
Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list

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  1. How foods that increase the acidity of the stomach work on the body as a whole
  2. Who shouldn't eat foods that increase the acidity of the stomach
  3. Who is recommended to eat acidity-increasing foods?
  4. What foods increase stomach acidity?
  5. Dairy
  6. Herbal products
  7. Bakery products
  8. Meat products
  9. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
  10. What foods cause acid reflux heartburn?
  11. Video about normalizing stomach acidity

Foods consumed by a patient with any digestive tract diseases are considered important for recovery and prevention of recurrence of symptoms. The list includes various food options, increasing the acidity of the stomach or decreasing rates. Depending on the type of disorder and the presence of concomitant deviations in the patient, the optimal diet is selected to maintain the health of the digestive tract.

How foods that increase the acidity of the stomach work on the body as a whole

In the digestive tract, namely in the stomach, hydrochloric acid is concentrated, which is directly involved in the processing of food. It contains digestive enzymes and other components, which is why the liquid is called gastric juice.

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With the use of certain products, a change in the acid balance in the stomach occurs. Sometimes the level of hydrochloric acid decreases, in other cases it rises significantly, which leads to other changes in the body. With an increase in acidity, there is an increase in the aggressive effect of the components of gastric juice on the walls of the digestive tract. As a result, the likelihood of developing complications in the form of peptic ulcer, gastritis, and other pathologies increases.Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list

If the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is constantly reduced in a person, there is a deterioration in the general condition against the background of indigestion. A deficiency in hydrochloric acid can lead to indigestion and other problems. An increase in acidity through the use of special products has a beneficial effect on the work of all internal organs and systems. Normalization of digestion improves metabolic processes, reduces the load on the pancreas, liver and other organs.

Who shouldn't eat foods that increase the acidity of the stomach

Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach (the list includes foods from different food groups) are not always allowed to be consumed by patients with disorders of the digestive tract. In some cases, they can provoke pain, aggravation of the symptoms of the underlying disease, and concomitant complications.

If the patient does not visit the doctor and does not know the level of acidity of the stomach, it is worth studying the list, which includes contraindications for the use of certain foods that affect the level of hydrochloric acid:

  • Exacerbation of the chronic form of gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice. In the remission stage, such products do not harm the patient, but with an exacerbation of symptoms, they can provoke a worsening of the condition.Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list
  • Stomach ulcer. Usually, patients with a history of such a pathology are advised to avoid foods that increase acidity, especially in the acute period. Only small portions, rarely consumed, do not aggravate the condition.
  • Acute pancreatitis, accompanied by other complications from the digestive tract.
  • Acute and chronic gout. Many foods that affect acidity can also aggravate the course of the pathological condition.
  • Kidney failure, sand and kidney stones. If abused, acidifying foods can adversely affect the functioning of the urinary system.
  • Acute hepatitis.
  • The period of rehabilitation of the patient after undergoing surgery on the internal organs.
  • Exacerbation of cholecystitis. After the elimination of acute manifestations, the use of products is allowed.

You should not eat foods if, after taking them, the patient has unpleasant symptoms from the digestive tract in the form of pain, heartburn, and nausea. It is impossible to accurately and without examination determine which foods should not be consumed by a particular patient. That is why it is recommended to first visit a doctor who will determine the permitted and prohibited dishes for the patient.

Who is recommended to eat acidity-increasing foods?

Products that increase the acidity of the patient's stomach can be recommended to patients. They are often included in the list of recommended ones when there is a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid and complications against the background of this condition.Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list

Food for increasing acidity is recommended mainly for patients who suffer from deficiency gastritis. hydrochloric acid, as well as some kidney diseases, accompanied by impaired formation and excretion urine. In case of indigestion against the background of a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended to include foods that increase indicators in the diet on an ongoing basis. This helps not only to normalize digestion, but also to improve the general condition.

It is recommended to use such products with frequent nausea after eating, since the symptom can manifest itself not only in patients with high acidity of gastric juice.

What foods increase stomach acidity?

Food of plant and animal origin has different effects on the body of patients, in one way or another, changes the acidity. But there are foods that are recommended to be consumed by patients to increase the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

They belong to different groups, the consumption rate for healthy people and patients with disorders of the digestive tract is different.


Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach (the list includes products of animal origin) should be consumed by patients in moderation, especially in the presence of pathologies of the digestive system. For example, dairy products can increase acidity in patients suffering from hydrochloric acid deficiency.Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list

Name and features Normal for a healthy person The norm for patients with pathologies of the digestive tract
Kefir is considered a useful and important product in the human diet, even if the patient has pathologies of the digestive system. The product increases the acidity of gastric juice, improves digestion, especially if patients have symptoms of gastritis with a low level of hydrochloric acid. Healthy people can consume 100-150 ml of fresh kefir daily without harm to the digestive system. On an individual basis, the rate can be increased or decreased after consulting a nutritionist. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is recommended to consume kefir no more than 3 times a week, 150 ml. If negative reactions appear, it is better to visit a doctor. If the acidity is reduced, daily use of kefir in the amount of 150 ml is allowed.
Fermented baked milk also helps to increase the level of acid in the stomach, improves the functioning of the digestive system, relieves stress on the liver and pancreas. The daily norm for a healthy person should not exceed 150 ml. At the same time, it is important to consume a product with a low percentage of fat. With reduced acidity, it is allowed to take 100-150 ml of the product daily. In the stage of exacerbation of pathologies with high acidity, it is better to abandon fermented baked milk. In the stage of remission, it is allowed to use 100-200 ml 2-4 times a week.
Yogurt contains bacteria that are good for the digestive system and is therefore essential for a healthy diet. Healthy people can consume 150-20 ml of a product with a low fat content daily. This does not disturb digestion and does not provoke any complications. With a decrease in acidity, it is recommended to include in the diet daily 100-150 ml of yogurt. With increased acidity, it is better to limit the use, but not exclude it. A one-time rate is 150-200 ml, it is allowed to use it no more than 3 times a week.
Cottage cheese is also considered a useful food for healthy people and patients with digestive system problems. Normally, cottage cheese is recommended to be consumed 3-4 times a week in an amount of 100-150 g. It is recommended to give preference to a product with a low percentage of fat. Patients with high acidity of the stomach should not abuse cottage cheese. It is enough to use it at the standard rate 2 times a week. With a decrease in hydrochloric acid indicators, it is allowed to include cottage cheese in the diet 3-5 times a week in an amount of 100 g.

If the patient has a history of concomitant intestinal abnormalities in the form of frequent loose stools, it is better to limit the intake of dairy products.

Herbal products

Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach (the list includes vegetables and fruits that affect the level of hydrochloric acid) should not only be of animal origin, but also of vegetable origin. Plant-based foods also affect acidity levels, so it's important to include them in your diet.Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list

Name and features Normal for a healthy person The norm for patients with deviations
Tomatoes increase acid levels, improve the digestion of patients. A healthy person can consume a product of 100-200 g from 2 to 4 times a week without harm to the digestive system. With increased acidity and the presence of stomach pathologies, it is worth abandoning the use of tomatoes in the acute stage. In the remission stage, it is allowed to eat tomatoes no more than 2 times a week for 100 g. With a decrease in acidity, it is allowed to consume 1 medium tomato daily.
Bulgarian pepper stimulates the production of acid while decreasing its level. Healthy people can include the product in their diet on a daily basis. The norm is 20-30 g. People with high and low acidity may not exclude the product from the diet. The norm is 30 g per day, but pepper is allowed to be consumed no more than 3 times a week.
Radishes and radishes also stimulate acidity, so use the product with caution. The product costs 100-150 g per day. With a decrease in acidity, it is allowed to consume 100 g of radish or radish daily. With an increase in acidity, it is better to refuse this product until the acute symptoms are eliminated.
Strawberries, currants, raspberries increase acidity, can improve the condition of patients with pathologies of the digestive system. The daily norm of berries for a healthy person is 100-200 g, depending on age and some other characteristics. In the acute period of illness with high acid levels, you should not eat berries. With reduced acidity, daily consumption in the amount of 100 g is allowed.
Citrus fruits increase acid levels and improve the functioning of the digestive system. Healthy people can consume 1 medium fruit daily. With an increase in acid indicators, the use of products is prohibited, especially in the acute period. With a reduced level, it is allowed to include 1-2 citruses per day in the diet daily.

With an exacerbation of liver pathologies, you should not abuse some products that increase acid levels.

Bakery products

Among baked goods, white bread can be distinguished, which increases acidity quite quickly. It should not be used in the acute period of gastric ulcer or gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice.

Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list
Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach

With a decrease in indicators, it is allowed to include white bread in the diet in an amount of 80-100 g per day. Other baked goods do not significantly affect hydrochloric acid levels and can be used with caution. It is worth giving up confectionery, which negatively affects the work of the patient's intestines.

Meat products

Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach (the list is compiled for each patient individually) may be of animal origin, but in most cases they are processed. For example, poultry, beef, pork reduces performance with regular use. That is why products are recommended to be consumed with an increase in acidity against the background of certain diseases.

Name Normal for a healthy person The norm for patients with pathologies of the digestive system
Smoked meats increase acidity. They are not recommended for patients, but can sometimes be included on the menu. Normally, a healthy person should avoid eating such foods. But some include smoked meats in the diet. At the same time, you should not exceed the daily rate of 100 g, and also repeat the use no more than 2 times a week. With a decrease in the acid level, it is allowed to consume 100 g of smoked meats 3 times a week. In case of exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, it is forbidden to eat smoked meats.
Sausages Healthy people can consume high-quality sausages 2-3 times a week for 50-100 g. Patients with any disorders of the digestive tract should not include sausages in their diet.

Usually, experts do not recommend regularly including smoked meats and sausages in the diet, even for healthy people.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Many drinks can increase gastric acidity. They should be used with caution.

Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list
Name Normal for a healthy person Norm for patients with gastrointestinal diseases
Red wine is considered beneficial when taken in a minimal dose. It improves digestion and has a positive effect on the vascular walls. Normally, a healthy person can consume 150 ml of the drink once a week. Acidic patients should avoid drinking wine. Patients with low acidity are allowed to take 150 ml no more than 2 times a week.
Coffee and black tea, when consumed in moderation, increase acid levels and stimulate digestion. A healthy person without harm to health can consume 2 cups of coffee or tea per day. If the acid level is high, do not consume these drinks. Otherwise, it is allowed to include them in the diet in the amount of 1-2 cups daily.
Carbonated alcoholic drinks (beer, champagne) are not considered healthy, but they increase acidity when consumed in small quantities. Experts recommend that healthy people avoid these drinks. Patients with digestive tract pathologies should avoid such drinks.
Carbonated soft drinks are not beneficial for patients of all ages, but experts note their ability to increase hydrochloric acid levels. Drinking is not recommended for healthy people. Patients with gastrointestinal abnormalities should also refuse such drinks.

The decision to include a particular drink in the menu is made by the doctor if the patient has a history of gastrointestinal diseases.

What foods cause acid reflux heartburn?

Patients who suffer from gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice or peptic ulcer disease, note that some foods provoke heartburn almost immediately after consumption. During periods of exacerbation, you should avoid using them, even in small quantities.Foods that increase the acidity of the stomach. Grocery list

Most often, heartburn occurs as a result of consuming the following foods:

  • Tomatoes.
  • Onion and garlic.
  • Radish, radish.
  • Cranberries, blueberries, strawberries.
  • Raspberries, blackberries.
  • Apples, plums, cherries.
  • Black coffee, strong black tea.
  • Kefir and other fermented milk products.
  • Spicy and sour foods.
  • Smoked products.
  • Fresh white bread.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Alcohol.
  • Convenience foods and fast food.

In the acute period and in the presence of pathologies of the gastric mucosa, the use of such products should be avoided. A special therapeutic diet for the patient is compiled individually after a diagnostic examination

Products that increase acidity can negatively affect the mucous membranes of the stomach when consumed in the acute period. The list includes various foods that can alter hydrochloric acid levels. If the patient has any diseases, it is worth listening to your well-being and visiting a doctor if any food leads to negative reactions in the form of pain or heartburn.

Video about normalizing stomach acidity

How to restore acidity in the stomach:

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