution based on Desactin. The second option is usually used in a hospital, since the powder must be properly diluted to obtain the desired concentration.

Places of attachment

Almag (treatment of the knee joint involves the use of several methods at the same time) brings a pronounced effect, provided it is correctly applied and applied to the desired points.Almag-01 for the treatment of the knee joint. Reviews

If the knee joint is damaged as a result of arthritis, arthrosis, trauma, or for other reasons, coils should be applied on the sides of the kneecap. In this case, the limb should lie straight, and the arc between the coils is located directly on the cup. Slight flexion in the knee joint is allowed if, for some reason, the patient cannot keep the limb straight.

If necessary, the coils can be applied to other places, but the decision is made by the doctor. Usually, a standard scheme is used, which allows you to achieve a therapeutic result.

Duration and frequency of treatment sessions

The standard duration of a therapy session is 20 minutes. But the first application should last no more than 10 minutes. Experts point out the importance of observing this rule, especially for patients who use a magnetotherapy device for the first time.

The frequency of the sessions differs depending on the specific disease, the characteristics of its course and the presence of complications from other organs. Usually the doctor prescribes daily procedures, and the duration of the therapeutic course does not exceed 15-20 days. The specific duration, as well as the exposure time, can be determined individually for the patient during the examination by the doctor. If it is necessary to influence two knee joints, the total time of the influence of the magnetic field on the body should not exceed 30 minutes, that is, 15 minutes for each joint.

If the patient has any relative contraindications, treatment can last 7-10 days. Independently, the patient is not recommended to prolong the course, as well as the duration of exposure to radiation on the tissues.

When will the effect take place?

The first result from the use of the device can be seen 5 days after the start of the therapeutic course. The duration of the onset of the effect depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the organism of a particular patient.

A stable result appears after 10 days, and after the end of the course, it lasts for 4-12 weeks. The duration of the effect also depends on the patient and the severity of the symptoms of the particular disease.

Almag-01 for the treatment of the knee joint. Reviews
Almag-01: knee joint treatment

When diagnosing a chronic disease of the knee joints, the effect of using the device can persist for a short period of time, since exacerbations are often observed.

Possible side effects

If the instructions are violated or the patient has contraindications, the device can provoke negative reactions from the internal organs and systems. Compliance with all recommendations does not guarantee the absence of negative reactions.

Damage area Frequent negative reactions
Nervous system From the side of the nervous system, complications manifest themselves in the form of headache, dizziness and sleep disturbances. During the course of therapy, symptoms can appear and disappear, but in most cases all manifestations disappear after the end of the course and special treatment is not required.
Vessels and heart Aggravation of the symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system is observed with prolonged use of the device, as well as violation of the instructions. Sometimes patients talk about a critical decrease in blood pressure and pulse rates, which affects the general condition of the patient.
Blood system A blood clotting disorder when using the device is observed when the patient has a history of deviations from the blood system. The condition is aggravated by taking drugs that affect coagulation.
Digestive organs Upset digestion, stool and heartburn can be observed in patients during therapy, which is associated with the effect of magnetic waves on the body. After a course of therapy, the disorders disappear on their own.

Usually, negative reactions quickly disappear after the end of therapy, but some patients may require medication to normalize the condition.

How to improve the efficiency of procedures

Some patients do not notice a pronounced effect, even after undergoing a long course of magnetotherapy. That is why additional medications can be used, which enhance the effect of the device and help to shorten the recovery period.Almag-01 for the treatment of the knee joint. Reviews

Usually, patients are prescribed chondroprotectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. On an individual basis, other medications may be included in the therapy regimen that can achieve a pronounced result.

Cost of Almag-01

The cost of the device differs depending on the region of distribution and the specific point of sale. The average price ranges from 8000-12000 rubles.

Almag is an effective device that emits magnetic waves used for the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment of the knee joint with a device is often performed, but only as directed by a doctor and after examination.

Video about the device Almag

How to use Almag-01:

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