
Thuja oil for children. Reviews, price

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  1. Active ingredients
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Who are shown
  4. What drugs are included
  5. Features of use in childhood
  6. Dosage
  7. Burying
  8. Inhalation
  9. Washing
  10. What not to do
  11. Video about drops with Tui oil

Thuja oil for children - a natural alternative to synthetic medicinal products. According to reviews, the drug helps to cope with colds, cure a runny nose. Thuja oil is produced in several versions, which differ in composition and application. But there are some contraindications for the use of drugs.

Active ingredients

Thuja oil is a homeopathic remedy made from coniferous trees. It was considered medicinal since the days of Ancient Greece. Some modern homeopathic remedies are produced from thuja oil, which is rich in composition.

It contains:

  • glucosides;
  • aromadendrin regenerates the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • tannin;
  • phytoncides that have a beneficial effect on the body, the activity of important enzymes;
  • tanning components that have an anti-inflammatory, tart, astringent effect;
  • pinin;
  • sesquiterpene alcohol, which normalizes respiration and vasoconstriction;
  • insta story viewer
  • pilen;
  • ascorbic acid acts as an immunomodulator;
  • essential oil reduces swelling of soft tissues, destroys pathogenic bacteria;
  • ipidacrine;
  • aromatic resin gives the product a pleasant smell, greatly facilitates breathing;
  • taxifolin;
  • tuin.
    Thuja oil for children. Price, reviews
    Edas 801 - thuja oil in the nose for children

But there are also some components in the thuja extract that can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, before use, you need to check the reaction of the skin to the composition.

Beneficial features

Thuja oil in the nose of children (parental reviews give reason to talk about the high effectiveness of such drugs) is instilled not only for colds. It is extracted from the cones using the distillation method, due to which all the beneficial components are preserved in high concentration.

Thuja oil not only helps with acute respiratory infections. It simultaneously acts as an antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.

Useful properties of the drug:

  • normalizes sleep;
  • reduces the incidence of colds;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • destroys and suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • reduces tissue swelling;
  • activates the body's defenses;
  • liquefies mucus and relieves the respiratory tract;
  • reduces soreness in the nasal passages, inflammation of the mucous throat;
  • enhances immunity;
  • accelerates the healing of micro-wounds in the nasopharynx;
  • fights well with nasal congestion;
  • eliminates stagnation in the bronchi, lungs;
  • reduces polyposis formations;
  • relieves the general negative condition with a cold, reducing the severity of symptoms.

Thuja oil is more effective in the initial stage of the disease, but it can also be used in an advanced version. The composition contains substances that help fight many types of infection.

Who are shown

Thuja oil is instilled into the nose of children to relieve a runny nose (according to the parents' feedback, the positive effect is noticeable after 1-2 procedures). The drug moisturizes the mucous membrane, cleans the passages from mucus, softens the crusts. As a result, nasal breathing improves, congestion disappears, damaged tissues regenerate faster.Thuja oil for children. Price, reviews

Indications for the use of thuja extract:

  • rhinitis of any form;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media (including purulent form);
  • polyps formed in the nose;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • sinus congestion;
  • adenoiditis;
  • ARI and ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • cough.

Thuja oil can be used not only for therapy, but also for prevention, especially during the period of massive colds. The drug acts more effectively at the beginning of the pathological process.

What drugs are included

Thuja oil in the nose for children (positive reviews, regardless of the type of drug chosen) are not used in pure form, it is diluted with others.

But you can purchase a ready-made tool, which is available in several versions:Thuja oil for children. Price, reviews

  • Tuya DN. The oil is produced for the treatment of rhinitis, inflammation of the adenoids, and other ENT diseases. The drug of complex action, prevents purulent discharge that appears with otitis media and sinusitis. Does not cause side effects, complications. Contraindications - runny nose in the acute phase, allergy to needles. For therapy, 3 drops of oil are poured into each nostril daily, three times a day. Or, soak a cotton swab with the product and insert them into the nostrils three times / day. Price - 150-240 rubles.
  • Tuya Edas-801. The oil is used to treat polyps formed in the nasopharynx, as well as otitis media, a chronic form of rhinitis. The drug acts gently, accelerating healing, reducing irritation. Does not cause allergic manifestations and side effects, accelerates tissue regeneration. Contraindication - allergy to the components of the drug. For therapy, 4-5 drops are applied to each nasal sinus once. With adenoids - three times a day. Price - 120-150 rubles.
  • Thuja C6. It is made in the form of granules with thuja tree extract for oral administration. The drug is indicated for the treatment of lipomas, fibroids, grade I-III adenoids. At the same time it has an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly heals wounds. The drug is not given to children under three years of age. Course treatment - designed for 4-6 months. Price - from 85 rubles.
  • Thuja GF. The oil is included in the therapeutic regimen for rhinitis, thinning thick mucus, cleansing the nasopharynx from purulent discharge. At the same time, it has a calming effect, reducing irritation of the mucous membranes, larynx. Contraindication - allergy to the components of the drug. Price - 290-320 rubles.

Only a doctor can choose the right remedy. At the same time, it takes into account not only the disease, but also the child's age, the presence or absence of allergies to active ingredients, and current diseases.

You don't have to buy ready-made preparations, but prepare the oil yourself. To do this, take fresh young thuja needles and olive oil, mix them in a ratio of 1:10. Then the product is removed for two weeks in a dark place. During this period, ether is formed on the surface. It must be collected in a separate dark jar. Store in a dark place. When using, take into account that this is a pure extract.

Features of use in childhood

Thuja oil is sold in two types. Essential - pure (100%), before use it is diluted with vegetable or olive. In homeopathic remedies, the concentration of the extract is reduced to 15%, so they can be used immediately. Before instillation, you need to rinse the child's nasopharynx.

The dosage is prescribed in the instructions (age is taken into account). For example, at 2-3 years old - 1 drop in each sinus, once a day. Children from 6 years old - two drops, 2 times / day. Also, the nasal passages are washed with an oil solution. To do this, 5-6 drops of the concentrate are mixed with chamomile decoction. The procedure is carried out 4 r / day. In both variants, the course of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

Before instilling or rinsing the nose, slightly salted water is poured into the sinuses with a pipette. During the procedure, the child should tilt his head over the bathtub, sink or basin, then blow his nose. The oil is poured in at a strictly specified dosage. The pure extract is diluted with another oil in a 1: 6 ratio. In this case, the child should sit with his head thrown back. After instillation, he needs to lie down for 5-10 minutes.


Thuja oil in the nose for children (parents' reviews indicate that even babies can tolerate the drug well) from ready-made pharmacy options are selected depending on the disease. There are several treatment regimens from which to choose the right one.

Before the procedure, you need to rinse your nose. To do this, you can use ready-made preparations Dolphin, Aquamaris or Otrivin. Or make your own rinsing solution by diluting a little sea salt in warm water.Thuja oil for children. Price, reviews

Aroma baths can be made with thuja oil, but only after five years (for disease prevention and therapy). They help in the treatment of inflamed adenoids. To do this, warm water is taken into the bath and 5-6 drops of the extract are poured into it. You need to lie in it for 15 minutes. The procedure is performed daily. The course of therapy is a month. Then the frequency of taking aromavannas is reduced to 2-3 times / 7 days.


To instill thuja oil, choose the desired treatment regimen, focusing on age, condition of the nasopharynx. In case of her diseases, the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose can be lubricated with a pharmacy extract (15%). This procedure is allowed only from the age of six. Before the procedure, you need to rinse your throat with a solution of sea salt.

Scheme The course of therapy (indicated in weeks)

Procedure execution

1 6 In each sinus - 2-4 drops, three times a day
2 Treatment is carried out weekly:

1. The nose is washed with Aquamaris spray, protargol is poured into each passage. Hold for 20 minutes. Then, 1-2 drops of diluted thuja concentrate are injected into each sinus.

2. They cleanse the nose, bury the protargol. Hold for 15-20 minutes. (at this time, the child should lie down). Then the antimicrobial agent Argolife is instilled (in both nostrils).

3. Repeat the treatment for the first week.

4. The course of therapy is similar to the second week.

At 5 and 6 - the alternation of the first two stages is repeated. The procedures should be carried out 2-3 times a day.

3 4 The first two weeks after cleansing the nose, 4 drops of thuja oil are injected into each nostril. Take a break of 14 days and then repeat the procedure for another 2 weeks.
4 The first 14 days, rinse the nose and pour 6-8 drops of oil into each sinus. Take a week off. Then the oil is instilled for another 14 days at 6-8 drops / nostril.
Thuja oil for children. Price, reviews

Before each procedure, the oil must be heated and instilled warm (room temperature). The bottle can be held under hot water or warmed in your hands. When treating adenoids, 4 scheme is chosen, and during a break, the thuja oil is replaced with sea buckthorn (2 drops in each nostril). It also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it can temporarily replace the thuja oil.

When treating adenoids, a scheme with a homeopathic remedy Job Malysh can be used. They can be used at the same time as the tools are compatible. In each nasal passage, 3 drops of diluted thuja extract. Then, with an interval of 3-4, alternate with Job the Kid. Instead of injecting oil, the nostrils can be lubricated. Babies tolerate this procedure more easily and resist less. In this case, the effectiveness of the treatment will not decrease.


Thuja oil can be used for inhalation, but only in the absence of fever, severe lingering cough, for children from five years old. This will require an extract, boiling water and a special mask. Pour 250 ml of hot water into a container and stir 5 drops of diluted thuja extract in it. The child should breathe in pairs for 15 minutes, 1-2 times / day. The course of therapy is determined by the doctor.

For inhalation, you can use an aroma lamp:

  1. In the treatment of the respiratory tract, the adenoids will benefit from inhaling air saturated with ether vapor. To do this, pour 2-4 drops of the extract onto the aroma lamp. Keep the device on for 2 hours.
  2. Drip 1-2 drops of pure extract onto the aroma lamp at night. The procedure should be performed only 2-3 times / week. But you need to carefully monitor how the child feels. Especially when they additionally carry out treatment with thuja oil in the form of compresses, instillations.

Aromatherapy is prohibited if the child has an intolerance to herbal odors, essential extracts. But when there are no contraindications, then aroma inhalation can be used as a prophylaxis. For example, apply 1 drop of diluted oil (15%) to the pillow per day.

The types of inhalation include aroma medallions. They apply 2 drops of thuja oil (for each). Then they are worn around the neck. The locket begins to release ethereal vapors. Since they are concentrated near the nasopharynx, they act on the mucous membrane, making breathing much easier. The medallion can be worn during the day, left overnight. During this time, breathing and nasal congestion become heavier. Therefore, the medallion will ease the symptoms, the child's sleep will normalize.

Aromatic inhalations can be carried out in the bath, sauna. To do this, 10 drops of thuja oil are poured onto hot stones. As a result, vapors will go, which have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. The procedure makes breathing easier, eliminates sinus congestion. If a bath and a sauna are contraindicated for a child, then 10 drops of thuja oil are added to a spray bottle with water. Then the room is sprayed daily.


You can also wash with thuja oil. To do this, mix 2 tbsp. l. chopped calendula, chamomile and sage. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over them, then leave for 20 minutes. Add 20 drops of thuja extract to the product. Then cool, drain. The nose needs to be rinsed 2 times / day.Thuja oil for children. Price, reviews

Another option is to mix in 2 tbsp. l. aloe and chamomile, pour in 20 drops of thuja oil. Pour a glass of boiling water over them and leave until the product cools down. Then strain, rinse the sinuses twice every day. But this infusion is not suitable for children under 1 year old.

What not to do

Thuja oil in the nose for children (reviews indicate that it is impossible to use the concentrate in its pure form) has some contraindications for use:

  • children under the age of three;
  • allergy to needles or ethers;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • intolerance to individual components of the drug.

Even if there are no contraindications, every time you need to monitor how the baby is feeling. If, instead of a positive effect, there is difficulty breathing, redness, swelling, then the drug cannot be used further, and the child must be urgently shown to the doctor.

To determine if thuja oil can be used for therapy, you must first perform a test. To do this, a drop of the product is applied to the skin behind the ears, wrist, or the inner surface of the elbow. Wait 1 hour, if during this time there is no redness, burning, itching or rashes, then there is no allergy. If negative symptoms occur, thuja oil cannot be used to treat a baby.Thuja oil for children. Price, reviewsThuja oil for children. Price, reviews

It is forbidden to combine treatment with thuja oil with other folk methods and artificial medicines, unless agreed with the doctor. As well as the daily use of an aroma lamp, especially when an additional agent is instilled into the nose or inhaled. Overloading the respiratory system is harmful to the baby.

You cannot rely only on thuja oil for advanced diseases. For example, in the third stage of tonsil hypertrophy. Thuja oil without medication and surgery will only help at the onset of the disease. In the latter stages, treatment is carried out with a surgical operation.

Thuja oil in the nose is not only suitable for children. According to reviews, adults and pregnant women can also use the tool. But since babies are not recommended to give synthetic drugs, it is most often used to treat children. Thuja oil simultaneously forms and strengthens the immune response, as a result, the likelihood of re-disease is significantly reduced.

Video about drops with Tui oil

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